Tuesday, December 29, 2015

M32> Ten Sixteen Timely Natural Advice for Wild Cats

People who reject the intent of natural law and TORAH  will  try to lead you into a path of lukewarm apathy toward 'unnatural affection. It took me over 10 years to notice that the Minnesota Wild's logo is a cat that possible had some green henna treatment, so don't feel guilty if you do not notice subtle details of everything all at one time.  The following are examples of how deranged the typical newscast in the Detroit area has become.

A) To their disgrace, local Detroit news crews tried to make it seem like a good decision for a single female to bear a child without even knowing who the father is. Such a birth will not redeem the mother or the child and the prostitute father has smome type of immoral mental disease.  Any woman who does not first desire a good husband before she even considers having a child is as deranged socially and mentally askew as a child abductor. It is contrary to good family natural law to desire a child to control without having the ability to submit to GOOD male control in a household. The children now called 'diblings' are like the child of any other anti-natural selection situation  because adult females coveted children rather than accepting their single non-parental state properly.

B) After a citizen bravely took reasonable risk to help the victim of a strong arm robbery by regaining the victim's property ( purse) after a parking lot assault, the local Michigan jurisdiction suggested that it would be 'better' to call the police, thereby giving anti-TORAH advice. In a community that is not apathetic, able bodied citizens should take reasonable risk to stop crimes in their area rather than wait for 'the government' to show up and then probably not even be able to recover what was stolen unless a miracle occurs during the investigation. It is wrong to discourage acts of bravery when you see a neighbor being assaulted and 'State Farm' agents are nowhere around to act as a good neighbor, contrary to their claims.  What if the contents of a stolen item contained something essential  to the victim's survivial such as insulin, asthma medication or KEYS TO THEIR HOUSE? Regaining property as soon as possible might have saved more than the person's trinkets in a purse; once criminals have keys tp a house, more crimes are possible against the already traumatized victim.

Seeing people behave in real life without television cameras is often just as revealing as any newscast, except you are more likely to get a true version of a situation by seeing it firsthand.

G) After seeing funeral gathering after funeral gathering, I now realize they draw in shallow friends and cost the immediate family way too much money, just like the typical wedding parties.  Family members should start holding prayer gatherings and meals for the innocent and grieving respondent of an unsolicited  divorce in the family. A corpse does not need sympathy and families need visitors to their homes when they are alive and still grieving. It actually is very unnatural for there to be a large gathering to view a dead body and swarm in and swarm out of a sad situation like some version of sightseers who couldn't or wouldn't find time to get away from work to visit unless there was a death in the family.  Families who have regular reunions are less likely to feel compelled to have to show up when someone is dead and watch what usually is an unholy ceremoy filled with myths and speculation about the 'after life'.

D) I just read a copy of my current will and the wording regarding the land which I dwell on was interesting, since it included the possibility of the United States no  longer being the United States but becoming some other terrirory. The thought of the United States collapsing did not frighten me at all. Only a stronger power could overtake the United States, and I am not afraid of stronger powers that could improve the dysfunctional system we currently are subjected to by brutish and impious leaders of lawlesssness and jurisdictional chaos.

H) Lawyers do not always give biblically sound advice. I do not think it appropraite to only state I remember a son but do not wish him to financially profot at the rime of my death without giving a reason why to the entire family and to include the reason in the signed will. An estranged child is like an estranged spouse, and lack of a positive relationship from child to parent is as bad as the lack of natural and kind affection from  souse to spouse.  A will and testament is not supposed to be a place to exhibit cruelty but is a method to reward people who have treated you with kindness and respect, whether they are family or friends

V) If you are currently an 'involuntary single person' that has been through a divorce requested by another, the proper term you should use for yourself is 'unmarried'. People who petitioned for divorce should continue to refer to themselves as divorced, since it was their voluntary action that caused the divorce. If  you had biblical grounds for divorce, you should not be ashamed to say why you sought a divorce from  an unfaithful spouse. The burden of proof for divorce petitioners will be on the petitioners, not the respondent when its your time on 'judgment day' . A civil court issuing a divorce decree rather than requiring the married persons to uphold the oath they took in fromt of witnesses will be the sin of the 'civil' anti-TORAH  family court systems.

Z) A female named Saph stated she did not like to partake in divorce cases, and her position is better than desiring to push through divorce after divorce. I suggested that if I was an attorney, I would tell clients to invest their money into counseling and prevent the divorce unless they could prove ior admit to infidelity in which case a divorce would be lawful according to TORAH.

C) A 10-16 used to mean ' a  prisoner conveyance' in Milwaukee police speech. A kinsman redeemer first has to deliver truth to a situation, then deliver financial hope and then deliver justice to the oppressed. Hope, forgiveness and faith never will preceed absolute truth, and the ability to speak or report the truth and not offend the author of the TORAH is a gift from HVHY that his people do not reject but are strengthened by. There is no cost attached to telling the truth, but there are sometimes serious consequences after telling the truth in order to properly repent after doing evil toward another.

T) As it is the eve of  month ten, day seventeen, try to remind yourself that HVHY's calender does not hold January 1st as a special date. By design, no specific date was given for the birth of Yeshua but a autumn season was specified for a reason, not a specific date and certainly not December 25th. Adar 25th is the date the king of Judah was released from prison after 37 years in bondage, and Adar 25 will be in early March in 2016. Don't be spiritually offside and hold celebrations that are not specified in the original books of Moses if you expect to be considered a 'Bible believer'. A 10-17 used to be the term for an assist in Milwaukee police speech, and I hope I assisted you away from unnatural affection and back toward mourning when famllies are broken apart due to divorce and staying a bit more neutral when people you don't regularly visit cease to breathe. Most funerals are times when there is more acting and hypocrisy emerging than the typical hockey game.  The Messiah indicated that his believers should not worry about funeral attendance, but did say that his followers should visit widows and orpans, Anytime a former husband and father is permanently absent from a family unit, the result is a widow and an orphan, regardless of 'habeus corpus'. 'If your husband be dead' does imply a different state than 'If your husband is in the grave'. Spiritual deaths occur at the point of sin, and only genuine repentance can resurrect a sinner.

Y) It is better to watch the shoreline between Michigan and Canada than look at Mt. Rushmore or any statue in or out of church if you want to see signs of life instead of false idols which can do nothing to assist you unless you are hiding benid them to avoid getting hit by paintballs, snowballs or golf balls. Taking temporary  cover in unnatural places is like a Merle Norman joke for morticians; eventually the cover fails to support you properly.

K) I did mourn after removing my son's name from my will. No decent  mother looks forward to the day she has to publicly admit that she is unloved and not supported by her son or her son's father due to the hardening of their hearts.  I am thankful I had others that I find worthy of my consideration and trust, even though they do not yet fully obey nor know how to properly worship my judge, Yehovah. Kindness toward me or anyone is a choice, not a requirement.

L) Serious disclaimer regarding ' reasonable risk when crimes are obviously in progress'. If you see a person who  is not a complete stranger or a friend getting assaulted by another,  it usually is unacceptable behavior to  to only be a witness. If I see my enemies or people who assaulted me getting overpowered and assaulted by someone stronger than them, I would not try to prevent the assault on the evildoer, since he reaped what he sowed. Be very cautious when you decide to to nothing , but be even more cautious when you accuse law enforcement of being 'too harsh' with an apprehended criminal. Good police officers, even if they a few in number, do not have an option to 'walk away and do nothing', if a criminal fails to surrender, so the next options are to maim or to kill if the criminal resists too much.  Bad officers do nothing, which is why courageous citizens still should trust themselves to defend their weak neighbors rather than dialing 911 like I did as a last resort. Having potential lazy cowards respond to a crime scene often makes them  party to another crime  rather than properly serving and protecting  people and property.

Have a terrible Kwanza or a sinless sabbarh;  have a terrible New's Years Eve party or a sinless safe and holy winter.

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