If you have counting the days since April 1st, 2014, the following progression might affect you.
December 18th: G627 > to give an answer or defense speech
December 19th: G628 > To wash and be freed from sin. Sin is ignoring or behaving contrary to what the TORAH instructs. Most 'Christians' have not yet changed their mind to accept the TORAH in their heart, which the Messiah represented in his lifetime.
December 20th: G629 > Redemption, the recalling of captives. The true Messiah will call you AWAY from Protestant and Catholic traditions in order to have his price properly applied to your sin. The Messiah cannot redeem those who remain in slavery to a system of man-made UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.
December 21st: G630 > To let loose; this was used to let an innocent wife be released from a hard-hearted husband. The same word is used in a negative sense to let a guilty wife be DISMISSED from her duties, just as a biased juror might be excused from being able to pass judgment to another.
December 22nd: G631 > To wipe off or dust oneself off; those like me who have tried to get the true message of salvation to people often have to clean themselves off and move on when the message is rejected by the obstinate
December 23rd: G632> to apportion or assign. What you might be expecting to receive might be the opposite of what you actually receive. Some people will be subject to harsh plagues rather than receive protection from HVHY during the latter 1290 days of a 7 year period. I will call this 'Scottmas Day' and remember Scott Gomez is number 312 on ESPN systems, the same number as Win Parkinson's homeroom at Milwaukee Tech.
December 24th: G633> to cleanse the whole body; saints might have to wash themselves and remain opposed to the mass of filthy unbelievers with the assistance of HVHY's natural punishments just as in the days of Moses. This might have been the number attached to 633-LMX, Wisconsin plate (could have LMX-733, but I do remember the LMX combo) of a very ugly heretic attached to a white Jeep with 'Las Vegas' signs. I will bring up Adar 25th during this time frame in order to escape 'Santa Klaus' and 'Christmas tree' talk.
December 25th: G634> to fall. which is the opposite of 'to raise up, which is Hebrew word 545'. Stay aware of reactions opposite of what fools who reject Hebrew language expected.
December 26th: G635 > To seduce, to lead astray. This word typifies what Catholics and Protestants have done to those Israelites who were scattered like golf balls due to continual disobedience to the TORAH. My recommendation: reject any 'Christmas' parties to play it as safe as Jeremiah, just as I have since 1995 and have suffered greatly for choosing to obey Moses rather than the Vatican system and its branches. 'Seducing spirits' are warned against since the element of deception is always a factor in cases of unrighteous seduction. Typically, Saint Stephen's day was assigned to this date but the Catholics have rejected the redeemer of St. Stephen in practice.
December 27th: G636 > To sail away; to depart by ship. This is still the tenth month, and Zebulon is the tenth gem who is prophesied to have a wise command of water strategies.
December 28th: G 637> To wash nets, used in Ezekiel 16:9. When real saints checked their nets, the kept the clean and discarded the unclean fish.
December 29th: G638> To choke or suffocate, as in plants choked out by thorns. This term is often used to describe sports teams such as the Vikings who 'don't win the Superbowl' but still got farther than most other teams who are ridiculing them while out of the playoffs.
December 30th: G639 > To doubt, hestitate, be perplexed. If you failed to doubt the existence of Santa Claus and his fake elves and chose to believe in "Santa Claus and elves', you failed a test of REASON and got caught up in the wrong fisherman's net during the cold season.
December 31st : G 640 >To be perplexed. People who expect good to happen and then BAD happens are often perplexed, and vice versa. I will be on hard count 1350 on this day, but not forgetting those at 640 or 284.
January 1st: G 641: To cast off our out. It is used in Acts:27:43 and typifies the reaction of people responding to an unnamed centurion who realized they may have missed the whole point of ' Saint Noah's ark'. Building the ark was probably a joy compared to the the days when the ark actually had to get tested and used for survival while evil humans were being destroyed by their faith in the wrong doctrines. What type of horrible leader doesn't punish sinners? Santa Claus represents a lying entity who doesn't punish sinners.
January 2nd, G642: an orphan, children bereaved of their father, helpless. Many mothers have had to care for their own orphans and loss of a father describes an 'orphan'. When people realize that 'Father Christmas' didn't protect them or supply grace, where will they turn? I don't know the answer to that, but I have turned to my natural father and my godfather many times when the current United States government and anti-Moses religious system failed to protect me. It is very sad indeed when children know they cannot trust their natural father or their godfather in times of real need for food and shelter. For a short period of time, I experienced my natural father turning his back on me because of the lies that sued out of Shane David Hendrikson's mouth. I also may have suffered more physically during my years than Yeshua of Nazareth, but I deserved more suffering because I committed many sins which I had to repent of in order to have relationships with my natural family improve and be restored.
I hope you see an important pattern in both the Hebrew and the Greek alphabetical series and avoid the traps and snares that even the United States government has set up, contrary to the Pilgrims desire to abandon abominations like Christmas trees and related 'King of England' practices.
Next blog, I will continue in my mid-tribulation counting. It is day 1336.
1336G To bear through, used in 1st Peter 1 19 and several times in the Book of Hebrews, which is still being tested by some prominant leaders.
1336H: Bether, which means 'rugged'. Have you heard 'tough, rugged and rough, like old Gus' in any lyrics emitting from Philadelphia based-bands?
December 22nd is day 1341 for me in my post April 20th, 2012 series. 1341 starts the Gimel words, and I love the letter Gimel. The letter gimel is as important as the Richard Souray family and the persevering defenseman from Elk Point, Canada named Sheldon Souray.
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