Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Swines are Wiser Than Barack Obama And The USA Congress

I will make scarlet thread lines not headlines with this article.

In order to safely test an opponents will to live at peace with a neighbor, try the following:
1. Determine that it is a non-emergency setting and a non-emergency situation.
2. Make sure that no one will profit financially from taking or giving the test.
3. In a low pressure situation, ask an enemy or adversary to properly fulfill a legal and reasonable request.
4. If the opponent you are testing complies with your reasonable and lawful request under little to no pressure, they might respond properly during a real emergency or a crisis situation.
5. If you opponent, enemy or adversary does not comply with your reasonable and lawful request, he is a terrible leader, will cause a crisis sooner than he would ever be able to stop a crisis, is unworthy of trust, and should not be pitied if swift supernatural judgments come against them by an act of HVHY, which is the opposite of an act of Congress

I will two examples of men who passed and men who failed a test.
A) 2 Macomb sheriff's deputies were identified as being unholy adversaries rather than friends of mine. I asked them o sit farther away from me after making my opinion of them clear, and they responded to my lawful and reasonable request to sit in an area farther away from me to reduce my tension and ultimately avoid a battle of words.  I and my two enemies all left  the location unharmed and no crimes were committed, so all three of us passed a test. We chose to reduce the tension rather than increase the level of animosity toward one another.

B) I asked a former bowling teammate, Marcello, who now is an opponent on a team named 'The 4 Kings'  to finish bowling the last frame before I or his father-in-law  rolled out last frame. Marcello refused, and there would have been a long delay or a 'stand off' had I not bowled before he did. There was no gambling going on to my knowledge, and I just wanted to resta bit and see what score we might need to win the 3rd game of our match. Marcello is a terrible leader, because my request was lawful and reasonable in a low pressure gmae. Acts of stubborness to reasonable, lawful and friendly requests are what dictators excel at, and such people also refuse to keep the commandments of HVHY on a voluntary basis.  It did not matter that my team lost the 3rd game, what did matter is that Marcello's true uncooperative spirit was exposed and I was thankful I was no longer a member of his team.

A reasonable request to the United States elected officials would be for them to repeal their own pension plan immediately, including repealing any security for them beyond what any other citizen receives on a daily basis. We are at a time of crisis in the United States, so this isn't a low-pressure suggestion. An elected official is supposed to have another occupation, his position is meant to be a temporary period of service to the community just like someone on jury duty and decent elected officials were never meant to become filthy rich and therefore wicked servants. Most elected officials have become wicked and unjustified by their own actions and excessive salaries, comiled with unreasonable benefits.  If some 'Good Friday' brings a swift execution of holy judgments against those who have let their greed and lack of respect for this nation cause me and others to become nauseated at the sound of their voice, shout for joy and do not mourn.  Unless you prepare your mind for victory against evil, you will wrongly think that the collapse of a terrible and unjust system is evil.

When Yeshua sent demons into the swines, the swines had enough sense that they chose not to attack tthe holy prophet in control of their location and condition. Yeshua is like a lifeguard to only a few, and he is and always will be an adversary to enemies of Truth which include liars, cheaters, adulterers, thieves and those who murder except in self-defense.  Those who call this Friday 'Good' and see no genuine changes in the minds, hearts or demeanor of current United States elected officials, really don't understand the meaning of the word 'good' yet. When Goodness defeats evil anti-commandmentists and wicked servants who pay themselves more than they or their anti-Christ actions are are worth, crucufuxtion will not be the method of discipline against those who have more than enough time to agree with the commandments that were once part of the foundation of the United States of America without being forced on all of its citizens.

The God of Noah is too kind to crucify his enemies. I warn, but I do not offend anyone who is on the side of righteousness. I am thankful to be part of defense, since I do not have enough strength to be part of the offense necessary to humble  greedy politicians who are lazy and unworthy of mercy.

Before you choose to run for political election, I would suggest you make sure you have enough money set aside from a non-federal pension plan to get you through an unpaid period of time you choose to 'serve' our nation instead of robbing our treasury. Labor unions and retirement systems that do not supply pensions to politicians should be considered 'safe' and fair sources of income even if another goverment system overtakes us at federal level due to divine providence..

I hope there are many elected officials and deceivers who are not able to rest in peace like the prophets and saints are able to do because they have been tried, tested and forgiven after proper repentance. My hope is like a scarlet thread.  This is the year of the monkey to some, and might be just before the cock crows in time to prepare for the year of the dog. A dog is not capable of lying, but sometimes takes by force what he needs to survive.

Just and good systems will not fail, but they do generate fear from time to time. Those who are true and just aren't fearful but they are sober, vigilant to properly fear the holy and true God and very careful not to sin against their neighbor. Until evil systems collapse, it is proper to mourn and pray.

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