As it is in my family's fishing history, so it s now in date lines and reality. There used to be a time, about 40 or 50 years ago, when you could go fishing for a couple of hours, try to feed your family and end up with clean fish to eat for supper without wasting thousand of dollars on gear that eventually gets lost or broken. It was also easier to locate decent people 40 or 50 years ago who weren't abused, 'caught and released' in the very sad divorce games of chance that rarely are for the good of a family.
Since I am no longer tied to any arrogant fishing fanatics, who waste houra in an expensive boat to hook and damage some animal they do not intend to consume, occasionally I spend a couple hours on a free site called 'Plenty of Fish'. MOst of the people on those sights are not saints by any means, but it is no less risky and can be even more entertaining than sitting in a boat and ultimately acomplishing no good works, typical of "Bassmaster' type and fishing competition err lines. I might learn a few things about another human being by doing a short correspondence with them, and a lot of decent single people are 'just plain lonely, not stupid' on free dating sites.
The chance of a success story via a computer dating site is very slim, but if you use discretion, it still can be of more value in learning than sitting in a boat, shivering and trying to catch fish that you could have bought from a local store by someone trying to earn a living by being a real fisherman, just like a few of the old apostles used to do.
A real fish often is attracted to the available bait once and then disappears permanently, just like on 'Plenty of Fish'. A real fish might have been caught and released so many times it is no longer interested in your bait at all and is only looking around for visual entertainment, which can lead to very dangerous predatory methodists who have no interest in providing real food or money to contribute to your household. People who want companionship but do not want to mate often are mislabeled as 'no fun' or 'holy rollers' when in fact they should be called wise and singled out for some reason, either lack of like-minded potential spouse options or eventual lack of hope in catching a 'real keeper' that wasn't appreciated by another. A woman who keeps the commandments, keeps a neat and tidy house, cooks well and has intergrity is often discouraged when those who are the opposite of her seem to attract the rich, healthy and attractive men, but being the discouraged won't change the patterns of good behaviors of a virtuous woman, as described in Proverbs Chapter 31.
I saw the word 'primitive' on a short yesterday, and I remembered a class I volunteered to give to try to teach 'CHristian; women how to cater to their husband's decor tastes and I used various term including 'primitive' in a basic multiple choice test designed to try to bring two people to mutual agreement in decor. That work seemed to have been in vain for me, and I was only abused, caught and release by a group of people who proved they did not love me even thought they were willing to take from me what I had to offer.
Sadness is not a crime and is not a disease. Spending some time trying to find comanionship is a way to overcome discouragement, even if good results never arrive before your actual heart stops pumping. When you learn to be content telling someone or hearing from someone ' You are not someone I desire to tisk my emotions with' peace and safety to you'.' you have learned to be content with the truth and a way of life that is less risky than playing the role of a concubine or a hooker, only to end up used emotionally bruised and uncared for once again by a promise breaker.
Someone asked if I was 'normal' after reading my written 'bait' on 'Plenty of Fish'. Normal is 98.6 to some, but thankfullt I am sane, competent, brilliant and unique, even when I feel extremely sad. I am not impressed with report's from my son in his very unholy version of 'fospel spreading' and his report to me that my granddaughter, 'Havalah' is having breathing problems didn't affect me at all since I do not know her at all. Why would a son ask me to pray for his family when that son rejected me when I sought a place of safety wouldn't take the time to visit me when I was suffering, sad, lonely and a victim of a crime? I am not a false teacher or a paid pastor who will pretend to care about or be able to change a complete strangers situation by a token prayer. That's might sound lukewarm to some, but it actually either a very cold or very hot response to my daughter-in-law's family situation which happens to be a family I am not really wanted in or part of by their planning, not by a 'big bang' that sent them away from the Truth and the commandments of HVHY and into the deceptive but often lucrative grips of man-made religion systems and mythological extensions of idolatry.
My son has become a paid professional worker of iniquity, and that fact remains as hard truth for a mother whose love has been rejected to handle properly. I will not try to 'pray away' sickness, disease, trials and troubles from my son or his family's household, especially since he has not yet even chosen to obey the most basic commandments properly As the start of a new biblical year is only a day or 2 away, I, like a few others have to persevere to fight evil, fight hypocrites, expose liars and in the process continue to live by the rules for real saints who are not drawn offside by the the simple use of the word 'angels'. Now I must figure out a way to respond to my son's family, the self proclaimed 'angels' who are not really on the LORD of Israel's side.
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