Yesterday's word was 1337 if you are hoping we have reached the mid-tribulation, and it is tied to waterways: Red and Black are trouble signs in flags, especially if you recognize Hitler's regime in Europe which has spread throughout the earth to more than have received the TRUE gospel that leads to peace with HVHY. Crossing the Red Sea is easier than crossing the Black Sea. Most 'Christians' are still reaching through to pierce and try to kill the body of the Messiah, just like a Roman sword drill. Most' Christians' rather embrace a fat Santa Claus in a Las Vegas Deep Purple line than embrace or TORAH scroll or a lamb before it gets slaughtered for food on passover. It is difficult, not simple, to become part of the few who are sealed with the 144,000.
I tried to penetrate the very dark wall of ignorance typified by the Tony Evans and Dallas Seminary types. It was easier to get over a six foot wall in the Milwaukee Police Academy. Men who have money and strength but lack the wisdom to agree with the teachings of Moshe Ben Amram and the prophets when it comes to daily living are heretics at heart and mind. Tony Evans, like you, have received a copy of a little book below for free, but like any other ungrateful 'promise breaker' type, Evans disregarded it because it did not come from some black liberal arts anti-Moses preacher like John Piper.
I have not changed what I had written except in the 'Yogi Berra-isms', but like Judah in front of Joseph, some of my writing, my speech, my position and attitudes have improved over the years. It has been almost 22 years since I was cast into a prison, a pit in Milwaukee County. I was then became an abused slave for Shane David Hendrikson and in sense he 'bought me' but failed to love me. Joseph was in a position of power for about two years before his brothers showed up in Egypt, and I have not been mistreated my members of my household or my true family for the past two years. What the next 5 years will reveal, I do not know. I am prepared to meet my God, but if He delays it is because there is still serious battles occurring that have to be settled. I am not yet where I want to be, but I am still as safe and as alone as I was in my mother's womb.
June 20, 2010 by 300shindefense441 |
A CENTURION VIEW: A short book on understanding Authority
June 6th, 2009 through June 20, 2010
Controversial maybe, but being honest about what I think and what I have learned is the only way either the truth can be shared or I can be corrected. I have tried to look at the scriptures as an ‘outsider, not an insider. A centurion was often a person caught between two worlds – this book tries to capture both sides – the law and the lawless, and cross examine both.
The centurion in the Bible was commended for his faith.
“For I am a man set under authority, having under me soldier’s and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth; and to my servant “do this and he doeth it.” When Yeshua heard these things he marveled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him,
I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.”
His faith was superior to anyone in Israel! He comprehended that which lawyers can’t and the citizens can’t, and acted as a bridge between the two cultures. He also had to understand the law in order to enforce it.
This is written from a present day centurion, a police officer’s, perspective. Think of it as a ‘Copper’ Point of View. But never think of it as a brass mallet. Modern day Law Enforcement Officers use a flashlight, A 2-4 cell aluminum Mag light – AKA Flashlight. If you are a Bobby and you have no weapons like Egypt, add your stick if you need to double up your power. Righteous Power never looses – it knows how to be a ‘winner Man’.
chapter 1: The Stone cold case
The Ten Commandments verses the Mosaic law controversy should not exist. Yet it does. People argue and accuse each other of heresy, and heresy is a crime against God. It is the crime of twisting his truth, thereby bearing false witness against HaShem. It is a serious issue and with that in mind, this is a serious booklet.
Peter warned that Paul’s epistles were hard to understand. Speaking of Paul in 2 Peter 3:14-15, Peter wrote:
‘And also in his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some thingshard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrestle, as they do also the other Scriptures unto their own destruction. Ye therefore beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness.’
The danger was that Paul was writing about specific applications with a high degree of intellect. Have you ever had something written in a letter be taken out of context because there was no way to understand the situation without being there? I would like us to look at some things 6000 years after the evidence – now that’s a cold case.
If we look at the situation from the Biblical perspective, the evidence unfolds quickly. We know that God first spoke the Commandments to a freed Hebrew nation. They, however, did not want to hear from God directly . Exodus 20:20: “And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us and we will hear, but let not God speak with us , lest we die.“
Many Christians do the same today. If you hear from a pulpit, or just read the commentary, or read someone else’s book, it is never the same as letting the Spirit of God speak directly to you. Yet that is the only way you can trust the source. If we hear instruction from a middle man it can be wrong. If we hear directly from God, it is a fearful thing. God wants sin to die in our life – to be obliterated or at least in remission. In remission means the cause, the flesh, still exists but it is not controlling or overpowering the cure. The Hebrews did not want their sin exposed directly by God, so they asked for a middle man and got Moses.
Because the spoken word of Moses could not compare to God’s spoken word, thelevel of proof of God’s law had to be increased. So, as a visual proof of God’s desire for his people, He wrote the same words He spoke in tablets of rock. He knew He was dealing with rebellious children and that law enforcement would be mandatory – they had no willing hearts and ears to just listen and obey. They were often called stiff-necked. In Acts Chapter 7, Stephen called out the gathered crowd on their disobedience and resistance of the Holy Spirit; the angry, truth-hating crowd stoned Stephen (*who may have been the second witness). When anyone crys out on behalf of the truth, they will be stoned verbally, and in many countries today, even murdered.
When the adulterous woman came to Yeshua, I believe that Yeshua wrote the Ten Commandments in the sand; fragmented rock. Many today have tried to destroy God’s laws by fragmenting them -dissecting them and throwing away what does not seem palatable to their fleshly appetite. Before just the first Ten, no man could stand before Yeshua without literal guilt. Everyone fled because the truth was convicted upon there hearts, so they ran away to hide in darkness. The breeding ground of sin is spiritual darkness; it creates spiritual leaven. They did not remain to hear his final words to her: ‘ Go, and sin no more.’ John 8:11.
In Moses day, disobedience to the God of the Hebrew nation who had just savedthem from bondage flared. Be careful! The Hebrews had no respect for the God who had done miracles in their sight and wanted to create their own religion and false gods. After a breaking and a duplication of God’s Ten Commandments , an earthly government was set up. No more would they hear directly from God as a people – only a select few would continue to do so.
chapter 2: The dilemma of law
(Getting the proper scoop)
The system of law passed to Israel through Moses was developed in similar manner to the law in the United States. Both claim foundation on the first Ten Commandments and a Creator. Local jurisdictional law is established apart from God’s rule of law, the Commandments as contained in Torah. As local people must be able to enforce the laws to some degree of equal scales, there has to be set and established guidelines for punishments for the breaking of the law. Judges should not hold a court of law without written law and specifications for sentences. The coverage of the local law of the nation of people Moses was chosen to lead extended to every element of living – banking laws, health code laws, criminal laws, taxation, social services, land management. Does that sound familiar to the coverage of laws established in the nation that you live in?
The beauty in the legal system that is set up by YHWH, with the punishments set by YHWH, is that man, although in the position of executing justice, is not actually judging without the punishment first approved with the seal of YHWH. If we punish people out of the guidelines of Torah, we make ourselves the judge and put ourselves in a precarious situation. When we leave YHWH’s justice system, we also leave YHWH’s mercy system that is contained within. Mercy is to be shown to those who love YHWH and keep His commandments – his judge will rule with that rule of mercy intact.
So the first dilemma of arguing for or against the Torah, the law, the justice system of YHWH, is do you want to be part of a nation called Israel? Until you answer that question, don’t bother reading on.
The nation of Israel are those who agree, by faith in the executor of the law, to be under the law system established by Torah. It is a choice, not a matter of whether of not our father of flesh was circumcised. I happen to be one who is not of the circumcision. Being of the circumcision in the flesh means your DNA passed through the flesh of an earthly father who is circumcised. That’s the only way a son or a daughter can be of the circumcision. If you hold to the belief that it means our own flesh is circumcised, no woman would be qualify to be part of the circumcision . Do you or do you not have faith that the God of Israel, YHWH Elohim, is the god whom you want to rule and reign over you? The non-believers can sit down, as they won’t be able to stand before a god they refuse to serve, nor before a god whom they don’t want to rule over them with His rules.
We can now ask ’Are self-proclaimed Christians all over the world able to be under the nation of Israel’s laws?” That question may seemsridiculous, yet that is the question of the day. God does instruct people that are called by his name (which means His authority) to be obedient to our local form of rule as a testimony to our character. If He calls us to be obedient to the local form of government which we are under, how much more should we submit to the nation’s authority of which we claim the name? The law itself hangs over our head only until the authority of that same law is willing to be the buffer between the two.
Romans 13 addresses local authority:
‘Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God, the powers that be are ordained by God. Whosoever therefore resisiteth the power, resisiteth the ordinance of God; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Will thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the same. For he is a minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, for he beareth not the sword in vain.”
If the higher powers are local authority, the highest power is He to whom we bend the knee. In my case, the highest power is the YHWH of Israel. I have a few higher powers, but I do not bend the knee to them although I must respect the position of authority set over me. I go against the higher powers only when they go against the highest power.
Pay your taxes with honesty. Obey traffic laws. Respect the hunting and fishing regulations. Put in a full day’s work for your employer without grumbling or stealing time. You are in the nation you live in with the government officials you have over you with God‘s consent. You have the job you have, with the supervisor you have over you, with God’s consent.
Understanding ancient rule in an ancient land is very difficult. To understand better, let’s bring the illustrations of Biblical truth to the United States. We, in America, do not have to keep the local law, but according to God’s word, we ought to. If we disobey the law, we do take the chance of getting caught and punished today by local authorities. If we feel that we have gotten away with something, God says (in Romans 13) that whoever resists local law shall receive damnation. We never will ’get away with’ any disobedience as God sees all and we will give account. We, like the nation of Israel who started with only 613 local law enforcement statutes and judgments, have suffered oppression by all the additional laws that have been added by political Pharisees of our day. We have gone from simple, direct laws set up in the conception of our nation at the time of the Constitution, to tyrannical laws that no one can even know, much less obey in exact execution.
There are thousands of laws and they are written by our public officials – the scribes and Pharisees in our day, politically speaking. They keep them complicated to retain their power. Yet whatever we know is the law, we ought to obey. Because they know and wrote the laws, they will be more accountable on the day of true and righteous judgment. I do not know every tax law, and if audited, I may find my knowledge was incorrect. Nevertheless, if I am found to owe taxes, I must pay them , whether or not I understood the law. The people who wrote tax law, and who disobeyed are more accountable in the eyes of Almighty God, even though we as citizens feel like they ‘say, and do not’ when it comes to taxation.
We are under the same burden in the United States that the southern tribes, ’Jews’ were at the time of Yeshua. The Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees had made Rabbinic law so complicated that Yeshua had to make many clarifications of what was right, which often happened to be contrary to rabbinic law Yeshua never broke any of YHWH’s laws. They were written in His heart and mind and he was able and wanted to follow them. In many cases, the original intent and spirit of YHWH’s holy teachings and instructions and judicial system (Torah) had been mangled to the point of destruction.
The 6th commandment ’Thou shall not murder’ is a perfect example of a mangled holy law in this country today. Under YHWH’s Torah, abortion is not legal – it is murdering the defenseless – and will bring us the death penalty. In the U.S., it islegal and not only has no penalty for the act, but our nation actually provides legalprotection to the seekers of the abortion. This is a case where something is lawful, but it certainly is not profitable. It was this dilemma that forced me to leave my occupation of local law enforcement.
By local law and occupation as a police officer, I had to escort the seekers of abortions to their destination. I felt like Judas – thinking I was doing right, but when I realized that I had been working with the enemy and had part in the shedding of innocent blood , my soul died inside. I can have compassion for Judas . I believe the Scriptures are accurate written accounts of what happened and what was said by people. Nevertheless, even though the recording of what people said were accurate, the testimony of the speaker was not necessarily truthful. I have examined and pondered the reputation of Judas, the instructions given to Judas and the testimony of those who brought public charges against him. I have tried to do this without partiality.
According to Matthew 27, Judas threw the money back and repented of what he did. His words imply that he did not realize what the outcome of his identification would be. It would seem the chief priests and elders may have misled him as to their intent. It Yeshua was in fact consenting to what he was about to do – would Yeshua really say ’Go ahead and commit your sin’? That’s one reason why I am not convinced that Judas committed sin as he identified Yeshua. Yeshua’s message was never ‘Go ahead and sin’.
Matthew 27:3-5: “Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw he was condemned ”(Jesus was condemned) ‘ repented himself, and brought again the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders saying “I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood….”. Then he threw back the money. In Acts chapter 1, Peter falsely accuses Judas of purchasing a field of iniquity. Acts 1:18 ‘ Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity…” Matthew 27:5-7 clears Judas of this accusation, as it states , “ And he (Judas) cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed and went and hanged himself. And the chief priests took the silver, and said ‘it is not lawful for us to put them into the treasury because it is the price of blood. And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in.”
Peter also misquoted Psalm 69 saying “ Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein; and his bishoprick let another take.” Peter changed to singular what was originally plural. Psalm 69 reads: “Let their habitation be desolate and let none dwell in their tents.” Misquoting Scripture is dangerous territory.
Peter, like many people do today, possibly misused the Scripture to a false sense of security for his own denial of Yeshua. Peter should have felt guilt for publicly denouncing that he even knew Yeshua. How often do people try to draw attention away from their own guilt by pointing the finger at someone else? Peter changed the Psalm quoted from plural to singular – pointing the finger at only one man, Judas.
Betraying means “reveal unintentionally”. Revelation, or identification of a party, is not a crime nor a sin. He did what he did without knowledge of the consequence. Peter’s speech unintentionally betrayed him when he was in the process of denying Yeshua three times. Peter’s speech revealed that he had been associated with Yeshua. This betrayal was not a sin – it was a fact of identification.
It seems to me Judas had to do the job as he did it with full consent of Yeshua. Again: Yeshua, if he is in fact God, would not tell someone to ’go and sin’. Judas acknowledges that Yeshua was innocent. Was Judas wrong? A spirit still given over to Satan would not have repented of what he had done, and would have kept the money. Yeshua actually referred to Peter as HaSatan in the gospel accounts – does that mean once an adversary, always an adversary? You better hope not! Sometimes an adversary is placed in our life to strengthen us as it was with Job.
Pilate condemned Yeshua, even though he personally believed his innocence. Scripture had to be fulfilled. This whole scenario has been twisted over the years. Be careful who you condemn, why you claim to condemn their actions, and how you believe someone will be judged. We are told in Torah that there is a lamb of God, and a scapegoat. Also, because lots were cast as to which one would go free and which one would be slaughtered, both had to be without blemish. Both had to be innocent. Judas may have been an appointed person, a fit man. His suicide is forgivable as I see it – let mercy triumph over justice. It certainly will fair better in the day you are judged if that is the position you take. As a matter of fact, I am not even convinced that it was suicide. There certainly have been many a murder that has been set up to look like a suicide, and the death is then reported to be a suicide.
Yeshua did say ‘Woe be to the man…. It would have been better for him had he never been born.’ His name certainly has been the one most used, but possibly most misused. I am staying neutral about the way he died, and if was sorrowful unto suicide, that is a very woe-filled ending. Yeshua acknowledged that whoever this man he was that would have ‘woe’ was in fact born. There are many ‘born-agains’ who commit sin continually by disobeying the Sabbath.
Certainly when I chose to repent from going against YHWH’s justice and mercy system contained in Torah, I received no help but rather a cold shoulder from the religious leaders. I went to the religious leaders verbalizing my repentance and error in going against Torah. For all they cared, I could just go hang myself. Sad, but true. Thankfully, ABBA Father scooped me up in His mercy and grace, saying ‘I’ll teach you my ways …. Forget the religious hypocrites and follow Me.’ He then led me on a path that introduced me to peers who love and study and are trying to be obedient to as much of the Torah as we are able to keep.
I understand how someone without the known hope of resurrection that I have in Yeshua HaMessiach, could be despondent to the point of suicide. When faced with the decision to serve God’s laws or serve man-made law, I chose God’s laws: Torah. I did not have the will to walk away from a secure job with good benefits, because as a parent, I had to provide for my household. YHWH knew my heart though, and caused my physical health to deteriorate to the point that I had to retire. He forced me to leave local law enforcement representing man-made law because it conflicted with Torah. That’s how I see it today, although I could be wrong.
I chose where my citizenship really was – with Israel in the heavenly places. The day I resigned from the Milwaukee Police Department, I even wrote over my copy of my written, and sworn allegiance and oath. I corrected ’chief of police’ to ‘God‘. I’m sure my supervisor thought I was mentally ill. I had in fact, suffered the consequences of prescription stimulant asthma medications in my body to the point where I become paranoid and sleepless. To this day, I continue to suffer with bouts of oxygen and sleep depravation that cause damage to crucial areas of my brain function. Fortunately , those bouts pass and the damage can be healed by practicing post-traumatic stress rehabilitation methods. The day I corrected my allegiance in writing was intentional and with clarity of mind. My continued desire for justice caused me to want to know, to understand and to clarify the lies we have believed for centuries.
Chapter 4: Clearing up Paul’s message: local law
I have to be honest; I am not totally convinced of the inerrancy of Paul’s letters. I may be accused of heresy, but to lie about my thoughts doesn’t fool God, and I’m not trying to please anyone but Him. Paul’s letters are complicated – very. When he wrote to Timothy, he wrote that all Scripture is useful and inspired, but at that time his own letters had not been ‘voted’ into inerrancy by a bunch of men. Paul probably also had access to the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. That’s ano spin zone in this investigation. Yeshua, however, did substantiate the validity, as did Paul, of the old testament writings including the Torah. When Yeshua said ‘Search the Scriptures, for they testify of me”. only the old testament existed. So we can prove all truth from the old testament, if we have to. In any event, whether Paul’s letters were perfect or not, I really don’t know. However, Paul’s letters needclarification in this generation. You could understand in the days of pen and paper, how writing out ’international, holy, eternal law’ ‘ or teachings and instructions of YHWH ‘or ’local regional law’ or ‘laws of the Rabbinic Judaism’ could have been tiring, even to Paul, with as many times as the word ’law’ is in his letters. Until I would see the original letters, I honestly don’t trust translations that were passed through the anti-Hebrew Catholic and Lutheran religious systems. He may in fact have used the word “Torah’ in some cases and ’law’ in others, and the translations may be poor and not made the distinctions that MAY have been there in the original letter. In any event, I believe Paul was doing his best, using the talents YHWH gave him. and that is what pleases God. If religion has distorted them it’s not Paul’s fault. That is the same route I am trying to take now – doing my best with the talents and knowledge YHWH has given me. I know my writings are not perfect, but I want my intent to be perfect. My intent is to defend the Torah and Messiah while giving all glory to the Father. I don’t start off a blog with ‘Thus sayeth the LORD’. Paul never started a letter that way either. Prophets write: ‘Thus sayeth the LORD…….’ The only time I would use the phrase was if something from the Torah or the prophets was the next line to follow.
Another fact is that the scriptures say that Paul was struck by lightning, and that Yeshua stated he beheld HaSatan falling as lightning. Paul saw a vision, and Satan can make himself appear to be a messenger of light. Some may take this as a mark to discredit Paul’s writings. I am just illustrating the fact that there can be some realistic doubt to the perfection of his letters. They certainly are WRONGLY held to a higher level than the Torah in Christian circles, but the churches that hold up Paul’s writings above Torah are the same churches that accepted the order of the Council of Laodicia saying that if you are to be ‘Christs’ you must reject all things Hebrew or ‘Jewish‘. That rejection would include Sabbath on the seventh day and Passover and the commandments of YHWH, all things that would bring blessing, not cursing to your life.
I choose to keep Passover as I look to be again passed over when the plagues fall upon those who refuse to flee Babylon . The Laodician church is clearly the church that exists today in every Sunday worshipping form, and even the 7th day Adventists have slipped into the Christmas/Easter lie rather than rightly picking up all the Sabbaths. You are warned that God will vomit you out of his mouth – there will be no protection for you. Overcome the mark of the beast by receiving the sign of the God of creation, the God of Israel. Be renewed in your mind and actions and start by rejecting the mark of Constantine. Repent and be sealed with the sign of the living God as directed by Torah – his Sabbath, the seventh day and his festivals – then let the writing of his Torah on your heart begin.
Local regional law – we have laws in America that regulate health issues, as did the Hebrews. Children, under 18 years of age, are not allowed to buy cigarettes in the United States . The law relates to health concerns. Can we, as followers of YHVH, choose to follow the American local law in this instance because we see it as healthy? Absolutely. Can children in Israel today refuse to buy cigarettes as in American law? Absolutely. There are local laws all over the world that may be better than our own laws, and we may choose to follow local laws of other countries so long as they do not conflict with our own country’s laws. If there is a conflict , we must obey the laws of our country of citizenship. At times, we may have to be able to identify what our true country of citizenship really is – heavenly or earthly. People claim they ‘are the temple of God’ then slaughter pigs and let it enter and defile their ‘temple’ in Antiochus Epiphanies style. It’s not healthy to do so from a natural or spiritual sense.
For health reasons, we circumcise males in the U.S. today, even though by law we are not required to. We must , however, have our children vaccinated according to present day local law or be penalized accordingly. Do you see how the ‘Mosaic’ law, the extension of law stemming from the first Ten, was a law of the people, as are the laws in the United States? The contrast is, the 613 Mosaic laws in no way ever contradicted YHWH’s basic law, the Ten Commandments, as YHWH directly intervened in the writing of the Torah. His signature is all over it. The laws penned by Moses therefore represents perfect local law, and the penalties are fair and reasonable. The laws were not against the people – they were for their good. The only thing that could be against the people was the penalty for the violation of the local law, and their own rebellion against the law.
What did Yeshua nail to the cross? The laws of local ordinances ? In the time of Yeshua, the local religious rabbinic law was so complicated no one could execute it perfectly and all would be under the penalties. It also conflicted with, and had enmity against the laws of YHWH in many cases, such as with the Sabbath keeping laws. The local political system laws also had to be considered and contended with as to whether following the laws of man violated the Torah.
All people will be judged by one set of standards, not by your local ordinances. We will not be judged by Paul’s letters, or the writings of this or any other book. We cannot be justified by obeying every national, state and local law. In cases where we are found guilty under local law , we most likely will serve or pay a penalty. I can be forgiven for eternal consequences by Almighty God, because of the sacrifice of Yeshua‘s blood with my repentance. I believe I will be forgiven for unknown sin I have committed by respecting the day of atonement, just as I accept and respect the keeping of the feast of Passover. Many local laws are consistent with his divine laws, the Ten Commandments. Some are not however, and although we may not be guilty under local law, can we still stand guilty before God? Absolutely. Therefore, the perfect earthly citizen can stand guilty before God’s international , divine, and eternal law contained within Torah.
There are 613 commands in the old testament, 1050 in the ‘new‘. Of the 613 there, they will not all apply to you. People today should do their math before they throw away and trample upon the first 10 commandments written in stone until they become sand. The only Scriptures on which Yeshua based his life were rock solid, a firm foundation.
When you throw out the Torah, you need to know you are throwing out the basis for very method of atonement you think will save you. Are you able to make your ownatonement when you eliminate the Torah from your life? Outside of Torah, there is no means to reconcile yourself to YHWH. Search for the key of David – acknowledge sin on your hands, find repentance in your heart and keep Torah on your mind. Start to study and meditate on YHWH’s Torah. Psalm 119 and Psalm 25 are great places to start.
Chapter 5: ETERNAL International law
The Ten Commandments are God’s most basic laws, eternal, by which everyone on the face of the earth will be judged. The Chinese will not be judged by the Chinese law, nor by the American law. Americans will not be judged by American law. For instance, by American law we are not guilty as murderers for having an abortion, but by God’s law we are guilty of murder and are facing the death penalty. Although his laws were established from the beginning, they could not be enforced by man, with penalty, until they were in writing. In this case, our heavenly citizenship law overrides the earthly citizenship law. Thou shall not murder. Worshippers of YHWH are not to have abortions; it is murder by YHWH’s international, eternal holy law. Christians, just as pagans, who voted for abortion supporters are party to the crimes and are guilty of murder as much as the mother and doctor.
“Christian’ radio commentary often puts out the scare of ‘one world order’. Personally, I yearn for the day when Yeshua will return and set up one world order according to good and holy law contained in Torah. Our Babel system of world politics is a nightmare – it is what brings fear of war. Our religious Babel is no better – all ‘God’s people’ do is argue about who’s commentary is right, all the time neglecting the weightier matters of the law. I think of weighty in scripture as a millstone. Yeshua warned that judgment and mercy is more important than tithing. That’s right – the very word many ‘Christians’ hate, judgment, is named first. But it is and will be a priority on the the Messiah’s kingdom agenda, so it cannot be ignored. Thereby, we need a good understanding of the good judgment by which Messiah will reign.
There is no such thing as verbal law in this country; a law is of no effect until it is written and passed. We can be under verbal commands at any given time if the person that spoke them has authority over us. When we are pulled over by law enforcement for speeding, he may order us to step out of the car. This we must do, or pay the consequences. In life, we are frequently subject to verbal commands. If you are a wife, there may be times you are subject to your husband’s commands. As a child, you are under your parents verbal commands. A verbal command is still authority. God first spoke every word of the ten commandments – again, the Hebrews did not want to listen or obey. They then had to see, in writing that these were law. When in a court of law, hearsay evidence is not entered into evidence. Written statements called testimonies are admissible as evidence. Once YHWH wrote His own testimony of His holy laws on rock, the evidence of our crimes against Him – sin – was established without recourse. When it is time to stand before YHWH on our judgment day, we will have no defense of innocence when the international, eternal and holy law is produced – habeus corpus times two. A written body of the Word will be in stride with the Word in flesh.
We also have executive orders in this nation. YHWH’s Ten Commandments were written by executive order. He is also my commander in chief in a spiritual warfare. In either case, as my government or military supervisor, a verbal order is a command. From the time of creation, He sanctified the Sabbath as holy and a day of rest. From the time of Eve, He established that lying is an abomination to him and He verbally commanded punishment. From the time of Cain, He established killing as evil. Each instance was verbal first, later documented through the pen of Moses in Exodus. Now each person has to decide if we are in fact subject to God’s verbal commands, verified personally in writing on rock as law, and additionally verified in Scripture by the testimony of Moses’ handwriting. Also, does the most damning evidence against us, the tablets of stone , still exist and will it be produced as evidence in Elohim’s court? It does say in Scripture that the ark of the Testimony will be opened. I strongly believe that it will not be empty, but will contain the original Ten Commandments, preserved on rock.
His holy and divine laws are also in the conscience of every living soul because of the disobedience in Eden – we have the knowledge of good and evil. Romans 2:14-16: “For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law are a law unto themselves; which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience, also bearing witness, and the thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another, in the day whenGod shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ…” Paul was not writing about the 613 national law justice system. Do you know anyone, who by nature, seeks physical circumcision? He was writing that the conscience of man additionally holds verification of God’s international law. Whether or not you sign onto the laws of the nation of Israel by obedience and in the pursuit of mercy, you still will be held next to the the Ten written in stone. No one will sneak by them without giving account.
Do you think it is a coincidence that most people seek jobs where they can have weekends off? Whatever your persuasion is as to the day of the week, the human soul does not want to be burdened with our job on what we believe is the Sabbath. As to which day we look to for rest in particular, YHWH says that we should be fully persuaded in our minds. Have a reason for where you stand, and the reason should be God’s word, not man’s traditions.
Chapter 6: Repentance
Hopefully, by now, you will have seen that we all stand guilty before God’s international standard of judgment. It has been:
1. Written on rock which is stored in the ark of the testimony
2. Written in Scripture.
3. Written in our conscience.
Peter denied Jesus three times. Will you also deny three times the existence of a holy standard of judgment and the most basic standard of righteous living?
If you haven’t been convinced yet that you stand guilty, you may change your mind as you read on. The hard evidence, YHWH’s handwritten executive order will be produced at Yeshua’ s coming. The original standard of sin by which we will all be judged is the same for every person on earth. God is just and equal. And, once He writes his perfect standard of justice, it cannot change or there will be false balances on the scales of justice. Proverbs 11:1-2: “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight. When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. “ When we in our pride change God’s standing law by taking away from them or altering them, we create a false balance of justice.
Revelation 6: 5 “And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair balances in his hand.” There were false balances that came centuries ago, since the time anyman, not just one such as Constantine, changed God’s holy perfect law as though it could be. It can only be altered in the mind of a person, and defied by the actions of a person. Regardless of what man’s writing says, YHWH’s elect will understand that the original law is binding forever as the true scale of justice by which we will be judged. There has been and will be a warning cry to the world that God’s scale of justice are true and unchanged.
Many “Christians” today have mentally changed YHWH’s executive, international standard of law by which all of mankind will be judged. They have accepted into their minds, behind their foreheads, a belief that is contrary to YHWH’s standard. Then they act upon it according to their self -made god: themselves. When they act upon their own law, they will disown YHWH in their actions. They will impart the mark they already accepted in their mind ( anti-God’s law) into their hand by their actions (anti-Yeshua’ s life). They say they come in ‘Christ” , but are counterfeits.
YHWH is the same – old testament or new testament. Murder is murder. False gods are false gods. Adultery is adultery. The sabbath is the sabbath.
Psalm 119: 1:‘Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.‘ 6: Then shall I not be ashamed when I hae respect unto all thy commandments.” 66: ‘Teach me good judgement and knowledge; for I have believed thy commandments.” 86: ‘All thy commandments are faithful; they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me, ‘115: “Depart from me ye evildoers, for I will keep the commandments of my God.” 126 : “ it is time for thee, Lord, to work for they have made void thy law.’ ‘ 142 :’ Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy Torah is the truth.’
If truth changes, we have a problem. False balances. Yeshua said he is the truth; Psalm 119 says YHVH’s law is the truth. They are inseparable – that’s why Yeshua had to live righteousness. We are called to do the same if we really belong to Yeshua.
The Catholic church has altered God’s executive order, and many ‘Christians’ have followed a false shepherd. The Sunday Sabbath was annointed by the wrong shepherd. In case you haven’t checked, Catholicism prints no commandment that states they are not to have any graven images. There still are ten laws technically, but they split the coveting law into two separate laws to accomplish that deception. With God’s original law intact, the ornate statues in many buildings of ‘worship’ are abominations in the sight of our invisible and Risen Lord. They changed God’s executive order and made His truth, His Torah, into their lie. The profits that are made in the business of buying and selling statues, necklaces, Christmas scenes, Easter candy, etc. is astounding. Read the account in Acts 16:11-25. Our ‘religious’ masters today hate the message of truth that will bring them loss of profits.
The Catholic church ordered, and most of the protestant church and the world blindly followed, that God’s executive time law be changed. The sabbath has always been seventh day. The first day has always been the first day. Seventh Day Adventists are afraid of National Sunday law. I know that if a law is passed that I have to do something on Saturday or Sunday that is against God’s law, I will refuse. If they order a day of rest, then I’ll take two – my Lord’s seventh day and the local government’s Sunday. No problem. No one can ever make me worship someone other than God Almighty on any day of the week. True worship is the choice to be obedient and bow before God’s good, holy and righteous authority.
I understand the liberty that I have in YHWH. Psalm 119: 43-45:
’ And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgments. So shall I keep thy law continually forever and ever. And I will walk at liberty; for I seek thy precepts.” There is no burden to walking in the truth. There is freedom from shame in doing so.
I can be obedient to YHWH and refrain from business and burdens on the Sabbathas defined by God’s spirit in me and not by rabbinic law. I also am free to gather with other believers on a Sunday morning without it being against the Sabbath day of rest, the Seventh day, that I am fully persuaded of. In my area, we have no churches other than Seventh day Adventist that meet on the seventh day, so I do the best with what situation YHWH has placed me. The problem with Sunday keeping groups is in the fact that they reject the commandment of YHWH – how Sabbath law. It was made for man to rest, just as God rested at creation. then would I be able to say I am really meeting with believers? They would be few and far between at best.
People contend that Yeshua broke the Sabbath. He did only according to the local rabbinical law of the day that had been splitting the hair of the original law. Because He is Lord of the Sabbath, He alone could break the local unjust and ungodly laws and not be guilty of sin. The politicians in America have split the hairs of our constitution and original laws, and many now go against YHWH’s divine law. Think of our current tax laws as opposed to original taxation. I wish YHVH would come and clear up that mess, as He clarified the Sabbath ’overregulation’. The Torah set up a godly taxation rate, but we must still obey the oppressive taxation we face in the United States.
Yeshua never did away with the Torah, but tried to correct the peoples thinking so that they would understand the intent of the original God could havecommanded that there be no day of rest. We don’t deserve rest, but it is a gift of love to us, and that day was set aside especially for us. A day to say ‘no’ to our occupations, to the worry and care of finances, and to do things that cause us to reflect on Him, to be in His word, to do good for others and ourselves. What a privilege it is for me to look at the pile of laundry and say ‘I can refuse to do that today by the authority of my God who desires that I rest for my spiritual and physical health!” I do not understand why people contend with this commandment, or want it abolished. I don’t – I love it; it is not grievous to me. I am thankful for it. This law is much easier for me to be obedient to than not coveting!
If you have broken any or all of YHWH’s divine, eternal and international laws, you need to come to him broken and humble today. Your desire should be a heart willing to turn from disobedience to any one of his holy laws. God seeks those who want to worship him in spirit and in truth. He wants our spirit to be willing to refuse false forms of worship. Do you seek the truth? Tell YHWH today that you are willing to submit to His divine law, and ask him to write His laws on your heart. The psalmist wrote ’Your laws have I held in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Be honest about all His laws, and do not eliminate those you have abolished in your mind.
Romans 8: 6-8. “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither can it be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” There are the two same words found in Romans 13 : BE SUBJECT. Paul first establishes we need to be subject to God’s international law to make peace with him. Later, he admonishes people to be subject to local law – higher power. Do not neglect subjection to the highest power, God Almighty and believe there will not be severe consequence. Read the description of the carnal mind over and over until you understand that until you subject yourself to God’s eternal holy law, the Ten Commandments, you will not be spiritually reborn. The enmity Jesus wants to nail to the cross for you is this – the mind that will not submit to his laws and that still has the penalty of the law hanging over it. The death penalty. Today can be the real day of salvation for you.
Titus 2:11-15:
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared unto all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.”
There is a false grace being taught worldwide to the destruction of the teachers, and possibly the destruction of the hearers. True grace turns us toward obedience to God’s laws, the righteous and holy laws by which every man will be judged.
Chapter 7: Sanctification
The evidence of our salvation is our being brought into the yoke of obedience through the direction of our Messiah’s grace during the course of our lifetime. Some learn fast, some remain stubborn. Romans 8 states that the carnal mind is unwilling to submit to the Torah (confusingly referred to as ’law’ in the Greek Texts thereby making them unreliable) of God. Not talking about regional law here. The carnal mind is enmity, set squarely against YHWH Elohim.
Conversely, the spiritual mind makes peace with YHWH and submits to his laws, his Torah, as being for his good. Its our peace pact – it makes us peacemakers and allows us to see the kingdom of YHWH and to understand what the carnal mind cannot. Paul understood that with his mind he would serve the law of YHWH, the Torah. In his mind he agreed that it was good and was not opposed to it, though in his flesh he would fail. Maybe Paul had the thorn of having a tendency to proclaim his interpretation as accurate, even though he may have added the leaven. He was a Pharisee after all, was he not? Braided hair – that’s not against Torah. At least I haven’t found it yet – I could be wrong. There certainly is some room for speculation. There is an ongoing battle to defeat sin outwardly as well as inwardly in the body of a person saved by the true grace. We will have failures in our flesh, but our desire to do right according to Torah is what YHWH seeks in us. To eliminate the enmity between His mind and ours. To agree that his divine law is right and true. He also desires that we ask forgiveness when we go against these laws and we sin.
When we are truly born again as spiritual beings, the Ten Commandments are only our Kindergarten. They are for the child in the faith. They are the foundational basics which we can build our sanctification process on. YHWH will then advance us along as we are willing and capable to fine tune us. We are to agree not to murder first, then YHWH can teach us by His Spirit not to hate or get angry without cause. He wants us to agree not to commit the act of adultery, but wants to refine us so that we do not even look upon someone with lust. The fine tuning, as in the sermon on the mount teachings, are secondary school. However if we are unwilling to honestly let YHWH hold the light of the first Ten divine laws to our hearts and minds, there will be no victory beyond and we will live disobedient lives, though we claim to be saved.
1 John 5-10 are sobering at this point. “” This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth, If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, WE DECEIVE OURSELVES and the truth is not in us. “ This is the deception that YHWH’s elect will not be fooled by. Are you fooled into thinking you have no sin, that your sins are in remission? ‘I am Christ…I am Christ(ian)…….” The false Christs are the Christians hanging onto cross trying to stand on the blood of Jesus. Rather we should be coming to the cross for forgiveness and then going back into the Torah to learn how to live a life that is subject to God‘s righteous scrutiny. We need laws – thereby stand on a firm foundation of truth, or in Hebrew ’EMET”
Not only do false Christians mingle at the cross, they have a foundation that will not hold. Yeshua’s blood is not our foundation. It can cleanse, but it is not a sure foundation. God’s laws are a sure foundation to base our lives upon. Jesus lived them as a standard to follow. The Ten Commandments are not vague; they are clear and concise. Even a child can understand them. Psalm 119:29-30: ‘ Remove from me the way of lying; grant me thy law graciously. I have chosen the way of truth; thy judgments I have laid before me.’ Psalm 19:7: ‘The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul… the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eye.” The commandment of YHWH opens our eyes – removes spiritual blindness.
If you say ‘I have had no false gods before me’ , and have celebrated the feast day of the false fertility goddess ‘Easter‘, you lie and the truth is not in you. If you say you have kept the Sabbath, and have not used the day to rest and refrain from your business, you lie and the truth is not in you. If you say you have no graven images and surround yourself with ‘religious’ statues, you lie and the truth is not in you. If you cheat on your taxes by doing cash jobs and say you do not steal, you lie and the truth is not in you. (according to Yeshua, the taxes belong to our government system, so keeping the tax due is stealing). If you say you do not covet, and borrow money to buy that which you cannot afford, you lie and the truth is not in you. If you say you are part of the pure Bride of Christ (you are not committing adultery) and you are sleeping with the enemy – false and pagan worship practices like the Druid/Babylonian Christmas, you lie and the truth is not in you.
Hebrews 5:9 says that Jesus is the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey Him. He also said “How is it you call me Lord and do not the things that I command you?” Repentance is not a game – we have to be honest about our sin as it stands in the eyes of God, not based on what our neighboring ‘christ’ is doing. I stopped regarding the signing of a letter “In Christ, …..“ when they are demonstrating lives out of Christ. Your repentance has to be real for your sanctification to even begin. If you can admit that the sin listed in the prior paragraph is actually sin, you decide you want to make peace with God and turn from the sin, He will begin to show you the error of your way and redirect your path – sanctification.
chapter 8: Spiritual complications
Some denominations hold to the teaching that the Sabbath is more important than any other commandment. It is not. Some people do a fine job in understanding and resting on the Sabbath and have trouble with lying – on their taxes for instance. We still must give to Uncle Sam what is Uncle Sam’s. Someday, even Uncle Sam will be reorganized. They may struggle with covetousness to the point that they borrow money and serve two masters. They may have a hard time taking down the statues they have received over the years as gifts from other people, or the nativity scenes that are ‘cute’, although YHWH commands no graven images. YHWH’s people have to look to His Torah, his Word, to seek the area of refining we personally need, and are not to look at the growth pattern or growth rate of our brothers and sisters. Nevertheless, we cannot abolish the laws we have difficulty with, or worse yet, disagree with. We must fight the fight with the grace that brings salvation mentioned in Titus 2. As a good teacher has said ‘We keep His commandments one at a time.’
Another spiritual complication in our generation is how we close our prayers. I recently have been convicted that if Yeshua is my example, I ought to end my prayers as he did “For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever.” It means that whatever I ask YHVH God for, I will have peace with the fact that His decision for me is right, regardless of my request. It will be done according to Almighty God’s kingdom agenda, not mine. ‘Not my will, but thine be done.”
“In Jesus name” is not some magic word game. ‘Jesus’ might have been the name of the theif on the cross, but it is not the name of the son of Mary and Joseph of Nazareth. If we ask for something IN YHWH’s AUTHORITY, He will grant it, so long as it is in the scope of God’s eternal, international good and holy law. That has been, is and will be the only permissible prayer he can answer in your favor. That’s why, when Yeshua(YHWH) asked to be spared, he could not because he was truly under the heaviest burden of the law from God Almighty – to bear the burden of making atonement for intentional sin of the redeemed. He also could not reclaim Israel unless ‘he be dead’ – that is for those who know the law. Paul uses those words, so don’t try to understand his letters without having proper knowledge of Torah.
Chapter 9: In pursuit of the truth
If any law enforcment officer is good and perfect, he will know and keeo the law before expecting others to obey it. That is why Yeshua came to fulfil the law. Good Law enforcement officers to not get rid of good and perfect Law.
As a ‘centurion‘, I had to look at the details of testimony to get to the truth. A good officer of the law can detect, through investigation, the liars from the honest witness. Here is a chapter that may rock your foundation, but you’ll be OK of you are not on sand. We are going to examine a false god(dess) that may be in your life. Her name is Easter. Remember, ‘thou shall have no false gods before you‘. You will start to accomplish this when you kick the Easter bunny out of your life!
In the original texts, the word the KJV translates as ‘Easter’ should properly have been identified as Passover. The KJV haters still keep this word though. It’s only one of the problems that may be in the KJV, however it could be true if Passover and the pagan Easter’s day fell on the same day that year. In that scenario the KJV of the Bible is still accurate as I see it. I have not yet looked into that information, but I will! We have to look at all the evidence when conducting a fair and partial investigation.. Easter is the name of a pagan fertility goddess, hence the rabbits and the eggs. God never condoned the mix of pagan and holy. It was , and is, an abomination to Him.
We could not have a resurrection until after the Passover, and until after our Passover lamb, Messiah, was sacrificed. People that say they are celebrating the resurrection of ’Jesus’ should care about the truth of the day. Truth matters to God, so it should matter to His people. God says he hates every false way. Easter is not related to Passover at all. As a matter of fact , in 2008 the Passover was about 5 weeks after the posting of Easter’s day. That also means there will be two separate celebrations of Pentecost. The Judaic Pentecost, a high Sabbath day that was kept by the apostles in Jerusalem, was about a month after the day appointed by the Catholic and most protestant denominations. We know there is only one true feast, and an important one as it was the day of Holy Spirit delivery. We should not perpetuate lies. God hates lies. You have to set Pentecost by counting the omer properly, not set a day based on ‘Easter’.
‘Good’ Friday has a problem too. It’s not so ‘good’. If Yeshua was telling the truth (and I believe he was) he would be three days and three nights in the tomb. Friday afternoon until early Sunday is not even 48 hours! It’s surely not three nights. So who lied? You will see it is the inventors and supporters of ‘holy week’. What about rising on the third day? “Good’ Friday until the end of the Sabbath can’t get you to the third day either. Remember, the timetable of YHWH has a new day starting at sunset. For example, the seventh day of rest starts Friday at sundown and goes through Saturday at sundown.
John 19:31 indicates that Yeshua had to be taken down from the cross before the Sabbath according to rabbinic law. It also indicates that the day Messiah had to be down from the cross was the high Sabbath, not the regular seventh day Sabbath. Yeshua was crucified the day after he shared the Passover preparation meal with the apostles. He asked his followers to repeat the Passover meal in remembrance of Him. Our household has recently started doing this annually according to the Hebraic calendar.
Yeshua had to be dead and off the cross before the high Sabbath day by local law. That High Sabbath was the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. In the year he was crucified, the high Sabbath started Wednesday evening at sundown. Now take three days and three nights from there and you arrive at Saturday at about sundown. If Jesus rose on the third day, it means that he would have rose Saturday during the day hours, before sunset. This easily could have been a complete 72 hours from the time of his burial.
All accounts of Scripture say that Yeshua was already risen from the tomb very early on the first day of the week. There is no witness testimony as to the exact time of his resurrection. However, Matthew’s account is very specific as is states that ‘ in the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week” that the women found the tomb already empty. The end of the sabbath had to be Saturday evening. This means they were coming to possibly finish the work they ceased, per the commandment to rest on the Sabbath, as soon as possible, which was sunset on Saturday night. Now we see Yeshua spoke the truth about three days and three nights in the tomb. Sad to say, but our religious leaders today perpetuate the Good Friday /Easter lie. This is hypocrisy – to tell us to stop lying and to then teach us one. It is leaven. It does not hold up to the scrutiny of cross examination. WhenYeshua had to be down from the cross establishes the timeline of evidence.
Now you have a decision. This includes pastors as well as the unschooled. Bible colleges are in the same mess. Do you give respect and celebrate a day named for a pagan God? Would you go to a day called ‘Buddha Sunday?” If you go to celebrateEaster Sunday, there is no difference. A false god is a false god, and for centuries we have dishonored the true God for the sake of hanging onto an idol in our life – Easter Sunday. The tradition of man causes us to disobey the commandment of God. Personally, I can’t wait for the Supreme Court case that eliminates Christmas and Easter as holidays in the United States. The elimination of paganism may be the only hope we have left in the United States of America. We need to repent and beg for mercy from the true living and one God. People of YHWH – do not fight the removal of these things in our society! Fight to keep Torah in society! Fight the good fight: to rest on Shabbat!
Christmas is fair game too for a cross examination. Law enforcement is not supposed to play favorites. It is a celebration based on Babylonian and Druid practices, and the worship of the sun god, as well as Tammuz. Christmas falls at the time of the winter solstice, when the time the sun light starts to increase again. The Druids brought evergreens into their home because they believed they had magical powers to keep the trees outside alive through winter. Even my son, at the age of 7, read ‘Santa Claus’ and said “If you change the letters in santa you get Satan. Is it really Satan’s Claws?” Read Ezekiel chapter 8 to get the full flavor of God’s view of false worship. You cannot say you worship in spirit and in truth, and continue in worship practices of false gods and pagan rooted elements. Continue on to Jeremiah 4 to see how you will be sealed with God’s mark of protection during the trials to come – you must be a person who repents, weeps bitterly, for all the abominations of paganism that are committed, and that you possibly have committed yourself.
And the Lord said unto him “ Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark on the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” These will be spiritually reborn – perfectly clean . There will be 144,000. At least. Most Christian’s think the time of Jacob’s trouble is for the country of Israel. It is not. Any Jew in Israel that has kept and honored the Commandments, and who weeps over the Christmas/Easter/Valentine’s/Halloween/ New Year’s (pagan, not 1 Abib)/advent / good friday / feast days of a pagan church, just as I have wept, will be sealed, just as any person in the world will be. The seven hills may be seven false pagan rooted holidays that will be moved. Literal mountains may too be moved out of their place on the Day of the Lord, but those spiritual hills surrounding will be brought down and replaced with the seven feasts of the God of Israel.
As long as you are breathing, it is not too late to repent. However, YHWH’s grace is never a justification for sin. YHWH’s grace is the power to turn from sin. Hebrews 10:26 -27: “For if we sin willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful looking for judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries.” Fiery indignation is a purging. It says that in one day that Babylon, spiritual and political, will be judged and that famine would be a curse.
Jude 23: “And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”
1 Corinthians 3:13-15. “Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire: and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If a man’s work abide which he hath built upon, he shall receive reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet as so by fire’”
When a person has submitted to Torah so as to be spiritual and make peace, those very laws that condemned us are in us, written on our hearts, and under us asfoundations for truth. The Ten Commandments were written on rock. My spiritual house is glad to be built on them. Yeshua was living manifestation of those holy laws – he is our example of temple construction.
Chapter 10: The Theory of a presidential pardon
Going back to law, we have a system in America that allows for a presidential pardon. It’s a beautiful thing if you are an offender. Suppose you were guilty of tax evasion even though you never could understand the tax laws. You were found to owe $100,000. By the pen of the president, you are completely forgiven of the crime with which you have been charged, and additionally receive no penalty as the IRS law would deem. The president, in order to show himself honorable and one who could be trusted for leadership, paid your tax bill out of his pocket. This is a picture of what we were given when we came to Yeshua for forgiveness – a blotting out of the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was the evidence of a mind that was against God’s holy law. But consider the price that Yeshua paid was his own suffering.
Again, the law, as well as its penalties was enforceable as it was in writing . The president passed these particular tax laws by executive order, and wrote them with his own hand. The penalty hung over our head . The president did not blot out the law we violated, but our unknowing trespass against it will be covered by the day of atonement. Most ‘Christians’ couldn’t explain this to you, and few pastors could either. Ideally, it could have been forgiven because we saw the error of our way after learning the laws as we desired to be a good citizen, we turned ourself in and asked for mercy. The presidential , if he is good and holy and righteous, would forgive us but because he understands even he is under the law, he is willing to pay the price – that’s what Yeshua did for me at the cross.
This is for those who say they accepted Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross:
Now, we leave his office. As we leave with our redemption papers, paid for by the sweat equity of the president, we declare our “freedom”. We additionally are offered the assistance of a private tax accountant to better help us not be a repeat offender. This would be the Holy Spirit, which teaches us to live godly lives in this present age. As a thankful citizen, we then should seek to be model citizens as a testimony to the mercy we were shown by our leader. How will that president judge us when we return before him, and he finds out we drowned the tutor? ( quenched the Spirit) and continued to rebels, committing over and over again the very crimes we were pardoned for? Do we expect the president or the King as it will be for Israel, to keep paying our price because we don’t care enough to stop sinning, stop transgressing the law, and become responsible to know the rules of the kingdom we say we wait for?
Yeshua cleansed lepers – ony one returned to the tutor, to the Word, to the lawmaker. Yeshua cleansed one adulterous woman, and told her to go and keep the law after being cleansed. Christianity is an adulterous ‘woman’ for sure, but by en large have disregarded the good Master’s instruction.
Chapter 11: Purgatory?
To be effective as a law enforcement officer, you also have to be impartial to the witnesses you interview. I have looked at the doctrine of purgatory in this investigation, even though it is primarily a Catholic teaching to Christians, and there is some teaching in Judaism about it also.
Most people wrongly think that our actions will never have consequences. There will be a judgment, and it will first begin at the house of God. I’m in there – are you in that household?
The millennial kingdom will not be a socialist society. Those who understand and demonstrate an ability to follow the law will be put into positions of authority and will rule and reign with Christ. They also will have to rule and reign over somebody. Not everyone can be a chief. I could be wrong on this one, but I believe that the carnal believers will be brought into obedience during this time – the refiner’s fire.
Have you thought about the lukewarm church and its disposition? The most candid words to describe the repulsiveness to God of lukewarm love. He will vomit . Revelation 3:15 “I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wast cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” The lukewarm church so repulses Almighty God that it describes physical sickness.
If we eat food that is filled with bacteria, we too will become sick and possibly vomit. It is the body’s way of eliminating, casting out, the source of the sickness so that the rest of the body can heal. Until recently, I did not realize exactly what it meant when it says it is better to be hot or cold than lukewarm. Let’s step into the crime evidence analysis lab for this one.
Did you know that bacteria’s growth is halted, in remission, below 41 degrees and above 135 degrees? If you get the temp even higher, all bacteria will be killed. In the case of bacteria growth, it is better to be hot or cold. The Bible says Yeshua died for the remission of our sins. He died so that our sin would not be active, and if hot enough would be killed off completely. He did not die to cover our sin and hide it. Darkness actually helps bacteria to breed. That’s why grandma covered the home made bread that was rising in a pan with a towel.
Did you know that leaven (yeast) is a bacteria? It is also described by Yeshua as the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Iniquity. Lawlessness. Preaching, but not doing. Have you went to the cross of Yeshua saying you wanted to turn from sin, and then went along with the crowd , throwing out the Torah that establishes what sin is? Is your bodily condition lukewarm – a breeding ground of bacteria that lets sin continue to be active in your life? Are you someone who is making God sick therefore He will have to cast you out of his body? Possibly into outer darkness?
If this thought scares you – GREAT!!!! I will temporarily step out of my centurion uniform to put on fishing gear. 1 John 4:17 “There is no fear in love, BUT perfect love casts out fear; because fear hath torment. “ I am now a fisher of men. I am casting out fear of YHWH as a bait to bring you to the beginning of wisdom. Once you eat the bait and swallow it, and wisdom of your need for repentance sets the hook, love will be made perfect. Perfect love is mutual, not one way love, and fear in your life will be cast out, as in eliminated. YHWH loved us first, we now love YHWH when we subject ourselves to keeping his commandments. John 14:21 “He thathath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him.” Perfect mutual, covenantal love. A marriage covenant. No fear of an adulterous mate cheating or being unfaithful in the such a covenant.
Faithfulness is expected in a marriage. It is always connected to obedience; faith without works is dead. A dead church. We see it today flourishing. The leaven of knowing, but not doing.
You will note that in Zechariah 14:16-21, a small part of millennial ‘law enforcement’ is described. There will be direct and immediate consequences for not keeping the feast of tabernacles. The consequence will not be a flood, but rather, norain for their nation. It says in the book of Revelation that Messiah will rule with a rod of iron. Spare the rod , spoil the child. Not the servant, but the child. I don’t know what you think, but that seems like a rather stern tool of the trade. As a good father, would our God not bring all his children into obedience sooner or later? Messiah will rule and reign from Jerusalem during the millennial kingdom, and I believe the rewards of the good and faithful servants will be the opportunity to live and serve in the government center that will be established. Even in America, don’t many wish they worked for the national government? They are the ones with all the benefits most can’t afford.
It seems there may be a purging that no one can buy you out of through indulgences paid today. The Catholic concept of purgatory is a money racket, so that concept gets thrown out.
Are you the carnal person who has turned the grace of God into lasciviousness, or as some translations say “lawlessness”? Do you want to live without law, thinking that no law is good law? Would you really want to be a citizen of a country if the authorities rule that there are no more laws, no more crimes, and no more penalties? A country in derision would blossom. Paul himself waits for redemption and a resurrection – he was carnal by admission.
‘Christians’ today are crying to God for just that. Freedom. No judgment. No corporate law. Independence from Him and his rule. The error of our founding fathers was the Declaration of Independence. Rather, a declaration of our country’sdependence on YHWH would have been the right choice. YHWH’s word doesn’t say we have the right to pursue happiness – it commands us to pursue holiness, which leads to joy. ‘Happiness’ is temporal, and often shallow at best. Holiness leads to peace with God Almighty.
Today, most people want to be our own god over our own life, with no regard for YHWH’s standard of holiness and godliness contained in the Torah. Be careful what you ask for, for as in any country where a state of anarchy is reached, martial law will be enforced. We are still a nation who verbally say we want God’s blessing, but that we won’t be under God‘s Law.
We will be under YHWH’s direct voice in the millennial reign. We are now like the Hebrews who do not to hear YHWH‘s laws directly from His mouth, but we will. All will come to know that His laws for international rule never changed.
Could I be wrong about everything I have written? Absolutely. But in the religious Babel system we have, not much else adds up as true. Given that this is my understanding of the millennial reign, I just as soon look to YHWH’s commandments as good for me to submit to today. It also says that in the end times that Satan will make war against those people who have the testimony of Yeshua and keep the commandments of YHWH. Hw does not war against those who keep civil American law, or the Chinese law. He wars against the people who keep ‘the commandments of God‘.
In the new testament, there actually is a new commandment, it is not a replacement for any or all of the first ten. John 13:17 “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, love one another.” He was speaking to the adopted of God , calling them ‘little children’. How did Jesus love – by condoning sin? No, rather he spoke to the sinners, called them out of their sin unto repentance, and if they really heard his call, was able to save and forgive.
chapter 12: What does ‘obedience’ mean?
People like to say ‘ You are trying to earn your salvation by keeping the law!” I think it gives them a false reason not to be obedient. I know I can’t earn my salvation because I already broke every commandment in the course of my life. Yes, I wroteevery one, including murder. I consented to the abortion of my child. Male or female, if you consented to an abortion, or provided one for a pregnant woman, you are guilty of murder.
At the first point of sin in my life, the breaking of any of God’s international eternal laws, it was too late to earn my salvation. However, after salvation we are called to obedience to His laws that are good for us, good for our neighbors, and honoring to God. We have to have the Holy Spirit in us to teach us what God wants for us and to understand the intricacies of a very general law. I will use the Sabbath as an illustration, not because it is of more importance, but to show that legalism is not an issue . Discernment is the issue.
Our family ‘tested’ the Sabbath waters after doing a study on it, independent of commentaries. It had been brought to our attention on three separate occasions, and we thought God was trying to bring our attention to it. We started by eliminating doing any of our occupation, our business, that day. We try, as much as possible, to cease from using other peoples business services on that day. We also do things that are restful to us, but may not appear restful to someone else.
I enjoy gardening. It is not my trade or occupation. I don’t buy or sell my produce. Through both gardening and hunting, I really think of how natural law substantiates spiritual law. I recently decided to stop hunting on the Sabbath day. Kindle no fire – like firearms. The gathering of venison is food provision in our home . Remember, while the Hebrews were wandering in the desert for forty years, they were commanded to gather no food on the Sabbath. Trust God’s provision by His method alone. I never starved by giving up hunting on the Sabbath.
My hobby of gardening is not for food purposes. Someone else may find gardening to be work, whether by occupation or by mental burden. Laundry is a burden to me, although not my occupation. On the Sabbath, I have the privilege of refusing to do any such work and by God’s authority am commanded not to – unless ……… I see another person that actually may need my help in that particular matter on that day. Its Ok to do good on the Sabbath, and if my spirit says ‘ it will not be burdensome to me to help my elderly neighbor with this, even though I will pass on doing my own laundry”, I have good judgment regarding that particular law. Discernment is good judgment, not the elimination of judgment. Good judgment is based on good law, and that can only come from law sent from God from above.
I once helped a friend move on the sabbath because the person was in need of healing – the healing power of the example of love. My ‘work’ was not self serving. There have been Sabbath days where I have totally rested my body and spent the day in the Word. I believe both cases are keeping the Sabbath, although by rabbinic law, I was a lawbreaker when I helped a friend move furniture. Yeshua was accused likewise, but He did not break His Father’s law of Sabbath keeping – rather he clarified the intent and purpose of a good law that leads to good judgment – Sabbath.
We also see no need to separate ourselves from Sunday gatherings, although Sunday ‘worshippers’ have chosen to break fellowship with us. Seems some peoplereally do worship Sunday, not just gather to worship on Sunday. My liberty in Christ to follow rest on the seventh day sabbath has been judged by others who do not have good judgment based on God’s international holy law.
Colossians 2:16 states “ Let no man judge therefore in meat or in drink or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath “
God(understand the tribe of Dan) will judge us. If we judge ourselves first by God’s standard of good law, we have no need to regard he judgment of man. If I keep the Sabbath it is because I understand that it is for my spiritual and bodily lif. If I refrain from alcohol, it is because I heed the warning against drunkenness and in law enforcement have seen the destruction alcohol consumption brings. I realize that in a spiritual warfare, to show up for duty with the effect of alcohol in my system puts me at risk to make poor decision that could affect others. If I refrain from unclean meats, it is because I understand that unclean meats demonstrate the ability to capture and retain parasites far more easily than clean meats. If I choose to respect HaShem’s feast days, the High Sabbaths, it is because I know that these feast days are more pleasing to our Creator, if celebrated properly and not profaned, than any pagan rooted holiday. The alledged Lord’s table is set out on Easter Sunday, and in some churches every sunday – talk about a mixed table.
I am not a member of the Seventh Day Adventists. …. or any other demonination. Proper spelling. I am joined to HaShem Our household looked into that and found many, but not all of any denominational teachings to be false. It is a shame that those who profess to know ’Jesus as their Lord and savior’ still celebrate Easter’s day and Christmas. I left the Catholic church many reasons. And again, I recently left a evangelical free church that claimed not all of the commandments are true for us today. I guess they really want to be free – but lawlessness is not freedom. It is chaos. That means that truth, and the definition of sin changed, and then, as I see it, we have anarchy. My learning process is continual, but when God orders me to ‘get out now – move!’ with a military tone in his voice, I know He is warning me and giving me a way of escape. The protestant church is evolutionary – I am revolutionary. I believe that all things must be restored to their original positions once you go full circle round the color wheel. I believe that when we are at the foot of the cross and stay there, we remain carnal. But when we read the inscription at the top, we must read ‘King of the Jews’. Then decide if He really is our King we must return to the Torah. The four seasons are shown as a demonstration of cyclical reasoning. The Torah is read in cycles for a reason. Constantine wanted it out of the churches because the Torah reveals HaShem’s Battle plan to his elect. An army of volunteers, who have forsaken the ways of Baalim and been restored to Torah.
I do not condemn those who have no conviction in this area, or in any other area of the commandments. God will judge. We are only called to discern, to judge ourselves to see whether we be in the faith, and to obey His calling specific to our life situation. He has called our household to keep all 10 commandments.
Chapter 12: What does it mean to ‘keep’
I probably have a different idea of what it means to keep or not to keep than most. Most people think keep means to obey to perfection. So far , I haven’t done that, and if that is what it takes for eternal life, I am in trouble.
Have you ever asked someone to keep something for you? Suppose I ask you to keep 10 dimes for me and I leave on a vacation. Meanwhile, a shady character shows up in the night, maybe a thief, and asks you to give him one or two of the dimes. You know who owned them, and there was no issue of force. Still, you decide that you will give one of the dimes to the stranger in the night.
Later, I come back and ask for my ten dimes. You say you only have 9 now – you let someone take one away. You did not keep them for me.
God says if we love him, we will keep his commandments. I love Him, and I will challenge, as lovingly as possible , anyone who tries to take away any of them .
Is possession only nine tenths of the law, or may it be everything? The church of Philadelphia represents the only church that is truly free, not under the bondage of sin and disobedience to God’s holy law. Jesus warns in Revelation 3:11, however, “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”
If the reading of the book has caused you to grab hold of all of God’s eternal holy laws, you are warned that man will try to take it away from you. Hold tight, friend. Hold tight. The theif will try to snatch it away. Resist, resist, resist……. Wrestle. Not as Jacob did – refusing to submit , so God left a wound. Resist the devil. He will flee. That was, and is Jacob’s trouble – resisting his own God, YHWH. A true believer in Almighty, the one who appreciates the sacrifice paid by His Son on our behalf, will stop resisting the God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and start resisting the devil inside.
the conclusion of the matter
“Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
-King Solomon ( Solomon was a very morally weak son of Bathsheba who precipitated the exile of Judah and Benjamin due to his failure to obey HVHY's instructions for a good king)
“ He who has my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me, and he that loves
me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him.”
Yeshua Messiah
Revelation 22:14: Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates of the city.
My version of Yogi bearism’s:
‘Why do they call it a boxing ring when its not in a circle? It should be a boxing box’.
“There’s two ways to make a buck go down. Hit him right in the spine with a bow, or let him know he’s gotten double crossed. He’s smart enough to duck.’
20/20 vision : only seeing what is at the surface
When in doubt, choose the Hey as your 5, not 19.
The trump of HVHY shows no favor to people who refuse the authority of the TORAH and the commandments tied to every holy, biblical statute and ordinance.
Curtis Joseph is a ‘picture’ type of Joseph – dressed in many colors, sent to the outside camp in Badger attire and able to make great saves after feeling Blue and knowing the Leaf farming M system..
DDFENCE EMETISM’S with a Tom Seaver 2nd year New York twist:
For let a righteous lifestyle be the goal line of the TORAH, never forsaking it resulting in elimination from the game. Let the result speak for itself by staying in the hockey rink with one right foot standing on the football field,the other at second base, thereby being a light unto the dark bishop.
Center ice is where reality begins and ends, but only for C=Philadelphia level. Life continues for humans who survived Home, PA. 1st base is Bessie's tree for Curious George teams.
Avoid a Mountain Dew when you can choose jasmine tea with no lion parts mixed in.
At times of war, your draft selections that you stay with matter to the brewers of beer.
The day of rest is the seventh day , and do not sit on a Packer named Saturday with a Moses who does not teach the rules of Leviticus.
Beyond the balls, there are billiard triangles.
Call for a rabbi, call for a priest, call for a referee, call for me, but don’t call for pig or shellfish.
Calvin Ripkin is better than Coolidge in a anti-TULIP game.
It’s easier to drive a golf ball than a boat.
29 is a perfect hand in cribbage, not a rod of iron.
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