If I have to try to describe what it feels like to be protected by the living God, I could only say it is like being in the eye of a strong hurricane and being unable to dent that disasters are occurring around me but not because of me. Moral and spiritual disasters are evident on shows like "Say yes to the dress' where foolish women display their folly and their unholy physical assets rather than their virtues, wisdom, financial discretion and holy spirit because people that are on TLC shows lack the holy spirit and discretion. Going from TLC channel 65 in Ottawa to A%E channel 66's Tulsa police shows is like switching from Big League chewing gum &coca-cola on 65 to bitter waters and harsh reality on 66. It is as difficult to try to convince the women on 'Say Yes to the Dress' that they are making fools out of themselves as it is to convince a Catholic church that their system is not perfect and they have to make serious pro-TORAH adjustments in order to be spared from the wrath of a God that has sent warnings to the world for centuries.
As I passed through more areas where mutual trust and respect for authority was exchanged without television crews invading reality, I took a long and serious look at the Parliament building in Ottawa n a day that I take more seriously than December 25th. Within well designed buildings, combinations of foolishness and wisdom seem to clash worldwide, and holy wisdom seems to be as rare as a 900 bowling series in a society that sadly lifts up Shania Twain types sooner than it would lift up the book of Nahum and read from the prophets aloud in public or in private.
The books of remembrance in the 'Peace Tower' have names of people that might be cnsidered martyrs by some and casualties of lukewarm faith by others. The people I remember have been put into lists too, but my lists flow like a waterway, unlike permanent records in civil government systems. I saw the name Bruce Hutchison tucked away in an upper corner, and recognized the name of a family that did good not evil by installing heating and cooling systems to my house. I noticed the carvings of 5 animals that were used in communications, including pigeons, a dog, a burro, a horse and a a lion which I called 'Barry Sanders' since it was the 20th day of the year. A concrete lion is not as stupid as a woman who spends more than one day's wages on a wedding dress, and if she is earning more than $1000 a day, she lacks understanding of what a fair maximum should be on her worth in a world that has too many underpaid people and too many overpaid people.
I do regret many of the times as dressed as though I had no fear of God and no confidence in my ability to look beautiful covered properly in modest attire. As a ate a meal alone in an small restaurant that served fine Indian cuisine at a fair price, I saw a woman who looked very said even though she was a decent looking young woman. I'm sure I looked even worse than her manytimes in the past, including times I was in Israel and imprisoned in the United States even though I had not broken United States laws. If I deserved a series of incarcerations for breaking certain commandments, i served my time unlike many others who never admitted that breaking any commandment is a sin and a crime against a perfect Lawgiver. The young woman who ate nearby me ate a small meal and she left, but I will not forget her. Other customers passedby, including a father and son combo supposedly from 'Sudan' who seemed very friendly, one of them with a name of Roland. They invited me to follow them but I chose not to, since I am not ignorant of possible traps that might be set to lure a traveler like me just as Elizabeth Smart got lured into an evil situation. Roland claimed there were only 3 left in their entire tribe, andI remembered that of 80 people who escaped from a concentration camp, 77 were recaptured, and maybe Roland and his 2 companions were like 78, 79 and 80. If so, they will keep going without me and if their kindness was genuine, they certainly had enough confidence to keep going forward as a team.
As the 21st day of a very harsh year has arrived, I can remember my police local #21, the letter 'shin' and the tribe of Simeon, sealed 7th by order and sitting in 9th place in the foundations of the new and holy Jerusalem, additionally recalling the fact that Simeon's incarceration with Joseph was probably very humane compared to the incarceration that the Romans subjected Yeshua of the tribe of Judah to about 2000 years ago.
I am thankful to be in a location where the pressure is very low, there are options such as crepe suzette in the 'unleavened bread' selections and that many people have been a light to me on the day of the word 'Goyim', set firmly in the Gimel order in the Strong's Hebrew 1400 series. It is a miracle every day that I survive without committing a sin and without having a sin committed against me, but that daily miracle cannot happen without believing that I am saved and redeemed by grace that is not contained in a bottle of hot sauce named 'GRACE', but because I believe that there is blessing and protection when I choose to respect the instructions for the Israelites. Seeing the bottle labeled 'GRACE' did remind me of a woman in Saint Lucia whose children had given me a tour of their house in the rainforest, and even though a Nazi-minded mand kept all the video recording of my visits to St. Lucia, he failed to keep the commandments of HVHY and as a result, he proved himself to be a heretic and a spiritual tare, not a fine grain of wheat. I believe it is important to remember what I have been freed from during this passover week, and I'm not sure the word celebration should be tied to it, but indeed the word 'memorial' and perpetual ordinance is tied to it, just as the books listing the dead are opened and on display in the Ottawa Parliament building for a memorial and a sober reminder that peace is often only as local as the eye of a hurricane in the midst of raging wars and unstable governments which have rejected the Word of 'Je Suis' and chosen the evil rooted tree rather than the tree of life that is guarded by real angels.
Another 5th of May approaches, and although Sudbury might not be important to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, it is important to me in history going all the way back to memorable days at the Wilson Park Arena in MIlwaukee, Wisconsin. If I do not hold onto past reality properly as an anchor in my life as well as retaining my faith and trust in Moses and the prophets, I will become a deceived fool believing lies that emit from politicians lips, from religious hirelings and from the staged shows of the entertainment industry.
It is still proper to weep when recalling the history of Joseph in Egypt and to understand that testing your own family is not always a pleasant task even though it might be required.
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