Thursday, April 28, 2016

'The Milestone' Staff Is Guilty of A Grave Sin

I did not expect April 28th to be a 'good day' and as it ended up, it was a mixture of good and bad, just like just about every family and nation on the face of the earth. If I start off with the bad news, it has to include the following:

Incident A) The Catholic Church still is very wrong in expecting any good God not to look upon their sins, and evil gods will allow them to continue in the error of their ways. Just as a holy family is willing to be looked upon as an example to a society, bad families hate to be notified of their sins. I did leave a free gift, a warning, for the church of Notre Dame staff in Ottawa and they might receievce or reject it, but I did  my church of Philadelphia duty.

Incident B) After a very good conversation with an Ottawa POlice officer, I procededto site #29, a 'War Museum'. It was a disgrace to see images of naked and topless women in the museum, making it no better than a Playboy club. Also a disgrace was an intact Nazi flag being raised up thebuilding instead of torn in half and cast down like a good anti-Nazi museum SHOULD do. I gave the museum reasonable warning, and they might consider upgrading the museum to make it more family friendly and less like the Bill Clinton and MOnica Lewinski zone in its displays.

Incident C) After enjoying a very good meal at a restaurant called 'The Mill St. Pub', I took a long walk back to my vehicle. I had another good conversation with a local police officer, and stepped into a restaurant and bar area known as 'The MIlewstone'. I had a intelligent conversation with a man who had been in New york and Illinois, and then was refused to be served an alcoholic beverage by a caucasion male bartender at about 8:30 pm on April 28th. The bartender openly suggested I exhibited signs of drunkenness, although I was very sober. I informed him he was wrong, and let him know I had three cups of coffee and two small samples of beer earlier. He said he didn't care and that he would only serve me coffee. I informed the fool who is also my false accuser that serving too much coffee to a person is also dangerous, and I knew a shot of Hendrick's gin would be better for my system than another cup of coffee. Accusing a sober person of drunkenness is as bad as accusing a person of adultery when you have no real proof other than some bias or some false information. Accusing me of drunkenness was like accusing me of adultery, since drunkenness is an act that is contrary to what is permitted for real saints. The male bartender called up his female manager and she 'backed him up' as easily as Linda Costa backed up Jim Costa in Wittenberg, Wi. I rejected her apology since she publiclly accused me of a sin that I did not commit. Such an incident is more serious than Cam Newton being irritated by media personal, since offering stimulants to a person is also offering them potential trouble to the bodily functions; fortunatey, I know my body well enough to reject their coffee offer and suggested that the bartender might be under the influence of drugs. It could be that they did not like the color of my skin, namely a Philadelphia Flyer' Paul Coffey edition' and were trying to embarrass me rather than serve me one drink. Bearing false witness is a serious offense, and without being willing to accept proof of my sobriety I was 'judged builty of drunkenness' without a trial by ignorant employees of a restaurant. At least when GOOD police officers suspect you of drunkenness, they give you a chance to prove you aren't drunk.

The good news is.................. Ottawa is in fact a well designed city with beautiful architecture and I am still not ashamed to be affiliated with uniform police officers who most probably do know more about me and my communication methods than the typical arrogant bartender who probably would have served me if I had more cleavage showing and spoke French with a bit of a racial slur. Some atheist and ungodly people refuse to acknowledge that 'penguin' does start with a P and that Pittsburgh is just as important as Tel Aviv or Angarsk in past history and in the present 6th day of  the Israelite holy week.  There still are many offenses that have to be properly atoned for before there will be peace on earth and until then consider yourself blessed if you have stopped sinning because you believe in obeying the commandments and the local government laws.

Friday is a new day, and I intend to tour the inside of the Parliament building. Too many 'Vanderbilt' typesfailure to recognize that overbuilding for a family is as evil as not providing for your family due to laziness or denial of your family.

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