Thursday, December 24, 2015

R10> Jacob's Closing Statements=Trouble For Jacob

A few less than obvious facts about real problems are coming to a peak this weekend. Jacob, a very wealthy but morally unstable father, ends up being an accuser of the brethren of Judah.

Problem A: I find it very hypocritical to read that Jacob didn't approve of Reuben sleeping with a woman who Jacob used sexually but did not love and his last minute accusations toward Reuben could lead to Jacob being called a 'false prophet'.  Jacob's words will be his own problem before Dan, son of an unloved concubine, during his 'trial in heaven'. What is more important to notice should be sealing of tribes which indicate that the Lord of Lords does remember good that Reuben did.

Problem B: Trying to eliminate heathen traditions from spiritually lukewarm people  could take as long as 7 years of bad providence causing them to change their practices. It took many years for my intestinal tract to improve after I became aware of problem. The story of 'Santa Claus' is a cleverly devised fable which is a tradition of LYING to children. Such lies will not go unpunished, and proper punishment IS a blessing if it leads a person to change their evil tradition.

Problem C: The church of Philadelphia should be thankful if they can work and get paid for working on Friday December 25th, since Yehovah never declared ot to be a day or rest. If you are thankful you can clearly prove you are not a branch of the Vatican system, make sure you either work on the 25th OR try to find a place that is open and buy something, reminding the workers that Friday is a proper day to work.

Problem D: If 68 years are completed for  the land mass called Israel in a post-Hitler era, this was the year of the 69th week, If your family recognized the Feast of Tabernacles, be thankful that they allowed symbols of biblical obedience on their property, even if the symbol was a visiting saint  like me who was keeping the feast of booths.

Problem H: If you have read the Books of Moses and rejected the instructions, you would have been better off if you never read them them at all. Expect to be corrected if you are indeed a saint. The West Point Army Band is a disgrace to the spirit of our 'Creator' with their heathen religious concerts and lack of a shofar division. The United States is NOT a good nation even though there are some good people within the nation just as Joseph was a good man inside of Egypt.

Problem V: The 12th week of TORAH readings is the beginning of Exodus readings, but remember that it is the 10th month of the year and roughly 5 months until the next Shavuot. The Abaddon units are not going to be confused about times and seasons and certainly will not be promoting anything other than the agenda of a very angry king. Anger should be expected against people who have used their freedom to commit sin, utter lies and reject the message of the prophets from Judah which include Yeshua, a man who was not in a manger on December 25th but might have been conceived in early winter.

Problem Z: Eating unclean is not the unforgivable sin, but it certainly disqualifies a person from getting sealed and leads to anti-Israel people profiting from the sale of unclean meats. Money cycles are important, and purchasing products appropriate for a 'believer' is important. Purchase of morally evil products positions you to be attacked rather than protected from demonic spirits.

Problem C: If your 'captain' told you to have a 'Merry Christmas', you have an anti-Moses captain and clearly he is not a captain who is always  correct. The role of Asher is as important as an 8 ball, the 8 humans on Noah's Ark,  the plague of locusts  against Egypt or the letter Shin, Past errors are not always unforgivable. Without genuine sorrow and willingness to repay those you have stolen from forgiveness if NOT possible.

I did not get paid to write this article but it a form of works that I hope to be rewarded for someday. I know I gain spiritually by sharing rather withholding very serious information that should be weighed out by others who are seeking the kingdom of Yahweh rather than seats to Superbowl 50. Serious problems are meant to be solved, and I have not placed my faith in the United States Army to solve them properly since the United States Army does not have any recent records of trying to please the Yahweh with their works.

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