It gets much easier to identify the current versions of Playboy bunnies by their public attire. It is an embarrassment to any nation to let almost complete UNDRESSED women jump around on beaches playing ball games in a fashion that makes Vivien Leigh as 'ScarlettO'Hara' look a lady in comparison. If ESPN is pushing something, it probably is as wrong as trusting 'Star Wars' for your spiritual compass. The wrong kind of type '"f''s fail to realize they are terrible examples to a community and as despicable as Carrie Underwood and Tom Brady's wife no matter how many medals they acquire playing games.
Since ESPN was pushing Dan Boyle around after his attempt to rid an area of Larry Brooks types, sadly it is like trying to rid a police officer's newspaper of Larry MIzewski types. What Dan Boyle might have to learn is that in real life, people don't evacuate areas just because yiu are irritated by them. Maybe the New York Rangers doesn't want a Canadian trying to ruin 'freedom of the press' or the owners were trying to avoid a scumball like Larry Brooks to get rich via a lawsuit. Dan Boyle's request was delivered with more grace and tact that Shane David Hendrikson ever used when evicting my son Richard from our family home and later on evicting me from our family home because we weren't complying with all his unrealistic demands. Someone with a unholy spirit like the ' Ultimate Fighter' types might have fought to the death to remain in a family home, and others who rather have peace of mind and safety leave areas with many tears and sorrow, just as some Indian tribes had done when 'white man' got greedy and cruel.
Dan Boyle might have to learn a lesson from someone like Cam Newton and just walk away from media fools who are trying to instigate problems rather than solve them. The owrld needs more 'Ultimate Peacemakers' than 'Ultimate fighters' in order to de-escalate situations that most likely will lead to increased violence. Using proper or vulgar language usually won't expel a cockroach from a locker room, but quoteing Scripture and exitting a scene is often the most benficial power play a human can utilize in situations where they are outnumbered by observers with seared consciences that prohibit them from backing up a person making a reasonable request.
On a funny note, traveling to St. Jerome, Ontario is better than flying to unabel areas like the Phillipines, and if you think it is possible that my billiard ball legend has spread like IMperial margarine, it has spread Brett Favre pictures to a St. Jerome football field where I would expected to see a poster of Patrick Lebeau! Examining a Sioux headress in an Ottawa museam was better than sitting on a beach in France or anywhere in the Carribean Islands where modesty has become almost extinct due to too much unholy influence that has not been properly combatted by unholy religion groups. Most 'Christians' sadly still think that the Toronto Raptors winning a basketball game is 'a miracle' because too many Christians really worship pagan Olympic gods instead of studying the Scriptures and learning how to identify 'false lion' types, which abound worldwide and actually directly oppose the 'Lamb of God' introduced to middle eastern societies by his cousin, JOhn the Baptist.
I made a proper choice for my Issraeli-type spring training. It is actually easier making your car your home for a bit than emptying out all the products with leaven from your non-mobile home if you have one. Since the United States forced me to call my car 'my home' before due to their family court Nazi-type processes, extending my trust, friendship and financial blessings to the Canadian people is not against my religion. Even though it is not perfect in Canada, I still have nevere been mistreated in Canada. The hometown of dan Boyle has a lot more class than Disneyland, even if the local people do not yet believe Moses and the prophets yet.
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