Watching 'Bureau of Missing Persons', a 1933 movie had to be a better choice to study dress codes of Robert Haas than watching Jane Russell defile herself and others in "The Outlaw". Frankly, I am sometimes astonished at how much evil was already being displayed on television at the same time Adolph Hitler was planning his form of anti-HVHY evil.
When fake detective Butch located a male being unfaithful to his fake wife, only a police captain in his wrong mind would make up lies to protect the unfaithful male. What a captain in his right mind should have done was clear the missing persons report truthfully and let the unfaithful male either confess to his wife and let her decide if she wanted a divorce or a reconciliation or let the unfaithful male who was located in the movie version of 'apartment 21' make up his own lies as he had been in the past. If real police don't want people lying to them, it is a horrible 'plot' in movie when the 'captain' lies to a citizen who deserves a chance to request a divorce based on her spouse's infidelity.
'Therme' is another matter of Robert Haas movie folly and Bette Davis has never been a decent role model in my poor 2.50 opinion. I suppose Detroit's Jim Russo had watched Pat O'Brien's fake detective works long before I noticed that Ted Bissell decided to be 'Joe Warner' rather than trying to be 'Mannix' or taking on the role of Cynthia Lynn next to Bob Crane trying to look like a prototype of Steve Basting in 2010 AD when he was no longer on squad 91.
Milwaukee's 'Missing Persons Bureau' had it's own lousy captain for plenty of years . The captain is not always correct, even if he is always right behind rather than left behind. Who really believes in 'circle3four37six' now? 'Howard Homer' role seemed as inept and confusing as Leslie Howard, so the best Howard might still be Theresa Howard if Chris Harris customs messed your Tomlin lines up. Forget Dallas 13 and Homer24 of the Miami Hurricanes if you are trying to remember Dallas Drake, Homer Brown, Steven Brown and Dallas Delgado lines.
Stevens Point is sometimes known as the city of trivia. The following question is not a riddle. Why did Oleksiak6 crash into Byfuglien33 in a Budweiser zone? 6 vs.33 isn't Mr. 733, Sudbury Brunette! In Winnepeg, the opposing offense has to get past the Coca-Cola ice line and the Budweiser ice line. Advertising legends in ice rinks change for a reason, even in Mosinee, Wisconsin. For instance, there is a new chair lift legend in locker room 10 at Glacier Point ice rink in Port Huron that Flood Brothers or Gad disposal should know :
chair 145(north) garbage can chair 172(south)
Hangers marked 'Dan Boyle' and 'Elmer Poppendick' are no longer the legends of locker room 12. In addition, Derek Carr #227 is the new Oakland non-Xavier football legend left behind to test the reputation of the former Cheryl Brown, now known as Wisconsin driver H536-158-1126-405, while going in and out of 1602 Mary Lane ( changed to Hollyhock lane) in Knowlton while I was still the wife of Shane David Hendrikson.
I now weight between 145 and 172 pounds and can lift most chairs in or out of Red Lodge, Montana.
115 isn't 118, nor is it 116 Hollyday Court in Charlotte, NC. A Kyle Rudolph tracker might be better than a Santa tracker or a Bass tracker now that Ameer Abdullah is 31, not 87. Want to get away from Milwaukee jungle dome game changer codes 1,2,3 and 4? Try the fake detective Butch code of 1=Sugar,2= Salt, 3=Pepper and 4=Ketchup while doing counter-stupidity checks away from or closest to busy Bob O'Grosky.
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