Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Countering Sadness: John James Paperless Dark Moon Alert

John James won a spiritual battle by not being as popular as his competitor. I have many neighbors who are NOT happy about the election results and know it is not a good morning for the state of Colorado, Wisconsin or Michigan. I am going to offer terrific holy suggestions as you try to endure the results of a USA political system that was not created by Gd nor by Gershon Ben Moshe.

Plan Z:  Stay alert  and attempt new moon sightings. Focus your attention AWAY from political talk shows and do not align with Maxine Waters nor Nancy Pelosi if you know what's good for your church of Philadelphia SOUL.  Whether you believe you are starting your 8th month,9th month or 3rd month like a holy and clean Muslim, remind yourself you might have to be the head of your own 
away' land secutity and be thankful you can deploy yourself to decent areas that serve clean animal flesh and vegan meats such as Brussel sprouts.

Plan JJ: Real men like John James should be thankful that they do not have to report for work in the USA political seating area,which is as defiled as 'Hooters' table and as unhealthy as the contents of a Coca-Cola bottle held away from Joe Francisco.

Plan R: If you are soon to be an unemployed Republican politician, make sure you seek a job away from politicians so you can start a possible sanctification process which either ends when you get voted into a job by anti-Yeshua people or voted or can finally start when you decide you rather be one of the 144,000 than a member of the divided houses in Washinton, DC.

Plan D: If you are soon to be one of the few unemployed Democrats, make sure you remind yourself that decent politicians never bother seeking more than 2 terms in office so they can self-impose term limits even if the corrupt politicians do refuse to be obedient to good laws delivered from Mt. Sinai by King Moshe Ben Amram,

Plan S: IF you are unhappy with the USA election results in your 'home' state, seriously CUT BACK on your spending to reduce paying into state sales taxes. If you have non-food  needs or unecessary desires, buy those needs or desires before day 1335, surmising it might be day 1316 today.

Plan $: After day 1335 is completed, make a serious sanctification effort to only purchase healthy meats such as pecans, cashews, beets and/or clean animal flesh to prove that that the Gd of Jacob is the brother of Asher and that you believe in HVHY who oversees and can even guide and redeem Ishmael and Issachar even if the people of vain repetitions keep stating they worship the Gad of Abraham, Issac and Jacob .... who actually is not supposed to be worshipped since Gad is supposed to worship YEHOVAH!

Plan C: Continue to prove you have fiscal sense by only purchasing your food, clothing repairs and NECESSARY shelter repairs ( no more remodeling!!!) until the person YOU wanted  as your governor or president is elected and employed as your good public servant.  This fiscal plan is one of the only ways to legally fight a Nazi-type or a anti-commandmentist such as Shane David Hendrikson who is now equal to the 'governor elect' of Colorado who is clearly an anti-commandment man by choice.

Plan E) If you are so disgusted with you local government that you feel it is necessary to move out of your area into another state assembly or congressional district, make sure you are not  moving away from neighbors who are just as unhappy with the election results as you are. For instance, if the people in Sean Duffy's congressional district are disgusted with their outgoing governor or incoming governor, be thankful you do not have a governess, so voting for a female leader is very anti-Abigail Adams. If you are unhappy with the political anti-Moses action figures in your state, make sure you start believing in Moshe Ben Amram for a change of mind and heart while ebing thankful you do not live in California, Hawaii or Colorodo where the voters are even MORE contrary to Yeshua than people who voted for Florence Winowski.

Plan Y) If while in the process of plan C you accumulate too much wealth, try to physically or financially assist a struggling widow, divorce respondent or prophet by helping them improve their own shelter which may or may not be in your congressional district.  Do not offer too much  private assistance to people who can afford to smoke cigarettes and purchase televisions bigger wider than a their own waist line but do offer spiritual, financial and health care advice if your wasteful relatives and friends will still speak peaceably with you after knowing you might be a Gadite or are a orthodox Danish Israelite in or out of the Hogan, Jealous or Longjohn political party.

Plan H: If your home is not your castle because castles are not part of the 'Hill Where the LORD Hides' , make sure your house is safe, spiffy, neat and as decent as a Clutterbuck puck formation and that your dwelling does not contain illegal drugs or legal marijuana.

Plan A: If you are an atheist or from the tribe of Asher, make sure your dwelling is not so disorderly that you get fined or jailed for disorderly conduct like I did when an anti-Asher Republican named Shane david Hendrikson was doing worse works than Howard Caine in Wisconsin.

Plan V: If you were the victim of a crime in your state and the outgoing governor did nothing rather than provide for your uncommon offense against the person who committed a crime against you, don't hate your new elected official until he or she proves to be just as careless and anti-V as Dan Schutte and Scott Walker have been when I was a victim of felonies in their state.

Plan U: Be thankful Donald Trump tossed a couple of coservative judges into Supreme Court black robe disrict rather than into pro-beast anti-Yehovah dwellings inhabited by Maxine Waters.  Even Uriah did not win every battle when he was surrounded by a unfaithful wife and her wealthy adulterous king.
(There is a U in JUDICIAL branch.)

Plan F: Study the acts of Joe Francisco or Joe Cotten vs. creeping Charles Boyer when closest to Ingrid Bergman, since you should not watch as much true anti-Yehovah political news as you have been been watching on television!!! No one in their holy state of mind would want to view speeches by people who literally make you sick to your stomach and are as vile as MTV 'milkshake' strumpets!   If I survives sorrowful temporary escape plan in Marietta, Georgia you might be able to survive if you don't try to stay closest to your enemy.

Plan Q: To undo horrible advice, start uttering one of the following statement:
     " Stay in contact with your friends, believe in Gad and Asher, and try to reroute your enemies so you are not closest to  them."
    " With Zebulun it is possible to leave your enemy in derision and stay closest to your heterosexual spouse in waiting."

Plan L: If you are not afraid to have a locust on your head or a D.A.R.E. bear in your  hotel room, tell others that Moshe Ben Amram is a king better than Martin Luther King, Jr.  even if your locust never actually dined with Evil-Merodoch.

Plan X: Remind the anti-1532 gang of Mrs. Roland Hendrikson, Roland Hendrikson,  Mrs. Thomas Wahl, Hendrikson and Mrs. Slade Hendrikson that their  lord of public eductation just bought his way into a promotion to governor of Wisconsin after failing to make Wisconsin schools safe, pure, clean and holy as the superintendent of Wisconsin public schools for the past 8 years.

Plan I: Remind yourself and many others who appreciate 8th round picks such as Sean Whyte of Sudbury and Dustin Byfuglien of Roseau, that 8 was not enough when plague distributions were occurring in Egypt and there were no Roth IRA  distributions in the 9th and 10th round of plagues. 8 was not enough on Noah's ark, since thousands of actual living animals also got safely shipped during the perilous times prior to the plague of frogs that eventually occurred possible near On side lines. ( On is listed as a area of Egypt, walking distance from the caves of Maresha if you have enough time to walk.)

What I  wrote actually countered my sadness even if it doesn't prevent fake blondes from ruining the atmosphere or  your expensive view of the Toronto fall, winter and spring Leafs such as John Tavares.

( I am  very thankful that my favorite flower girl, who once stood with  Ty Jackson in 1982 but never with Scott Walker, was offered a reasonable deal to live in a safer place than her own uncle, Brian Stenzel, provided for her at a very expensive price. As I helped my niece clean the bathrooms and kitchen in her rental unit and saw the name 'Ramsden' on a sign, I recalled Dave and Sue Ramsden because I am sane and able to intervene when a struggling family member needs angelic guidance.  The carpets were all filthy in my niece's used rental unit and I hope she gets them cleaned by her landlord who must not have inspected nor cared about his house in Wood County as much as I do.  SOme family ties can be easily broken and others are stronger than a waterski rope. As a school of soft knocks reminder, there was a time in this century when Tracy Raczek stood by and allowed me to get drugged against my will in a Portage County hospital; now Tracy Raczek is extremely ILL, reaping what she has sowed and getting plenty of shots that she won't or can't block.  When I requested help cleaning my dwelling at what was 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, WI, anti-Republican teacher Margaret Raczek of Oregon was too lazy or too proud to help me and my son when I was struggling to breath and taking proescriptions that did not heal me. I am helping my niece because I actually do not want to be like the daughters of Thaddeus Raczek.  When your father-figure is not good, you can never even be as good as a Gadite. Counter sadness, be holy and sin not.)

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