For some reason, a son named Archelaus swayed Joseph from Judea to Nazarth. For some reason, I sent a letter to a Protestant in France today, and it might get interecepted by an enemy, so I'll post a copy of it in public in a manner less disorderly than Martin Luther's posting to German Catholics.
The majority of a letter from me to my son, Richard:
"Tone: optimistic
I trust that your prayers were answered about Havalah's breathing and it has improved. I wanted to make sure that you know that my concerns about you are genuine, but to be honest I contemplate much and am trying to consider weightier matters. Since you do not really keep in somewhat regular contact or seek my advice, do you think that my prayers for your family would have mattered? I don't know the answer to that, and not knowing is better than praying with the wrong spirit, so it not a sin to refrain from a request from time to time and see just how a child reacts.
I know that my God rejects some of my requests to test me and to correct me from time to time. Parenting gets more difficult when there isn't a reliable and trustworthy 2-way relationship in order, which is why so many people have drawn back rather than pulled ahead in their steps of faith and in their obedience to instruxtions that were given as a free gift for us to apply to our daily life.
Today, a couple birthdays have come to mind. One is a baseball player by the name of David Justice (April 14th) and I earned a Justice jersey when a former friend offered it to me as a prize if I skied down a difficult slope at Rib Mountain, which I did. It wasn't a free gift, I did earn the small reward and the word 'Justice' is also the name of a person, just like there were 3 Marshall football players who played with Randy Moss named, Grace #4,Kelly (#84) and Love (#26). It is important to remember your past, and you may not believe this but it is more important to remember who your enemies than who your friends are because your friends won't try to deceive you or attack you, even if they have been distant and gone for years.
Birthdays on April 15th include on of my best memories, a special man named Sergei Krivokrasiv who I named my DARE bear after. Mixed memories come up because that is also the birthday of Nathan and Jarob's father, and even though I tried to mend some fences, if nothing else for my high school's history, even he did not want to pick up the ice box that his father worked so hard on when it was offered to him. Sometimes, I do not understand why people reject a free gift or the return of a family antique and other people such as me, have not been able to recover what has been stolen from us that really mattered. Those possessing that which was obtained with malice and cruelty and often in violation of the law is evidence against them in the heavenly places, even if the typical world court system doesn't care about the long term consequences of cheating families out of their proper inheritances.
Lastly, I spoke with a woman who has had a difficult life by the name of Audrey. She mentioned that she has two close relatives, one of them named Charise and one of them named Qeset, and of course I remembered your older sibling. She suggested that if I do not know what to pray for, just pray for 'God' perfect will' in a situation, but I already believe that will occur in the lives of his true sealed saints whether or not I pray for it. I will pray for your family, and although there is no need to share specifics, I will be praying very sincerely that certain situations get resolved according to my Father's perfect will.
I plan to keep the feast of passover at my home with sobriety and undoubtedly alone. Last year, I had a serious injury to the foot on the morning I was to travel away just as my Hebrew forefathers did, and ideallly this year's remembrance will be without any wounds. I then will travel ( ....) and that helps me never to get too attached to the locatinon of any house I dwell in . Circumstances can change as quickly as it did for Moses or Joseph. Peace in my home is not easy to achieve just because there is no one else in my household, but safety and peace are two very important goals in any household, no matter how many people reside in it. I believe that in keeping the passover feast that my fear of the LORD is firmly established and that although tragedy might occur nearby that my GOD will protect me as he has in the past so many times or will mercifully shorten my days if that is according to His perfect will.
I will try to write at least once month if I do not hear from you; there was a time that I wrote to Eric and Ashley (children of Linda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa and step children of Jim Costa of Wittenberg) many times and their lack of response lead me to believe they didn't appreciate my efforts to remind them that they were thought of. Some or all of the letters got intercepted, but I don't think our emails are getting intercepted even if they are being monitored. I sometimes wonder if now that you are both parents, if either of you will claim that the way your children turn out has nothing to do with either one of you. Untrue words spoken in haste do not just go away, just as every jot and yod in the TORAH has not gone away. Try to remember this truth: going back to the source of a problem is as serious as going back to a crime scene to collect evidence in order to convict the guilty or as serious as trying to understand how Joseph handled the situation with his brothers and untrue words uttered by Potipher's wife.
Get rest, and continue to pray for understanding and wisdom.
Love, Mom
tone: as calm as the eye of a hurricane, even though there may be turmoil elsewhere"
Tones can change during a letter just as a the weather changes in St. Kitts and Nevis.
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