When a person makes serious plans and isn't as ignorant as 'Rachel Boston', deciding where you will be needed most is sometimes nearly impossible without a genuine invitation. I had planned to return to the Troy Ice Rink this eevening, possible to help some decent athletes with a lesson PLAN I ahve been working on for YEARS. Since I have been going to the Troy Ice Arena, I am confident that what notes I have left behind will be useful to them in locker room 12 and 17, since I know I am not the only person working through serious problems which require a sound mind and good health practices. I actually might feel like I made the wrong decision by not going to Troy tonight, but I am actually going to an area that is more likely to need reinforcements, namely, to 9th and Linwwod street church.
When doors to a struggling church are not closed to me, I must not take that for granted. The Loran Livingston types are as plentiful as the Melvin Gordon types, but the Nehemia Gordon types are few in number and willing to take risks in order to get the Truth of the TORAH to a remnant of people who have not chosen to go the way of Jesse Jackson, Jr.types. The Troy Ice Arena is not struggling financially, just like a good fitness center will draw in people who want to invest in their own health care programs instead of watching stupidity such as a fake wedding, a Muhammed Ali memorial or 'Queen of England' pompous fashion shows that are not as important as the USA I-90 system of transportation. My absence in one location just means I cannot cut my body in two just because I'd like to be 2 places at the same time.
As I told the group of humans who gathered at noon in rink#3, Playing hockey is how I try to stay alive rather than rolling over and playing games that do not challenge my lung function or my mental capabilities enough. As a former business owner who lost much to a Nazi-type divorce gang, 1R way is for a respondent, but 20R or Joseph to Benjamin is how a 12 and 13 neighboring squads have to think. The colors at the Troy rink do remind me of amethyst and emerald, just like Issachar and Judah end up in a 4th and 12th foundation system. There are a few very suspicious characters mixed into most hockey rinks, but the overall atmosphere at Troy has never gotten to a point of lack of tolerance for Catholic schools and that is an important POINT of St. Bartholomew reference. Frget the Dan Marino types since they have gone the way of Antonio Brown types, but do not forget the Dan Mjelde, the Dan Wesolowski, the Dan Magno and the Dan Homontowski types who still are the type of men who provide real stability in local history that doesn't need television crews to ruin their environment of hard work, real basic education skills, and of course, knowledge of offense and good defense.
I don't want to be like a female named 'Cameo Barbian-Gayan', since she lacked proper respect for women like Eileen Wolf and me. Shorter is NOT always better, and men like Melvin Givens are better than cowards like Larry Mizewski and Vincent Howard when it's starting time and a long way from 'quittin' time' on squad 21. Levites will survive, and if you can keep the following FACT in mind, you might end up being as wise as George Washington in an anti-Nazi pro-HVHY battle:
Weak and beggarly types include politicians who ask for your money to help them land a better paying job. The chosen people are not going to return to the weak and beggarly politicians for their map legends or their ' right ahead' and 'left ahead' compass systems. Let what 'left behind' try to catch up to the honest, moral and humble leaders that have been temporarily hidden, delayed or miraculously protected for a very important showdown against liars and people who still refuse to admit that is no such thing as a good witch according to those who are actually saved and part of the tribes of Israel. Words in a slant formation might fall on you and crush you rather than protect you from the evil trends of an immoral nation.
Barack Obama chose 'Madonna' to be his partner in stupidity on television. A wise man would never get close to such a despicable woman who represents the spirit of Jezebel rather than the spirit of truly beautiful women like Ruth Cunningham. Barack Obama is a disgrace to the United States, and a Chicago faucet is perfection compared to the anti-Christ types such as the Macomb County Sheriff's Department, the Marathon County Sheriff's Department, Edward Flynn and Barack Obama bunches, which abound as tares in and around cities like Chicago and Milwaukee.
I base my evaluations of the competency and moral fiber of people I have left behind on my own real experiences, not on theory or 'Nancy Drew' books.
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