First, a good old Craig Stingley type Hebrew 4.0=D warning: do not trust Kristen Keith for you female spirit guide. Newly appearring next to Craig Monroe on Detroit FOX sports, she is as caked up as the typical occupier of a coffin and therefore so unnatural that only men like Barry Sanders or Blake Lewis might have the courage to say 'Don't be deceived by Carrie Underwood, Faith Hill, Lauren Campbell, past sightings of Kristen & Angela Peterson and Kristen Keith types, since they look more like Bruce Jenner than they will ever admit due to their daily made-up 'trick-or-treat' look for the cameras that is just as bad as the Ashley Wilkes methodists.' The Old English D is not the symbol nor the sign of the tribe of Dan.
When people become too fearful of doing what is good and lawful, they also lack enough concern to avoid becoming party to their neighbor's crimes. Take the following anti-crime test and see if you get a passing grade. Remember, defrauding your neighbor or local post office of money owed to them is serious because it is actually stealing from them.
1. If the leaders of your nation are breaking laws or suspected of disobeying the laws they created without God's approval, do you:
A) Call the local police and see if they know how to get the political criminals arrested.
B) Write an editorial to your local paper and hope someone takes your non-anonymous complaint to authorities with more power.
C) Refuse to vote and start to pray harder.
D) Make sure you do everything you can to obey the laws and remember that the criminals will not be in 'heaven' with you someday.
2. If your neighbors are committing crimes are suspected of committing crimes in your presence, do you:
A) Ask them to turn themselves into the local police department.
B) Call '911' only because you are afraid at the time of the crime but then you also are too fearful to testify against them if the case goes to trial. In such a case, you should not even bother calling 911, but might as well remain on your own personal 1D plan listed above.
C) Accept the fact that your neighbors committing crimes are equal to those people that were in the Orlando, Florida, Pulse and if there is an anti-crime person in your neighbors gang they will try to flee from them eventually, possibly to a family where crimes are not condoned, such as mine.
D) Increase your own personal defense systems and try to leave incompetent government officials completely off your property.
3. Your local government known as an 'Home Owners Association' has already rejected your opinions and free guidance by a recall election, and now is in the process of breaking existing federal laws in addition to possible considering wasting money on unnecessary lighting which is bad for the environment. The current crime is depositing unstamped mail with HOA information on it into your private mailbox. Are you too fearful to:
A) Lodge an official complaint with the post office, knowing the HOA board and the majority of the homeowners has already rejected your abilities to keep them out of legal trouble.
B) Call the number on the illegal delivery of their private party letting them know you refuse to attend because the first party date on June 5th should not have been cancelled just because there was some rain. Be advised , the 2nd invitation delivered contrary to existing laws now stated the the semi-private party will now be on 'June 26th,2016 at the Macomb Corners Park, "rain or shine'. Using this plan '3B' is equal to refusing to attend a lesbian wedding ceremony since being a lesbian is contrary to laws in many nations.
C) Call the sheriff's department and ask them if it is illegal to put non-stamped mail into your mailbox and be prepared to follow through with a complaint if they are willing to handle it properly. Macomb's county's typical lazy way of mishandling confusing writings that were LEGAL have been terrible, so it is possible they just might decide to start ordering the persons who are scaring the law-abiding or anti-party people neighbors out of the neighborhood without due process or a official court-ordered restraining order instead of addressing the problems with the fearful properly. Be advised, the fearful are the ones who won't bother making an official complaint by going to the post office, not the ones who refuse to waste their warnings on neighbors who were impolite regarding the first scheduled party. Being seen associating with elected officials who are defrauding the post office out of their fees is equal to being seen with Jeffrey Dahmer, since he also disobeyed good existing laws for some unknown reason. Consuming human flesh is not allowed by the God of Israel or the God of Judah. Common C level facts sometimes deliver more of a crushing blow to the ego of an anti-Israeli than B.G.D or straight pro-Adonai A level.
D) With or without officially putting your house up for sale, prepare to actually accept a reasonable offer to purchase your house and get out of affluent subdivisions filled with fearful or pro-crime families altogether to avoid another layer of uncontrollable taxation because you want to seek to reside in a community that has a larger majority of people who know how to stop sinning, repent properly and be anti-crime.
If in all of the above questions you were looking for a 'do nothing and hope for a miracle choice', you are too fearful and are not even close to being 'saved by grace through faith'. If you do at least of the choices given above, you are courageous as the typical rookie police officer in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
If you are too fearful or lazy to make sure your post office personnel knows you clearly do not want to be included as an accomplice in the illegal mailings, how do expect to have any real impact when you become a victim of someone cheating you out of their dues or become party to more serious crimes because it was evident you were trying too hard to get along with the law-breakers? The post office people are owed dues for the mailings that get put into mailboxes and they should not have to be the ones trying to become a collection service for people who continually refuse to learn or obey the laws governing official USA communications. It was a living mailman who helped one of my family relatives get physical help after he was severely burned in an interior house fire; Tinker Bell statues and the Statue of Liberty don't actually do anything good other than irritate people who rather see something that looks realistic, such as a baby lion or a squirrel replicated to scale?
You need to start becoming fearful of retaliating or intentionally trying to aggravate or humiliate people who are associated with the sealed tribes of Israel and those who are not too fearful to fight the Nazi-mindset which might be within them. You should not be too fearful label Barack Obama as on of many anti-Christ humans, since 'anti-Christ' did not hire Barack Obama, Democrats did. Barack Obama is not 'employee of the month', he is an example of a wicked servant put into power by people who are opposed to the teachings of the prophets such as Isaiah, Jonah and Malachi.
I happen to appreciate my postal workers more than I respect the Pentagon, because the postal workers are usually reliable to complete their assignments without violence and without overcharging for their services like the typical military leaders and military equipment sellers do. I also know that people willing to wash, scrub and massage my feet are better than the mentally ill drug pushers known as 'Joshua Morrow' and 'Sharon Case'. A small reminder of what I am no longer 'hooked on', such as despicable soap operas and drugs that do more harm than good to the human body, helps today to be called a good Friday in my life.
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