Monday, November 26, 2018

Not A Fun Time for the Justified: Michigan Goes From Careless To Evil

If your 'M.O.' is doing things just for fun such as going downhill skiing, climbing rocks that do not lead to your household or going shopping for toys that children obviously need less than a bag of organic carrots and a book that teaches them how to diagram English sentences , you have the wrong 'M.O.' . If you are doing good works according to the instructions of Yehovah for righteousness sake, you will be in the moral  minority and be outnumbered in the USA, so stay alert and resist and reject marijuana pushers from your 'turf'.  It's a waste of time to pretend you are happy when you have vexation of spirit due to all the sinful acts that occur in your home land or your 'away' land that isn't 'The Land of Make Believe'.

The state of Michigan political leaders are not good and faithful servants to be trusted and it's upcoming 'legalization of recreational marijuana' is the result of horrible leadership in Michigan.  The father of my  son who was  known as a baby named Richard Xavier, not Jesus, 35 years ago, decided that smoking marijuana was what he wanted to do WITHOUT MY CONSENT with the very little income I was earning as a cashier at Superamerica in a high crime area of Milwaukee.  Eventually, Todd Xavier, AKA Theodore Jackson, proved that smoking marijuana made him care less and less about his family, increased his sinful and illegal activities   and who had formerly had been a respected high school swimmer with plenty of medals to weigh him down became a sluggard, a thief, a parent who abandoned his son and an adulterer... all partly as a result of smoking marijuana products that altered his MENTAL REASONING.

Michigan' leadership now reminds me of Germany's mindset in the 1930's.  The health care professionals,  deputies and state troopers that did not voice strong opposition to legalizing marijuana can now deal with the ill effects of marijuana smokers and those of us who opposed it once again have to hope and pray we have strong angelic protection.  Michigan, like other anti-good government systems, is continually changing it's rules AFTER some people and many businesses had decided to invest in  Michigan. Typical unstable, unholy Protestant churches have done the same in the past. HOw many people have INVESTED in religious systems only to eventually be forced to exit due to corruption within? I had decided to help pay for light fixtures in a Mosinee Baptist church before the paid pastor suggested his 'flock' go to see the Titanic movie. I agreed to donate plenty of kitchen equipment to Woodlands church of Plover, Wsiconsin before Brian Berg uttered heresy against the written instructions for those who believe in Yeshua's tribe of Judah.  I agreed to distribute plenty of 'Chick' booklets in France before I saw how important it was for my son, his wife and my first and last 'Christian' husband to check out the topless nude beach areas in France.

 Yehovah never changes his laws for his people, and mentally removing yourself from the state of MIchigan means you must hold yourself to a holy standard, not to Michigan's lowered pro-sin standards.  I gave Michigan 'a chance' after I was persecuted for my faith in Wisconsin, but at that time I considered it's proximity to my family members, never thinking MIchigan would become as arrogant as Nazi Germany and push anti-Pilgrim laws like an out-of-control football heading for the Beatles 'Nowhere Man'.  John James spoke the truth when he stated it is wrong, NOT GOOD, to legalize what many others are currently serving prison time for. John James does not have a seared conscience.  Once again, intelligent people are going to resist smoking marijuana and people who have believed a lie will continue to smoke marijuana, waste their family assets and prove they are unfit for redemption by a holy savior that can keep them from the 'hour' of trial.

Not punishing married people for committing adultery is what anti-Yehovah nations do with their ARROGANT and haughty unholy family spirits. Once the threat of punishment by unjustified, unholy corrupt local governments is removed, only the truly repentant who might have failed a temptation test appreciate being punished by their Elohim or designated deity.  I managed to reconsider the acts of the 50 Pilgrims that survived ( 30 children and 10 adults) as they eventually befriended the few associates of Squanto who had survived plagues in the New England area; a loss of 52 Pilgrims that attempted to FLEE FROM from the anti-Biblical Christmas tree pushers and corrupt government of an unholy king system could have meant a gain of 52 for heavenly realm. Real saints knew it was better to take the risk of dying and be rightly prepared for a latter judgment day than to partake in heathen Christmas partying that prevailed in England or to smoke marijuana before or after committing adultery  in Michigan or Canada. I understand the grief the Pilgrims must have felt because I am grieving today. It is a shame that a Charles Schulz version of a program intended to educate about North American history was immediately followed by a show loaded with strumpets dresses like Ray Romano's super bowl whores.

It is possible that I might be assisted out of Michigan and into a holier state with the help of a holy angel, but until then, I will not be ashamed of behaving like a sealed servant of Yehovah in a county where I doubt  if even 10 righteous men can be located which might spare the entire from extremely harsh judgment calls from above, not from the silence of an earthworm.  On the heavier side, I'll post the results of my most recent bowling tournament on what will seem like day 225 to me.... with 55 days left in a typical 40-week human gestation period, give or take 21 days.  I bowled for an Asher seal test, Rephaim and substituted for the Jebusittes, not for Ephraim and the Danish canned ham lines on day 1335.

Adrian Leeds of HGTV is not a good shepherd  nor is he spreading the instructions to sanctification; beware of those who trust in television cameras more than they trust in the 7 appointed times of Yehovah's people.

As soon as one prophesied 'woe' is past, there will be more evidence that even Yehovah has lost patience with those who inhabit the face of the earth.  Like the Pilgrims who left England, try not to lose courage when facing death or a cold, harsh winter alone or  in the presence of a few, wise anti-Christmas pro-Moses humans who respect and STUDY the words of past prophets.

If you don't believe the words of Moshe Ben Amram, don't  LIE by claiming that Yeshua is your personal Lord and Savior.   If you haven't believed Moshe the LEVITE, you can't actually be a disciple of Yeshua of the tribe of Yehudah, whom many have called and continue to refer to as 'Jesus Christ' in err.

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