If my brother Robert was married to a virtuous woman, he might not have spoken to me so crudely and with such vulgar language that I finally decided to 'hang up' on him. Physical warfare is lodged against me anytime a person intentionally lights up a cigarette near me knowing that cigarette smoke results in an asthmatic reaction in my lungs. My brother does not want to accept this fact and as a result our relationship has been ruined. My brother does did not even try to believe that when he takes off of work to watch Green Bay Packer games and once a year spends time and money to go to Lambeau field, he actually does PROVE he cares more about the Packers than he does about me,his only sister, who he does not take time off to visit even when I am only 25 miles away from him for at least 2 weeks per year and usually 4 to 5 weeks per year. Such brotherly lack of love does not go unnoticed, and a telephone call does not equal a face to face visit.
If my brother Robert would intentionally start frying fish and roasting a chicken in his kitchen as soon as my brother John walked into his house, I suspect my brother John would have to leave sooner than if my brother faced the fact that my brother John is as allergic to fish and turkey as I am to cigarette smoke. I'm tired of being near people who not only WANT to be rude and vulgar to me on the sabbath but also do not make any attempt to keep their cigarette chemical fumes from me. It is more than sad when my own brother cares so little about my feelings and my health that every other word is 'Shit' in his conversation and he has as little ability to respect my feelings as Larry Mizewski's gang of anti-Bible thumpers.
I suppose the influence of a wife does affect how a husband treats others. Why does my brother John try and protect me from pork in sausages and make very reasonable efforts to have me be able to spend time in his household and my other brother seems to think I am wrong because I consider his cigarette smoke an being an offense against me? I connot place a conscience into anyone, but I can and should try remove myself from situations that either anger me or could hurt me.
I have always wanted to see my brother Robert when I came to Wisconsin, but it has become quite evident that he can do without seeing me because he is too busy ...... except when Packer games are on.
It's days like today that I long for brothers such as Levi and Simeon who loved their sister Dinah enough to defend her when she had been disrespected instead of swearing at her and insisting their bad habits didn't affect her. If I hadn't already been verbally attacked by my father when I started cleaning his household or hadn't been given the 'cold shoulder' by my nother, I might have tolerated my brother's vulgar language longer than I did, even if he did sound as uncaring as Shane David Hendrikson at the time. Unholiness abounds and it is getting harder and harder to rebound from being like an unwanted leftover that even my mother and youngest brother feel they can do without.
My brother lied when he stated that I think I am always right, since I know I have always been to the left of Robert Skaradzinski in historic records and the captaini is always right when I agree to be left defense or left behind as a rear guard. I do try to give people correct information and being correct as much as possible IS A GOOD GOAL!
Once again, it will be painful. costly and embarassing to change my will but I am no one is going to profit from my death when they do not even know how to use decent language toward me or spend their 'family time' with me when I am alive. If all of the contents of the Bible are true, there is a friend closer than a brother somewhere, even if that friend is like Bill Watterson's tiger image.
Stop lying to yourself and others if you have smoked cigarettes in the presence of those you claim to love. Stop lying to yourself and others if you claim sports figures are not your idols when put aside time and money to watch them but do not put aside time and money to visit your family members who hopefully will welcome you into their home rather than force you into a cruel game of 'keep away' forever.
I do feel sick, and it is not because of the way the St. Thomas Tommies behaved when they were closer than my brother Robert. The only time I will always be right is if you study Steve Devougas in a homecoming picture. Verbage matters and if you want to represent Yehovah, resist liars and know you stil have the right to defend your lungs , your ears and your eyes from unholy ungodly intrusions.
I will pray for my brother Robert tonight with the hopes is corrected by someone other than me.
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