19 years ago, i trusted a male who was actually not worthy of trust, so the number 19 is ndeed a 'big zero' hand now. I owe the man I trusted NOTHING, but in fact he is still a debtor to me according to the existing laws. The fact that inept deputies did not file proper reports against him does not excuse his debt in the sight of any court of the Most High Adonai. Lower 'gods' often allow crimes and sins to go unpunished or 'unresolved' but that will not be the case with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
As I watched a team who labeled themselves 'Diamonds and jewels', I recalled the fact that diamonds are not listed as a foundation in the foundations of the New and holy Jerusalem. Beryl is very different that what our generation overpays for known as a tyoical cut diamond. When it comes to the stone of Levi, I believe there is a high probabllity it is a turquoise, which can be blue or green, but that pink is a very wrong representation of a carbuncle. A pink quartz probably as far off as thinking that hanging a cruxifix on your neck is an appropriate representation of a 'god' who has overcome temptatation and such jewelry is not better than hanging a gold calf on your neck; if you can't resist buying a sign of death, you will not recognize the signs of the real Way, Truth and Life.
A short exerpt of a letter I wrote to an acquintance who is not part of the Church of Philadelphia by his choice might be helpful to someone else, since it addresses a matter more serious than a golf ball. The acquaintance seemed to think that letters aren't helpful because you cannot hear the 'tone' of someone's voice, but often tones are misintrepreted more easily than a letter is. For his sake, I added a 'letter tone' to my commincation with him.
"Tone: maybe like Jeremiah, and weeping is a sign of a very soft heart that is often appalled by the overwhelming lawlessness that abounds worldwide. Don't forget that I had gone on plenty of real mission trips, and my testimony of faith still matters. I considered the fact that if Bible-teaching churches held a service similar to a funeral service everytime there was a divorce among their members, that maybe the church people would lose the lukewarm spirit that is so prevalent and learn to rally around grieve with and support the living believer who was divorced by an unbeliever."
[ a portion of personal information removed between these related paragraphs ]
"I believe all of the Scriptures are true and that the instructions for the Israelites are meant to be followed by the 'bride' of Christ which the Church of Philadelphia understands. In case it matters, according to people from Judah and others in Israel, this is the 13th month of the year since the barley was not ripe at the end of the 12th month and the feast of unleavened bread is from about April 22nd through April 29th; those dates matter to those who have gathered as a remnant like a ragdoll but in fact we are lively stones. I hope that as the tribe of Levi is expected to do, that you will do and that desire is pure and sincere, without malice. I still hope you can send an email from A.R. H. (short form) as i suspect she is old enough to write or at least tell you what she or Levi might like to say to me or ask me, and I can respond like any other grandma. : Peace I don't want costly phone bills, so much of what I think and am doing can be shared by letter, and much easier than letters were sent 2000 years ago. I don't think the tone that Yeshua had when he told the adulterous woman was gentle when he said 'Your sins are forgiven...go and sin no more.' Without a stern tone after he just prevented what might have been her justifiable death sentence, maybe the man who called others a brood of vipers knew exactly when to raise his voice in order to instill a proper fear in his people. A testimony: I went to conference last weekend at the question was posed 'If 2 lesbians asked you to bake a cake for their wedding, would you?' My answer: We are supposed to feed our enemies, but I certainly would charge enough for the cake to make worth my while. Of course, I would not attend the ceremony. Afterwards, a woman came up to me and said that baking a cake for lesbians would be participating in their sin, but I disagreed with her, especially since I knew the cake would be clean, not unclean. I KNOW I got in more spiritual trouble for serving pork bologna to prisoners who also dispobeyed the law than I would for selling a cake to my enemies. She wanted to argue and I quoted Michael the archangel again and said 'the Lord rebuke you' since she seemed to have a very serious conflict of interest. A liar is just as bad as a lebian, and I wonder if the woman would bake a cake for other people who she suspects might still disobeying other good laws. There is no shame in quoting Michael the archangel when two parties are at an impass when it comes to intrepretation of the good and holy laws. "
If you do not take the time to read ahead and known which stones endure to the end of prophesy, the typical unwise and unsaved person will be deceived by something as simple as a '47 Carl' line or a '39 Cheryl' line, since more manipulated, corrupt and deceiving lines from various team and individual sporting games go into and out of Las Vegas or Utah than go in and out of the PLover River in Wisconsin . There are conspiracies and evil money trees that will get devoured sooner than a clean lamb shank will, but I rather invest in ground lamb than in a Las Vegas vacation or a reservation in a underground cave for those who are 'afraid to die' in the event of a nuclear war. Hiding in caves is not the modus operandi of the elect of HVHY, and it is a fact that the 'Billy Graham method' and similar Protestant methods of religious twistings of the Truth will lead more to a false sense of security and a cruxifix than steer them toward the proper cornerstone and toward serious studies of the equipment and garments of the high priest.
If the difference between Highway 545 and 42 along US HIghway 30 in Ohio intriguws you too much, it is because you are too connected to the wrong King system, possibly by someone else's intentional plans to deter you from the number '26', which is a holy number, just as 441 is set apart as the summation of' Aleph Mem tav.' Thanks to Bill Cloud, I now know that even the Hebrew TORAH texts had letters such as Lamed Beit' to identify the number 32 in the Book of Exodus. Do not confuse Lamed Beit with 'Lloyd Brothers' which was a garbage collecting company in the wausa Wisconsin area. No Hebrew letter is to be considered as trash that can be done away with, but any diamand can be trashed and done away with without shedding a tear if your perspective of a jacinth/ ligure figure is proper and well grounded by faith in the tribe of Gad.
Geology is a good science. It is a shame that the word 'FUSION' now has even become a disgusting word due to television programming that is truly despicable and reprobate and which has been approved of by the current administration of the reprobate Barack Obama. If you refer to yourself as a 'Christian' and you had over 7 years of time and plenty of opportunities to help eliminate immoral filth from the United States communications systems and you didn't, don't expect mercy on the day of judgement. Executiive orders could have been used to forbid all forms of pronograophy and lewd conduct in the media, and let unholyu people practice their disgusting, unholy and immoral conduct in the flesh and in PRIVATE rather than in front of cameras like a Ray Romano whore..
Last but not an Omega joke: I suggest Donald Trump choose Ben Carson for his running mate and maybe we will find out just who the Lord God Almighty allows to take over next in the non-Satan seat, namely the office of the United States presidency. Benjamin is name better than 'Barack'' in history and is mentioned in the Book of Life.
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