' If you ask for a fish, will a good parent give you a snake?' This idiom includes restaurant plating questions as it applies wrongfully substituting the unclean for the clean. When it comes to idioms, I suppose it would not be totally unjust to switch out sliced cat or dog flesh for swine flesh but it is extremely wrong to switch out cat flesh for chicken or duck flesh on the plate of a God-fearing person. If you choose to eat unclean animals, why complain about sauteed alley cat on your plate instead of caging the stray cats in buildings that could be better used to shelter battered spouses ? Riley Sheahan might need to see what its like to visit some battered spouses in hospitals instead of having too much sympathy for animals who don't break the law and still end up incarcerated on 'animal death row'.
After noting that there were exactly 95 different species of birds in a book written by Nancy Hejeski, some interesting constants can be injected into systems that already exist. There are some people who hate anything to do with the Bible, so using different codes for numbers is wise especially in neutral anti-conspiracy tests. There are some people who actually have fears of certain numbers, and getting them over their irrational fears can help them adjust to a proper and sound state of mind. I will share some of the most interesting bird numbers but first, I will address the concept of irrational fears.
There is a 3 way split in the concept of fear, and if you do not try to achieve the proper frame of mind when it comes to fear, you will fail in the sanctification process. This is like trying to establish a clear difference between Yale, Loyola,Kaplan and Dorsey school systems on 26th and MIneral Street in Milwaukee.
1. Fearless is equal to total ignorance of actions and reactions.
2. Fearful includes being afraid to counteract sin and crimes which leads to a state of mental depravity. Fearful also includes becoming afraid of systems and things which you should have control over but instead it is overpowering you. For example, paranoid people are fearful of government systems because that system has improperly overpowered them in some way rather than properly protected them. Going from 1 to 3 or 2 to 3 is not easy but possible with the proper God.
3. God-fearing is a proper state of mind which turns you away from a pattern of sin after you escape a state of IGNORANCE. You can only lose a state of ignorance by believing in and trusting a power system, also known as a God, that has proven to be true ( not fiction) and which remains constant in its intent to protect and preserve that which is right, true, just and good.
A) It is irrational to fear the Bible itself. People like Larry and Renee Mizewski are irrational in their fear of code systems and numbering systems used by brilliant people, and their fears caused them to attack me in a cruel manner rather than continue to befriend me. The Mizewski's and those that were afraid of my Bible are fearful, not God-fearing people.
B) An infant starts out fearless, but as soon as the infant is introduced to laws of actions and reactions , they start to have fears which they need to have in order to respect powers which are stronger than them and which can hurt them. Powers such as excessive heat need to be a power that an infant needs to properly understand and respect so that it does not HURT them. It is easier to predict the forces of nature than predict the behaviors of a person who is not God-fearing.
G) God-fearing people learn to respect natural forces and learn to hate sin as much as their God hates sin. There are very few God-fearing people on earth because they have chosen to believe that there will be serious consequences for every sin they have intentionally committed and every lie they have taught. Lies include telling children that fables and fictional characters are real or true and lies lead to genuine failure to educate them in scientific facts.
Here is a list of chosen facts based on another person's constants. There is no need to be fearful of the numbers but in fact it is necessary to have proper fear and respect of a real bird since it is a force that has natural actions and reactions. A list like this can get people away from a numbering pattern that has been intentionally created to mislead them, even though it is more random than the numbering system of a chemistry table.
2. Costa's Hummingbird / On a personal note, the name Costa is as bad as the name Hitler in my memory bank, and the existence of a hummingbird is much more important than a 'Hummingbird Fish Locator'. Boat parts seem to be more important to fools than their spouse, and they subsequently fight for their boats in divorce courts harder than they fought to keep their marriage vows, to their disgrace.
24. Baltimore Oriole
28. Purple Martin
29. Northern Cardinal
32. Robin / This is an interesting word and number at Milwaukee Tech Trojan history and St. Matthew Greyhound basketball history
33. Meadowlark / On a side sports note, the famous Harlem Globetrotter nicknamed 'Meadowlark' was number 36, not number 33 so this might help at Leroy Butler, Joe Nathan and Jerome Bettis splits in natural power struggles.
35. Mockingbird/brown Thrasher (page 86 and 87, for old school 'Get Smart' junkies)
36. Blue Jay
39. Mourning Dove
48. Roadrunner
50. Ring Necked Pheasant
52. Common Nighthawk
53. Mississippi Kite
58. Golden Eagle
59. Turkey Vulture / also the number that Max Baer wore in football gear on 'The Beverly Hillbillies'
62. Great horned Owl
64. Virginia Rail
66. Piping Plover/ Plover, Wisconsin is near Wisconsin route 66 so this might be a sign that intelligent life compiled the bird book information, not a 'big bang'.
76. Great Blue Heron
88. Common Loon
90. Wood Duck
95. Tundra Swan
~~~~~~Listing only 95 birds was Nancy Hajeski's choice, just like Martin Luther decided to stop at 95. Maybe she has a fear of ESPN NHL hockey number 96, which is Dan Boyle. A bit of humor does not affect the common loon, but might affect Eric Lindros and the Toronto Maple Leafs. I once had a common loon sweater that was a gift from Shane David Hendrikson after one of his many fishing trips to Canada; the loon sweater is innocent even though it is not very attractive to some. Shane David Hendrikson is NOT INNOCENT even though he is not very attractive to some. brushing up on your whort term memory is important, and 7 years is actually short term memory when you pass the age of about 35. You can use the bird numbering system safely to increase your memory skills without ingesting jellyfish parts.
You may also be interested in other anti-Oprah book selections such as Undercover:Rocks and Minerals, Katie Cotton or Don Nedobeck's numbering books.
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