Since I can't seem to get any current information on the status of my current salary, I am left to ponder other problems that occur at the 'Mark Smith, San Jose Shark' level. I asked a woman who claimed to have been raised Pentecostal and is currently trying to convince herself she is saved the following question: 'Can you give me an example of a strong delusion?' She couldn't.
Strong delusions are plentiful, since they cause people to believe a lie. A person who gets plastic surgery to 'improve their body shape' creates a strong delusion, namely tries to fool other people into thinking he or she is healthy, self-disciplined regarding exercise, in control of their food intake and in good physical shape. A person who is not under the influence of the Holy Spirit will believe the obvious deception or be snared or lured by the deceiver, rather than rejecting the strong delusion and resisting the deceiver.
I then asked her to explain her position that she rather see 2 guilty people get released without punishment than see 1 innocent person get jailed. In this case, she represents the problem with society, since an innocent person in jail might be a light unto the prisoners, just as Joseph was, and the guilty are not to go UNPUNISHED. Was not the man who she would call 'Jesus' innocent and yet jailed, as were many of the biblical prophets? It is a strong delusion to think that an anti-Yehovah elected judge can get a person cleared from serious anti-commandment sins unless the judge orders the guilty to 'pay up' according to HVHY's standard. If a judge orders a thief to pay back exactly what he stole, the judge gives the thief a false sense that his sin has been 'covered' by the fine, when in fact, it has not been covered. Very few victims of crimes even know they are entitled to 4 times or 5 times of the original value of the property stolen or damaged intentionally by a criminal. In contrast, if a 'Christian' goes to a righteous priest, confesses a serious sin such as theft of a candy bar, and the righteous priest orders him to return to the storekeeper and pay 5 times what the candy bar cost, there is no need to keep a record of the thief's wrong and the storekeeper has gotten 'victim justice', because a proper penalty was applied to the criminal who had been unjust.
When the woman tried to use the thief on the cross as an example of the 'simplicity of forgiveness', she failed to acknowledge that the thief FIRST was forced to or voluntarily submitted to an unholy Roman government's law and penalty of crucifixion before even considering seeking a redeemer of his spiritual condition. Likewise, if a murderer or thief FIRST turns himself in and confesses to crimes which he has committed, and is prepared to accept the current government's penalty for his crimes (submit to the local laws), he then has the opportunity to submit to the rules and regulations necessary for atonement for his sins in order to keep him in the Israelite obedient 'sheepfold' and grow in righteousness, becoming justified by his faith is HVHY's Israelite system. In some cases, the victim of a crime has the ability and the right to forgive a debt but there is no requirement for a actual saint to reject restitution when it is offered to them with proper repentance for the original crime against them.
Some of these questions occurred to me after I read a report indicating that Nazi leadership during WWII had made some sort of agreement that only British and American military officers would not be executed if the escaped from prisoner of war camps and then were recaptured, therefore 'unjust scales' became obvious. In fact, MGM did create a strong delusion by replacing 'Canadian' historic military figures with American figures. This unwritten favoritism might have been negotiated by anti-Israelite leaders in England and the United States who were already strongly opposed to submitting to the laws of Moses just as Hitler was. It becomes a serious consideration when certain nation's officers are 'exempt' from discipline and others are martyred for their connection or willingness to actually fight for the freedom of the Bible believers rather than join with those who decided to change the times and laws of appointed times of rest and taxation limits. It was unclear whether Canada was considered British, but I know there is a difference between british and Canadian forces in history.
Now, if you can prove that there is a real difference between Ben Bishop, Matt Murray, 'Murray Bishop' and Detroit Redwings 1st round 17th pick 'Murray Craven', you will have done more than I am able to do at this time in history. I have reason to believe that many sports teams often play too many name games rather than trusting the name of the true and hoy most high King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
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