Post 136: Is that still the number of stitches in a real baseball or a hard rosary bead count?
It is Friday, the 13th of the first biblical month as carefully as an Issachar feline or an 'anti-Wizard of Oz' lioness protecting turf. I am going to approach a very important topic, namely the keeping of a passover meal, only with the learning tolls the typical English reading 'Christian' has access to. If Chapter 16 of the 5th book is indeed like a white billiard ball, the 16th chapter seems to break up Messianic and Judaic theology studies into a variety of secondary opinions that still need to involve the concept of defense. In any billiard event, the white 16th ball actually transfers power to the other balls if used properly. If the white ball drops to the level of the other colored billiard balls 'below the top deck', you lose a turn, not your opportunity for salvation. Remember the color of the 7th and the 15th is easily described as healthy blood color, maroon or scarlet, not ' traffic ordinance stop sign' red as the 3 and 11 balls.
2nd Red 11 Ball Issue: The first red billiard ball is a 3, and indeed actual natural Levites are not the same as grafted in Gentiles. Exodus chapter 11, like a unique but similar part of a 15 ball billiard system, is addressing families that were still within HOUSES that were not in the land of Israel. Tents eventually were occupied after the Hebrews departed from housing supplied by their cruel taskmasters in Egypt which the LORD their God did not give to them. That being the case, if you have a house which you occupy, which was not given to you (you had to purchase) but which is a permanent dwelling that needs a mode of defense and you have respectfully and humbly accepted the name of the LORD within your house, I believe it is safe, proper and wise to keep the passover meal within your house, even if you are only able to purchase part of a previously slaughtered lamb. 'Within your houses' is not the same as 'in your tents' or 'within your gates', and gates were set up in traveling tent compounds just as they are set up in prison systems these days. Moving on to important Exodus 12, verse 13, the word #1004, pronounced 'bayith', is the same as the word used in Genesis 7:1 and is clearly not the same as the temporary dwelling described in Deuteronomy chapter 16. Word 1004 is a word that depicts a dependable non-temporary shelter or housing structure. No where in Exodus 12 does it mention that the LORD their God had given them the dwelling they occupied in Egypt, but it still does refer to their shelters in Egypt as houses, not tents.
5th Book (Deuteronomy), 16th chapter is not to be treated the same as the instructions given to God-fearing families in Egypt. It is possible that once the families moved from houses (word #1004) to tents (word #168) that some consideration had to be given to non-permanent dwellings and a secondary method of keeping the passover was instituted, NOT AN ONLY METHOD. The everlasting ordinance instructions in Exodus were not done away with, but since the evacuated Hebrews no longer had a 'bayith', word #168, pronounced 'o-hel' ,was used to describe the area where a passover meal shouldn't be kept. In the meal consumed by Yeshua and his chosen companions in a rented room, there is no indicator of any lamb being consumed and the meal was eaten in what possibly could be considered a 'bayith' or a tabernacle (#1004) but clearly not in a tent which was used to shelter humans and/or unclean and clean ANIMALS (#168).
Personally, I believe it is spiritually dangerous to 'play passover meal' on inaccurate days in hotels with Michael Rood's brood or in protestant churches such as is practiced by Catholics where they have rejected the rules and regulations of the God of the Israelites. It is possible to keep the feast without the leaven of hypocrisy to the best of your ability in your actual primary house that unfortunately is set in any nation that is still very unholy and very antagonistic toward the teachings of the prophets while they embrace and worship ungodly and unholy idols such as 'Lady GaGa' or 'Beyonce'. Men like Michael Rood seem to have neglected to pay attention to the instructions given at different locations to people in varied dwelling situations, but I choose not to neglect the obvious differences between the instructions for tent-dwellers who were not yet in the promised land and the instructions for house-dwellers who are not in the land of Israel. When I lived in a rental, I knew it was not my household and went to a diner named 'Saffron' in Charlotte, NC to keep the feast to the best of my ability. To completely ignore the instructions for the everlasting ordinance given in Exodus chapter 12 is reckless, so I intend to roast a small portion of lamb and consume a meal of Streit's obviously unleavened bread (even though the Streit's matza crackers claims it is not for passover due to some idiotic technicalities observed by the remnant of pharisee worshippers),hummus, bitter herbs and juice within my 'bayith' with sandals, on , staff in hand and my DARE bear named Sergei sitting quietly at tableside, just as i did last year on the evening of the 14th day of the first Hebrew month.
Completely disregarding official holy and everlasting ordinances can be as serious as being unfairly charged with disorderly conduct when you were only really defending yourself against an anti-commandmentist regime. The last time I roasted an entire lamb and consumed its parts in a 'bayith' not in a tent, it was on land that was given to me by my father, but that was eventually seized by a Nazi-like regime in Marathon County Wisconsin and taken over by an anti-commandmentist named Shane David Hendrikson. Shane David Hendrikson is probably not even worthy to wear a Henry Aaron jersey even though he might still own one, and sadly he is more like Tom Brady in his mentality, which means he is not as kind or as wise at real family defense as men like Thomas Stigler.
Secondary defense matters, even if we are still over-taxed slaves trying to survive in a very corrupt national government system. Compare Deuteronomy 16 with Exodus 12 and decide which instructions are applicable to you in your present non-Jerusalem situation.
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