It is a common error for some people who have been a victim of very unjust distribution of property at the time of a divorce temporary hearing to get rid of evidence against the jurisdiction that forced them out of one house and into another.
When property becomes as devalued and as mobile as a dislodged house flowing downstream on the Ohio River flood plains, the original location of your 'house' matters in case you have to rebuild in some way. Since my ex-husband was given a very unfair power advantage over me at the time of out initial separation of good and evil, the house I was allowed to live in has only had a license plate with a buildable piece of land attached. The buildable piece of land had to get sold, but the living quarters I owned did not have to get sold yet, namely a 2004 Toyota Sequoia. If you are not given access to your own debt-free house even on a par- time basis after unproven allegations of a crime have been issued against you, it is not correct to list some caring and hospitable neighbor's address as your 'home address''. Falsification of records is as bad as people who claim they were battered but have no injuries, so it should be obvious they are guilty of exaggeration and embellishment. Shane David Hendrikson is very gultty of numerous counts of obstructing justice even if the local sherrif was too corrupt to issue charges against him on my behalf . He made several false reports, but he was granted house occupancy and I was granted only my Wisconsin-based company's automobile occupancy while his new girlfriend took up my company's leased parking space without my permission.
I should call my Seuouia my debt free winter cottage or a Wisconsin mobile home and use its vin number for my second address, eh? If I cannot pay off my current house, I might have to live in Seqoia again year around and I have to list an address where I can park it safely and with my superior officer's permission. My superior officer is my father at this time. When one state's unjust law system causes a serious record keeping problem, there is no sense trying to change the evidence against the state which designated your house to be your car. I shouldn't try to change my Wisconsin homeless abused woman's shelter into a car in MIchigan.
Homeless people with a car, I would say you can go ahead and list your vehicle identification number as your address and use the license plate address as your next of kin address who you know would allow you to park on their property in case of emergency. Once unjust court rulers force you to rely on relatives, do not cut the string of information to your relatives that did not abandon you after you were unjustly prosecuted or persecuted for your BIble-based self-defense actions.
A sieve used for sifting grain is not a laughing matter, and neither are the floods in the mIdwest United States or the Coast Guard Spar line. Weather people lsuch as 'Alex Wilson' seem a bit too jovial as they watch people's land and houses get attacked by weather conditions allowed by the same God who saved Moses and his 7 other family members. When the honest and living saints are deprived of buying power due to thefts or unjust property division when an unbeliever wants to go astray into a lifestyle of anti-Christ sin, there will be no hope for the nation as a whole to improve it's spending decisions because too mush buying power has been given to unholy families and lack of charity leads to extreme differences in living conditions. Within my immediate family, we all have safe living conditions; my brothers have the luxury of household companions and I have enough room to shelter them if floods occur in their area.
If the 'Chrstian' grandparents of my son would have told the father of my son to move into their unoccupied 2nd house on Post Lake in Elcho until his divroce request was finalized, they might not have been labeled as uncaring hypocrites. When family members claim they are 'staying neutral' they often end up looking as evil and cowardly as a lukewarm Swiss Miss pudding cup instead of someone worth to be a trusted cup-bearer in the kingdom of Yehovah.
Short term decisions do have long term reactions, and people who manipulated existing laws and systems to obtain what they did not own or did not deserve actually received when they should have given. Liars and 'lukewarm Christians' eventually end up losing spiritual and literal blessings which usually includes bodily protection back-up systems.
Good news of the day: I received a very interesting tour of the Coast Guard ship named 'Bramble'. The retired veteran was as kind as Jeff Sauer during a tour of his office and the UW-Badgers hockey areas. Such tours are better than seeing a meaningless movie with contrived scenes and double-minded unstable humans playing 'pretend' too many times. A stranger can become a friend, but it is rare these day when that actually happens since most people really do have to be on high guard against strangers.
James HIller is my friend now, and good friends don't lead any of their friends into temptation to sin. If you want to hear a good tune in Port Huron and maybe become a friend of James Hiller, go the Power's Diner and play song 5 on group 34 which gets entered iinto the computer as '3405'. The song was one of my brother's favorites, became one of my favorites by the Edgar Winter Group and has no offensive lyrics which makes it better than a view of a picture of Marilyn Monroe. Order 3 sliders if you remember Don Money and order French Fries of you remember Agent 44 as 'Victor French'.
Ryfe Geometry Hugger Musical Note:
CCD=300 and DCC=700 to a Roman.
As day 18 begins, do not forget the ArK system. Doan vs. Toews is a very deep K line compared to a typical golf round. When a lawyer gets in the middle, do not expect a proper and safe connection system to be built or kept secure between 'Gd and Asher', since lawyers don't represent Yah.
Piano Split 88 Key system: 52 lower to 36 upper ratio is also 13 to 9. Is there a Benyamin to Yssachar communication problem that started when the USPS decided tat the symbol Y indicates 'limited quantity'?
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