Some men and women have left marriages as easily as I am leaving a bowling team called 'The YoYo's'. A short note with a short public message in a courtroom stating the marriage is impossible to reconcile is how Robin Michael Ortiz left a marriage that had less troubles to resolve than Henry Stenzel's marriage. Selfish and lazy people quit marriages rather than try to revive them, and often commit perjury in divorce courtrooms. John Travolta is just as evil as OJ Simpson, and it is usually the evil that try to redirect the mind away from the messages from truthful prophets and keep earthlings focused on fiction.
A dead dog is supposed to remain dead, not get resurrected. Many military men have accepted dog tags and have made guns their gods; I have not done that. What I did encounter yesterday was grieving to my spirit and required spiritual and literal action. Once you see 'Santa Klaus' as the spirit of evil and lying spirits who hear desires of children's hearts that he cannot fulfil, you might attain the spirit of wisdom that leads to the spirit the spirit of grace and truth
An old crippled US Army veteran chose to wear a shirt that said "Don't Stop Believin' " and had a picture of Santa Klaus on it. Santa Klaus is a symbol of Molech offense to anyone who believes in facts, which might be why Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz German Nazi types embrace the spirit of Santa Claus instead of cold, hard Pabst facts. I went up to old man Carl and directed a spiritual boxing move that was not even close to making contact with him, so it was just as fake as any 'Rocky' movie punch however I was trying to deliver a message without physically harming him. For those who are trying to take a Book of Numbers entrance exam, I was wearing a 'Joseph' jersey as I was bowling on my Locust team #1. The Yo-Yo's' are team number 11 on Mondays but they are number 5 on Friday's league.
Old man Carl claimed even though he was older than me he 'could whip me'. I knew that was a lie, because if I had to fight against old man Carl, I would win in literal physical fight. Carl is delusional and believing in Santa Klaus instead of the prophet Jeremiah is a huge sign of spiritual illness, so I no longer want to be part of a team where the male thinks he can 'whip me' but also has more spiritual depravity than I can correct without getting paid to do so. A few free meals from on old delusional man is not a crime to accept, but if Carl has a bad day, he might decide to try to 'whip me'. I didn't like his choice of words, we signed no contracts when I volunteered to be on his 82nd Airborne Army game team, so I have not broken any covenants by wisely departing from the 'Santa Klaus' team.
That might only leave a Ty and a jackass tie question to solve at Rice and Jackson. Carl can pray to Santa Klaus and see if Santa Klaus brings him another live bowler for his gambling-prone pork- eating bowling team. It is day 1334, and I got a notice from the bank that they intend to suck more money out of my take home pay, so I decided to hang my current mortgage payment up instead of a picture of Pope Francis or Santa Klaus in in my 'guest room'. I am not wasting electricity like my neighbors with stupid Kwanza and Christmas lights. If my neighbors don't like to see real numbers, they can go blind or stare at their toenails or a bottle of Playboy cologne. Tomorrow will be a very sad day for me because I know my son is so set on doing anti-Yahweh acts that I have to remove him from getting control of my assets in the event of my death. I am not afraid of death, and sometimes it is only when a person dies that those left behind are ready to accept the proper message.
It you only play 61, you are like 387783979 in a digital addition game. If you play 60 and start at samech, you might be able to destroy the folly of 'Superman', realizing that Hebrew is real, and that humans will never be able to fly with a stupid cape to escape bowl judgments. Krypton is real, and krypton bulbs have helped many police officers search dark areas, sometime to come to a dead end and other times to find a victim or a suspect.
'1529' is a Greek 'entrance, and if the banks have started a numerology game with me, they will lose more than I will. Greek 1531 is a 'bowl', and 1532 is still a barber line. A former nickname of 'Suzette' is not that important for me to repeat, but it happened to be the name of a very nice black poodle that was owned by Sophie and Robert Lopez in Milwaukee. I have made much effort in the past to try and prolong the life of very sick dogs, but eventually money to feed my family became more important than money to drug a dog. My former husbands are loved dogs more than they loved me, and my son Richard can profit off Shane David Hendrikson's death if he wants to, but Rachel Snyder Hendrikson will not profit from my death since I might be the only relative there is to redirect her and my son toward loving Yahweh and keeping his instructions as a household guide.
I will make an important declaration tomorrow, and many tears were shed today in an area that I had very carefully chose to remember my high school years. It is easier to do 36 push-ups than to do 60 in a row. Sometimes a smaller number IS better to take on in a challenge that profits a little because it only a physical game.
Add up the specific digits of your social security number and see what you come up with, since that was a number that you probably did not have control of. I am now like a 36, and my brothers are 35 and 37. Those numbers are books of the prophets in the old testaments, and if you play 61 too much, you might have not learned any lesson from Johnstown, PA flood victims.
The name Michael matters as much as the name Obadiah; John Trovolta is a blasphemer and is not real 'Michael the Archangel 'material, since Yahweh's archangels don't smoke cigarettes.
Hebrew word 268 matters just as much as word 1334. Do not think that the rules that Yeshua abided by hves been done away with. It is lawful for a natural son to lose his inheritance, so even Michigan laws are contrary to TORAH when it comes to transfer of vehicles without wasting money on an attorney.
I wonder how close I would be if I said I got 36% of my former marital assets, Shane David Hendrikson got 60% and the unrighteous attorneys involved got 4%. I could never know for sure since I never had complete access to my own family money and business records once Stuart Rottier swine-minded unit became no better than the hired hand of HItler. At least I know that I tried to help the Internal Revenue Service with as many facts as I could supply rather than try to contrive numbers on my tax forms and commit perjury. There are times when the only honest answer is 'I do not know, and I will not lie'. I do not want to disobey the existing local laws, even though they will eventually be proven to be too burdensome for any nation to survive with. It is not my venue to lift up or tear down powers that the nations have; I have very real limitations and continue to try to avoid committing sin.
I won't stop believing in Joseph, brother of Benjamin. Resigning from a bowling team is better than trying to help it 'win', since that is what Army claims is their only goal. Shame on Army for not understanding that to lose with grace is better than to win by cheating or changing the rules of the original Creators' game.
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