If you say 'sub division' to a Navy guy, he might think 'Nautilas'. If you say subdivision to a homeowner, instant headaches might arise. As hypocritical Barack Obama claims he wants to lower 'greenhouse emmisions', owning multiple non-rental housing for temporary personal use contributes to global warmimg and is a symbol of greed, not thankfulness and humility required of true saints. In another revelation of hypocrisy, all the 'Christmas lights' in the 'Sumpter Forest' subdivision of Macomb don't seem to be picking up the ugly litter or garbage along the roadway on 25 mile, and as a result I see signs of rich, lazyAmerican trash problems not a beacon of hope and environmental protection when I drive by 'Sumpter Forest'.
"Chevy Chase Griswold syndrome' does contribute to lighting pollution and air pollution, so those people who go the route of Kwanza or Christmas bulbs instead of oxygen producing daffodils and canna bulbs are typical hypocrites who will not even pass a 'ground lamb test' because they failed to properly understand those who caused ' ground zero' to be a sign of worldwide disasters caused by attacks against what some might consider to be the beast ad others might consider to be a lukewarm Christianity problem. The azazel might be considered a 'ground lamb' situation if you do not want to think of Yeshua, son of Mary, as a 'lamb' but as a lion. Although I do not approve of murder or any other action contrary to the commandments delivered to the people or HVHY, if I refuse to try to understand the mindset that causes brutal attacks and criminal activity I might become a victim again rather than an example of how to properly and peacefully try to defend myself and my 'turf' without F-16's or 9mm Sig Sauer power.
I will try to remind board members of my subdivision that a spirit of neutrality in a residential area is seriously disturbed when a anti-bibical majority imposes their religion on a shared entrance. In order to remind them of the George Washington position that was respected and held as precious 240 years ago, I might get some more offense waged against me , and that will be the mistake of the offense. Groups such as the Audobon Society, 'Greenpeace' or the Sierra Club should start to pass along information that houses which continually overlight the exterior on a seasonal basis reveals signs of unintelligent life and the occupants usually are tied to false hopes that their Christian fish gods, Erech, Martin Luther or Nimrod are going to save them or try to correct them from the err of their ways. Fire departments should go on a campaign to actively discourage Christmas and artificial light displays in real or fake shrubbery to reduce fire hazards.
If the leaders of my subdivision wisely only install a permanent low voltage lighting systme to illuminate the gateway to West Park Estates, they will exhibit signs that they are wiser and more mature than Sunpter Forest types, and I will gladly keep an eye on keeping litter and trash off of the subdivision common area like a good environmental ed student. If individuals on a block want to reveal their antoi-Jeremiah stance and continue to light up their houses with artificial lighting, they have the freedom to do that so that the true saints can still know where the adversaries and/or of the Way, the Truth and the Book of Life are. The adversaries won't try to force their religion on an antire residential subdivision, but the enemies of Truth will try to impose their anti-Judah practices on their neighbors which often results in higher taxation and higher fees for maintenance.
I will send a letter to my HOA board rather than take the chance of ruining Sean Whyte's birthday on May 5th. If sound minds and wisdom prevails, there will only be small floodlights shining on brick walls rather than strings of lights ruining natural wonders called ' oxygen producing plant life'. I can hioe that the elected officials use more sense than Mike Duffy or Dwight Eisenhower by keeping our residential area common grounds 'non-sectarisn' and respect the earth's natural light show delivered by the stars and the moon year around..
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