Thursday, December 10, 2015

M21> Perfectionists Get Sloppy Sometimes

I have tried many ways to edit my over 900 posts on I have found English errors blatant enough to agitate my former teacher,  Elizabeth Cummings, in her rest area.  Computer problems are rarely easier to correct than an item on a chalkboard, and computer technology has not improved the moral fiber of those living on earth.

If I am now trying to continue blogging and reduce English errors, I have to choose to take the time to review my own work, since there may come a day when I am no longer able to correct my unintentional errors in spelling or sentence construction. My spelling errors are less of a serious matter than any judge who has erred in administering penalties or any jury who has declared a guilty person to be 'innocent' when they were actually guilty and deserving of serious punishment.

At times, I make errors that are not considered sins. Moving from one site to another is like trying to move from St. Lucia to Nevis, and I probably won't be able to take everything I had over here, but since I have time  I will try. Once transferred over here, I will try to correct spelling errors, as if taking my own advanced English course. It might not be fun, it might be very tedious but it also might be important for me to do as a back-up plan.

I can consider the change of blog venue as equal to the difference between my police memo book and a submitted report to my shift commander. Winter seems like a good time to make the changes. Not being able to go back to correct problems at Wordpress is the same as not being able to go back correct errors in a  marriage that resulted in a divorce; a divorce always represents and reveals an imperfect male leader problem, since the long term status of a family system does land on the male's shoulder.  When Adam failed at leadership, Eve failed at decisions.

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