Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How To Avoid the 'Pedigree' Bowl

There are plenty of very bad signs and even worse festivals being pushed around these days, and the cannot be a cynical report, so I have to be practical in my free advice lines.  When in comes to the letter G, a G7 giraffe is always going to be a better line to trust than a Wittenberg Charger line, and I will identify the spots and who I consider unreliable leaders:

A) Dwayne Wade is an unreliable leader because a streaker at a hockey game is a disgrace and illegal not 'cool'.  Marquette is as unholy as UW Lacrosse, so when in doubt, go to better A team, as in 4.0 students.

B) FOX communications is not interested in helping people ascape their patterns of sin, just as a 'Pedigree' bowl doesn't care if you fill it up with ground up Michael Fisher parts. Totally excluding Nashville Country music lines from your definition of 'good' will improve your discernment and at least keep you on a good David Sanborn or good David Chyla line.  If someone says are are 'two deep'. start remembering your book 66 depth chart on stone foundations and say 'Thanks for considering me a sapphire in your sight'.

G) Toronto is going the wrong way in their festivals, and there is no Philadelphia in the carribean islands. Caribbean queen types are like Freddie Mercury in drag, and the path of the Isalnders already fell apart at the Brock Nelson line, possible because of the Lou Brock line. Because of the G point, I took my New Brunswick flag down and put my Israeli flag back up.

D) Pentecost might as well be another decoration day.  Since I do not believe Rudolph and Donner junk, I raised the old 'Mickey the Boxing coach' casket cover and my George Harsh movie memento with Steve McQueen's smiling smirk for my movie split. At movie splits, you  never trust a person named 'Shane'.

H) The 5 hole is like a Wharton and Kane basketball net decrease line. If you are on the right anti-Patriot Detroit Lion's path, you should start avoiding spending unpaid time around people with too many tattoos. People who have taken tattoos cannot be sealed, and may want to start being around sealed saints like a wood tick on a dog, but you have to start choosing wiser companions to get better spiritual protection and leadership options.

V) The Nashville Predators Arena typifies the wrong '12' way, just like Tom Brady typifies the wrong quarterback way if you want to stay on the proper defensive fishing ( too get true information) and offensive tackle lines.  There are 3 ways to look at a straight v as in 'Virginia Military Line', namely vanadium, a Roman 5, a Hebrew 6 or a valedictorian.  I choose to eliminate the Roman numeral system because it is is contrary to my good Lamed=XXX Root Beer lines I started at Purdue on the 6th day of the week.

Z) The name Zelma Lea is more important  than the name 'John Waite' when you can find your way to a Mark Walton line. MIlwaukee District 7 is not a figment of my imagination, and neither is nitrogen. When it comes to the letter Z, if you are thinking Z is 26, you might as well drag your Jackson Square D lines all the say back to Superamerica number 4026 and see if you can switch from pork ribs to beef ribs at your next Klement's and Milwaukee District 2 way radio lines.  At Z, try to stick with the Zirbel and Zillner lines and eliminate the name 'Zetterberg' from your 91.224 way Urim pointers.

T) ITECH equipment is as tricky as  the following quote: 'Fedorov is like an F-16 fighter compared to a Rockwood Roo.'  I once really worked hard refurbishing an ugly Rockwood Roo, but Shane David Hendrikson's whore line took it over, not an Orr line. The name 'Robert' is important, but yu have to start to ignore the twins games on Ray Romano shows, since Romano is as unholy as Muhammed Ali.
At the tet, many people make errors in underestimating the Korean War veterans who complained a lot less than the typical Vietnam veterans after the way they were drafted into. Remember, being drafted into a war is like being a respondent in a divorce you did not want, since war affect your SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL condition.

Y) Shane and Shane  games can lead to as much trouble as a Dallas Cowgirl line. If you have to attack a Shane and Shane line, attack the movie 'Shane' lines, the Shane King lines and/or the Shane David Hendrikson lines, not the Doan and current Battier lines. I don't care if you attack or defend the Shane Peterson lines or the Shane Greene lines, since those lines are tied into gambling games and casino lines.  I am sticking with my HVHY lines, and in my case, Y is 1st and V is 3rd in order. Experienced wealthy athletes often do make better long and short sleeve decision than the struggling teenager trying to play 'fitness trainer' in a joint filled up with lousy music and lousy television programming.

K) If K is for Kangaroo in your book, think of the 2 hole, not a 19 hand. Kangaroos are good fighters and even Irene Ryan fans know that.  if K is for King, remember your vitamins and your DARE program in order to eliminate the Great Britain monarchy from your ideal 'king' lines.  Many high school homecoming kings are more deserving of honor and respect than anything that is still playing their retarded version of trick-or-treat in London  England.   If you can say 'I'd rather try to talk to my unfriendly Protestant neighbor at least once year than meet the Queen of England', you will be calling a good courageous audible.   Today, I spoke to my unfriendly neighbor on lot 2, asked if his name was still 'Mike' and let him know about a few possible shrubbery and grass problems that I might have in the future. Mike said my problems did not bother him and he did not offer to help me alleviate my landscaping maintenance problems, which means he is still a lukewarm neighbor that I am not afraid of.

L) Lincoln is not a reliable  name, except possible in the automobile industry.  At L ways, you still have to consider who you are calling Lord of your life and who you are calling 'Late shifty Lemon head'. If at 12 you have to take on a big Jack Soo attitude, do not forget that Max Paccioretty made the 4005th 'chosen Larry Hovis' lines, which tie into a Crane sink hole better than into a Johnny Kane line. Wolverine hockey players were coached by one of the bast, not Danzel Washington pure  frauds, apostacy and professional LIAR types.

M) If  KMOX is now Korducki, Milwaukee,Ortiz and Xavier, you have a Xavier Rhodes puzzle to deal with that might be bigger than a Busch Stadium Dumbo line. If your M is still for Michael Vick and the 13th Mem additions, be prepared to know the difference between a Mem in the middle and a Mem on the end of a word, as in 'closer'.

N) The 'Fifty in the middle' lines are the most dangerous hockey neutral zone areas. If you choose Corey Crawford as your 50 lead instead of Mike Singletary, stay with the Lamed series as you Jasper corner, since the Dalet series is more like the corner of a football field from which you can try to continue on to the H=Koslov lines or remember the ephod and try to SAFELY connect with the tribe of Dan, Gad or Reuben for second opinions or extra players in scary scrimmages without Casper and Lucifer.  Nun is the father of JOSHUA, so do not get lazy and end up on the wrong side of Eldad, Moses and Medad!

I hope the above helped prepare you for Shavuot on June 12th, 2016. Michael Rood's brood is not even holy enough to wear necklines that are modest for some reason, so his number '87' front is not as good as Sidney Crosby's personal dress codes.  What Lord Michael Rood chooses to follow is his own choice, but I do not consider Michael Rood to be any less dangerous than my neighbor on lot 2, since both have failed many times in the area of discernment and choices of associates.  Start preparing your body and mind for Tishri the tenth and choose locations to retain a little strength that do not cause you vexation of spirit due to the visually anti-GOOD surroundings. 'Pure Country' is something Rizzo ro Waste Management should be able to handle and toss into their Heil trucks; try to get back into reality and away from useless movies that teach you nothing about things like the flag of Israel, how to fight against Nazis and of course, how to  understand the difference between a small kitchen sink hole line and a  bigger Stewart Cink hole line which isn't bottomless.

The following is a typical final form of a Mem O'Grosky closer that was supposed to be the opener of this post:

There are still obvious trouble spots that will need cautious non-running relay teams to break up or tie together if the tribes of Israel are to prevail over the lazy, pompous monarchy systems that are trying to sway the lukewarm their direction. I will do my best in a typical Rocky Gap method to try a steer you in the proper Black Cow direction.

In  comparisons ,consider a giraffe line (G7) to be better for a true  than a  Wittenberg Charger line (54499)  (Reminder: FOX communications is not pro-sanctification, and Bevent is not Wittenberg).

Burgess Meridith was the Penguine before his Mickey character got eliminated from the Italian games. Maybe 'Punchy' now has to fight 'Thor' in 'Master of the Valley Greens' or in a new production called 'The Thundering Herd Goes Chad, Not Ty.' to knock Checy Chase back into a Islip game.

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