Creativity can ruin a family and eventually ruin a nation. The worst leaders fail to disregard official signs such as the very basic and good free gift of the commandments, statutes and precepts of of a reliable Holy Spirit and are eventually pulled astray by creations of humans who have rejected holiness, purity and righteousness. 'Plants vs. Zombies, Garden Warfare' typifies stupid creations from vain imaginations that makes children become electronic puppets reacting to a form of a mirage rather than learning about natural law and self-defense of the holy mind.
The typical BIble reader does not believe enough to follow the instructions necessary to prove your love for and choice of a spiritual leader, and they start to follow doctrines that are contrary to those delivered to the original saints going back to Genesis. If you have the gift of discernment, it will not be taken away by a thief or a tornado or a hurricane, so it cannot be insured by corrupted systems like Progressive, State Farm or Allstate who easily force money from you due to local laws but rarely dispense money liberally and without bias once a disaster occurs.
Try to re-stablish a mindset by evaluating your own potential response to a natural disaster or an act of an anti-Christ by going through the following carefully:
A) If a gift was given to you by a friend or a relative, it cost them something to obtain the gift. Most gifts are insurable, but you will never receive according to emotional value, so start to worry less about the gift you received and appreciate the gifts while you have them.
B) Loss of a gift or legal purchase by theft means you are a victim of sin and a crime that should not go unpunished or the thieves continue to be thieves. First time offenders who have accepted the conditions of salvation understand that they have to pay back 4 or 5 times what they stole in order to be restored to a position of not guilty due to proper correction. Once proper correction is accomplished, there should no longer be a record of their sin. Since human sourts do not properly correct thieves, their sin remains on the records even after serving times of incarceration to serve false gods systems.
G) If you packed up all of your most important gifts in a treasure box in case you have to exit your house quickly, that proves seeing the gift does not mean as much as remembering the gift. Once you put yur most important keepsakes out of sight, you actually have learned to live without them already and the loss of them by natural disaster should not be grievous as long as you remember the kindness extended from the gift giver.
D) A foolish family got very upset when I accidently broke an overpriced trinket, namely a crystal idol, while I was doing free labor for the foolish Richard Peterson family of Mosinee. Even though I replaced their idol due to their angry disposition, when a marriage was breaking apart the Peterson's didn't seem concerned enough to try to prevent a marriage covenant from breaking. People who put more value on their family heirlooms than on their family marriage success rates value things more than they value character, integrity, love of God, love of faithfulness and holiness. Divorce petitioners who steal or force away family heirlooms from their spouse are guilty of more than hating God, they also hate justice and kindness due to their selfishness.
H) Keeping point D in mind, I have gifts that I have managed to keep even though a Nazi-type regime of attorneys and ex-husband unfairly and wrongly kept more than they should have from me. Those gifts might get blown away in a tornado or a war, but woe, plagues and severe agony should be directed toward any person that tries to steal from me again. Items such as Boyd's bears might be dust collectors to some and toys to a child, but certainly are not necessary to survive. My son gave me gifts in a period of time when he appreciated me to honor me, and since he has discarded the foundation delivered at Mt. Sinai to the Israelites, he also has stopped giving me any gifts. His spirit has changed due to too much dabbling in tattoos and other behaviors that are contrary to the directives for a real saint. My spirit of discernment helps me realize it is my son that has chosen to disobey God and as a result he lacks kindness toward me; without anyone honest enough or strong enough to correct my son, he is not going to be able to attain a label of ' not guilty due to proper correction'.
V) Selling or regifting items that were given to you in sincerity is terrible etiquette, but if a natural disaster destroys the possessions, remember the blessing that were given to the midwives who saved the Hebrew infants during the times of Moses. It is recorded that because they FEARED GOD and refused to destroy what the local government ordered them to destroy, they obtained favor in housing situations. Let this be a sober reminder to you as it is to me that ONE comfortable house to help accomplish tasks required while serving the true God is part of a reward system, not an undeserved favor. No person will ever be properly sheltered or saved by a medal or a jeweled crown, not matter who gave it to them or how they 'earned it'. It's time to trsh the whole concept of mythology and anti-holy creativity delivered by the writers and actors in 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Z) If you are retaining a gift given to you by a former friend who is now an enemy, make sure it is practical and usable, or else donate it to some charity. Wedding rings typify what can be done with gift from enemies once they have broken the vows attached to the gift; some people launch them into the garbage and others sell them for far below what it cost the vow-breaker.
C) Day 396 will be April 23rd, the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew year and the day a passover meal is to be prepared for the elect of HVHY. As day 396 is approaching in the beginning of a day-by-day second year hard count, notice that Strong's bible word 396 is tied to food, and 396 goals by a hockey defenseman named Paul Coffey is a fact, not a created myth. The fact that he warmed up a plate of Chinese food leftovers for me will not be forgotten, just as any falsely accused prisoner might never forget a kind prison guard or the daily rations of clean food that might have helped them survive long enough to endure their time of personal trials and harsh tribulation. The gift of hospitality gien should be precious to the receiever, just as the gift of the instrcutions of HVHY to his people should be precious to the receiver. Footballs,bowling balls, baseballs,billiard balls, pucks and golf balls are easily replaced, not food, and are not required for salvation and therefore are not precious in the sight of the LORD, even though some fools iterally fight over them with more ferocity they they's try to resist the temptation to sin. The stones designated for the tribes of Israel are precious in the sight of the LORD, and investing in them is not foolish; be careful not to overpay for them however, since cut stones are actually less valuable than natural uncut stones in the sight of the LORD of the urim and thummim system.
Too much anti-commandment creativity leads to as much stupidity and ignorance as there is in any computer game which ultimately wastes time and seriously reduces your ability to accept reality and face real enemies or adversaries properly.
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