Read through to the end if you want a very interesting possibility not seem any more frightening than the Louisiana purchase.
Since I do not base my activities or thinking on the year of the monkey lines, this year or varied barley reports and varied sighting of the new moon reports has put a 4 way split on the biblical calender, and BIble tresulting people have a 25% chance of being correct on Shavuot, which is equal to a year of chaos. Actually, this makes it much more difficult for the enemies of the true HVHY to be very unsure of just who the elect of HVHY are, since the elect will not be deceived about important days such as Yom Kippur, Shavuot and the beginning of non-monkey calendars. This actually takes a lot of pressure off the people who are as accurate as an AuSTin cracker from a Charlotte, NC plant area.
When certain nams come up in my memory bank, they are resurrected for a reason. Today, I remembered a man named Russ who was married to a female named Katie, and Katie became the 'geirlfriend of' Kelly Oehler after going on a Christian mission trip to Louisiana. I would say that Katie and Kelly committed a more treacherous move than I have ever seen or been part of in the Illinois State Trooper School during a DARE program. Wise women do avoid becoming a concubine for a married man even though it is difficult to avoid tempation when you realize are unloved by your spouse or when you have unproven suspicions that your spouse has been unfaithful beyond a reasonable doubt. The act of kissing another person is not unforgivable, but indeed the act of mating with another person who is not your spouse is far less likely to be forgiven by a saint or a spouse with above average moral standards.
There is no reason that I should discontinue my warfare against those who have lied to me, stolen from me and abused me after I became a saint by definition, since it is only by proper warfare that I might cause the least guilty to repent sooner than the most guilty would try to seek my forgiveness and restore fourfold what they attained from me by criminal and anti-Christ means.
Area code 405 is not as valuable in my eyes as Jaromir Jagr, since an area code can be changed and only cause problems for those who have business cards and similar stocks of printed materials that have cost them about as muich as my 'Interiors Department, INC' cards cost me that were stolen by an employee/felony suspect Shane David Hendrikson, when he quit my company and set up another company with stolen materials, namely 'Shane's Interior Department, LLC'. The State of Wisconsin is party to his crime for allowing him to start another corporation without my consent after he filed for divorce. GUIlt of a state government does not go away easily, and the State of Wisconsin could have prevented a snowball effect of problems easier than Rick Snyder could have prevented troubles in the archaic Flint, MIchigan water supply lines. Often the people who are the most guilty point their fingers at the least guilty parties, but the elect of HVHY do know who to cast out of the 'trusted friend' circles and let them be examined by dogs like Jezebel.
Some idiot claimed that describing myself as sane, competent and unique was an arrogant description, but the same male also got angry when I called him a good Catholic after he listed himself as a Catholic. He might be one of those very guilty males who is sharp enough to stab someone in the back but not sharp enough to understand that there are people who are directly opposed to Catholics and Christians with lukewarm spirits who also tend to have cruel or ridiculous responses to facts. The fact is that according to the book of Exodus, the beginning of the year is based on 2 identifying natural factors, and in that case, the earth does help the true church to avoid being pulled back into the 'beast' system. I have chosen to believe the reports of a Kerite and a former Protestant leader, not MIchael Rood or a group of people on the internet who I never met in person. I have a 25% chance of believing the right report, and that is about how it goes when people accuse other people of any other crime or label them with a medical condition. What one doctor might refer to as 'Holy Spirit filled' nnother doctor might label as 'mentally ill', and then try to convince them that drug use will make them more acceptable in the typical unholy family.
There are no signs of hope for the United States on the presidential ballot, only choices of very unholy family members trying to rise to power in a very unholy and disgusting manner. Don't be too alarmed if a real war breaks out, a state of emergency is declared, and as a result Barack Obama and Joe Biden remain in office while they keep trying to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, since they probably would keep trying to avoid a Nazi regime taking over in the United States. Keeping Obama in the White House might be better than letting him loose in the United Nations and really ruining the state of 'status quo' he has attained with the wrong seal system.
'Missy Gold' is the wrong lining system for those who are trying to understand Tunnel King lines and absurd weather systems. If you have attained a state of safety, peace with HVHY is only attained by choosing to obey the commandments to the best of your ability in a state of sobriety. Remember, all drugs, whether legal or illegal, do prevent or severly reduce a proper state of sobriety to a degree far more dangerous than a single shot of Jose Cuervo.
People like Zak and Becky Alwin seemed to do no good when the unfaithful criminals in Woodlands Church kept entering their church doors and people like me had their pleas for help against a cheating and lying spouse ignored. Indeed, men like Win Parkinson are better suited for the kingdom of God than a Zak Alwin hireling type. Teachers of facts should be considered more valuable to society than religious cult people who clutch onto their Bibles and hymnals while they continually teach against the life-saving laws preached by Moses, Eldad and Medad types.
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