Thursday, March 31, 2016

From Day 1442 Onward: Don't Be A Guilty Bystander

I am tracking 3 different sequences for a reason that MIGHT only be important to me but should be important to a few called 'the remnant of Israel.'  A guilty bystander is very similar to a person who is party to a crime against a neighbor or against God, but there is a slight difference.

Guilty bystander: a person who claims to be 'a good person', has a position of power which he is getting payments to hold, but in certain instances does nothing to resist sin, prevent the continuance of sin done by others or ignores the sinful trend of a community. I can describe 'guilty bystanders' as Thomas Wahl, Dennis Drazkowski and Greg Strasser, all of whom are acquaintance's of mine but not frriends of mine. Tom Wahl refused to aid me when I asked for family counseling help in a situation where his brother-in-law, Shane David Hendrikson, was getting increasingly cruel as my husband, was increasingly irrational  and was planning and subsequently conducted illegal activities including providing false information to law enforcement officials and court records in the State of Wisconsin. Wahl was a sworn Chippewa Falls police officer that is an embarrassment to his family and to the concept of doing good anti-sin works. Greg Strasser was claimed to be a business attorney who  charged me a lot of money but did not even prevent my business from being taken over in a form of strong-arm robbery by the petitioner in my divorce case, Shane David Hendrikson. Dennis Drazkowski refused to help me prevent crimes against me in the state of Wisconsin in the same period of time, so all three are clearly GUILTY not innocent bystanders.

Being party to a crime means you actively participate in a crime or an action that is contrary to an existing reasonable laws, so there is no doubt that Stuart Rottier was party to the business crimes that Shane David Hendrikson committed against me but that could have been prevented if he had GOOD counsel. Being party to sin is usually the same as being party to a crime, but when a known sin is 'legalized' by a state the whole state becomes an anti-Christ system in which only the saints choose to behave in an anti-sin manner. Even men like Kent Hovin know that evil men regularly pile into church buildings nationwide on certain days  but in fact they reject the message of  Peter the apostle and the requirements for peace with HVHY, they hate good , decent and fair laws and they also hate those who truly love the God of  Moses, Eldad, Medad,Mary and Joseph of Nazareth.

As I endeavored to reverse the RESULTS of the multiple crimes committed in Macomb township, namely LITTERING , be sure you know that my good works do not clear the guilty human slobs with their pig-like behaviors of their crimes against the community. If you start to make excuses for, intentionally break after being notified of an existing law or condone  ordinance violations and misdemeanors, you will become increasingly evil. An overweight male who was running said 'Thanks for  doing that (picking up the trash). It's a good community service.'' I then asked him if he would pick up one bag of trash and he refused, and he is an example of lukewarm bible readers who wrongfully think that the death of a man on a crucifix then allows him and others to live a life of apathy which leads to an unredeemed sinful life of blasphemy and hypocrisy. A person who has a chance to be redeemed by his faith will actively resist sin, try to dissuade others from sin and rebuke themselves  and others when necessary in order to fight the trends of a nation or community that has embraced paganism and heathen ways but has willfully chosen to be anti-Moses and therefore 'anti-commandmentists'.

In order to prevent myself from becoming a guilty bystander,  let me warn others not to buy or ingest jellyfish parts sold at Walgreen's to 'increase their short term memory'. First, you have no idea what it will do to your long term memory, and if you wish to continue toward sainthood instead of being opposed to it, jellyfish parts are unclean. I didn't know I could have been eating giraffe parts, but now i do even though I wouldn't want to eat an animal that is near extinction, just as I wouldn't want to kill bird number #50 (according to Nancy Hajeski), a ring-necked pheasant, just to prove to some other rabbit-eating hunters that I know how to use a gun properly. When your freezer is full of venison, it is only a deranged mind that wants to hunt and kill beautiful birds and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to kill without good reason for a 'vaction'. Since I have noted that veterans should remember the 50 in 'The Great Escape' to improve their short-term memory without disobeying a commandment, the 95 birds listed in a beautiful book were much more interesting to read about than popping a pill of jellyfish parts like millions of others who don't trsut the Lion of the Tribe of Judah for their salvation plan.

April 1st, 2016 is 1443 days since guilty bystanders stood around in Wisconsin's Marathon county court system and watched an anti-commandmentist and therefore a form of a Nazi, takeover my family land and about 75% of our marital assets. A few showed up to mourn with me, and those few were like good Samaritans. Gimel Dalet Resh means to 'wall up' and some wall up to keep the Truth out and others wall up to protect their living temple from an easy  takeover by the lukewarm Christians who are often party to crimes rather than willing to counteract the results of crimes. Word 732 is the word for a traveler or a wanderer, and is used in Jeremiah 14:8 referring to a time of judgment. If this is only the end of what feels like the 2nd year of a tribulation period,what you planned for the next 5 years won't work out for your good if you have remained anti-Israelite in attitude and anti-commandment in your daily actions. Word 374 is an 'ephaph', which is ten omers and is mentioned in tEzekiel45 and 46.  Knowing and studying such important terms is not a sign of mental illness but is an active way to fight IGNORANCE that most politicians and hypocrites prefer their neighbors to have.

Amusing and thought-provoking but not illegal: During another day of war in heaven, namely playing hockey, I declared that I hate the Detroit Redwings as I was suited up in my Montreal Expo jersey and a University of Wisconsin red helmet.  That truth came out for various reasons, but mostly because the Detroit Redwings have terrible habits of pushing so many anti-Moses positions, language and music on their stupified followers that are a form of a CULT to many who are too blinded to see the errs of their ways. There are many sports organizations that actually become a form of a cult that going against the local grain is often the best way to train your mind to be part of the few, not part of the proud who lift up their spotrts figures but won't lift up their Bible to read and BELIEVE the book of Leviticus. You need to stop believing in some very untrue and unrealistic messages such as is promoted by 'Paul Blart's religion', contrary to Steve Perry's overplayed lyrics.

I also learned a lot about the common nighthawk, so the NIghthawks #21 jersey I purchased  at the Salvation Army has was not bought in vain. I didn't get a chance to read 'Undercover; Rocks and Minerals by Hammond press and also by Nancy Hajeski, but I learned plenty about geology in the Scriptures, just like Kent Hovin. I did shed a few more tears when I saw the courage of Kent Hovin after he was abused and tortured by the United States of America for his faith. There is no other way to describe false charges, corrupted and excessive penalties and imprisoning people for obeying the laws other than saying is is a form of torture much worse than expecting a person to pay back 4 times what he stole to the person he stole from.

Oh, by the way, you can get a free education by going to your local libraries rather than pushing more money into systems that overpay men like Tony Granato and underpay people like me  who actually do work to fight against sin and against crimes and against unrighteous and unjust plans that  are targeted against honest and holy citizens.

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