Monday, November 26, 2018

Bowling In Lane 5 Against Lane 6: Jupiter vs. Saturn?

This post is NOT SCIENCE FICTION!! What occurs at Shelby Lanes in Michigan happens either by providence or by choice.

A male with the word 'Dalen' not 'Galen' on his bowling towel and aquinas not stigler on his maroon shirt, was bowling on alley lane 6 on what possibly was day 1335. I was the last, not the first, to get assigned to a lane. On alley lane 4, the evil sign of the New England Patriots was observed on a male who was teamed up with a lady in interesting 'bumblebee' dressing rather than dressing up like 'Wonder Woman'.  I felt very comfortable in my Pittsburgh University basketball shirt concealed under a 'NASH' 61 and a 'FEDOROV' 91 Columbus Bluejacket hockey jersey and my 'JUSTICE 23' jersey tucked carefully into my bowling bag for extra anti-NFL coverage. I didn't see anyone with the number 369 on them.  Of course, the mark on my forehead zone 'The Locusts', not the Denver Broncos. Before you study the results of my spiritual warfare defense plan, try to watch this extremely confusing and inaccurate  video at least twice to try and gain some new knowledge from it:|RFDk-3Y
( I typed what I saw without ever taking a high school typing class)

(I copied and pasted the link I checked)

or try this route:

The Anthony Patch people stated in err that Asher, Napthali, Dan and Gad are not represented in the 'Book of Revelations' so the Anthony Patch gang must not believe in the foundation stone of Dan being 2nd nor the 12,000 sealed 3rd of Gad,  12,000 sealed 4th of Asher and 12,000 sealed 5th of Naphtali.

What should have appeared on your computer screen but probably didn't with the above link is 'Valley Of The Rephaim,Giants, Isaiah17:5~Anthony Patch w/ETMN rather than the first coming of Anthony Brown and Anthony Wickersham vs. Anthony North and Anthony Raczek.  You should try to notice that in the 27th minute of the video, the Catholic pope clearly has the sign of Hitler's Third Reich 'cross' on his shoulders instead of 2 chunks of real onyx. It is not horrible wartime protocol to intentionally misdirect you enemies away from you, but it is  horrible spiritual protocol to cover yourself with Nazi emblems and make a fool out of  yourself in a huge velvet robe like the lion of 'The Wizard of Oz' or stupidly allow yourself to wear a heavy, guady crown like the Queen of England if you claim to be representing a humble spirit or Dan Christ on Michigan clay.  Harry Truman was  shown with an 'ARARAT' hat but of course, I never saw the real Harry Truman so it is unknown if the photo is 'true'. They speculated in minute 25 about what 'devil's horns' looks like, but when I hold up only fingers 7 and 10, I am sending out a 'yom Kippur' reminder, not flashing Minnesota Vikings signs or devils horns! The receiver of a message will not know the intent of a message unless they have a truthful explanation from the message sender.  The detailed problem solving boards I have 'left behind' on dry erase boards cannot be explained correctly and perfectly by anyone other than ME. Likewise, what we as humans call Torah Scrolls can only be explained perfectly and correctly by the original author. Who will start to pray that severe plagues and actual deserved punishment be swiftly directed toward the women, men and transvestites who have intentionally  labeled what is GOOD as evil and what is EVIL as good.

As for the problem with bowlers who haven't been trained to respect the area that another person has rented, Maurice Harvey was easier to correct when 'encroachment' occurred than the male with aqainas on his chest. The bowler on lane 6 was continually kicking his right leg into my lane, at times so far over that his leg reached the center point of the lane that I rented. Not only were his actions as rude and intentionally invasive as the caravan of people at the San Diego border, he proved had no desire to correct HIS offenses against me even though he was physically of capable of changing his bowling style or better yet, quitting until he was properly retrained.

The person under aquainas gear apologized once when after I asked him to stay on his own lane 6, but I knew his apology was no sincere since he decided to continue  his invasive back kick. Twice, I actually stood at the front right side of my lane to see if the rude man on lane 6 could avoid kicking me with his right leg, and he proved he was physically able to remain in his own lane in both instances. Because it was not my intent for me to get evicted from the bowling alley, I eventually asked to get switched to lane 4, since the  aquainas representative already proved his apology was not genuine and his continued offense was intentional.   The test I conducted would have been easy to pass IF THE BOWLER ON LANE 6 REALLY TRIED to stop offending my rental space compared to asking the erring bowler to pull himself up and over a 6 foot hight wall to prove he was capable of avoiding sin or pursuing criminals.

Here are the results of my bowling competition as I tried to represent the groups mentioned at the end of the 15th chapter of the books of Moses. I know I did a better job representing people I never met than Maxine Waters, since I was trying to DEFEND myself against offenses rather than go on offense against the renters of lane 4 and 6.

KENITES            139
HITTITES           125
PERIZZITES       127
REPHAIM           134
AMONITES        149
JEBUSITES         164

Once I was transferred to lane 4 by  a Shelby Lanes staff member more polite than Phil Arreola in a time of my genuine anti-crime concerns, my bowling scores improved. The bowlers on lanes 1 and 2 seemed to have good traits which may have influenced the outcome of my scores on lane 4.



As I was leaving, I was once again thankful that my mother was a natural dark brunette rather than a fake  blonde teaching my children to cheat at the start of their bowling endeavors by using bumpers. Let Anthony Patch or Anthony Wickersham and Maxine Waters democratic party leaders decide if an 'Ace of Spades' bowling ball  in the hands of a toddler under the direction of a fake blonde on lane 3 has a different frequency than my slingshot bowling bowl off of lane 3.

Of course, my rental bowling alley space for 'Rephaim' may have been considered a portal of energy by Anthony Patch workers or by Freemason checkers.  Checking out videos about Isaiah 17:5 is not identical to  checking In=49.  Jeff Zillner, the UW-Badger and buddy of Todd Jackson AKA TOdd Xavier certainly isn't helping solve any portal problems caused by Saturn or a mouse hole in a Milky Way Candy bar or a horrible problem in Rothschild Wisconsin's non-giraffe businesses.

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