Sunday, June 5, 2016

Low Note for Book 66, 2:24 through 2:29

It's time for the church of Thyatira to pay attention to the loss of 'Clay'. The kingdom of HVHY is not going to be made up of men like Cassius Clay or any other boxers who basically try to beat the brains out of their neighbor for a paycheck. When a 'copper' gets mad at a criminal and gets a few extra punches in for his salary, too many fools start complaining instead of trying to get the sport of boxing outlawed. When the clay is dashed into pieces, the rod of iron remains as a huge '26' clue to the strength  that accompanies necessary discipline rather than trying to render your neighbor into a state of mental oblivion merely for other mentally ill spectators to watch.  It doesn't matter what name Cassius Clay assumed as a legal alias, his original name does matter. Just a reminder, there really is no 'purple rain', and people who sing that song have the wrong master in their mind.

I can become an expert at ignoring my neighbors if I have to, just as my God might ignore the prayers of those who fail to exercise the right to keep his commandments. The more spiritually and socially lukewarm  my neighbors become, the colder I get in order to survive. When I feel 'cold', I do what I have to do to refresh myself spiritually and physically without resorting to drugs or illegal activities. I usually avoid going in the 'hot' direction when I am upset only because I'd rather remain in control of my temper, unlike the angels who really are going to help pour out wrath upon people who have not been sealed due to their desire for a state of lawlessness.

As it stands, Barack Obama and his unrighteous Ivy League brothers will fall into the same category as Cassius Clay.  He has made plenty of money bullying people who are too peaceful to attack him and too holy to  associate with him. When a president does not use his authority to keep mentally ill males out of school areas set aside for females, it is clear that the individual 50 states have to view the federal government as abusive and dangerous to the citizens. Each parent will have to decide whether they want to risk their child's safety in a public school or cough up the money to send them to a parochial school for their own NORMAL protection of their actual bodies.  Losing federal funds might be like losing a bribe from Hitler or a terrorist organization who is provoking decent citizens rather than protecting decent citizens.  Any person who is denying their literal gender has a moral and mental disease, is delusional and should be removed from rather than  forcefully injected into areas that SHOULD be trying to avoid and deter sexual assaults and lewd and lascivious activities. Have the schools go to the plastic porta-potty system that the sexually and morally ill can use; most of us had parents or grandparents that had to use outhouses, so that's not a form of discrimination to give people who deny their own natural gender a private option that is affordable to a school or liberal church.

The Obama administration has done as much to weaken the United States as Hitler did to weaken the mind and conscience of Germans and Italians in the 1930's.   I don't forsee trying to escape the United States like the Von Trapp singers fled Austria.  Even if I am invited to reside in another nation, I plan to be available to my family in case their is a real emergency in their state, just as I know they will keep their doors open to me if there is an emergency in my area.  As hard as it is to have family members scattered in several states, it might be better than another situation similar to the Warsaw ghetto.  I suppose I am no furthur from my family than Joseph was when he was in Egypt, and I keep the mindset of Joseph when I don't or can't have the mindset of Simeon Rice types.

As the third biblical month approaches, remember that Gad gets sealed 3rd, that the high priest that we can approach boldly in our time of need is going to be from the tribe of Levi, not the tribe of Judah, because the written TORAH has not been done away with.  I wasn't stupid enough to name my child 'Torah'.  The G=gimel team is still Sheldon Souray in my books and the red billiard ball team is still the Chris Chelios team in  my books, not the Russell Wilson offensive lines. True blue line badgers are much better than others in catching onto visual and audible codes and defense than John Luckey  or John Atlas types. If you want to rely on comic books and fictional characters, the failure of your idols and 'god system' will become evident. Unless someone I chose to be on my spiritual teams has chosen to become my enemy, they remain on my team and on my best Napthali, ten code, and Zebulun sides which have to remain tied to the church of Philadelphia and BERYL or Sardius as an accepted cornerstone.

Strong's word code #1531 is pronounced 'goal' but means 'bowl'. Indeed, even men like John Payne, John Piper,  and Ray Comfort probably will  be aligned with the Al Sharpton and Doug Allord types which means they will be on the wrong side of the holy bowl judgment administration.

'Warcraft' is absolute stupidity, just like any other unrealistic movies that attracts the mentally ill into movie theatres.

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