Thursday, December 10, 2015

M22>Sante Fe Railroad Isn't a Xavier Green Split

I think I will post current updates as 'Metro'  with an M and post Retro with an R in oder to bettter try to split or unite a Robin Lindros  versus Robin Yount line. With M you get momentum and what the current and real Marie Elizabeth is thinking, but with R posts you should get a chance to rethink beyond your own two temples on your  Hogan-type H cranium  I know that Bing Crosny made a lot of errors that most people would sooner forgive than me or my debt, but too much sympathy for Bing Crosby types leads to too much sympathy for all deceivers and creators of fiction.

If I tried to unite forces at one time but failed due to people's hatred of Torah concepts, maybe my important role is to continue to divide  families without charging them like a divorce attorney would.
Code systtems till matter at MR. Some mentally ill male people no longer want to be called 'Mister', such as Bruce Jenner.   Most humans are as blind as Mr. Magoo when it comes to seeking the Truth and supporting D.A.R.E. programs instead of CAIR programs. A few will be saved from being deceived, and let me see if I can put the proper  fish tie game  spin at Joe Bucher options regarding burden level:

Minnows) Torah Hallas. I have no idea what  Torah Hallas thinks now, just as I have no idea what  Autumn Rayne Hendrikson really thinks now, even though I had held them both and cared for them both as infants . Torah Hallas is as important as Peter Dylan Campbell in my estimation, but our lines have been severed for different reasons. Parents who name their children in arrogance end up causing confusion worldwide when a 'Torah' discussion comes up.

Suckers) Torah Bright. Clearly ignorant choices for names demand some sort of explanation The world of the Olympics might have improved in dress codes, but only in some venues. Overall, the olympics is as revolting as a trip to New York City slum areas, where more lives are likely to be lost than saved by the preaching of the instructions for righteousness.

Please note I did not attach letters to the above extremely different Beth Dagon problems above in order to give the word  'scales' some consideration.  Once you understand some 3977 Strongs Hebrew connections to Mosinee, mapping issues look far more interesting at Highway 153.

In order to put things into non-Winkleman perspective, I can state that a plumber is just as important as a chef, so I will now avoid buying Snickers or Zero and would never buy a Torah Hallas palace or Torah Bright Tootsie rolls.

Combos) Torah Scrolls. Unless you start referring in your speech to Torah Schrolls, you will be confusing people in the Garth Snow belt zones and even in the Reggie White Zones.  Naming your child 'Torah' is a form of mocking Yahweh, just as is naming your child after an original tribe of Israel and then rejecting the very laws  were freely given to preserve some of them. Names are a very serious matter, but only a few have been smart enough to name their Protestant children  names like George or Edwin rather than giving them first names  like Joseph, Benjamin, Levi or Reuben.

Two words put together sometimes make a confusing sentence. If the Scrolls are capitalized, it is a noun not a verb.  'A  musician can scroll sheets of music, but Sheets might be able to read TORAH scrolls.'  In that example, using all capitals to spell in Hebrew positioning as HAROT can distinguish the Word who became flesh from a couple of females who were foolishly labeled as 'Torah'.

It is nearing day 1335, and I have made excellent progress with my parents and siblings during those years because my parents and siblings know how difficult it is to prove that you have love  for family, no matter how sick or poor they have become. The genuine patience and longsuffering that my family is still going through has brought us closer in spirit, even though we are scattered in the United States like golf balls on different courses.

HORAT might be the best way to refer to the first 5 books of the Hebrew Scriptures, eh?

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