If your easily deceived, Scott Stevens will impress you but I am not easily deceived. A lot of televised interviews are laughable and as contrived as an interview with Bill Clinton conducted by Bill Murray. Removing yellow dye#5 from 'Captaine Crunche' would be a bettter move toward goodness and kindness than wanting to work under or next to a male like Scott Stevens for various obvious reasons. Maybe someone should ask Scott Stevens who Fran Parker is or who Jean Fandry is and see if he ever thinks about old widows instead of Stanley cups and his own spirit that lacks a desire to repent for anything he has done.
People who talk fast and like to be set up in front of cameras like Kathryn Tappen and Jeff Blashilll often do not think about what they are really saying. Scott Stevens talks fast and his type is not the type that becomes part of the elect because great swelling words and ' the concept that he would never change anything done in the past if he could reveals a haughty spirit.
If I try to compare an interview conducted by Jerry Caluette (unsure of spelling) on 'God's Great Outdoors' episode #604 to a Fran Healy interview of Scott Stevens, they are equal to one another. The difference is that Shane David Hendrikon on episode #604 had the temporary advantage of having a wife whoe cared more about distriuting Bibles than in getting my number retired. What I wonder is how can a man like Scott Stevens possibly get to the point where he does regret many of the moves he made in the past and openly repents? Such a change could only come by a miraculous event, possibly very destructive, entering the realm of Scott Stevens area of comfort.
Just as I don't know how a male like Scott Stevens could ever start being less impressed with himself and more impressed with the book of Jude, I don't know how a man like Shane David Hendrikson went from a usually decent, hard working and kind person into a typical hateful, greedy, lying anti-Christ who decided that he no longer wanted to believe in the God of the tribe of Judah. It has been 19 years since I failed to properly discern the spirit of Shane David Hendrikson and because of that I made very wrong decisions. Unlike Scott Stevens, if I could go back and change some of the things I did, I would and Shane David Hendrikson never would have gotten a second date with me. My flesh was weak, and I had not attained the proper understanding of what the Most High God expected of me in the area of his commandments. Once it had been revealed to me that I had NOT heard the full gospel when I had been attending Sunday-based churches, I was angry with myself for believing religious lies and ultimately believing and trusting people who said they were 'Christians' that were in fact anti-Judah at heart. I can honestly say that I only have filled the role of a concubine for one male in the past 19 years, even though many false rumors may have been spread by my enemies about me. A concubine mates with man and eventually finds out he is not monogamous at mind or heart, and Shane David Hendrikson proved he could not remain monogamous. A legal and faithful wife finds out she was only an unloved concubine as soon as her legal unbelieving husband files for divorce and moves onto another female i know my first adult baptism under the direction of Dean Noonan changed my mind in a very positive way and I began a lifetime of learning studying, believing and obeying the Scriptures. Prior to that, I had seen so many people not take their wedding vows seriously that I fell into moral traps that thankfully I escaped from after serious repentance. Sanctification and holiness takes years, not a moment, and temptations do not go away after you are baptized as an adult.. With the proper holy spirit, the temptation to sin loses to a stronger desire to be faithful, obedient to the commandments and ultimately avoid being attracted to or tempted to join the millions of 'Christian hypocrites' in their trasngressions of the Law.
I thought carefully this morning about my strengths and abilities to turn away OR fight against obvious sins committed by me or by others in my view, the latter taking more courage than turning away from them. Without a male in my household that is morally even stronger than me at fighting sin patterns in himself and in the community, all I would be is a babysitter to an adult that would eventually leave to seek someone who is spiritually weaker than me. Whether he would improve the condition of that woman's life or get 'watered down' by her complacent attitude toward sin in the household or in the community, I do not know. i do know that a sign of sound mind includes the ability to remember the past and not manipulate facts to coerce another mind to choose you, like you or love you.
Israel didn't get grafted into Rahab's household; Rahab waited for a redeemer who was more moral and had more ability to combat sin than she had. When a nation legalizes sin such as prostitution, overtaxing its population and allowing non-emergency businesses to be open on Sunday, many people THINK they are innocent or 'saved' by their faith in a lying pastor when in fact they are still very guilty in the sight of a holy, pure and righteous God.
A zero hand (19) in cribbage is easier to understand than the reasons so may people prefer perversion, sin and lawlessness to commandment keeping.
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