If you have been through and survived several real wars, you might approaching unfriendly area in a much different manner than you used to. Surviving a battle does not mean you won, but that you may have survived in order to win a subsequent battle in a genuine rematch of force against force.
Declaration of real wars include but are not limited to:
A) Divorce petitions against a faithful spouse or a spouse who has openly repented for their adulterous ways.
B) Criminal injustice, which means committing a crime, against a real person(s).
G)Intentionally failing to properly accomplish a legal and good task that the Most High God assigned you to do or a honest, law-abiding citizen requested you to do, which means you declared war against the Most High God and and/or the law abiding citizen. With this accurate description, the Marathon County sheriff'd department clearly declared war against God by failing to arrest my former employee after a clear case of obstructing justice by intentionally declaring lies to responding sheriff deputies and after they became PTAC by refusing to file accurate reports for my very serious complaint of a felony theft of cash reserves and equipment by my former employee, Shane David Hendrikson, who 'quit' both his job and his duty to keep his marital vows. When a government lets people easily flip-flop or totally disregard legal vows, and legal contracts ( a marriage is also a business contract) they become party to perjury against an entire community.
D) Not everyone knows what wars and conflicts their neighbor is currently involved in, so a declaration of war against common courtesy might include failure to give notice that a serious war is still in progress in an area. For instance, my HOA is continually illegally using mailboxes to put their party and anti-Lot 1 agenda which include their, not my, rummage sale information. Because I have weightier measure to attend you, I will address their lawlessness with the local post office when I return from my next real combat zone. Postponing one serious problem does not mean the problem dissappearred, it often just means there are only a few willing to combat lawlessness and too many who disregard existing laws due to their own arrogance or their own lack of intelligence. The laws regarding improper use of mailboxes has been around for decades, and does not change like the income tax beast-like laws.
Sound advice to reassure YOURSELF that preparation for going into unfriendly Nazi-type turf is as important as preparing to evacuate an area due to a hurricane which the Lord God Almighty has allowed to occur, possibly because of excessive lack of respect for his laws and his creation in the nation the storms are occurring in .
A) It is sometimes better to have a good supply of extra supplies than too few supplies and you end up as a weak and beggarly element that did not properly assess the level of risk in the area you entered.
B) If you consider how much time, money, manpower and equipment has been deployed into area where battles actually were postponed rather than clearly won, you will be thankful if you can get in and out of real war zones such as Marathon County, Wisconsin with only your equipment that has no debt attached to it.
G) Within any large scale war zone, it is very important to secure posts and establish contacts with people who you know are on the side of the living God rather than on the side of anti-Christ types such as a horse stupidly named 'The Creator' , an arrogant State Farm agent, the Coca-Cola corportation or the side of a corrupt and evil attorney. This tactical point is especially true for women who have been abused for males who are physically stronger than them or anyone who has been spiritually stabbed in the back by former in-laws they had once trusted or at least tolerated for the sake of their former spouse.
D)Being aware of what is on your side reveals to others what or who it is that you most trust while utilizing your freedom very carefully and with due diligence to fight not cover-up for criminals still at large because of terrible government leadership.
H) As in the case of the tribe of Dan, do not be so anti-local that you decide to be clearly opposed to every sheriff's deputy or every police officer or every military veteran just because the majority of people within those groups have either attacked you, failed to protect or decided to desert and only observe you, hoping they catch YOU doing something illegal. Be very observant of local laws and choose to salute those in uniforms who have not caused you harm while they show up in your vicinity.
V) Now that you realize Muhammed Ali, Gordie Howe, Whitney Houston, MIchael Jackson, Elvis Presley and Diana Ross all failed to prove they are anything less than equal to spiritual losers like Abraham Lincoln, meaning they did not bring peace and safety to the earth or to their nation of citizenship, remember that Yeshua came to cause division rather than bring 'world peace' to his side. If you remain in favor of and in stride with the pro-commandmentists even if you are not getting paid to obey the commandments in the Bible, you will clearly be on the proper side of the prophets but could end up in a division that you didn't expect to be safely placed in, such as with the Ruebenites, the Gadites or the Levites. Sometime divisions are as safe to be in as it as being in room 201 in ST. Matthew's grade school with proper fear of the leading nun division.
Z) Rely on your memory instead of relying on television propaganda. If you already know Coca-cola is toxic rather than healthy, mock Coca-cola instead of mocking your fresh water faucet or your fresh vegeatable salad. Try to make 'mock Mountain Dew' by drinking caffienated tea mixed with club soda and honey.
C) Under the Chet Ulickey and Michael Cameron policy, do not let any one judge you or try to incarcerate you if you donated pork products to your enemy, since they retained the right of refusal of your 'free gift' that you gave cheerfully instead of ingesting in a declaration of war against the God of Eldad and Medad. Ulickey and Cameron, currently part of the old-age pensioners and therefore part of my financial group, were not as wise or as as good as Thomas Hendricks, James Cleveland or Thomans Klusman, based on their personal unhealthy habits which they are aware of and I personally observed such as smoking of cigarettes. The C team seems to go the best at *^ or ^*, which always leads into a typical Candien Guy Carbonneau chemistry expression of the love of hockey idioms and Thomas Jackland methods rather than the love of Formula One and extremely unfair match-ups such as a football team against one golfer. When in doubt, trust Captain Skaradzinski, Captain Toews or Captain Crosby under the winning Penguin and 'Hogan's Heroes' rules, but do not 'chief Ruzinski' or Captain Backes' or Captain Black, which is tobacco.
T) Bradford Scott of Vernal, Utah is more like Manessah than Ephraim, and I assure you he is nothing like Zebulon or Issachar, which means he has made many more than one mistake in his lifetime and lacks some real para-military experience. I am not part of the 'Bradford Scott' defense system, since he has 6 children, a current wife and more than 20 grandchildren to defend him. He also seems to trust the Mormons a lot more than I ever could. I am still duty-bound to defend the name of my kind and loving father which moral swine and anti-Christ attorney STUART ROTTIER intentionally tried to destroy in public, even though my family never had committed any crimes against Stuart Rottier or his immoral law firm. Shame on any attorneys that attack people who they either do not know just because they have been BRIBED to do so. When a guilty party pays an attorney to help his escape proper punishment, they have committed a serious form of bribery rather than obtaining spiritual clearing of their very evil actions.
Y) If Pele is your ten code, remember David Withrowe and Marshall Soccer. If Chelios is your ten Code, remember the ark and real animal power at ground level, and if Jason Arnott is your Little X, good for the color BLUE! If Your ten code is Pennington, remember you high school valedictorian was not a concrete statue and understands what a REAL salutatorian is. Getting voted into a traditional position or minimal power is not the same as earning it by hard work and studying facts rather than popularity figures.
I left the Troy Ice Arena in good standing, whether or not I ever am able to return to it. Messages on interior walls should be considered as important as the last scratches in a jail cell or the last fingernail scratches in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. When going into areas where you are hated for your faith in the Bible and in the letters HVHY which are mathematically 26, there is always a possibility that a real enemy or a genuine friend might prevent you from returning to a certain division and helps you relocate rather than continue a battle you have no chance of winning alone. Without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to discern, to judge situations properly or to be willing to go into areas where are are clearly either wanted alive rather than dead (Steve McQueen is better than Amanda Blake as a decent legend) or thankfully unwanted due to lack of any outstanding arrest warrants.
Now that the ' mock Shane David Hendrikson' left Theo's restaurant in Michigan in a 'Hot Tub van' with a huge 2-man Pepsi truck in a due Adam West and non-Rockwood position, remember that the wearing of camo is not a good idea if you still rather relate to the breastplate stone colors or to the billiard ball codes. I notice people that remind of of other isn past just like Rahab did, but favorable words are not going to come out of my mouth if you remind me of a current enemy or seem to emit the spirit of a Nazi. Even the Macomb County Sheriff's department employees are aware that their squad 181 and its entire contents including humans is still only nominal value according to Stuart Rottier. What they are not aware of is that the Oak Park, Michigan police and many other department have a much more value based on their fair works and trust of me while in my vicinity. Stuart Rottier types continually deceieve others and try to put a price or or final disposition of GUILTY rather than spiritually innocent on people and property, since Stuart Rottier and his P.T.A.C. companions do not respect, obey or understand the commandments of HVHY delivered as a free gift to the people of Israel. I am not an amateur at communications, and clearly have a better track record of courage than Virgil Smith when it comes to bowling, church of Philadelphia and flippant legal audible strategies. I remain frugal as needed, and certainly am not going the way of Jessica Simpson since true brunettes are always more reliable than fake brunettes or fake blondes with extremely anti-biblical tendencies.
I appreciate my good neighbors to the east of my current position, which are holding onto and occupying the ground related to the numbers 64, 65 and 66 for some Calvinist reason. I trust the gimel more than I trust the number 3.
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