Thursday, November 29, 2018

Recommendations For Michigan's Anti-Marijuana Citizens and Law Enforcement Officers

If you are currently employed in some branch of Michigan 's law enforcement  or Canadian law enforcement and have been in your right mind while being contrary to marijuana use, you will soon face the same dilemma that I did in the early 1990's in Milwaukee. You cannot represent the state of Michigan and represent HVHY's affiliates at the same time, and that fact will be even more evident if the Michigan legislation completes it's pro-marijuana fiasco. When I was reluctant to exit my 'job' as a representative of very anti-commandments laws in Wisconsin, somehow my overseer forced me out with a non-contagious disease. Here is what I would recommend if you know it is a fact that marijuana use is dangerous to the mindset of a person and there are already way too many products that are dangerous that have been legalized in the USA:

1. Ask for a leave of absence until every person who is serving jail time for marijuana related crimes is released from prison; keep in mind the people who have been properly imprisoned for marijuana related crimes are either going to be very angry that the state of Michigan changed it's laws or are going to be very thankful if they are now too well educated to ever desire marijuana again.

2. Start seeking employment in states where marijuana use is still illegal if you still want to earn an income representing some entity that is contrary to the mindset of Yehovah but want to remain true to the decent D.A.R.E. program theory :" Beware of the pharmacia".  It's already horrible if you have desired to represent a nation, state, county or city that has allowed abortions to continue for decades, so try not to make yourself even more repugnant by endorsing 'strange fire'  and unauthorized forms of incense that even a good Muslim is able to reject.

3. Don't be concerned about what Colorado does, but Colorado obviously is going in a very anti-Yehovah direction based on the governor most of their voters 'preferred' and the state of Utah now has as many border problems as there is between North Dakota and Canada.

4. Try to avoid spending 'vacation' time in states or nations that have legalized marijuana for recreational use for your own safety and to show support for anti-marijuana zones. Even I have actual friends in Canada who are disgusted with the direction of their anti-Yehovah government, but those like me have to remember it took 40 years to clean out the golden calf gangs from the Israelites after they emerged from slavery. It could take 40 years for a nation like the USA or Canada to be improved with throngs of Muslims who are anti-homosexuality, anti-marijuana, anti-pork and pro-modesty.

5. Based on opinion 4, the fear of having a nation taken over by a hot or cold Muslim majority should be gone if you have already confessed to others that you are not a part of lukewarm Christianity and have chosen to believe Moshe, since I have never met a good Muslim who is anti-Moshe Ben Amram.  A nation of 200,000,000 Muslims who get along perfectly well with 144,000 sealed tribe members would probably be much more safe and healthy to live in than the USA or Canada is now, even if that new nation of 200,144,001 is the last nation on the face of the earth,

6. Opinion 5 is not treasonous; passing laws that make a nation more dangerous is treasonous and passing laws that contradict the perfect laws of liberty that were delivered through the prophet Moshe is far worse than an act of unintentional sin. The arrogant who keep changing laws typically are committing intentional sin and such anti-Yehovah lawmakers are not going to be forgiven by Yom Kippur ceremonies.  Fiscal instability has been caused by rejection of maximum taxation laws that were set forth in for those desiring to remain under the authority of Yehovah.

7. If you are a citizen of a state or a nation that is trying to prove how anti-Elohim(68) it can be, prepare your own household as if it can be sold at any time at double of what you paid for it. This means keeping your property maintained as well as possible and ignoring all the HGTV theories of having to have 2 sinks in a bathroom and more than 3 bedrooms for a family of 8.  You never know when Yehovah might deploy an extremely wealthy anti-Yehovah person your way who is willing and able to pay a very high price to get pro-Yehovah people out of the turf that he or she desires to have more power over than he or she has now.

8. Keeping suggestion 7 in mind, make sure you remain on good terms with at least 2 relatives who might be able to let you live with them for about the lifespan of the typical locust. 5 months seems to be a reasonable amount of time to locate a better place to live than in pro-marijuana zones such as Canada, Michigan, California or Colorado and there always seems to be enough non-Ghostbuster storage facilities to store your belongings while you try to find or build suitable for an actual saint on earth. IIdeally, all the idiots who want to 'check out' the surface of the planet Mars will end up there by providence and they can then try to grow all the marijuana they want without defiling earth anymore with their stupid expensive desires that stemmed from a totally immoral mindset.

9. Remember the 'hush puppies' in Egypt. There actually came a time when a group of people who were led by a certified Levite were offered a reasonable exit deal from heathen turf in a post-plague reaction. When enough bowl judgments roll around and those who have trusted in Yehovah can't be blamed for the problems on earth, the wisest farmers will be trying to grow food crops rather than stupidly wasting their efforts  and land on precisely what people won't want to buy during a famine. When there is less and less usable farmland due to drought or flooding, 'Christmas tree farms', tobacco and marijuana crops will exhibit stupidity while those growing healthy grains, fruit-bearing trees, non-plastic vegetables and root plants will exhibit at least a reasonable Armada Michigan 4H plan of action.

10. Get a legal will drawn up, in case there really is something similar to a 'rapture' in the twinkling of an eye and make sure you leave your property and assets to those who treated you well but didn't quite decide to trust in the name of Yehovah. In other words, if people have been faithful to their spouse and have been trustworthy with the little you may have given them in the past, leave them much in your will. I suppose you might consider this to be like a 'Reggie White' clause and a sudden departure into a deep sleep won't hurt you as much as it will sting ( temporarily hurt) others who had been learning from your style of pro-commandment defense.

11. Try to avoid saying that you love an object, movies or a non-human beast. It is  good to appreciate and properly care for what property, including pets and livestock.  you have but it is not a good practice to love things and love sinful behavior which will only prove how much of an anti-Yeshua and anti-Yehovah person you really are. Words of thankfulness when you receive an anti-Christmas present could be:
' This looks like a blessing that I like!'
' Wow - apples from Casey's orchard! How perfect!
' This gift is beautiful, should be very useful and thankfully is anti- Lima Adriana'
' I love you and promise not to make this gift you gave me into an idol.'

There are not many people in Michigan as forthright and interesting as Adriana Jordan. When a person such as Adriana Jordan is truthful and humble, that person is more likely to gain favor in the sight of Yehovah's representatives. Since the letter B line ends with the word for Bathsheba at 1340, remind yourself that Bathsheba should have resisted her king' to prove she was a good citizen of Israel rather than behaving worse than Monica Lewinsky when advances were made toward her.

When a married man pursues an intimate relationship with an unmarried woman, he is no less guilty of adultery than Bathsheba or King David.    Next, I will be studying the dark moon vs. the crescent moon affects on the term 'chodesh'.

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