Friday, November 9, 2018

Combatting Sadness: Write the Truth

Those who don't believe Moshe won't believe me that I set up the following hockey situation:

(Marie Xavier 1532)
If (LD)                          Your (LW)                          Own(RW)                              TeAm(RD)

Won't (G)                      Defend (C)                             You (C)                                Try (G)

To  (RD)                        Help   (RW)                          'The' (LW)                              Adversary (LD)
                                  (Remember Stanley Hajec)        (French Tea offense)             (DDFenceEmet)

If your goalie is ''WON'T' , there is something he  won't do such as properly repent of sin, defend liberal liars or go on offense.  If your goalie is 'Try' , he  will try to think like either Simeon( team topaz) or Joseph (actual onyx, not a Rochester Rattler garbage pick-up line)

Patricia Swedowski made a very untrue statement when she repeated to me that my brother Robert's breathing problems were caused by my mother.  If my sister-in-law believed a lie, I refused to agree with the lie she believed. Asthma is not a genetic problem and my brother Robert and his wife have not only smoked for years, but have exposed each other and their children to harmful second-hand smoke  WHICH HARMS HUMAN LUNGS as much as consumption of pork harms the jknee joints. rather than exposing them  rather than Yehovah's plan of salvation. or portions of history that reveal actual contrast between Shur and Havilah . I exposed my son to the writings of Moshe Ben Amram, but he dishonored me when he chose to believe the writings of Shane David Hendrikson and he has taken my grandchildren AWAY from the policies of a good gardener nor a truly good shepherd and toward  weak and beggarly practices of  Christmas lies and anti-Levite methods of operation cherished by druids, Catholic popes, Germans, Italians  and anti-Elijah humans for thousands of years.

By the Kim Barton Wood County Navy way, there still are intelligent people willing to be aligned against Catholic liars and be aligned with those who desire a life holier than a politician. Leslie Howard or the professional ground hog salesman in Detroit's "Little Ceasar's"  arena.  Thankfully, Aretha Franklin is not going to make it to the holy of holies because she has led  more people astray than a can of Iron City beer that does contain corn, not Tyrone Rice, Simeon Rice, Sidney Rice, Steven Rice nor Budweiser labels from an MO Applebee's location. As day 209 might be approaching, do you know where Naeim Kadri stands on the writing of Moshe Band Amram while he is far away from the Ventura, CA fire lines? It is it possible that Sue Ramsden died in her sins because although she read the Bible, she never believed or trusted Yehovah as her personal LORD and messiah and trusted in the Nueske smoked pork products too long, which allowed cancer to set in.

I suspect that Lori Esker celebrated Christmas in Wittenberg before she murdered her 'competition'.  I know  I can count the 50 days between Firstfruits and Shavuot without the collection of 50 crocheted bells that unhealthy mother made and usually puts to very bad use next to her images of Green Bay Packers that do less good works than Maurice Harvey and while she sells images of the anti-Truth representative known as Santa Claus,  who is actually the modern day version of Molech and also the  token image of totally unhealthy Coca-Cola products, which I and Yehovah are contrary to.

I actually hope that there are Democrats in Michigan that impose extremely high taxes on all pork products, all shellfish and on all products similar to Coca-Cola and Twizzlers since those products are just as harmful to the body as a pack of Parliament cigarettes in order to prevent them from being called wealthy hypocrites and apathetic public servants that will be labeled as anti-Yehovah brute beasts if they actually are as ignorant as the Canadian government and legalize recreation use of marijuana.

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