Saturday, March 12, 2016

Foolish Females Demand Equality With Males

There are certain signs that people are pushing an anti-TORAH agenda and unless you are aware of them you will be lulled into lukewarm waters and you will spiritually die like a stupid frog when the heat gets turned up.

1. Ignorant Michigan female is filing a lawsuit to get require all women to be forced to register for selective service. Her attitude is absolutely anti-Christ by nature because good men are willing to protect weaker vesssels. I recall the comment of a young girl named 'Angela Stroik. of Mosinee, who said she wanted to join the Army so she could kill people, and those words uttered from her lips at about the age of 7 or 8.  Joining any branch of the USA military reveals a desire to actually be part of an extremely corrupted secular offense system, not be part of YHVH's  spiritual defens system .

2. If you haven't matured enough to realize that beauty contests, dance contests, pompom squads and parades are a ridiculous waste of time and a root of the wrong kind of pride, you lack genuine faith in the Scriptures. People who have rejected the message of the apostles get caught up in St. Patrick day ham lines and Michigan State cheerleader shrimp fests like any other anti-Israelite and therefore  'anti-King of Judah religious cult that disregards the dietary expectations of the true and clean Church of Philadelphia.

3. If you are unwilling to physically defend your property against lawbreakers, you should not expect the police to risk their lives to protect your property. Litter on your lawn means you disrespect the local laws since it often gets blown onto public or neighboring property. Make sure your housing area is a clean as possible if you desire proper attitude from 'plan B', which is local law enforcement.

4. Start to train yourself to be a first responder to your own difficulties. If you train yourself properly, you might be able to avoid being treated improperly by hirelings such as sheriff deputies and drug-pushers with medical degrees.

5. Holy women are meant to be protected by holy men, and Michael the archangel is a holy man with a holy spirit that will not be overpowered by the whores of Babylon. Holy women are meant to assist holy men in their endeavors to defeat unholy who are often surrounded by and temporarily preotected by civilian strumpets and vulgar military unholy women. In these cases, uniform and clothing policies are a very serious matter, just as dietary patterns are a very serious matter.   The true elect of HVHY will not be standing in lines waiting for the allotment of bullets to feed into their guns which can't get the demonic spirits away from them. A Milwaukee District V reminder: the best officers might never have to fire a round out of their gun during an assignment. Make sure you read 9 if you agree with pint 5.

6. If states like Michigan really want to prevent gambling problems, they would make all lottery and casino games illegal. Don't be fooled by administrations who try to play it 'both ways'.  The elect of HVHY will not participate in typical Las Vegas type gambling systems, even if they take some reasonable risks in legal investments.

7.  Beware of huge lies that you see in print, such as those by Callaway clubs. Golf clubs are not  able to forgive and describing them as 'forgiving'  diminishes the real meaning and necessity of being forgiven after properly repenting. Golf games are not a source of redemption.

8. Males in the Pentagon aren't going to care if your young son or daughter gets killed in the front lines of action because most of them sit behind desks and do less to try to prevent crimes than the typical underpaid security guards in businesses.  Do not consider it a reason to rejoice now that they opened all leadership areas to women instead of  keeping certain units 'male only'.  It is a fact that even one female can and usually do cause more problems within a group of well-trained military units than a dog, since the dog is not going to become an adultery threat to the men during periods of high stress or boredom while away from their spouse.

9. Simeon Blue LondonTopaz reminder: those in local law enforcement ranks who never seek a promotion are also the ones who are not afraid to be the first to respond to a crime scene.  Detectives  and high ranking supervisors often show up on a scene when those  making less money than them already secured the area properly.  More people should try to fight for higher wages for first responders to real  emergencies than to waste their time and money drawing shamrocks on the sidewalk or trying to get their  daughters pushed into military combat roles by a nation that hasn't even been able to make peace with a true and very just God yet.

10. Mark Wahlberg typifies a spiritual loser who attracts the attention of spiritual idiots.  Brian Berg and Thomas Wahl typify humans who produce carbon dioxide but who do not produce good spiritual fruits due to condition known as 'anti-commanmentist syndrome'.

Thats it for day 355 of first year Sardius students. It's not that easy making it to the tribe of Dan's lapis lazuli status which should recognize the number 712 today.

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