Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bad News Brief: Lazy Hispanic Female Ruins Atmosphere At Macomb Corners Park

It's usually pretty simple to test spirits of strangers in local parks by merely suggesting they pick up their own or someone else's discarded trash.

When you enter a public park, if the garbage on the ground doesn't bother you you are mentally ill. If you are not physically disabled, you should be willing to pick up at least a few pieces of garbage that some other unthankful, ungrateful and unholy citizens left behind. I actually went over to the roller hockey rink in Macomb Park and when I arrived, an obese Hispanic woman was standing there while 4 juvenile males skated around garbage in the rink. I suggested that they pick up the trash rather than play around it, and the witchy, unfit and arrogant Hispanic female said she pays taxes so that other people can pick up the trash. Her attiude is exactly whats wrong with most parents in the United States. If your children have enough energy to play, they also have enough energy to clean up the area they have chosen to  play in for awhile or they can be classified as pigs at heart and at mind.

After I decided to pick up the garbage in the roller hockey rin, the witchy HIspanic woman, possibly the mother of gang children,  she called me a 'loser' but I said I wasn't a loser and called her 'Hillary'. The witchy obese Hispanic woman was typical of a Linda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa type because she didn't have any respect for the earth,had the traits of an unfit mother, had a mouth that  emitted so many vulgar, stupid or untrue words that it needed to be washed out with Irish Spring and had a selfish attitude, all of which are unacceptable traits for any person who claims to believe in 'God'.

Common problems are easier to identify than to correct. However, it is much easier to control or correct GROUND level pollution in your community than try to correct AIR pollution in your community, and air pollution includes verbal assaults against decent, law-abiding citizens who do care about the environment. If your children don't learn environmental education from you, don't get too upset if they get extremely sick from cancer  or taught a free lesson by a unemployed non-union environmental education teacher.  Disasters directed again st the earth might be prevented in areas where those occupying the earth care enough to stop assaulting the earth with their litter, but you won't know if you can prevent disasters in your area until you start cleaning up your areas brfore the next tornado wipes your community off the map due your wrong attitude about ground pollution where you live, work and play.

Last year I helped do spring cleaning at the Macomb Corners Park and there is no shame in doing so, and as a matter of fact it is GOOD to keep an eye on just how many people in your area lack etiquette, since you might be fortunate enough to move to another area with wiser citizens by the providence of HVHY.  It is always easier departing from an area that has affluent pompous, uncaring neighbors than it is leaving a clean and kind area where many families are struggling financially.

'Macomb Living Magazine editorial insert: Living next to the people at 55055 Estates Lnne in Macomb is like living next to a wax museum. Little Nothing good seems to come from occurs from the mouths of the human figures that go in and out of their building, and most of the time it is better receiving the silent treatment from 'Christinn' hypocrites than hearing them ask you if you want to fight.

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