Monday, December 28, 2015

M31> Beware of Poitical Party and Drug Pushers

For the few who are trying to survive and help a few others escape traps during this season of debauchery and highly immoral   activities, let me assure you that you need to take your own precautions if you have been trying to do good in areas that are still hell-bent toward anti-Ezequiel activities and religious practices.  The following advice is given with total gravity of the situation in mind, knowing full well that the majority of people choose to trust humans who actually have depraved minds such as LeBron James, men wearing 'Santa Claus helmets', Janet Jackson, Tim McGraw  Kevin Costner or Sean Penn types rather than trust a true prophet  or a person with the gift of prophesying.

Strategies to be your own guardian angel:

A) If  people keep trying to provoke you by saying 'Merry Christmas' cven if you have told them you do not  partake in celebrations that Yahweh does not approve of, eventually you should say 'Yehovah rebuke you' since the provoker has the mentality of a Disney channel freak.  United States military veterans have a tendency to overstep their bounds when it comes to pushing their anti-Scripture muscle around and real saints have to withdraw safely from their verbal attacks.

B) Remember 'cup bearer' cautions. Forms of medical terrorism already occur in the United States on a regular basis, and include forcing drugs on people who are afraid of something seen or unseen possibly for a very good reason. If a place you go to on a regular basis has some changes that are continually leaning toward appeasing the Hindu or atheist palate, proceed with caution or 'abandon their ship' completely. Golden Corral now ruined the lima beans with pork after changing their meatloaf recipe. Such trends are spreading like the nastiness of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders and it is evident some businesses are upping their anti-Israel attitudes just like the Egyptian army did before Moshe moved forward and the Egyptians military drowned.  Take a very small sip of a beverage delivered to you IF YOU CANNOT SEE THE SOURCE it came from. Wait about 10 minutes and if you feel any signs of 'unnatural reactions' do not drink the contents of a beverage, especially if it is 'free'. Sometimes people who are fighting organized crime rings such as the  current movie industry or lazy elected officials end up having more enemies in the Pentagon than friends in the Vatican. Remember James Hardy and do not be 'fool Hardee'; it does not take much of a chemical spill to taint a beverage and make something that happens afterward appear to be an accident.  Extreme caution is not paranoia, especially if you know you have been on the proper side of Uriah in 'waiting'  rather than 'pursuing sexual quickies' when some leader is trying to cover up his own serious sins rather than mourn and resign from his acquired position.

G) PINK is a bad sign in weather forecasts and is a bad word in outerwear during these days when London-based companies are pushing their expensive prostitute outfits onto television stations as easily as a Nashville Predator can push his wife onto the next New Year's anti-Bible staged Herodian song and dance production. True Philadelphia saints know what clothes they can donate to enemies and which ones they know its better to have their loved ones be seen in. When its charity time, give decent clothes to the Red Cross or St. Vincent DePaul and put clothes fit for the whore of Babylon into a clothing depository for military veterans since they have been worshipping Marilyn Monroe types for years and have been refused to 'go humble not Bumble' at Rudolph and Dasher splits. Real widows (this includes recipients of divorce requests from unbelievers who are in fact spiritually dead) who have no male in the household and are  struggling to get out of debt and real orphans DO NOT HAVE TO TITHE, especially to another male.

D) If you have heard someone say they 'would kill somebody in a heartbeat' even if it wasn't you, Remember they might be willing to kill you someday if you do not 'protect them' or serve them as they expected you to. My ex-husband Shane David Hendrikson verbalized the fact that he 'would kill me' if certain events occurred that he did not like. He threatened me and I got away but suffered greatly in the process; those who are still 'loving him' or trusting him as I once did might end up on the wrong side of his very evil temper someday.

H) Start asking people the name of their god if they keep repeating greetings that are anti-Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. If they have no reasonable answer, see if they will choose between the 2 in 1 god named 'Gd' or the 4 in 1 HWHY named 'Agent 26'. At least then you get  them away from using Vatican and Protestant lingo and can possibly keep the door open to expand Gd and be blessed instead of cursed.

V) There is no 'new year' for real saints until sometime around April and after there is proper ripening of the barley in the Tel Dan area. Think ahead and remember that if you properly spent last year' passover evening in your own household, do the same this spring if possible. Inner protection of space includes the keeping of the commandments and the instructions for the passover meal as seen in  the Scriptures. Only in the case of a widow being invited to the home of a holy family led by a holy male might there be a good reason to depart from your own surroundings, just as some Egyptians trickled into the household of Moses-believing Hebrews at the end of the 14th day of the biblical year.

Z) If you noticed that Numbers chapter 10 contained an express date of 'the second month and the 20th day' AND you know that day was May 10th, 2015, you should be in the second year cycle and in the 600 going on 700 series in you counting process. May 10th, 2015 was a pivotal for me in the central Detroit streets and was day 405. If you look up word 3405, Milwaukee telephone code history becomes very interesting indeed.  Milwaukee is not spiritual Babylon, even though it has as many problems as the nation of Haiti. There is a substantial Judaic history and population in Milwaukee, and where 10 righteous are found, a city might be spared during cycles of terrible weather patterns or  other heaven -sent disciplinary measures.

C) Returning to Mt. Sinai in Egypt is nonsense and a waste of money that certain people are now explaining and exploiting to try to 'raise funds'. The commandments delivered to a chosen group of people came downhill for a reason. If you wanted 'proof' of something that occurred there, you are no better than Thomas the apostle and most likely will not be blessed as you had hoped for tramping around on ground that is sacred. You should be better off if you visited mt. Sinai hospital in Milwaukee or Mt. Sinai congregation in Wausau to see what the living are still trying to do rather than play footsie with Egyptians again. Now that I have been to Israel, why would I go to EGYPT?????? Money making scams abound in the 'book industry' and the name 'Jim and Penny Caldwell' is about the same as John Piper, and I do not mean that as a compliment. Neither name holds any real good power.

T) This is not a good time for 'trivial pursuit games'. Do not make a serious effort to chase after people who hate you just to fight with them or chase after tickets to some irrational, vulgar movie or stage show just to try to combat boredom. I would recommend you do not even bother traveling to remote destinations that push beaches and high altitudes combined with immodest attitudes. Learn to be content with people who respect you, are willing to be at peace with you rather than try to provoke you or spend time with those who are hurting and want someone with compassion to hear the reasons for the sorrows during this season and beyond.

Y) Michael Phelps is more like Michael J. Fox or Michael Jackson but is nothing like  Michael the archangel who is prophesied to stand up for Israel. Anti-holy people keep getting publicity and press time from media who excel at pushing blasphemy, immorality and carnal mediocrity to audiences who lack the power to resist their fables and gambling tables.  The true saints are not in very high profile positions now for a very good reason, namely to avoid 'great swelling words' coming to their eardrums or emitting from their lips.

Now, if you know that there is a very clear  NHL cut between  Chelios  position and  Arnott  position in total point  situations, you know the difference between X and Y. If you know that my badge number '1532' is between Coffey's 1531  position and Recchi's 1533  position, you know what I know. In Milwaukee, squad numbers might change but latitude and longitude don't change.

A Polka dot does not save anyone, even if you nail it to a  wooden cross. Periods of time will test generations of people. Humans who have taken and passed real difficult spiritual and literal tests are sometimes able to test others if they choose to.  I wouldn't trust a coach who never did well (well means did not cheat or intentionally break rules to 'win') in the sport he or she was coaching just as I would never trust an obese nurse to become my fitness instructor or dietary consultant. There seems to be a trend of sending 'bookies' into powerful coaching situations, but such people never passed the physical tests that they are then demanding of others. A 'bookie' takes a gamble with others people's money and lives in order to financially profit, just like any filthy attorney or boxing promoter.  Real living saints are good 'feet coach' and we warn where it is safe to tread and places you should avoid if their foundation is obviously too dangerous to try to take even a temporary stand on. Focusing on 'head coach' games  usually leads to lack of consideration for the real 'body of Joseph' parts which goes way back to corn codes.  I wouldn't call the Arizona cardinal coach 'good' based on his team's moral appearance since he is no better than Jason Garrett regardless of his win and loss record.

I still rather be working for a salary and for a decent employer  than donating my time and talents to people I can't even see or who don't appreciate me, but for some reason I am still only under the authority  of 'Agent 26' and my natural father's authority. Try to remember that 'public servants' and 'public officials' are under other pressures and powers, some good and some evil, and are more likely to blaspheme HVHY than submit to his rules and regulations when faced with a tough decision.  Jared Allen is typical of a man who now has  carnal unholy military personnel as a idol in his life instead of understanding and worshipping the Creator. Who has decided that many military lives could be ended much sooner than some Catholic nuns that I have known?  If you have family members that have gotten in and out of the United States or other 'anti-clean' military, it is time to remind them that Moshe.s guiding cloud wasn't developed by Microsoft.

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