Archive for the ‘Ask a Centurion’ Category
I will be taking the time to edit this, but here is a rough draft as weak as a gentle wind.
A Green Giant Thumb or a Blood Red Right Thumb?
Posted in Ask a Centurion, Sidebars with Torah, tagged 15th billiard ball, Abel, blood red moon, Cain, Chase Drake, Church of Philadelphia, Dombrowski, Eric Lindros, green thumb,Malchus, Nehemia Gordon, Orville Bowman, red ear, red thumb, red toe, Russell Kempka,The Incredible Hulk on February 28, 2011 |
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When a fact about a commandment is learned, there are lessons and theories that can be attached to it without breaking the commandment. If the commandment didn’t come from HVHY, a king who represented him or an angel of HVHY, it could be broken,ignored or changed without angering HVHY. Remember Vashti; she was married to a King Henry the 8th type or a Prince Charles type, not to a sober King of Israel. ‘Merry with wine’ means a person is drunk as a Ted Kennedy party snob, not sober.
Exodus 29:20:There are instructions to put ram’s blood on the right thumb, on the right ear and on the right ‘big toe’ of the high priest and his sons.
Remember Malchus and Simon Peter. In the book of Matthew, an incident of mayhem is reported without using names; in John’s account, he uses names. Different writers have different styles BUT who got a unexpected blood draw is of interest.
‘A servant is not greater than his master’. It was the servant of the high priest,Malchus, who got his ear cut off . A good son is a good servant to his father, and the sons of Aaron were supposed to have their ears marked with blood. Maybe Simon Peter noticed there was a lack of proper identification on the servant of the high priest so he made a quick blood draw to illustrate error of the current administration that was no longer living ‘according to the Law’. It is commonly said that the ‘thief on the cross’ was on the right side of Yeshua,son of Mary and the lamb of ‘God’ heard the last confession of the man to his right, even with blood covering his ears.
Yes, the mark of blood on the ear might have been a prophetic picture of that at least 2 serious occurrences. When a loved one is getting mistreated by unjust administrations, the family of the loved one sometimes responds very naturally. Crucifixtion is a overly cruel way to punish suspects or criminals.
Do you have a ‘red thumb’? Cain had a ‘green thumb’, which typically means he had gardening talent, but then murdered his brother rather than slaying what was intended to be food. Those who count their fingers as I do would say that is the 6th finger, and the 6th commandment is commonly referred to as ‘Thou shalt not murder’. Killing in self-defense is not the same as murder. The high priest was to be blameless, and was not to have a ‘green thumb’ like ‘The Incredible Hulk’. When people neglect facts tied to the specific instructions given to a form of a redeemer, their brains fill up with mythological characters who could never save them in reality and fill their minds with nonsense such as ‘Marvel comics’ has sold to generations of foolish consumers. It is no wonder that the world is still filled with violence on a daily basis. The 6th seal in prophesy is a ‘blood red moon’;some people consider the 6th annual biblical feast to be the Day of Atonement,which the high priest has to remember. The angel of the Church of Philadelphia is mentioned 6th. YHVH wants his people and his leaders to remember the 6TH!
Remember that the ephod designed by God Almighty covered Aaron and was attached to the breastplate containing the 12 stones as a type of a mobile living geology technician. Modest attire covers holiness and godliness and sometimes covers the unholy and ungodly temporarily. Public immodesty reveals all sorts of depravity and ungodliness,including tattoos, so consider yourself warned.
If you continue to count your past the 10th finger, go down your right side where the carbuncle,diamond, amethyst and jasper lead you to your little right toe (consider it the 11th digital body part) the right big toe is like a 15. Of interest:the 15th billiard ball is deep red, as red as ram’s blood. The exit out of Egypt began on the 15th day,after a blood mark was placed on their ‘doorway’. When you no longer have a doorway because you had to leave your man-made dwelling, elements can and do enter your ‘god-made dwelling’ known as your body. Liquids and ointments that have contact with the foot and are absorbed into the system. Drinking of actual blood is prohibited for YHVH’s people.
The above is typical of how much can be revealed to a person who quietly listens to redeemed men such as Nehemia Gordon share the Torah portion. Prior to hearing the Word of YHVH, I had seen and heard the words of violent men promoting boxing in the Detroit area. No redeemed saint would ever enjoy watching men trying to destroy one another intentionally just to get a paycheck. After watching the Michigan Wolverines and the Wisconsin Badgers(after playing hockey with Chase Drake in the past, I must say he handled a bad situation well;at least he didn’t quit early) compete in a reasonable hockey contest that does try to put a stop to fighting when it gets too dangerous, I thought about tunneling animals. If the Fox Theatre or the Joe Louis Arena would get 1 real badger and one real wolverine and try to sell tickets to ‘ a cage match’, I think I might be interested in such a battle that is not contrary to what is allowable by natural law. They might not fight at all, or they might not not fight to the death. They might just scrap for a bit till they both are tired, and go to sleep in their corners after raising money for the some honest charity.
The total depravity and obvious mental illness of the typical person who enjoys watching humans commit violent acts and will pay to watch such sin is something the carnal Calvinists might want to start trying to correct(cure) since they do not seem to want to stop eating their cured hams and obey the Laws of the True God.
Will the true gospel ever reach the United States government officials early enough to save them? I don’t know. It’s Eric Lindros birthday and since he never did anything evil to me, I consider him my friend so I am heading to celebrate in a peaceful assembly. Recovering from head trauma is not easy, but it is easier than trying to get Michael Rood to ditch his leaven-filled attitude. Passover is not intended to be a swimming pool party at a luxury hotel. It is to be a small immediate family gathering at a home or a local sheltered area. March might indeed come in like lion this year, and I clearly laugh and smile as I recall being called ‘Dombrowski’ by Russell Kempka on many occasions. National anthems are a curious tradition. Poland,Canada and Russia have better national anthems than the United States of America.
As far as ‘Hanukkuh goes, Yeshua did visit an unauthorized feast, the majority of the children of Israel acting more like Sardis at that time, they did not repent, and the true Light was removed from their lampstand location. Don’t be deceived. Purim and Hannukuh are tied to the synagogue of Satan which Arthur Bailey typifies, not the pure 7 candle lampstand and the humble, courageous, suffering servant atttitude of Joseph President in St. Lucia. Good shepherds have to see what the destructive enemies(wolves and vipers) are doing before he can deploy them to another area, try to correct them or destroy them so they no longer can keep destroying his ‘sheep’. A real lion can defeat a real wolf.
The true bride of HVHY isn’t drawn to a Persian King story that is probably about as distorted as Simba and Walt Disney. A Perian Cat which is a cat by nature but isn’t the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Unholy, unsanctified human kings are like cats that are drawn to Playboy Bunny types. A wise woman obeys a good husband, not a Persian King, even if it costs her her life. I won’t lose by having compassion on the original Vashti and denouncing ‘Easter’ and hating evil actresses like Joan Collins , which are the names of a false goddesses. If Vashti is considered your enemy, you have to learn how to love her, right? The fact is that she did not try to plan the destruction of the those who obeyed the commandments, so she is not considered my enemy.
Having your child become an actress or an actor is not a sign of good parenting or good spiritual leadership. Maybe my son has ruined his chance of escape from Bbylon when he acted on 'House Hunters International'..
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder of A ‘Different’ Love Definition
Posted in Ask a Centurion, Law and Physics on ICE, Odds and Ends, On Side Blue Line,Reality Checks, Shofars on Frozen Tundra on February 2, 2015
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It would only be a fool who would think that closing your door to a prophet or a saint, who I will hereby refer to as part of ‘HVHY squad 26’, would make them grow fonder of you. Since I understand that there will be an outpouring of the wrath of HVHY on those who rejected his prophets, I do not reject the prophets. There is a huge gap created when former friends become enemies due to one or both of the parties departing from kindness,decency,expected courtesy and humility. Time does not heal that gap, which is a form of a wound, and eventually the two die as enemies. Whether one or both were enemies of the Holy Spirit becomes an interesting factor, because if both rejected the methods of reconciliation prescribed by the Torah, you will spend eternity with your ‘enemies’ if you believe in some sort of eternal punishment. If the absence of the cruel enemy causes the softer person to love HVHY more and more,grace,faith, patience and trust take over until a holy Adonai executes judgments upon the hard-hearted, evil person and possibly on his entire family. Families often wrongfully try to defend their own ‘flesh and blood’, even when they do wrong; I rather try to correct or openly rebuke patterns of ‘anti-Good’ behavior.
There is no paperwork that goes along with spiritual adoption, just as there is no paperwork that goes along with a child who starts to hate his mother rather than love her. As I was given a load of snow around my house that is not too much for me to handle, I remembered taking my son to Jacksonsport, WI in the middle of winter for our family vacation, even though it was just the 2 of us in our family. A cat visited outside the small motel room door and he had fun shoveling snow at about the age of 3. My heart is not growing fonder of my son because he is proving he no longer desires to be called ‘my son’. He might as well call Linda Meyer Hendrikson Costa ‘mom’ since she is more like his legal father, Shane Hendrikson, than I am and he is the legal oldest brother of Linda’s children. I have the Jodi Barnes family as a heart-warming humble alternative to the hypocrisy entrenched in people who like to hide in France or behind hired lawyers rather than try to improve their own homeland. I am thankful female toplessness or nudity is prohibited on a few beaches yet, although I certainly rather spend a weekend shoveling snow in Michigan than being surrounded by drunken spring break students in Florida exhibiting their whore-like behavior for perverted spiritual losers. For some reason, my son is drawn to those who do not tell him the Truth anymore. That troubles me to a cold team degree , but I am more secure in my love for HVHY to bother trying to deny what the reality of my son's family situation is. I do know that I just moved mountains of snow around my dwelling with a shovel, alone. Faith is doing good works,which means they are not contrary to the Torah, including utilizing your body muscles, covered in modest clothing, to accomplish necessary tasks.
In the spiritual realm, natural branches get cut off in order to let the ‘stranger and sojourner in’. Any son who claims to be ‘saved’, knows his ‘father’ is out of financial debt and who’s mother is IN financial debt due to the unholy conduct of the father should do everything possible he can to help his mother get out of debt if he is to apply ‘honor your father and your mother’. I guarantee you, building another anti-Moses church in France is not going to be counted as ‘good works’. The carnal son or daughter will be drawn to the more affluent if the parents are not in one unit any longer. Pruning is like a dishonorable discharge; although a mother does not want to discipline her son, when the carnal father fails to do so PROPERLY, she has to if she is to abide by her calling of a godly and God-fearing parent. My son could go to court and change his name to Jackson or Swedowski if he wants to actually end with a name better than he has now. His adoption into the Hendrikson family now falls under the category of ‘legalism’. As Sergei Fedorov has stated ‘It’s not how you start, its how you finish.’ You can return to the name of your family blood lines, but making up another alias in some pathetic attempt to escape actual prosecution only invites familiar evil spirits into your household. I do not condone lying, especially when someone writes ‘I love you’ and you know that they don’t because they do everything contrary to ‘acts of love’ toward you. I actually wondered today if my son’s natural father has a better chance to repent than his father of legal adoption. When people you once held in ‘high esteem’ prove to be faithless cowards who chose to love money,sin and their attorneys who got them ‘rich’ more than keeping the commandments,the mind rewinds from time to time. I wonder why me son’s grandmother, Jesse Jackson, seemed more genuine at my son’s wedding than Karen and Roland Hendrikson. I know that I am part of the same retirement system as Donald Jackson, and although I do not respect him as a leader, he did me less harm than Shane Hendrikson’s family in the ‘big picture’. I know my family’s character has more integrity than Donald Jackson’s family based on my willingness to financially support my son when his family intentionally ‘escaped their financial duty’. Love doesn’t avoid the target of love, it seeks it and embraces it. If I seek a place to show kindness and wisdom and love, and that door is closed to me, I will seek another place to express kindness, wisdom and love. This site might be the place I have to express forms of wisdom,love, Truth and non-fiction that helps me keep my memory in proper order. You never know when you go into a new place if it a the place of a ‘friend’ or an ‘enemy’ of YHVH. I wouldn’t consider a post-Super Bowl gospel show on the BLack Entertainment Network to be anything other than another example of intentional segregation and immature Gentiles prancing around like Judy Garland in an unrealistic setting. Others who are not my children or my blood relation have opened their homes to me, embraced me and proved that they love me, een though they might not know that I might be considered to be a prophet; I am an angel because I deliver messages in person as directed by the Spiritu of YHVH. If you consider the Bible to be contained within a real saint, it is with the commandments of YHVH, would you cut off their hand because it said ‘Leviticus’ on it before you allowed them into your dwelling? The Torah was meant to be one intact and complete body; without accepting all of them, you only end up with what is eventually ‘body’ parts that cannot survive without being kept intact and in one unit.
Sometimes you check more than once on a ‘love’. Although I think about St. Lucia often, I cannot go afford to go there and no one has invited me back although I poured out so much of my love there. I can say I love Canada, the body of a real neighbor nation is more important than State Farm, because they can open their border to me. After visiting,I reluctantly return to the United States because that is what I am expected to do because of the current laws. It’s a waste of time to visit statue sites unless you are looking for a silly and legal way to avoiding hearing a hypocrite. I rather see my parents than see Vatican City or the Pope or any television actor. I’d rather see my brothers’ family than see a Super Bowl which really has no connection to the Tribe of Levi although a stadium might plaster the name on it. I’d rather see a good utility repairman show up when there is danger than see an Air Force pilot dropping bombs on his enemy. If you can start to appreciate your electricity, water and gas lines more than a movie line, you’re priorities might be going in the right direction. I never saw Air Force unit physically improve any part of the earth, which is why I can be ‘anti-Air Force’. Bombs destroy soil,destroy the air, and never do make peace with HVHY. The United States, a typical pagan nation, breaks up more families with the MILITARY systems than they protect by shipping people overseas into lands that should not be ours to defend. While overseas, the homes of the military are actually left more insecure than secure, which is why sin permeates and reigns in the households of the USA military veterans, not holiness. I wonder how many ‘military veterans’ have left their homes, choosing to lift up weapons of death and destruction in order to serve a political machine rather than serve their spouse, only to return in a state of mental and physical disrepair or maybe to a spouse that wasn’t faithful? Although who we served in the past matters, it is who you choose to serve today that can correct your errors of past slavery to wrong system. I do not know if my son will ever stop serving the anti-Moses machine and choose to live a life that complies with the Scriptures again. He has been taken captive by my enemies and by Yehovah’s enemies’ although he might think he is ‘free’, he is piling up loads of sin that are not yet forgiven, just like most of the world. Continuing to choose ‘anti-commandment’ methods after having access to the free gift of the commandments exhibits hatred toward the man who most refer to as 'Jesus Christ' and his people who understand and yearn for righteousness, kindness and justice and who cannot always show mercy.
Absence of riches makes the heart grow fonder of things that are free, but not all things that are free are good for you. I would reject a free pork chop, but not a free Bible. In a practical sense, my neighbors across the street tithed to me today; they helped me with about 10% of my snow shoveling requirements. I didn’t ask for them for help, but they did help and it was nice to see I had a ‘head start’ on a very hard task. If they had given me money, I could have used it to hire someone, but you can’t even hire a young person to shovel snow anymore because they are too lazy and unwilling to help the elderly in most cases. I used to shovel snow and mow lawns as a young girl for money; thankfully I never ended up a prostitute.
Absence of Truth makes the heart grow fonder of liars. God is Truth, and a heart without the Truth prefers liars. The Truth is in me, so I despise liars.
Absence of faithfulness makes the heart grow fonder of adulterers. Thankfully, faithfulness remains within me.
Absence of sin makes the heart grow fonder of the Saints and the prophets. I try to everyday without sinning, but had no idea so few would be thankful to have a person with that attitude being present in their surroundings.
I suppose more people will read about Chris Chelios’s reasons for being upset with the Blackhawks than will read about my past pain and struggles, but maybe my writings are weightier… and they are available for free.
Believing What You Didn’t Witness Can Be Dangerous to Your Literal Health
Posted in A Fit Man, Ask a Centurion, Defender of the Week and Weaker, Fore Ordained,Goal Posts and Ends, ICE Fishing, Icing on the Rink, On Side Blue Line, Rocky Corners,Sidebars with Torah, tagged 248, 6600, 689, 701, 952, 953, Adoph HItler, Ashley Maria Hendrikson of Wittenberg, Chris Chelios, Curtis Joseph, Darren Sharper, Denita Ball, Derek Jeter, Genesis chapter 37, Hulk Hogan, Jaromir Jagr, Jeffery Dahmer, Joe Pavelski,Jonathan Toews, Kendra the Icedig, Macomb Ice Arena, Nancy Peterson, Natalie Smith,Rob Jeter, Robert Skaradzynki, Shannon Hogan, Sybil, Wisconsin Badgers on December 13, 2014 | |
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Hard core,big city of Wausau Fact: When you bear false witness against reformed criminals who are now angels of the Most High God, they know how to torment you mentally or physically, and will be given permission to do so by Stephen the Martyr, El Shaddai, or El Elyon or Abbadon or some other level of accurate power greater than any liar. I am not tormented, but I do get vexed by sin and paganism , just as any good prophet or church of Philadelphia member would.
Since ‘God remembered Rachel’ lets remember Joseph, and if you are capable of thinking at a minimum 4=purple in billiards and Denita Ball=old squad 91 level to get past the overrated December 25th ordeals and the unholy White House Christmas games and their Druid, witchcraft pushing elves that plot against all elements of Truth and try to contradict natural law, read on. When weighing evidence, you have to start eliminating the concepts which clearly are impossible because Truth is not in them, such as the myth that reindeers can fly and lift a sleigh holding and an obese beast. If you want idiots landing on your roof from an AT&T channel 98’Santa Tracker’ which continues deceptions and unholy idolatry, don't expect goodness and kindness to follow your ways.
I told a famous friend of mine that some of the hardest truths are taught in the safest places, after watching him participate in a low level hockey game on Thursday. I would have played in rink 2, but I forgot my helmet, so I watched the game in rink 3, which included a ‘state farm’ player and a former Redwing player. A ‘State Farm’ shirt does not bring good memories to mind, but neither would a ‘Wittenberg Charger42’ so I have to use a ‘Herbie Hancock Watermelon Man’ idiom in order to get the accurate message across: Actual good neighbors tell the Truth, which means revealing the fact that insurance companies do not save the prophets but do profit and often are greedy as they prey upon the needy. If I do not spread the Truth and warn others of their err, I will be unfit for any spiritual duty and only barely survive as though I were a ‘cartoon raven’ looking to feed off of dead matter and never able to be classified as ‘clean’ enough to enter the marriage supper of the Lamb of God. Potipher’s wife spread lies because she thought she was more worthy of someone’s affection and physical sexual abilities than she was; because of her overestimation of her ‘worth’, she got an innocent, previously traumatized man thrown into prison by an Egyptian government which promoted sexual lawlessness. We have an Egyptian government system rooted in the United States, not a holy government, so as easy as it might be to believe what you see written on computer websites or newspapers, fight the power of propaganda and rumor pushers who file and write unsubstantiated reports, then keep trying to seek and accept the facts which you can verify. You must choose to fight the liars which try to make you believe a lie, or you will never overcome even 1 USA Army troop that believes and then relays lies over the electronic systems.

My friend “Issachar’ and I on a terrific day in Israel. Since I am well-trained retired police officer, I chose to ‘cover her back’, but she might be more like a 6, and I might be more like a jasper,a ligure,a beryl,a topaz,a sardius or even a fiery carbuncle. I may not look ‘pretty’ but I have to try to convince myself I look ‘good’ although I am clearly not as attractive as ‘Issachar’, since good means modest and evil=ugly=immodest whore attire.
Darren Sharper might be like Joseph of the Bible, like me or like anyone else that has had accusations in a ‘2 against 1’ situation ruin their reputation and cause them great tribulation and suffering. It seems as though many of the people whom I have chosen to be on my spiritual, non-Microsoft ‘holy sports&local21’ warfare team have been targeted by illegal or unnecessary roughing, such as Jaromir Jagr, Joey Pavelski and maybe even Dan Boyle. I was unnecessarily verbally roughed by bouncers in downtown Detroit, eventually got back inti the rink and taught Chris Chelios a lesson or two. You can dig a hole without a shovel if you have a Badger or similar tunnel expert to dig, right? I saw Jonathan Toews on a FILM replay evade serious injury yesterday; he seemed to know that his pursuer was not playing the puck but was going to target him so he instinctively dropped down to avoid a too much impact to his head, and as a result sustained no major injury. He might not have known that’s what he did, but from a martial arts perspective that how he appeared to defend his body as well as possible against a body attack. An aborted child is not able to duck any unholy moves by United States government approved medical death camps, so their spirit returns to the ‘Creator’. Is their creator an unknown, a mother or a father? Pure and holy love pf YHVH does not create most humans, simple mammal actions by carnal pagan and heathen mammals known as humans create after their own kind, and only an actual act of YHVH can change a human into an actual saint. The vatican doesn’t decide who the real saints are, and neither do sports teams logos.
I have had 2 people testify against me and their testimony got me jailed for a period of time. Their accusations were wrong, and they used to part of my ‘spiritual’ family, but they are no longer part of me or part of my spiritual body:Nancy Peterson and Richard Xavier Ortiz Hendrikson. You cannot control what is not part of your body, just as the Messiah cannot control nor is he responsible for all the sin that continues on earth. He can only have power over those who give him the proper authority to reign over you, and the written Word of YHVH is the proper authority which saves and purifies and justifies you OVER your lifetime. Individual acts consistent with a particular commandment do not save you, for if you never steal but you lie, you still prove you are like whoremongers, the 2 headed beast who sees and hears with one mentality and then releases information with a demonic spirit, showing that they are part of anti-Truth powers. Listen carefully to what people say to you and prepare you mind to correct and shame them audibly if needed. As a woman who had been verbally abused by a self-proclaimed ‘anti-commandmentist’, I know longer let the offense have the final word and ideally, neither will those who are surrounding me like angels of YHVH or at least honest witnesses. Video and audible tapes can be altered which may intentionally cause the innocent to ‘look guilty’, so that method of communication is never a reliable source of Truth, especially over time. The following conversations occurred within less than a 12 hour period, and I was verbally attacked in a method so subtle that only the elect could possibly agree with what I did.
Case A) I went into an ice hockey rink as usual, and there was one other brown male there who wore a red jersey number 14, while I had on my Israel 18 jersey. I don't know much about that other male other than he’s not on my ‘spiritual warfare team’ and that he plays with a team led by a person known as ‘Hogan’. Whether its Hulk Hogan, Ben Hogan or Shannon Hogan doesn’t really matter to me or Michael the Archangel, I just know he’s not playing for me and treats me about as typically and naturally as any other non-saint. He might be some undercover agent for all I know, for they have a tendency to try and play it both ways as WELL as unclean camels possibly could. When a 3rd person came onto the rink who likes to be called ‘Jeffrey’, he had no chest protection on. When I asked him he said. ‘There’s no one here.’ Either he was drugged like one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims, he is delusional or he has no respect for anyone female or a dark brown person, which is equivalent of our founding fathers and the voting methods that were applied prior to the Susan B. Anthony era. I told ‘Jeffrey’ that he blasphemed, because clearly someone was there and his sin is unforgivable by me. It was as evil as my ex-husband sending me an email saying ‘you are not special’, and in order for me to be strong rather than weakened, I accurately corrected ‘Jeffrey’ as he skated slowly around in his grey hooded sweatshirt. A 4th person entered the arena dressed with a black feline jersey, and he was the wisest and most polite of the three men out there. He cooperated with me, and I respected him because of it. He did not say I was ‘no one’.
Case B) I went to one of my favorite venues for my shabbat meal on the 19th or Tislev, wearing my Good Ax Chicago Blackhawk jersey#19, and dined alone as usual. I was asked to change tables from one numbered in the 50’s to what I was told was table #66 and cooperated with the request because it would do me no physical harm to move. In the past, I have not cooperated with people who tried to drug me against my will in Wauwatosa, Stevens Point or in Wausau,Wisconsin and I may very possibly have gotten raped because of the forcing of drugs on me which made me defenseless. If no ones indicts the people who drugged me against my will, this whole nation is as guilty of intentional abuse of powers as Adolph Hitler. Once moved to table #66 I was very near 2 dirty blondes who reminded me of Ashley Maria Hendrikson and Natalie Smith. They weren’t polite and seemed to be very into themselves, maybe no different from the 2 females who are accused Darren Sharper of a crime. I do not enjoy watching people who are not trustworthy, but defense requires that you watch the evildoers,lest they overcome you. I might be getting moved around like a knight in a chess game or a pawn, but as long as i trust the people who are moving me there’s no problem with being moved. The problem starts with typical pentagon and military strategists who are too cowardly to accept the truth and rather try to cause a good person to react in anger. A male said to me ‘Are you guys done (with this table)?’ Since I am neither a man nor a split personality basket case like ‘Sybil’ and I have an excellent knowledge of the power of words, I rebuked him. He said he was using “GENERAL’ language, and I said then mentioned that sounded like he went to West Point for his English, which was inaccurate. I corrected him as peacefully as I could, suggesting he should have said something like ‘Are you through with this table. young lady?’ I then reported the possible intentional verbal abuse of me to another human in the area, but order to keep unintentional sin an option 2 for the ‘general language amateur’ I suggested that the male might be delusional or possible intoxicated from too much Budweiser, since he thought I looked like at least 2 males according to his speech.
Had I been like ‘Kendra the Icedog goalie from the ONYX Rink’ which is NOT Joseph’s rink but is tied to garbage companies, or had i been like the physically limited but still violent ‘Indian’ who threatened me at the Macomb Ice Rink when I tried to warn him of possible danger while he disobeyed posted stick&puck rules, I suppose I could have complained to the owner and tried to get those carnal humans permanently rejected from the area, but that would not really change the people who attacked me. It would just cause huge problems for a proprietor who probably has a tough time just handling his own staff properly, due to the nature of ownership of private businesses. It was better for me to go to my shabbat assembly, keep an eye on situations people were doing ephod squad drills, and put in spiritual honest and prophetic audibles as needed, and which should be protected by the United States Constitution.
I can only hope that the Troy Arena proves to be exactly what ‘ a ram’ ‘ a treasure’ and ‘a decree’ means: a mostly clean and decent place to guide others and be guided toward pearls of Truth rather than to confounded and suffer continued persecution by those who hate the Biblical prophets and love sin. Hearing that Joseph was only 17 when sold into slavery added a deep level of sadness, but it is better to cry with the saints than to become as sick as Billy Joel and laugh with his Broadway sinners. ‘The Lord shall laugh’, so even the Lord does get satisfaction outwitting the haughty, staying anti-drug while battling demonic forces, and while helping the ‘naughty’ become wise as Cobras getting into temporary life raft, only to find that Joakim Noah types might be in it instead of Cindy Crawford idiots.
I won’t be celebrating Hanukkah because Joseph could handle the darkness better than Stevie Wonder ever did. It is borderline, not one of the original7 feasts, and I know it is sometimes better to ‘watch and pray’ than play the religious marketing games. If I am corrected on that matter, it will be by the Messiah himself in the kingdom of HVHY, but according to prophesy, Hanukkah doesn’t make the ‘cut’ as necessary to be continued for all generations.
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