Thursday, March 17, 2016

'Rick Snyder Bashing' Won't Help An Unintentional Error

Humans make unintentional errors, and I am certain Governor Rick Snyder is not an absentee governor.  The local municipality of Flint fell asleep at the water works, and it is NOT the governor's job to protect the entire state from typical  natural disasters that occur possibly due to a multitude of sinners settled in an area who need to learn forgiveness, love, understanding, patience, discipline and honesty after a crisis occurs that clearly was not an intentional act of violence against citizens that I am quite sure are not guilt free of crimes such as tax evasion or failure to keep the Sabbath holy.

Commercial television stations are extremely GUILTY of contaminating the  vsual and audio supply as they send more moral filth and programs into houses that ruin a household than any temporary problem with a water supply ever will.

My suggestion is to start to blaming every State Farm agent in Michigan for not caring enough about their clients home water supply to test it frequently like a good neighbor would. RIck Snyder is only a neighbor to a few people, not a neighbor to the entire state of Michigan.

Hillary Clinton is another example of huge errs in speech that make it obvious she knows nothing about real warfare on conflict resolution. According to the Scripture, you are supposed to agree with your adversary while you are in the Way, les he turn you over to other judges. The 'devil', known as the best adversary ever created by a perfect God, knows the rules of the spiritual games since he got tossed out of 'top angel' position. A holy adversary cannot do anything that does not agree with the will of God, and that included pointing out the fact that Joshua's garments were in a soiled state.

Another typical unintentional error is probably confusing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with the Prince of Peace.. A prince remains a prince until the King dies, and if you believe in the eternal existence of the Word of HVHY, the King never dies, he just gets relocated from time to time. I would contend that Michael the Archangel is the Prince of Peace who will always be under the authority of the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.  Defeating the opposition sometimes brings peace, and other times letting the enemies of a good and holy God destroy themselves brings peace to an area.

If you made the mistake of thinking that when the Truth sets you free that nothing evil will happen to you, its because you failed to properly understand that the Truth also ejects the workers of iniquity from his presence and sets them free to be completely OUT of his protective coverage. 'Depart from me, you workers of iniquity' is a form of setting unbelievers free, which is not the same as protecting and redeeming them. When a believer in the truth has the Truth in them, they are able to speak the truth, which very few people really do. Someone who believes in the Way, the Truth and the Life demanded by HVHY of his people will let an unbeliever go 'free' too, but that is not the same as going away INNOCENT and into good hands. People who seek divorces for reasons other than adultery are like poker players who like to play games but don't ever become holy and justified playing their games of chance.

Life on the sidelines of the proper end zone is better than expensive life in the bleachers, since on the sidelines you still are able to be put into  the spiritual football game.

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