If you think the Microsoft Cloud will guide you properly by day or by night, you are a fool getting swayed by the wrong candy bar association. The 'Microsoft Cloud' is more likely to bring drought and disaster to your community than protection from the elements or criminals. Once a human being puts any information into a computer system or in public view, they no longer are able to protect their 'intellectual property'. If you UNINTENTIONALLY put false information online or in a book, be prepared to try and explain your error to the offended party, expecting to be forgiven for unintentional error. If you intentionally put extremely confusing or complicated systems in your car or house windows, expect the enemy to be in derision because they cannot comprehend intelligent life, Penguin or even good riddle plans. If you want to protect your intellectual property, play dumb and do not speak what you are planning to do OR do not reveal exactly how you figured out certain answers to questions that you had. The more open you are with your theories and intellectual findings, the less likely you will be targeted by hackers or 'spied upon' by intelligent life such as Canadian or United States Border Patrol personnel.
There are a huge number of shows that fall into the 'lukewarm trash category', especially on the Hallmark Channel, and they will prove to be as hazardous to your spiritual health as a blue cow head in a Macomb Maverick system or the word 'ONYX' in a location that has already chosen to embrace the unholy and to despise the spirit of the biblical tribe of Joseph. Once you understand how serious marriage really is in the sight of a true and holy God, seeing actors and actresses making more 'mock marriages' in front of television cameras becomes spiritually revolting and worse than 'immature' by definition. First of all, start to appreciate mascot systems that haven't contrived some unrealistic looking figurehead. For instance, an insect such as a hornet or a dog such as a huskie is a better mascot than a blue ox or a tire with wings attached. People who are spiritually immature often are unable to properly discern spirits and therefore make huge errs in the selection of a spouse, just as they get too attached to teams that will never represent 'goodness and kindness'. Clearly, the fake marriages that abound in movie theatres and on television are really just part of the apostasy.
Fiction always leads to strong delusions. I managed to complete another golf outing and stayed substantially under my self-imposed maximum of 154 for 18 holes. Other people might have thought I was 'immature' with a stuffed bear alongside me in golf cart #32, but the immature people are out cheating on their scores, spending money on huge recreational boats and jet skis and sometimes cheating on their spouses in the process. The DARE program certainly does teach a person that a dumb (speechless) stuffed bear can bring a smile to your face sooner than a Hallmark card will and the stuffed bear is less dangerous than a can of Budweiser when you have to make decisions without a second opinion available.
If you finally acknowledged that the biblical new year started on April 10th, you're only up to day 52 tomorrow, and those who are up to 793 are probably spiritually matured if they have kept a proper passover meal in their house 3 years in a row. Proper means you followed the instructions as closely as possible in your individual circumstance. The counting of the omer is very important to the God of Eldad and Medad, and fake marriages on television are as bad as people pretending to be police officers on television, since in both cases they are presenting lies to the audience rather than Truth. Sometimes you have to keep an eye on the liars, but certainly there is no reason to protect or defend them when their lies eventually get them into serious moral and spiritual trouble.
A couple of humans mentioned 'Pine Valley' course on 31, but Pine Valley in central Wisconsin is just another 'double problem' which still makes a day of real golfing better than sitting in front of the television set watching Joshua Morrow and Phyllis Stafford swap the spit of demonic spirits. I decided to forget Omaha Beach crews next Tuesday and name my next golf outing 'The Bert Osterhaut Memorial Open', since Bert and his wife Martha did welcome me into their home and even fed me when I was a stranger in Charlotte. The Osterhauts also were not ashamed to admit that they had friends who were Jewish, just like my grandmother Mary Raczek was not afraid to admit that her grade school friend was Jewish. The marriages of Bert and Martha, my parents, my grandparents and siblings do matter and are much better to hear about and remember than wasting your time being tricked by the Hallmark Channel once. When a real human man keeps his vows, he becomes a hero to many people in the family. Likewise, when a real human man intentionally breaks his vows, he becomes worse than a 'zero' and pulls his entire family name and reputation into a pit that sometimes seems as though it is bottomless. Just as it was in the garden of Eden, the bigger responsibility in a family ultimately belongs on the men's shoulders, whether their families do good or their families do evil. In the cases of remarriage, The last man that weds a woman who had been divorced should consider himself to be the burden bearer of the woman's children. When Cheryl Stenzel decided to get remarried, her new husband(s) should have made sure that they realized adoption papers aren't necessary to take over parenting roles, and I certainly am not going to blame my brother for the way his ex-wife's children turned out. No judge in his proper frame of mind should have let Cheryl Bentley reassume my family name without my brother's consent. 'Womanizers' like James Costa of Wittenberg can take credit or blame for the way that Eric David Hendrikson and Ashley Maria Hendrikson turn out. I look forward to the day when I might no longer have 'Hendrikson' on my official paperwork, but I chose to keep it in order to make it IMPOSSIBLE for my ex-husband to remarry me and make him unable to deny that he divorced me due to his own lust for another female.
The transition 'dependent' game is not something that should be taken as lightly as a soccer ball or a golf ball, but those who do not really fear the LORD step into households after they have intentionally disrespected the marriage and the family that existed previously. I still contend that a petition for divorce is as much a reason to lower a flag in a state or a nation as is the death of a president or similar human. Indeed, there is time for good humor and romance in a real, good marriage, but a real and good married couple is not going to be seeking out television and movie crews to videotape them. Real and good marriages do seek out the approval of real angels so that they are better able to defend their families against unholy intruders.
Revealing the truth seems to set me free from besetting sin problems. :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
May 30th, 2016: Legal But Not Profitable For Most
Today, I guess I decided to 'blend in' to society and act as if I was taking the 'day off' and relaxing, but actually I continued to work on some very serious issues. Shaking hands with a St. Clair County Sheriff's Department boat squad did me no harm, and may not have done me any good either, just like shaking Jimmy Carter's hand back in the late 70's did me no good. Playing neutral is about as easy as wearing a David Justice jersey instead of a Thomas More jersey in an area saturated with Catholics and Protestants. Only a few realized I was still marking the Hebrew date with a '23' and avoiding the 'camo' look that even Andy Griffith 'played fake' in while making 'No Time For Sergeants'.
I was not ashamed to admit that I made the error of marrying Shane David Hendrikson before I realized he would embrace the Nazi method of anti-TORAH behavior. I also was thankful that I could compare St. Clair sheriff's department with the Ottawa Police Department, since I have never been mistreated and I believe I have never been MISTRUSTED in either Ottawa or St. Clair, MI area. I also carefully reminded myslef that it was motorcycle gangs that attacked Sudbury police building, not Rusty the Rooster and a harp unit. Such facts of past history have to be remembered, just as the fact the it was USA military veterans who decided to attack in the Oklahoma City area, not experienced Catholic church organists.
Sure, I didn't exercise my body today, but i did exercise other serious rights, including the right to say 'NO' to Jesse Jackson Jr. style pizza, which includes pork and obvious rejection of faith in the Benjamites. Tomorrow's Annual 38th Day of the Omer golf outing has to be held in Michigan, since Michigan has the Omer on Route 23. Such words were not ignored by settlers who knew more than most of the Detroit Tigers when it comes to soil and ground rules necessary to feed their families by farming.
If I got a few good messages across, it might only be as brilliant as the methods used by Wally Floody or Harry Wray Old School of uniform division methods. A 'mantle of justice' is described in the book of Isaiah, and that was not written by the New York Yankees. I also reminded myself that a game between Martin Jones and Matt Murray is about equal to a game between the east 30th street side of Anna F. Doerfler school which has had the swing sets and the west 31st street side of Anna F. Doerfler school which has had the basketball courts. There is a big difference between those 2 sides, even if they are in the same congressional district. Actually, the Stanley Cup series is more like Pondus the Penguin vs. Swimmy for those like me who still admire the' HIgglety Pigglety Pop' draw plays.
This Wednesday is Paul Coffey's 55th birthday, and don't forget the fact that he treated me kindly during a time when the members of my own household in Knowlton decided to become my enemies. It is also the 39th day of the Omer count, for those who have matured enough not to trust the Roman Catholic pope with your route to salvation. Even the 39-1-23-1 version of YHVH will help you more than a Twizzler will if you are up to the Franco Harris code yet.
I was not ashamed to admit that I made the error of marrying Shane David Hendrikson before I realized he would embrace the Nazi method of anti-TORAH behavior. I also was thankful that I could compare St. Clair sheriff's department with the Ottawa Police Department, since I have never been mistreated and I believe I have never been MISTRUSTED in either Ottawa or St. Clair, MI area. I also carefully reminded myslef that it was motorcycle gangs that attacked Sudbury police building, not Rusty the Rooster and a harp unit. Such facts of past history have to be remembered, just as the fact the it was USA military veterans who decided to attack in the Oklahoma City area, not experienced Catholic church organists.
Sure, I didn't exercise my body today, but i did exercise other serious rights, including the right to say 'NO' to Jesse Jackson Jr. style pizza, which includes pork and obvious rejection of faith in the Benjamites. Tomorrow's Annual 38th Day of the Omer golf outing has to be held in Michigan, since Michigan has the Omer on Route 23. Such words were not ignored by settlers who knew more than most of the Detroit Tigers when it comes to soil and ground rules necessary to feed their families by farming.
If I got a few good messages across, it might only be as brilliant as the methods used by Wally Floody or Harry Wray Old School of uniform division methods. A 'mantle of justice' is described in the book of Isaiah, and that was not written by the New York Yankees. I also reminded myself that a game between Martin Jones and Matt Murray is about equal to a game between the east 30th street side of Anna F. Doerfler school which has had the swing sets and the west 31st street side of Anna F. Doerfler school which has had the basketball courts. There is a big difference between those 2 sides, even if they are in the same congressional district. Actually, the Stanley Cup series is more like Pondus the Penguin vs. Swimmy for those like me who still admire the' HIgglety Pigglety Pop' draw plays.
This Wednesday is Paul Coffey's 55th birthday, and don't forget the fact that he treated me kindly during a time when the members of my own household in Knowlton decided to become my enemies. It is also the 39th day of the Omer count, for those who have matured enough not to trust the Roman Catholic pope with your route to salvation. Even the 39-1-23-1 version of YHVH will help you more than a Twizzler will if you are up to the Franco Harris code yet.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
The War Against Ignorance Moves Into Eastpointe
I chose to go to a meeting tonight where certain brave men in Michigan were waging a war against biblical ignorance. Season seating without tickets is available to the battleground without any money or credit card information requested up front, but if you survived the battle, a donation toward the war effort is an option. Free parking is an added benefit for those who have the wisdom to avoid donations to unreasonably high salaries of professional sports players and coaches. Certainly, the time spent at 9 mile and Linwood was better than any offering the Fox Theatre has offered and is more informative than a political speech by the pompous Hillary Clinton if the desire of your heart is to be able to teach or hear and then obey the instructions for the living saints with the few other people who have escaped Egyptian and Roman spiritual traps and are in the process of sanctification.
What I saw tonight was a genuine effort of decent people who are part of the greater exodus from anti-commandment religions. I guess I differ from Monte Judah, because I don't believe that when the chosen people are called out of the Babylonian system that they will all end up in one location in the Jerusalem area. I believe that anyone who has escaped the traps of 'partial belief' in the Scriptures and has made it to full belief in the teachings and instructions delivered through Moses and the prophets has been born as if escaping a partial birth abortion. If only part of your body is able to escape the liars and the 'wolf in sheep clothing types', the body does not survive.
Although I look forward to seeing Nehemia Gordon again, hearing that Arthur Bailey and Michael Rood is also heading this way is only a chance for me to observe if the enemies of humility and strategic discernment have changed any of their ways. Arthur Bailey seems more like a wolf in sheep's clothing than a reliable servant of HVHY, and that opinion is based on his past presentations. i can no longer tell the difference between Michael Rood and Bob Barker since Michael Rood pushed an unholy, 'Miss Israel' into his film lines. The seeds that one good teacher might plant are sometimes uprooted as soon as a religious opportunist tries to hatch asp eggs in an unsuspecting congregation. Eventually, I will have to decide if I can teach or learn more on Friday nights sitting in a humble synagogue or keep gathering with the odds and ends of the hockey assemblies trying to help them overcome fear of the concepts of Israeli tribes and breastplate patterns. A tough choice is better than no options of people to gather with safely during the 7th day, and I trust the spirit of prophesy to guide me on a daily basis.
What I saw tonight was a genuine effort of decent people who are part of the greater exodus from anti-commandment religions. I guess I differ from Monte Judah, because I don't believe that when the chosen people are called out of the Babylonian system that they will all end up in one location in the Jerusalem area. I believe that anyone who has escaped the traps of 'partial belief' in the Scriptures and has made it to full belief in the teachings and instructions delivered through Moses and the prophets has been born as if escaping a partial birth abortion. If only part of your body is able to escape the liars and the 'wolf in sheep clothing types', the body does not survive.
Although I look forward to seeing Nehemia Gordon again, hearing that Arthur Bailey and Michael Rood is also heading this way is only a chance for me to observe if the enemies of humility and strategic discernment have changed any of their ways. Arthur Bailey seems more like a wolf in sheep's clothing than a reliable servant of HVHY, and that opinion is based on his past presentations. i can no longer tell the difference between Michael Rood and Bob Barker since Michael Rood pushed an unholy, 'Miss Israel' into his film lines. The seeds that one good teacher might plant are sometimes uprooted as soon as a religious opportunist tries to hatch asp eggs in an unsuspecting congregation. Eventually, I will have to decide if I can teach or learn more on Friday nights sitting in a humble synagogue or keep gathering with the odds and ends of the hockey assemblies trying to help them overcome fear of the concepts of Israeli tribes and breastplate patterns. A tough choice is better than no options of people to gather with safely during the 7th day, and I trust the spirit of prophesy to guide me on a daily basis.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Astronaut Arrogance Leads To Ignorance In Car Advertising
Ignorance is the enemy or holiness and wisdom. In order to fight ignorance, you have to be willing to point out what is ignorant behavior. Since I am not 'God', I still can keep records of wrongs without breaking any commandments.
There has been an automobile television advertisement in my area that is as ignorant as 'Warcraft' film. The ignorant auto company shows either a fake or real former astronaut in a pretend state of depression, unwilling to eat and POUTING because he no longer has expensive toys to play with or play in at the expense of hard working citizens like those who fill up the pot holes in the roadways. Another fool on the commercial feeds the 'commander', the human beast of self-indulgence, by leading the pouter to some expensive new car, and the fake or real former astronaut then speeds off at speeds too fast for any reasonable driver. Ignorance is often tied to self-indulgence in areas of unrealistic or unholy adventures. Any real saint knows it has been an act of outright stupidity to spend trillions of dollars for en entire generation on 'outer space exploration.'
If I were a used car salesman, I would make an ad with an imitation overgrown NASA pouter and toss him a Buzz Lightyear doll, telling him point blank. 'Hey, when you finally outgrow your childish toys, Tom Hanks idolatry and get holy, you should finally decide to use your budget wisely, buy a safe used car and have money set aside to donate some money to a homeless shelter. Come to 'Ground Hero Good Used Car Zone' and leave your state of ignorance, state of over-indulgence and state of depression in a Dr. Zhivago fur ball!
Real saints actually don't fight boredom because we are too busy fighting ignorance of the Law and Prophets. Fighting ignorance should still be legal in the World Mother Goose Theatre section or in your local personal space, whether it is loaned, rented or owned by you. A good saint knows how to utilize the 'draw play' just as a good reader knows how to appreciate sights that don't have a Nazi sign on it and don't have immoral and indecent exposures. A holy warrior is not afraid to openly rebuke obvious lies or advertising that sends an anti-Truth message to the audience.
This weekend, try to remember that May 28th is the 789th day of another hard count. Try to remember Ed Henry and Virginia football and denounce Denzel Washington's methods. Try to remember that the proud do NOT make it to the kingdom of God. Try to remember that 'penguins' were the chosen name for men who courageously dispersed soil from tunnels underneath Nazi infested areas. REMEMBER that Shane David Hendrikson got his official HItler Youth diploma on April 20 when his divorce request was finalized, but to my knowledge he still has not been properly punished for his real crimes against me.
If you can, remember that I am not a robot and do not have anyone forcing me to obey the commandments of HVHY. I choose to do what is right and good, and I choose to pass on information tn public places for a good reason: to fight ignorance of the past and help others to prepare for the future.
There has been an automobile television advertisement in my area that is as ignorant as 'Warcraft' film. The ignorant auto company shows either a fake or real former astronaut in a pretend state of depression, unwilling to eat and POUTING because he no longer has expensive toys to play with or play in at the expense of hard working citizens like those who fill up the pot holes in the roadways. Another fool on the commercial feeds the 'commander', the human beast of self-indulgence, by leading the pouter to some expensive new car, and the fake or real former astronaut then speeds off at speeds too fast for any reasonable driver. Ignorance is often tied to self-indulgence in areas of unrealistic or unholy adventures. Any real saint knows it has been an act of outright stupidity to spend trillions of dollars for en entire generation on 'outer space exploration.'
If I were a used car salesman, I would make an ad with an imitation overgrown NASA pouter and toss him a Buzz Lightyear doll, telling him point blank. 'Hey, when you finally outgrow your childish toys, Tom Hanks idolatry and get holy, you should finally decide to use your budget wisely, buy a safe used car and have money set aside to donate some money to a homeless shelter. Come to 'Ground Hero Good Used Car Zone' and leave your state of ignorance, state of over-indulgence and state of depression in a Dr. Zhivago fur ball!
Real saints actually don't fight boredom because we are too busy fighting ignorance of the Law and Prophets. Fighting ignorance should still be legal in the World Mother Goose Theatre section or in your local personal space, whether it is loaned, rented or owned by you. A good saint knows how to utilize the 'draw play' just as a good reader knows how to appreciate sights that don't have a Nazi sign on it and don't have immoral and indecent exposures. A holy warrior is not afraid to openly rebuke obvious lies or advertising that sends an anti-Truth message to the audience.
This weekend, try to remember that May 28th is the 789th day of another hard count. Try to remember Ed Henry and Virginia football and denounce Denzel Washington's methods. Try to remember that the proud do NOT make it to the kingdom of God. Try to remember that 'penguins' were the chosen name for men who courageously dispersed soil from tunnels underneath Nazi infested areas. REMEMBER that Shane David Hendrikson got his official HItler Youth diploma on April 20 when his divorce request was finalized, but to my knowledge he still has not been properly punished for his real crimes against me.
If you can, remember that I am not a robot and do not have anyone forcing me to obey the commandments of HVHY. I choose to do what is right and good, and I choose to pass on information tn public places for a good reason: to fight ignorance of the past and help others to prepare for the future.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Anti-Diary Letter To Mr. Nobody
Dear Nobody,
My Air Force family dog named "Princess' is still living and much more polite than the neighbor's children.
So many people say that you, the solo Nobody, are perfect, so golf and spiritual law news might be of interest to you. Today, the First Annual Michael Keckeison Memorial Hebrew Shorthand Golf Classic was held at Cedar Glen Course without any Dorsey swings or Graco swings in sight. I took first place in this tournament with a SD on the front nine and a NC on the back nine, with a total equal to the number of Simeon Rice's NFL sacks, namely QKB. I only lowered myself enough to cause one serious divot on hole 17, and there were no signs of James Garner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, James Coburn or George Harsh underneath the turf. I achieved a tremendous goal and did not launch my ball into any sand trap, since sand traps are worse than the golf cup to get out of.
Wisely, I did not call this outing the 'First Baptist Roman Numerology Classic' since I did not see any Baptists or Romans in the tournament. Golf classics are better ways to remember other people who were more important than any Diary, and a much better way to spend a day in Toronto than gawking at spiritual loser photographers who typically take pictures of other spiritual losers like Marilyn Monroe or Cindy Crawford or Olivia Newton John. Nobody actually realizes that police ID techs and men who photograph crime scenes in order to actually help solve crimes are much more valuable in an anti-commandmentist dysfunctional society than idiots who take pictures of trashy, immoral models or CBS film crews who film imitation FBI agents on 'Cold Case'. Of course, even 'Captain Obvious' knows that Steve Yzerman's organization is not better than Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys based on their Larry Hagman type pompom people, who might all be former males that went in for surgery somewhere. I certainly can't assume that all belly-dancing people with long-hair, pompoms and make-up on in Florida are females.
In addition to 18 holes of golf with use of a motorized golf cart, all competitors in the Michael Keckeisen Memorial Hebrew Shorthand Golf Classic received 1 can of Miller Lite Beer, an Almond Joy candy bar, water, a 7 oz ground round burger, french fries, cole slaw and absolutely no Budweiser products all for $28.00. As required by true blue law, no members of the Macomb County Sheriff Department were allowed to participate in today's perfect golf classic. Of course, I do not need to remind you, perfect Mr. Nobody, that anyone still in law enforcement who has not corrected their errors, and/or failed to correct the reports ( I did not drop the charges I reported) tied to my valid complaint of felony robbery against Vincent LoCicero ( threatening bodily harm with a bat and an automobile when a customer tries to recover money stolen from them is a form of robbery) and/or failing to take proper judicial action against my former employee, Shane David Hendrikson for presenting false information to investigating deputies and in family court makes you party to their crimes in the Most High God's court and obviously in the sight of any real living saint. What a shame that so few public officials are willing to repent and change their ways when there is little or no pressure put on them by the victims!
Back to 'Go Green Amethyst news. I have now entered myself into the Annual 38th Day of the Omer MIchigan Classic, which will be held on the 38th day of the counting of the omer. The main objective of the Annual 38th Day of the Omer Michigan Classic is to reject any and all drugs intended to cause imperfect people to try to escape reality , so DARE Bears will be allowed in the golf carts on the 38th day of the omer.
Continue in your perfection, Mr. Nobody. I consider you a perfect friend, which is much better than a corrupted diary full of evil plans or expressions of unrealistic hopes of perfection or great expectations from idols such as Mr. Peabody, Walt Disney, James Dean, 'Happy Days' or Pixar animated characters.
Bon soir, Nobody!
My Air Force family dog named "Princess' is still living and much more polite than the neighbor's children.
So many people say that you, the solo Nobody, are perfect, so golf and spiritual law news might be of interest to you. Today, the First Annual Michael Keckeison Memorial Hebrew Shorthand Golf Classic was held at Cedar Glen Course without any Dorsey swings or Graco swings in sight. I took first place in this tournament with a SD on the front nine and a NC on the back nine, with a total equal to the number of Simeon Rice's NFL sacks, namely QKB. I only lowered myself enough to cause one serious divot on hole 17, and there were no signs of James Garner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, James Coburn or George Harsh underneath the turf. I achieved a tremendous goal and did not launch my ball into any sand trap, since sand traps are worse than the golf cup to get out of.
Wisely, I did not call this outing the 'First Baptist Roman Numerology Classic' since I did not see any Baptists or Romans in the tournament. Golf classics are better ways to remember other people who were more important than any Diary, and a much better way to spend a day in Toronto than gawking at spiritual loser photographers who typically take pictures of other spiritual losers like Marilyn Monroe or Cindy Crawford or Olivia Newton John. Nobody actually realizes that police ID techs and men who photograph crime scenes in order to actually help solve crimes are much more valuable in an anti-commandmentist dysfunctional society than idiots who take pictures of trashy, immoral models or CBS film crews who film imitation FBI agents on 'Cold Case'. Of course, even 'Captain Obvious' knows that Steve Yzerman's organization is not better than Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys based on their Larry Hagman type pompom people, who might all be former males that went in for surgery somewhere. I certainly can't assume that all belly-dancing people with long-hair, pompoms and make-up on in Florida are females.
In addition to 18 holes of golf with use of a motorized golf cart, all competitors in the Michael Keckeisen Memorial Hebrew Shorthand Golf Classic received 1 can of Miller Lite Beer, an Almond Joy candy bar, water, a 7 oz ground round burger, french fries, cole slaw and absolutely no Budweiser products all for $28.00. As required by true blue law, no members of the Macomb County Sheriff Department were allowed to participate in today's perfect golf classic. Of course, I do not need to remind you, perfect Mr. Nobody, that anyone still in law enforcement who has not corrected their errors, and/or failed to correct the reports ( I did not drop the charges I reported) tied to my valid complaint of felony robbery against Vincent LoCicero ( threatening bodily harm with a bat and an automobile when a customer tries to recover money stolen from them is a form of robbery) and/or failing to take proper judicial action against my former employee, Shane David Hendrikson for presenting false information to investigating deputies and in family court makes you party to their crimes in the Most High God's court and obviously in the sight of any real living saint. What a shame that so few public officials are willing to repent and change their ways when there is little or no pressure put on them by the victims!
Back to 'Go Green Amethyst news. I have now entered myself into the Annual 38th Day of the Omer MIchigan Classic, which will be held on the 38th day of the counting of the omer. The main objective of the Annual 38th Day of the Omer Michigan Classic is to reject any and all drugs intended to cause imperfect people to try to escape reality , so DARE Bears will be allowed in the golf carts on the 38th day of the omer.
Continue in your perfection, Mr. Nobody. I consider you a perfect friend, which is much better than a corrupted diary full of evil plans or expressions of unrealistic hopes of perfection or great expectations from idols such as Mr. Peabody, Walt Disney, James Dean, 'Happy Days' or Pixar animated characters.
Bon soir, Nobody!
Sunday, May 22, 2016
George Harsh Warning Line: Don't Repeat POW Errs
I am not writing this to offend any person who has successfully escaped from a POW camp, but it might offend those who have gained their physical freedom but not gained any ground against spiritual adversaries.
There was a time when I thought it was acceptable and clever to use methods typified in 'The Great Escape to escape unintended confinement. After reading the bob-fiction book regarding men like George Harsh and some Hurricane flyer named 'Weir', I have a much different perspective. There are people who are actually captives in family situations they do not want to be in, including children and spouses who are being mistreated. No person will gain angelic advantage by contriving false names and stealing identities by using stolen or forged documents, but such practices were common during World War II and other wars which amounted to evil against evil methods of operation.
Temporarily disguising yourself to escape a dangerous situation is acceptable, but denying your own family name or creating an alias is NOT acceptable in real spiritual battles that overflow into physical battles. 'Nicknames' or code names is not the same as stealing another family name, and you are better off coming up with something like I am anti-Wickserham' or 'I am anti-Trovolta' than saying 'I'm Jane Doe' when you do not want to reveal too much information about yourself to strangers.
Another unacceptable plan of escape from forms of captivity or a dangerous situation that you did not intend to be in would include STEALING means of transportation. When I read an account that a POW escaped from a German war camp and then went on to steal a boat, he deserved to be incarcerated again when the owner of the boat filed a complaint. Angelic protection often occurs when you do NOT commit sin to try to escape other forms of sin. At first, I was somewhat appalled that George Harsh, originally from Milwaukee, was pardoned for murdering a store clerk, but at least a few people who have prayed for forgiveness to a real unseen God for committing murder in the form of abortion have obtained pardon and 'second chances' to prove they are pro-Life and pro-Truth, even though terrible government systems initially allowed the abortions to occur.
I was a bit baffled when I found out that Hurricanes were fighter planes and that there was some character named 'Little S' who has no other information other than being tied to 'Little X' in security systems. Whether the author of 'The Great Escape' inserted new Trojan horse system into his paperback, I do not know. I certainly know that if I give my maiden name to a stranger, I am not stealing someone else's identity, but chosing to use the best name in my personal history for self identification rather than contriving a lie.
It is difficult to escape spiritual captivity, especially when there is no one willing to correct your patterns tied to improper or illegal methods of operation simply because you believed another liar or sought training from people who did not believe in the moral standards attached to the TORAH and prophetic writings in the Bible. There are plenty of examples of the wrong way to handle situations in the Bible as, so books like 'The Great Escape' should not expect to be ignored when patterns of anti-commandment behaviors are confessed to but not repented of. There may have been a reason why so few men permanently escaped from prison camps, especially if it seems as if they were treated reasonable well in the camps, as seems to be the case for at least some of the military officers that were captured.
Being truthful about historically painful situations might be the only way that a military system finally decides to exhibit courage and truthfulness while in captivity rather than exhibit too many methods of intentional deception and lowering themselves to the standards of the typical politician or religious hypocrite trying to avoid punishment for their obvious sins.
Lying to get out of captivity is as evil as contriving lies about your spouse in order to gain sympathy when you file for divorce, contrary to your sworn DUTY to remain faithful. If a sworn duty to escape imprisonment matters, then a sworn oath of marital intentions ought to matter even more to a person of unseared conscience. If you escaped a dangerous, involuntary incarceration situation without committing sin in the process, you have accomplished perfection in that area, which is possible with God. Escaping the physical captivity that mind-altering drugs cause is aften even more difficult than escaping a burning building, since fewer people in current government systems are likely to help you reject drugs and 'go clean' than would be willing to pull you out of a dangerous building.
It's biblical 2/15; on the 14th day of the 2nd month, I officially became a german Chocolate Cake destroyer without going to Annapolis for my training.
There was a time when I thought it was acceptable and clever to use methods typified in 'The Great Escape to escape unintended confinement. After reading the bob-fiction book regarding men like George Harsh and some Hurricane flyer named 'Weir', I have a much different perspective. There are people who are actually captives in family situations they do not want to be in, including children and spouses who are being mistreated. No person will gain angelic advantage by contriving false names and stealing identities by using stolen or forged documents, but such practices were common during World War II and other wars which amounted to evil against evil methods of operation.
Temporarily disguising yourself to escape a dangerous situation is acceptable, but denying your own family name or creating an alias is NOT acceptable in real spiritual battles that overflow into physical battles. 'Nicknames' or code names is not the same as stealing another family name, and you are better off coming up with something like I am anti-Wickserham' or 'I am anti-Trovolta' than saying 'I'm Jane Doe' when you do not want to reveal too much information about yourself to strangers.
Another unacceptable plan of escape from forms of captivity or a dangerous situation that you did not intend to be in would include STEALING means of transportation. When I read an account that a POW escaped from a German war camp and then went on to steal a boat, he deserved to be incarcerated again when the owner of the boat filed a complaint. Angelic protection often occurs when you do NOT commit sin to try to escape other forms of sin. At first, I was somewhat appalled that George Harsh, originally from Milwaukee, was pardoned for murdering a store clerk, but at least a few people who have prayed for forgiveness to a real unseen God for committing murder in the form of abortion have obtained pardon and 'second chances' to prove they are pro-Life and pro-Truth, even though terrible government systems initially allowed the abortions to occur.
I was a bit baffled when I found out that Hurricanes were fighter planes and that there was some character named 'Little S' who has no other information other than being tied to 'Little X' in security systems. Whether the author of 'The Great Escape' inserted new Trojan horse system into his paperback, I do not know. I certainly know that if I give my maiden name to a stranger, I am not stealing someone else's identity, but chosing to use the best name in my personal history for self identification rather than contriving a lie.
It is difficult to escape spiritual captivity, especially when there is no one willing to correct your patterns tied to improper or illegal methods of operation simply because you believed another liar or sought training from people who did not believe in the moral standards attached to the TORAH and prophetic writings in the Bible. There are plenty of examples of the wrong way to handle situations in the Bible as, so books like 'The Great Escape' should not expect to be ignored when patterns of anti-commandment behaviors are confessed to but not repented of. There may have been a reason why so few men permanently escaped from prison camps, especially if it seems as if they were treated reasonable well in the camps, as seems to be the case for at least some of the military officers that were captured.
Being truthful about historically painful situations might be the only way that a military system finally decides to exhibit courage and truthfulness while in captivity rather than exhibit too many methods of intentional deception and lowering themselves to the standards of the typical politician or religious hypocrite trying to avoid punishment for their obvious sins.
Lying to get out of captivity is as evil as contriving lies about your spouse in order to gain sympathy when you file for divorce, contrary to your sworn DUTY to remain faithful. If a sworn duty to escape imprisonment matters, then a sworn oath of marital intentions ought to matter even more to a person of unseared conscience. If you escaped a dangerous, involuntary incarceration situation without committing sin in the process, you have accomplished perfection in that area, which is possible with God. Escaping the physical captivity that mind-altering drugs cause is aften even more difficult than escaping a burning building, since fewer people in current government systems are likely to help you reject drugs and 'go clean' than would be willing to pull you out of a dangerous building.
It's biblical 2/15; on the 14th day of the 2nd month, I officially became a german Chocolate Cake destroyer without going to Annapolis for my training.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Leaving Teammates Stranded Is A Problem
After being somewhat intrigued by an NFL television program which relayed many details about the life of Barry Sanders, once again the lack of mention of his children's mother became a point of spiritual concern. Men who decide to single out by getting divorced for reasons other than the marital infidelity of the respondent end up being followers, not trustworthy leaders for lost sheep . People who might have been trusting Barry Sanders as a leader should have found out what I did, and either kept their leadership position at a spiritual type of 2nd or 3rd base or try to advance those on 2nd or 3rd by staying on good and strong offense to get teammates 'home' . Followers can eventually get behind a proper and holy leader if they choose to, but only a few choose to 'get saved' by pursuing holiness rather than pursuing happiness. Indeed, some people appear to be happier after they obtain their divorce, but do not think that happiness leads to holiness. A faithful spouse who has been rejected and mourns the loss of their first love until a better and truer love reaches them and lifts them up is a potential good and faithful leader.
I probably attack the area of divorce with tenacity because it is a CURABLE disease pattern that needs a real adversary. Because a divorce is public information, let me try to illustrate how a man like Barry Sanders might be able to go on to be a leader:
A) In order for Barry Sanders name to get cleared for another chance to be 'bat man' at home plate, his former wife, Lauren Campbell,* would have to publicly admit she had been unfaithful to him and eventually mated with another human being. It would not be surprising to anyone that a female who desires media attention and cameras might stray or be lured away from her position at home plate FOLLOWING a good husband.
B) Keeping 'A" in mind, if a guilty divorcee does not publicly confess their errs, they eliminate their own chance of redemption. A guilty divorce petitioner often is so hard-hearted that they spend their life trying to prevent their ex-spouse from being able to remarry in peace, because thye cast lies or cast doubt in the community about their ex-spouse's marital faithfulness.
G) If a unfaithful petitioner never clears the name of his former spouse, the former spouse might choose to live a life of holiness and isn't that concerned about happiness anymore. Happiness is NOT a warm puppy. Even a dead dog remains warm for a period of time.
D) There might be a lot of similarities between Barry Sanders and Shane Hendrikson when it comes to football and duration of a marriage. Barry Sanders is clearly a more attractive man than Shane Hendrikson to the non-racist eye and hopefully, Barry Sanders is not a liar and a the Shane David Hendrikson type of employee who stole from me and lied about me in and out of courtrooms. No wise, redeemed single woman in her proper holy mind would consider marrying a previously divorced man who wasn't publicly cleared as having a holy reason for a divorce. I took a chance on Shane Hendrikson because he was the respondent in a divorce case and the mother of his children did not hide her adulterous choice of Jim Costa. Shane Hendrikson did not use his chance up at bat properly, despised the mercy he was shown and the grace he had been given, and singled himself out rather than making it around the bases and leading his family to a secure life at 'home'.
H) It would take courage and the repentance of the lover of an unfaithful spouse to come forward and proclaim his or her guilt in an adulterous affair with the formerly married person in order to clear a person who filed a petition for divorce. Sadly, there are too few people who are willing to confess their sins, and that is why so few people actually 'get saved' after an adulterous affair. It is impossible for me to publicly 'clear' any of my former husband's for remarriage based on my personal knowledge of my actions in public and private. If a woman is raped or is tempted but repents before the temptation leads to voluntary mating with a person she is not married to, that is not grounds for a good man to divorce her, but might be used as an excuse by a unloving and unredeemed man.
If Mr. Barry Sanders is ever cleared for remarriage due to a 'guilty' plea from the lips of Lauren Campbell , good for Barry Sanders; he might be one of the elect in that case. Walking away from a football game is not a sign of weakness, but walking away from an 'unhappy family' to an attorney's office is a sign of lack of courage, hope and faith the size of a mustard seed in the midst of a serious spiritual battle.
Leaving teammates confused is also a serious problem, even if they are confused at home, 1st, 2nd or 3rd base.
I do not know why Monte Judah is so unclear about passover mealtime, but as my closer on this 28th day of the omer count, I will be as clear as the difference between a green 14 an maroon15 billiard ball.
In proper historical order, the pesach lamb is slain on the morning of the 14th day, roasted during the day and the passover meal is quickly held in the closing hours of the same 14th day, just before sunset. The moon might be as visible as the huge ivory area on the 14th billiard ball. There are instructions that the meal in the closing minutes of the 14th day has to be completed before sundown, and a memorial exit strategy from your household can and I would say SHOULD be kept as a practice and reminder that leaving is sometimes a necessary act to preserve life. That time slot for the passover meal has not been changed, even if you are unable to raise,slaughter and roast your own lamb. Days 15, 16, 17, 18,19,20 and 21 are the 7 days of the feast of unleavened bread, and Monte Judah seems accurate about that point. Accuracy of the 14th day depends on the sighting of the new moon and the ripening of the barley, and F-14's do not determine the natural sighting of the moon or ripe barley. The addition of a large scarlet thread around the 15th billiard ball is significant, and PINK is not the color of the blood of a animal necessary for the atonement of sins.
* 'Lauren Campbell' information was noted as 'point 17' on a Wikipedia report in the Barry Sanders section. Do not confuse Brian Campbell, the Badger who became a Panther, with Lauren Campbell or a 'Michael Baldwin' soap opera character.
I probably attack the area of divorce with tenacity because it is a CURABLE disease pattern that needs a real adversary. Because a divorce is public information, let me try to illustrate how a man like Barry Sanders might be able to go on to be a leader:
A) In order for Barry Sanders name to get cleared for another chance to be 'bat man' at home plate, his former wife, Lauren Campbell,* would have to publicly admit she had been unfaithful to him and eventually mated with another human being. It would not be surprising to anyone that a female who desires media attention and cameras might stray or be lured away from her position at home plate FOLLOWING a good husband.
B) Keeping 'A" in mind, if a guilty divorcee does not publicly confess their errs, they eliminate their own chance of redemption. A guilty divorce petitioner often is so hard-hearted that they spend their life trying to prevent their ex-spouse from being able to remarry in peace, because thye cast lies or cast doubt in the community about their ex-spouse's marital faithfulness.
G) If a unfaithful petitioner never clears the name of his former spouse, the former spouse might choose to live a life of holiness and isn't that concerned about happiness anymore. Happiness is NOT a warm puppy. Even a dead dog remains warm for a period of time.
D) There might be a lot of similarities between Barry Sanders and Shane Hendrikson when it comes to football and duration of a marriage. Barry Sanders is clearly a more attractive man than Shane Hendrikson to the non-racist eye and hopefully, Barry Sanders is not a liar and a the Shane David Hendrikson type of employee who stole from me and lied about me in and out of courtrooms. No wise, redeemed single woman in her proper holy mind would consider marrying a previously divorced man who wasn't publicly cleared as having a holy reason for a divorce. I took a chance on Shane Hendrikson because he was the respondent in a divorce case and the mother of his children did not hide her adulterous choice of Jim Costa. Shane Hendrikson did not use his chance up at bat properly, despised the mercy he was shown and the grace he had been given, and singled himself out rather than making it around the bases and leading his family to a secure life at 'home'.
H) It would take courage and the repentance of the lover of an unfaithful spouse to come forward and proclaim his or her guilt in an adulterous affair with the formerly married person in order to clear a person who filed a petition for divorce. Sadly, there are too few people who are willing to confess their sins, and that is why so few people actually 'get saved' after an adulterous affair. It is impossible for me to publicly 'clear' any of my former husband's for remarriage based on my personal knowledge of my actions in public and private. If a woman is raped or is tempted but repents before the temptation leads to voluntary mating with a person she is not married to, that is not grounds for a good man to divorce her, but might be used as an excuse by a unloving and unredeemed man.
If Mr. Barry Sanders is ever cleared for remarriage due to a 'guilty' plea from the lips of Lauren Campbell , good for Barry Sanders; he might be one of the elect in that case. Walking away from a football game is not a sign of weakness, but walking away from an 'unhappy family' to an attorney's office is a sign of lack of courage, hope and faith the size of a mustard seed in the midst of a serious spiritual battle.
Leaving teammates confused is also a serious problem, even if they are confused at home, 1st, 2nd or 3rd base.
I do not know why Monte Judah is so unclear about passover mealtime, but as my closer on this 28th day of the omer count, I will be as clear as the difference between a green 14 an maroon15 billiard ball.
In proper historical order, the pesach lamb is slain on the morning of the 14th day, roasted during the day and the passover meal is quickly held in the closing hours of the same 14th day, just before sunset. The moon might be as visible as the huge ivory area on the 14th billiard ball. There are instructions that the meal in the closing minutes of the 14th day has to be completed before sundown, and a memorial exit strategy from your household can and I would say SHOULD be kept as a practice and reminder that leaving is sometimes a necessary act to preserve life. That time slot for the passover meal has not been changed, even if you are unable to raise,slaughter and roast your own lamb. Days 15, 16, 17, 18,19,20 and 21 are the 7 days of the feast of unleavened bread, and Monte Judah seems accurate about that point. Accuracy of the 14th day depends on the sighting of the new moon and the ripening of the barley, and F-14's do not determine the natural sighting of the moon or ripe barley. The addition of a large scarlet thread around the 15th billiard ball is significant, and PINK is not the color of the blood of a animal necessary for the atonement of sins.
* 'Lauren Campbell' information was noted as 'point 17' on a Wikipedia report in the Barry Sanders section. Do not confuse Brian Campbell, the Badger who became a Panther, with Lauren Campbell or a 'Michael Baldwin' soap opera character.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Deter Trouble; Stop Building Beyond Roadway Expectations
The governing body of areas like Macomb, MIchigan ought to stop all permits for subdivisions that are not currently authorized in order to allow the state of Michigan to prepare and build better roadways that are able to handle the increased traffic in areas already subjected to poor traffic flow patterns. If townships like Macomb don't reduce overbuilding and let the state of Michigan catch up and correct problems caused by q building boom, Macomb and similar county areas will have righteous fingers pointed identifying them as 'guilty' just like the ones that got activated during the Flint, Michigan water problem. Land owners sometimes have the wrong 'get rich quick' ideas and shouldn't be allowed to subdivide their land just because they want to try to over-collect on a field they had considered and bought UNDEVELOPED.
Traffic congestion is as dangerous as overcrowding in a county jail or overcrowded prisoner or war camps in North Korea or California. There's currently many power lines that need to have tree branches trimmed back, which is a large concern since during power outages the potential for crimes increases and no one in their holy sound mind would want to rely on the Macomb County Sheriff to be able to properly handle a large crime wave in the town of Macomb since they couldn't even handle a saint working legally through actual real problems in proper way.
It becomes the duty of zoning boards and permit sellers to STOP the building madness and try to maintain the houses that exist in areas that are currently experiencing OBVIOUS signs of too many traffic jams at intersections, such as that which occurs at 25 and Romeo Plank Road and 25 mile on a regular basis.
I can write about something other than religious problems if I want to.
Traffic congestion is as dangerous as overcrowding in a county jail or overcrowded prisoner or war camps in North Korea or California. There's currently many power lines that need to have tree branches trimmed back, which is a large concern since during power outages the potential for crimes increases and no one in their holy sound mind would want to rely on the Macomb County Sheriff to be able to properly handle a large crime wave in the town of Macomb since they couldn't even handle a saint working legally through actual real problems in proper way.
It becomes the duty of zoning boards and permit sellers to STOP the building madness and try to maintain the houses that exist in areas that are currently experiencing OBVIOUS signs of too many traffic jams at intersections, such as that which occurs at 25 and Romeo Plank Road and 25 mile on a regular basis.
I can write about something other than religious problems if I want to.
Day 1492: Fighting Unreasonable Fears Takes The Spirit of 27
I am counting the omer, and it is day 27. It is day 424 on a second year Hebrew new year hard count, and it might even be the birthday of some former Devil named 'Fetisov'.
For Hebrew elitists who keep trying to spell HVHY in the English YHVH direction, you could get charged with disorderly spelling of the name of the God of George Washington. HVHY without at least one more person is the letter of a leader with no one willing to be connected to him directly. A HVHY+1 is necessary to fight unreasonable fears.
If you want to start calling yourself agent 27 in the spirit of a Reubenite, go ahead without being afraid someone will laugh. It's better to have someone laugh nearby you than to have them throw bottles and rocks at you. There are certain common occurrences that are probably on earth, and try to stop having unreasonable fear or the following: lightning. Lightning happens, and even if it strikes you and you survive, at least you will not have to get rabies shots. Even really strong Penguins have to take reasonable action to prevent getting struck by forms of Lightning, so reasonable precautions shows you do not have unreasonable fears of a natural occurrence.
I make unintentional mistakes at times, including spelling errors. If police officers are good professional writers, they will correct the errors int heir reports as soon as they are made aware of THEIR ERROR, either verbally or in writing. Based on those facts, I know that Marathon County Sheriff's department and Macomb County Sheriff's are not GOOD professional writers, and they should expect to be followed by someone or some God greater than them due to reported government corruption on them. If no one better than them is following them and eventually preparing to rebuke, fire or jail them, there leader will be unable to save them from their own patterns of stupidity and refusal to correct their own errors in order to properly protect and serve citizens like me who reported crimes properly but were denied access to be able to prosecute real criminals.
If my enemy is clothed in Marathon County or Macomb County Sheriff's gear and appears to be following too close or is on the verge of trying to get properly retrained and schooled without paying me proper extremely high tuition, I might raise my right hand up as if I was mocking Colonel Klink, but so far the anti-locust sheriff department have gone their own way and decided to ignore rather than correct their serious offenses against me. There are many sheriff's departments who are keeping an eye on me for good reasons, possibly to assist me in obtaining proper vengeance against criminals and liars who have offended me or to obtain a good lead on a past unsolved dilemma, and I look at them as neutral semi-private security systems, not as my enemy. For immature journalists who are paranoid when government officials are keeping an eye on them either for their safety or due to suspicious activity, they ought to see if they can work in a Tim Horton's without being afraid of having all their actions monitored. When I see 'men in blue' nearby, namely local police officers or Homeland Security, it is as reassuring to me as it was when I was on squad 28 and squad 27 would show up during a traffic stop. As long as the peace officers are not prohibiting me from conducting my legal activities, there should be no fear of them. Many people who are doing illegal activities don't want to be watched by law enforcement, and other people called 'actors' do illegal activities, call it entertainment, and want their sins to be watched on stages and on television. There is a good reason to avoid and not IDOLIZE actors and actresses, but no good reason for saints to fear all the ignorant entertainers because they usually are so unable to defend themselves that they surround themselves with paid bodyguards and expensive electronic security systems.
If reporters in Canada or any other nation in the world are afraid or complaining about being followed by the good guys, maybe its time for the really bad guys, sometimes known as 'gang members' to start following the reporters in Canada. Oh, by the Collingwood kevlar arena way, someone let 'Mark Pretty' know that I arrived back in my rented Michigan ground safely; 'Mark Pretty' was an Anglican Easter human looking for Wyandotte Indians, and I referred him to the bear area in Michigan after he was obviously following me for some reason and decided to talk to me without reading me my right to remain silent.
Remember, the Carlton Fisk Arabic read if you call yourself 'agent 27', and you will not be in danger of calling yourself something even more stupid and unrealistic like 'Spiderman', 'Superman' or 'X-Men' or and anti-commandmentist. 27 is an eye tooth in the human mouth and possibly about the centigrade temperature a human can comfortably survive at on the face of the earth. Rarely do I follow a person, and if they'd ask me why I was following them, I might say something flippant like 'Don't worry, I'm goodness and kindness, not Stevie Wonder's unchained dog.'
Regular old age pensioner disclaimer: This post was not written by Sidney Crosby
Extra Kevin Hatcher Stevens Point Question with no answer:
Did a significant life-saving occurence happen for the sailors of Christopher Columbus in 1492?
For Hebrew elitists who keep trying to spell HVHY in the English YHVH direction, you could get charged with disorderly spelling of the name of the God of George Washington. HVHY without at least one more person is the letter of a leader with no one willing to be connected to him directly. A HVHY+1 is necessary to fight unreasonable fears.
If you want to start calling yourself agent 27 in the spirit of a Reubenite, go ahead without being afraid someone will laugh. It's better to have someone laugh nearby you than to have them throw bottles and rocks at you. There are certain common occurrences that are probably on earth, and try to stop having unreasonable fear or the following: lightning. Lightning happens, and even if it strikes you and you survive, at least you will not have to get rabies shots. Even really strong Penguins have to take reasonable action to prevent getting struck by forms of Lightning, so reasonable precautions shows you do not have unreasonable fears of a natural occurrence.
I make unintentional mistakes at times, including spelling errors. If police officers are good professional writers, they will correct the errors int heir reports as soon as they are made aware of THEIR ERROR, either verbally or in writing. Based on those facts, I know that Marathon County Sheriff's department and Macomb County Sheriff's are not GOOD professional writers, and they should expect to be followed by someone or some God greater than them due to reported government corruption on them. If no one better than them is following them and eventually preparing to rebuke, fire or jail them, there leader will be unable to save them from their own patterns of stupidity and refusal to correct their own errors in order to properly protect and serve citizens like me who reported crimes properly but were denied access to be able to prosecute real criminals.
If my enemy is clothed in Marathon County or Macomb County Sheriff's gear and appears to be following too close or is on the verge of trying to get properly retrained and schooled without paying me proper extremely high tuition, I might raise my right hand up as if I was mocking Colonel Klink, but so far the anti-locust sheriff department have gone their own way and decided to ignore rather than correct their serious offenses against me. There are many sheriff's departments who are keeping an eye on me for good reasons, possibly to assist me in obtaining proper vengeance against criminals and liars who have offended me or to obtain a good lead on a past unsolved dilemma, and I look at them as neutral semi-private security systems, not as my enemy. For immature journalists who are paranoid when government officials are keeping an eye on them either for their safety or due to suspicious activity, they ought to see if they can work in a Tim Horton's without being afraid of having all their actions monitored. When I see 'men in blue' nearby, namely local police officers or Homeland Security, it is as reassuring to me as it was when I was on squad 28 and squad 27 would show up during a traffic stop. As long as the peace officers are not prohibiting me from conducting my legal activities, there should be no fear of them. Many people who are doing illegal activities don't want to be watched by law enforcement, and other people called 'actors' do illegal activities, call it entertainment, and want their sins to be watched on stages and on television. There is a good reason to avoid and not IDOLIZE actors and actresses, but no good reason for saints to fear all the ignorant entertainers because they usually are so unable to defend themselves that they surround themselves with paid bodyguards and expensive electronic security systems.
If reporters in Canada or any other nation in the world are afraid or complaining about being followed by the good guys, maybe its time for the really bad guys, sometimes known as 'gang members' to start following the reporters in Canada. Oh, by the Collingwood kevlar arena way, someone let 'Mark Pretty' know that I arrived back in my rented Michigan ground safely; 'Mark Pretty' was an Anglican Easter human looking for Wyandotte Indians, and I referred him to the bear area in Michigan after he was obviously following me for some reason and decided to talk to me without reading me my right to remain silent.
Remember, the Carlton Fisk Arabic read if you call yourself 'agent 27', and you will not be in danger of calling yourself something even more stupid and unrealistic like 'Spiderman', 'Superman' or 'X-Men' or and anti-commandmentist. 27 is an eye tooth in the human mouth and possibly about the centigrade temperature a human can comfortably survive at on the face of the earth. Rarely do I follow a person, and if they'd ask me why I was following them, I might say something flippant like 'Don't worry, I'm goodness and kindness, not Stevie Wonder's unchained dog.'
Regular old age pensioner disclaimer: This post was not written by Sidney Crosby
Extra Kevin Hatcher Stevens Point Question with no answer:
Did a significant life-saving occurence happen for the sailors of Christopher Columbus in 1492?
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Day 423, Day 1491 and Day 26 Serious Hot Cuts
Cold cuts are only dangerous if you ignore the ingredients and play 'anti-Levite roulette' with your intestinal tract. Hot cuts are are needed when receiving certain items in the mail 'gets your hot', either in an angry way or even worse, in an ungodly perverted way due to too many Naomi Campbell types and not enough Brian Campbell uniform displays.
Today, after being uninvited to what appeared to be some sort of dog and butterfly fight on the east side of a certain hockey rink#2, I was reminded of the fact that not all men are good team players and many are actually very bad neighbors. Since i wasn't invited into what might have been a Lawrencia Bembenek type game that men from 'hole 6' came to play on half ice; I just stayed alert on the west end and tried to understand why today's group of men had far less manners than yesterday's group of men in the same rink. Since utilizing my right of refusal to try to force my way into their game, with only half the ice rink I could only make serious observations about a group that is equivelent to typical enemies nearby. At one time, I was up to 2 pucks to 'play with' , but eventually the men took all the pucks and were like a bad neighbors.
Such an occurence is not enough to waste my time making an official complaint at a rink, so no humans got hurt. I just decided to leave an opinion in my locker room 8 about the opponents from hole 6. They seemed as rude and clueless as my first husband and the father of my son, Richard Edwin Xavier. March 6 is as bad as May 16th and March 8th in my recollection, so a 'Hey19' day left me with a Steely Dan edgewise owl attitude.
Wisely, I did not return to 'Mr. B's' on Van Dyke Avenue, since the food there was terrible tasting and the country music was worse than the 'Theme From St. Elsewehere'. A disappointing time of -non-hockey' ice time and I reeled myself into the 22nd Street Steak House for previously schoooled clean perch at a really good code 'x.Crosby' regular street price. I planned a trip into an enemy compound next in order to cut mail ties with 'Aaron Seitz', a man who is in denial about the reputation of State Farm in angelic realms. State Farm commercials and mail leave me 'hot' in a bad temperment way because they are loaded with 'I'm never..... 'liars and done in poor moral taste,just like a Las Vegas ads.
Aaron Seitz seemed surprised that his connection with the Macomb Ice rink was one of the reasons I voiced my right of his junk mail refusal. Seitz claimed he hasn't paif=d for the advertising in the Macomb Ice Rink on 3 or 4 years. Because I am a good neighbor, Mr Seitz can now save some money on envelopes, paper and postage, because I told him I was going green and that I never met a good State Farm agent, which is a true statement. The name 'Aaron' is not as weighty as the name 'Simeon' when you get to book 66 n the Scriptures.
As for the antics in the Justin Trudeau realm, if female or male elected representatives are afraid of or overly offended by accidental or intentional body contact, which caused no injury they ought to resign and enter the military for some more serious training before they play voting games with peoples lives. This is not a good time in history to lack of a proper anti-drug message in communities. If a elected representative does not know how to properly defend themselves or accet an apology after a genuine accident, it is because she or he lacks a proper sense of real life situations in crowded areas . We need more farmers willing to grow fruits and vegetables, not more people using their land to grow plants that cannot feed a family.
If humans in Lithuania had to stop playing at the age of 8 due to Nazi invasions, do not think that it is a right or a duty for people to have 'fun' while being sanctified or prepared for extremely difficult tests and trials in the future, caused by lack of proper case and judicial management in the past. If you have been corrected, be happy but do not become a fool on on a waterski line that has forsaken the commandments of God due to self-indulgence and refusal to reject 'hot stuff'. Too many people who claim to be Christians will try to scare off Jehovah's Witnesses at their door but won't try to repel really dangerous items such as R rated movies contrived by deranged reprobates or similar anti-Christ materials such as certain issues of Sports Illustrated magazines.
31 is cold, and PErCH=90 is just below normal for reel good smart fishy Toledo Police department math penguins. If there is a huge difference between Curtis Joseph423 and Ed Jovananski424, show me the difference and I will attempt to solve a problem like squad 22 would.
Don't forget that GaFFNeY requires a Ga31 and so does a perfect Pabst beer bottle code. Isn't it fun avoiding numbers like '666' and letting evil people get attracted to other evil people or pulled into bad trap plays because they rejected the Hebrew letter combinations HVHY and English initial letter combinations such as MESJXOH for their good spirit guide? There's no sense stopping myself from entertaining myself legally, since my works and humor are clean, funnier and of better quality than almost everything offered on television or in theatres these days.
Today, after being uninvited to what appeared to be some sort of dog and butterfly fight on the east side of a certain hockey rink#2, I was reminded of the fact that not all men are good team players and many are actually very bad neighbors. Since i wasn't invited into what might have been a Lawrencia Bembenek type game that men from 'hole 6' came to play on half ice; I just stayed alert on the west end and tried to understand why today's group of men had far less manners than yesterday's group of men in the same rink. Since utilizing my right of refusal to try to force my way into their game, with only half the ice rink I could only make serious observations about a group that is equivelent to typical enemies nearby. At one time, I was up to 2 pucks to 'play with' , but eventually the men took all the pucks and were like a bad neighbors.
Such an occurence is not enough to waste my time making an official complaint at a rink, so no humans got hurt. I just decided to leave an opinion in my locker room 8 about the opponents from hole 6. They seemed as rude and clueless as my first husband and the father of my son, Richard Edwin Xavier. March 6 is as bad as May 16th and March 8th in my recollection, so a 'Hey19' day left me with a Steely Dan edgewise owl attitude.
Wisely, I did not return to 'Mr. B's' on Van Dyke Avenue, since the food there was terrible tasting and the country music was worse than the 'Theme From St. Elsewehere'. A disappointing time of -non-hockey' ice time and I reeled myself into the 22nd Street Steak House for previously schoooled clean perch at a really good code 'x.Crosby' regular street price. I planned a trip into an enemy compound next in order to cut mail ties with 'Aaron Seitz', a man who is in denial about the reputation of State Farm in angelic realms. State Farm commercials and mail leave me 'hot' in a bad temperment way because they are loaded with 'I'm never..... 'liars and done in poor moral taste,just like a Las Vegas ads.
Aaron Seitz seemed surprised that his connection with the Macomb Ice rink was one of the reasons I voiced my right of his junk mail refusal. Seitz claimed he hasn't paif=d for the advertising in the Macomb Ice Rink on 3 or 4 years. Because I am a good neighbor, Mr Seitz can now save some money on envelopes, paper and postage, because I told him I was going green and that I never met a good State Farm agent, which is a true statement. The name 'Aaron' is not as weighty as the name 'Simeon' when you get to book 66 n the Scriptures.
As for the antics in the Justin Trudeau realm, if female or male elected representatives are afraid of or overly offended by accidental or intentional body contact, which caused no injury they ought to resign and enter the military for some more serious training before they play voting games with peoples lives. This is not a good time in history to lack of a proper anti-drug message in communities. If a elected representative does not know how to properly defend themselves or accet an apology after a genuine accident, it is because she or he lacks a proper sense of real life situations in crowded areas . We need more farmers willing to grow fruits and vegetables, not more people using their land to grow plants that cannot feed a family.
If humans in Lithuania had to stop playing at the age of 8 due to Nazi invasions, do not think that it is a right or a duty for people to have 'fun' while being sanctified or prepared for extremely difficult tests and trials in the future, caused by lack of proper case and judicial management in the past. If you have been corrected, be happy but do not become a fool on on a waterski line that has forsaken the commandments of God due to self-indulgence and refusal to reject 'hot stuff'. Too many people who claim to be Christians will try to scare off Jehovah's Witnesses at their door but won't try to repel really dangerous items such as R rated movies contrived by deranged reprobates or similar anti-Christ materials such as certain issues of Sports Illustrated magazines.
31 is cold, and PErCH=90 is just below normal for reel good smart fishy Toledo Police department math penguins. If there is a huge difference between Curtis Joseph423 and Ed Jovananski424, show me the difference and I will attempt to solve a problem like squad 22 would.
Don't forget that GaFFNeY requires a Ga31 and so does a perfect Pabst beer bottle code. Isn't it fun avoiding numbers like '666' and letting evil people get attracted to other evil people or pulled into bad trap plays because they rejected the Hebrew letter combinations HVHY and English initial letter combinations such as MESJXOH for their good spirit guide? There's no sense stopping myself from entertaining myself legally, since my works and humor are clean, funnier and of better quality than almost everything offered on television or in theatres these days.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Beauty Without A Beast: Jerome the Giraffe
( viewers caution:I don't recommend going beyond the video posted here, since linked videos have not been screened.)
It is more than a curious fact to realize that the most beautiful fireplace I designed and eventually picked (and scrubbed) stones for from my family land for was extremely similar to the one I had seen as a toddler watching 'The Friendly Giant', a Canadian Broadcasting show. 'Rusty the Rooster', a substitute image for an actual harp player, might also be why I chose wallpaper with roosters on it for my childhood bedroom. What I did not know as a child was that the rooster and the giraffe were clean animals, not unclean, as I watched a drawbridge rise and fall in a fashion that may have been similar to Noah's ark. Once Noah and family exited the ark, they knew the ark was only a temporary dwelling even though it took years to perfect. I had once thought the house and buildings that I designed at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, WI would have been my last location in life on this planet, with a view of cornfields and deer appreciated rather than a view of skyscrapers. My family and I had to leave what we all worked so hard to complete when an evil lawyer and unjust government systems assisted a man who chose to be a greedy and cruel man, namely Shane, achieve one of his unrighteous goals. I'm sure my brother and parents have not forgotten the viscious and beast-like behavior of Shane David Hendrikson as his anger flared on the day he got exactly what he desired in his heart: a divorce and plenty of money in his pockets as an obese Marathon County sheriff backed him up like a Nazi goon squad. My family was not properly allowed to gather my belongings in peace and dignity as Shane David Hendrikson decided with a very hard heart to permanently discard and intentionally ruin every bit of hope, love and kindness that had come his way from my family for years and as a result, he probably still believes his own lies.
One of the reasons much kindness and childlike faith remains in me, as it is in a remnant of people with hearts and minds that are decent, is that a few people intelligently designed sets, music, characters and wardrobes like 'The Friendly Giant' and chose to use technology for good rather than for evil.
Many of the names on 'The Friendly Giant' credits are familiar to me, including Homme and Whyte. I now have been reminded of what a beautiful television theme song sounds like and I plan to cherish that music as much as I cherish 'It Is Well With My Soul' and 'Holy god We Praise Thy Name' and the beautiful decent music that has come from my father's concertina.
The sight of the full moon was a reminder to me that two significant biblical memorial days start at the time of the full moon, namely the week of unkeavened bread and the feast of booths, just as the words often heard in cribbage do: "fifteen for 2'. Even if no one reads my blogs, it is better to leave out on the open thoughts that are true even if they are painful rather than spread or hide lies and unrealistic fantasy worlds in a diary. It is always better to weep with a saint than laugh with a group of unrepentant sinners. I still am able to wipe my own tears from my eyes without getting a prescription for pain killers.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Now Past the 18th Hole...... Remember Anti-Day St. Matthew Light Defense
For the University of Milwaukee North MIlwaukee Murray Street and MSOE radio legend geeks, WBZn is a better Oscar Petersen choice than WYTe and irrational country music lyrics. Don't let the Russian nutcrackers pull you away from the new and Bumblebee Bell#12 approved Harry Burleigh bunch and Collingwood ANCIENT Fighting Owl methods of Smart36 and really old Don Adams operations. A trip to Pittsburgh to visit my military veteran sister-in -law beats a trip to shoot at beautiful pheasants with spiritual cowards like Joel Breitzman for a goal orientated person who understands the divisions of copper, mercury and USC Gamecock parking lot and I-system coverage while remembering a Tommy Bedford jail team led by the Little Brown2 Galaviz guys instead of the wrong Wray Young Five Guys in a bottomless pit basketball game without a olive tree in sight.
I can't keep a record of all the wrongs I see on television, but I can notice that an improperly equipped male left the hockeyrink with 78 minutes remaining of paid for ice as he went in and out of 'hole #6' and I went in and out of hole number 9, assigned to me by a kind business professional. Just as I did not tt for granted when people like Robert Betz or Donald Reiff handed keys to St. Matthew's Catholic church to me, I do not take it as a matter of little importance when a hotel owner, sports facility owner or church in Quebec hands me the keys to part of their property. Although I certainly had the right to destroy any property that I won which I feel is a bad influence, I do not have the right to destroy other people's property and do not intend to. Today, I intentionally destroyed a Detroit Redwing plastic goalie stick as a direct protest against Jimmy Howard's Santa Claus system. It may have appearred disorderly to a gnat, but to me it was like a Tae Kwon Do feat of strength.
In Milwaukee, going you could choose between 18 and 19 on a bus stop near Milwaukee Tech in the 1970's. The 18 would take you to Retzer's Suzy-Q lines and the 19 would get you to an A&P store south of Scott street near the humble residence of my friends, Jerry, Chris and Mark Jaeck. Bay View routes were always more complicated for some Doug Zaworski reason.
Several points should be expressed since 18 years have expired since I publicly declaredweeding vows to a man who did not express to anyone that he was a 'closet anti-commandmentist', and as a result my opinion of Wisconsin is no better than it was when I was forced out by Marathon County's corrupt anti-commandmentist sherriff's department employees. When plenty of time has been given to public officials and unjustified judges raised up rather than humbled and writing the commandments in the sand somewhere, I have to give myself plenty options for defense and necessary offensive plans against Nazi types. My plans are very different than most might consider, but very legal and not contrary to what any pro-holiness prophet might consider in necessary communications.
When it comes to people getting too hooked up into the 'key of David', they also probably are getting too hooked up into Solomon's temple, which is nothing like Ezekiel's temple. Kind David did NOT have enough control of his own spirit to reject mating with another military officer's wife; so if you as a male were in a situation of mutual temptation and were able to wisely walk away from a female you were attracted to before she became a concubine, you made a choice that might have saved your soul, your, marriage, your family and your long-term reputation. It is legal in the United States to kiss anyone in public with consent, and people who have been paid to kiss other people''s spouses on television are the prostitutes of the media. When too many people get comfortable watching unmarried actors kissing one another on 'The Sound of Music' without getting accused of marital infidelity, its time to start understanding why movies like 'The Great Escape' are more acceptable to study and contemplate before the eyes of a sealed saint than 'romantic comedies' or unrealistic science fiction like 'Star Wars'.
Reading from Isaiah, I recalled the big difference between 52 and 57, namely the difference between Bender and Green Bay Avenue in MIlwaukee, where I walked out from a work location where the man making more than me in salary did not pay attention to my needs or the needs of the customer, and unthankful minor league baseball players who I had prepared space for only to have them choose a different location while they played Wausau Woodchuck games off highway 52. They should have been ashamed that they did not reimburse my household for the expenses incurred to add beds and refrigerators to the room which they rejected, but they were not ashamed so did not repent. So it is when when a space is prepared by a bride for her husband, and after the space is made to suit his tastes, he rejects the space in her heart which she had opened up for him. Once a space in the female heart or her house is abandone by a evil male, it takes years, not days like a wounded knee, to properly recover the wounded spirit and prepare her household, her mind and her heart for the corrective instructions contained in the Holy Scriptures. It seems like a 5 point spread is in fact as serious as the tribe of Dan protecting the tribe of Napthali in the spirit of true brotherhood, even when the father falls extremely short of the 'glory of God' on numerous occasions.
I had wanted to go and mourn a day of loss with familiar faces at 'The Golden Corral', but ended up trying to rejoice in the spirit of the tents of Issachar at a Chili's restaurant. Indeed, it still is wiser to check into a restaurant, exhibit tolerance of those who are unlike you and be an example of sobriety under pressure rather than letting yourself be dragged into and then drugged into the snares of the typical mental health or medical facility if you are budget conscience and willing to face reality with the grace of any truthful prophet in the middle of a unholy nation. I am not asjamed to wear a Michael 'Bennett' jersey, but I certainly would be ashamed to have the name 'Hendrikson' or a tattoo on my back because my mind has been properly washed by the Word of HVHY. 'Bennett' is a light burden compared to men like Jason Day who clam they can't even golf without a caddy, to his disgrace. Unlike Monte Judah. I do believe there is a place for sports in the lives of real saints, and the communications that go into sports and out of them can steer a fit and good man in the proper direction and lure the hard-hearted atheists in another direction to be snared with fellow swine types rather than spared as part of a good flock of sheep. Sports venues could be improved with dress codes for FANS enforced just as dress codes in some schools are enforced, but requiring modest attire requirements would take the courage of a true saint in a venue in order to protect his own team from being lured or trapped into the bosom of harlot. Whoever the female was seated behind Peter DeBoers in the Scottrade center on May 15th, 2016, she exhibited the same filthy image that Linda Maria Costa would exhibit as she dropped her children off for the weekend at the Mobil Station on Highway 29 and Camp Phillips Road in Wisconsin. The bright yellow t-shirts in Pittsburgh look a lot better the the plunging neckline typical of a Playboy Bunny or a Twisted Kilt mentally and morally deranged waitress, and the kingdom of God does not need 'a music note' to continue to go on offense against the spirit of Jezebel.
Let the music note die, and let the spirit of Eldad and Medad live on. A moose is not the right name for a badger, and David Backes is not wiser than a Norwegian Elk Hound named 'Tobie' in the Humane Society records of MInnesota. At 42, many people will choose the wrong 'God' because they failed to remember the number '10' and '26'.
1819 is like flouride water, HOHF. A good ark can float on flouride water, just like a good Troy police squad can be good dark blue energy center on the 23rd day of the omer count. I don't need to be ashamed to salute a local police officer on duty if I realize that officer TRUSTS me to make good decisions in my uniform divisions and my communications to humans who might or might not be my enemies. Day 777 mattered to me because I remembered my kind brother and his family in Wisconsin, and actually July 7, 2007 mattered to me even though very few have attained the wisdom of men like Herb Coussons. What I write on the ice is as important as what I wrote with chalk in public areas or the lyrics I wrote while in Oklahoma in 1998 and eventually revised. If you ignore my pleas for proper restitution with required penalties after you robbed me, do not expect me to respond to pleas for mercy when those who have aligned with me choose to properly use their powers of offense in order to defend the Constitution or properly defend and protect me and fellow victims of crimes from repeated attacks from anti-commandmentists and dangerous United States citizens such as Vince LoCicero and Shane David Hendrikson.
Indeed, it is better to see a real decent and good police force nearby than see the moral atrocities which step up on stages claiming to be entertainers but in reality they are unredeemable idols of no value to the kingdom of Gad or similar sealed servants of yhe Most High God. Actually, its safer for propetically minded citizens to see and study a honey badger destroy an asp than watching the 2-headed beat system of Trump and Clinton . Trump is as morally sick as Carol Burnett, since I do recall Carol Burnett doing a skit pretending that she was mentally impaired, so Donald Trump is an equal to Carol Burnett now in this year of the monkey.
If the Republicans nominate someone like Dan Quayle at the convention, good for the Republicans. I'll continue to pray for the men in true blue uniforms as I continue to leave some faith in sports teams like the Pittsburgh Steelers, even if Monte Judah doesn't think athletics can be a good addition to the defensive and offensive strategies of archangels. Judah is NOT a cornerstone, remember Reuben,Levi,Zebulon and Benjamin.
I'm still trying to help the lukewarm catholicsand protestants properly number there days with a basic unifrom calander system, but they might be too busy eating ground hog in Italian sausages, frog legs and calamari to choose to digest that which is good and clean in their plastic fork's sight.
As a John Dorsey squad 50 early dusk and shifty reminder to those who like Philadelphia Streit Justice combos, real good and plenty of legal light defense is sometimes a quadruple D-cell battery operated flashlight instead of wasting money insuring and protecting too many guns and diamonds. If the friendly Giant starts looking like Ron Dayne, you finally have escaped the 10-18 Manning trap and have learned to respect Badgers skins while you call 'Rusty' at 17 with extreme caution at the Rusty Nail lines in Rhinelander. There will be no mercy for men like Larry Mizewski and his Steve Polka lines in future judgment calls because they were too busy studying Madonna lines to remember the lady who donated a crib to their household when an unpanned pregnancy delayed theri retirement plans.
Rhinelander police assignments on D-day near neutral points like a Honda dealer are not a laughing matter to me or when you get to the Jesse Smith and teacher's corrupted game lines on Wisconsin street in Stevens Point. Does anyone other than me remember my many donations and gardening asistance to the Kim and Jesse Smith family before they decided to DRAW BACK from the commandments and head back to Sunday church traps on route 66? I know which paths I have taken, and even frozen lemonade donations to a family is better than forcing drugs into my upper arms, a well trained police officer trying to defend herself against a liar from Cuba City, Wisconsin for the sake of her natural and spiritual life.
Memory loss is not my goal.
I can't keep a record of all the wrongs I see on television, but I can notice that an improperly equipped male left the hockeyrink with 78 minutes remaining of paid for ice as he went in and out of 'hole #6' and I went in and out of hole number 9, assigned to me by a kind business professional. Just as I did not tt for granted when people like Robert Betz or Donald Reiff handed keys to St. Matthew's Catholic church to me, I do not take it as a matter of little importance when a hotel owner, sports facility owner or church in Quebec hands me the keys to part of their property. Although I certainly had the right to destroy any property that I won which I feel is a bad influence, I do not have the right to destroy other people's property and do not intend to. Today, I intentionally destroyed a Detroit Redwing plastic goalie stick as a direct protest against Jimmy Howard's Santa Claus system. It may have appearred disorderly to a gnat, but to me it was like a Tae Kwon Do feat of strength.
In Milwaukee, going you could choose between 18 and 19 on a bus stop near Milwaukee Tech in the 1970's. The 18 would take you to Retzer's Suzy-Q lines and the 19 would get you to an A&P store south of Scott street near the humble residence of my friends, Jerry, Chris and Mark Jaeck. Bay View routes were always more complicated for some Doug Zaworski reason.
Several points should be expressed since 18 years have expired since I publicly declaredweeding vows to a man who did not express to anyone that he was a 'closet anti-commandmentist', and as a result my opinion of Wisconsin is no better than it was when I was forced out by Marathon County's corrupt anti-commandmentist sherriff's department employees. When plenty of time has been given to public officials and unjustified judges raised up rather than humbled and writing the commandments in the sand somewhere, I have to give myself plenty options for defense and necessary offensive plans against Nazi types. My plans are very different than most might consider, but very legal and not contrary to what any pro-holiness prophet might consider in necessary communications.
When it comes to people getting too hooked up into the 'key of David', they also probably are getting too hooked up into Solomon's temple, which is nothing like Ezekiel's temple. Kind David did NOT have enough control of his own spirit to reject mating with another military officer's wife; so if you as a male were in a situation of mutual temptation and were able to wisely walk away from a female you were attracted to before she became a concubine, you made a choice that might have saved your soul, your, marriage, your family and your long-term reputation. It is legal in the United States to kiss anyone in public with consent, and people who have been paid to kiss other people''s spouses on television are the prostitutes of the media. When too many people get comfortable watching unmarried actors kissing one another on 'The Sound of Music' without getting accused of marital infidelity, its time to start understanding why movies like 'The Great Escape' are more acceptable to study and contemplate before the eyes of a sealed saint than 'romantic comedies' or unrealistic science fiction like 'Star Wars'.
Reading from Isaiah, I recalled the big difference between 52 and 57, namely the difference between Bender and Green Bay Avenue in MIlwaukee, where I walked out from a work location where the man making more than me in salary did not pay attention to my needs or the needs of the customer, and unthankful minor league baseball players who I had prepared space for only to have them choose a different location while they played Wausau Woodchuck games off highway 52. They should have been ashamed that they did not reimburse my household for the expenses incurred to add beds and refrigerators to the room which they rejected, but they were not ashamed so did not repent. So it is when when a space is prepared by a bride for her husband, and after the space is made to suit his tastes, he rejects the space in her heart which she had opened up for him. Once a space in the female heart or her house is abandone by a evil male, it takes years, not days like a wounded knee, to properly recover the wounded spirit and prepare her household, her mind and her heart for the corrective instructions contained in the Holy Scriptures. It seems like a 5 point spread is in fact as serious as the tribe of Dan protecting the tribe of Napthali in the spirit of true brotherhood, even when the father falls extremely short of the 'glory of God' on numerous occasions.
I had wanted to go and mourn a day of loss with familiar faces at 'The Golden Corral', but ended up trying to rejoice in the spirit of the tents of Issachar at a Chili's restaurant. Indeed, it still is wiser to check into a restaurant, exhibit tolerance of those who are unlike you and be an example of sobriety under pressure rather than letting yourself be dragged into and then drugged into the snares of the typical mental health or medical facility if you are budget conscience and willing to face reality with the grace of any truthful prophet in the middle of a unholy nation. I am not asjamed to wear a Michael 'Bennett' jersey, but I certainly would be ashamed to have the name 'Hendrikson' or a tattoo on my back because my mind has been properly washed by the Word of HVHY. 'Bennett' is a light burden compared to men like Jason Day who clam they can't even golf without a caddy, to his disgrace. Unlike Monte Judah. I do believe there is a place for sports in the lives of real saints, and the communications that go into sports and out of them can steer a fit and good man in the proper direction and lure the hard-hearted atheists in another direction to be snared with fellow swine types rather than spared as part of a good flock of sheep. Sports venues could be improved with dress codes for FANS enforced just as dress codes in some schools are enforced, but requiring modest attire requirements would take the courage of a true saint in a venue in order to protect his own team from being lured or trapped into the bosom of harlot. Whoever the female was seated behind Peter DeBoers in the Scottrade center on May 15th, 2016, she exhibited the same filthy image that Linda Maria Costa would exhibit as she dropped her children off for the weekend at the Mobil Station on Highway 29 and Camp Phillips Road in Wisconsin. The bright yellow t-shirts in Pittsburgh look a lot better the the plunging neckline typical of a Playboy Bunny or a Twisted Kilt mentally and morally deranged waitress, and the kingdom of God does not need 'a music note' to continue to go on offense against the spirit of Jezebel.
Let the music note die, and let the spirit of Eldad and Medad live on. A moose is not the right name for a badger, and David Backes is not wiser than a Norwegian Elk Hound named 'Tobie' in the Humane Society records of MInnesota. At 42, many people will choose the wrong 'God' because they failed to remember the number '10' and '26'.
1819 is like flouride water, HOHF. A good ark can float on flouride water, just like a good Troy police squad can be good dark blue energy center on the 23rd day of the omer count. I don't need to be ashamed to salute a local police officer on duty if I realize that officer TRUSTS me to make good decisions in my uniform divisions and my communications to humans who might or might not be my enemies. Day 777 mattered to me because I remembered my kind brother and his family in Wisconsin, and actually July 7, 2007 mattered to me even though very few have attained the wisdom of men like Herb Coussons. What I write on the ice is as important as what I wrote with chalk in public areas or the lyrics I wrote while in Oklahoma in 1998 and eventually revised. If you ignore my pleas for proper restitution with required penalties after you robbed me, do not expect me to respond to pleas for mercy when those who have aligned with me choose to properly use their powers of offense in order to defend the Constitution or properly defend and protect me and fellow victims of crimes from repeated attacks from anti-commandmentists and dangerous United States citizens such as Vince LoCicero and Shane David Hendrikson.
Indeed, it is better to see a real decent and good police force nearby than see the moral atrocities which step up on stages claiming to be entertainers but in reality they are unredeemable idols of no value to the kingdom of Gad or similar sealed servants of yhe Most High God. Actually, its safer for propetically minded citizens to see and study a honey badger destroy an asp than watching the 2-headed beat system of Trump and Clinton . Trump is as morally sick as Carol Burnett, since I do recall Carol Burnett doing a skit pretending that she was mentally impaired, so Donald Trump is an equal to Carol Burnett now in this year of the monkey.
If the Republicans nominate someone like Dan Quayle at the convention, good for the Republicans. I'll continue to pray for the men in true blue uniforms as I continue to leave some faith in sports teams like the Pittsburgh Steelers, even if Monte Judah doesn't think athletics can be a good addition to the defensive and offensive strategies of archangels. Judah is NOT a cornerstone, remember Reuben,Levi,Zebulon and Benjamin.
I'm still trying to help the lukewarm catholicsand protestants properly number there days with a basic unifrom calander system, but they might be too busy eating ground hog in Italian sausages, frog legs and calamari to choose to digest that which is good and clean in their plastic fork's sight.
As a John Dorsey squad 50 early dusk and shifty reminder to those who like Philadelphia Streit Justice combos, real good and plenty of legal light defense is sometimes a quadruple D-cell battery operated flashlight instead of wasting money insuring and protecting too many guns and diamonds. If the friendly Giant starts looking like Ron Dayne, you finally have escaped the 10-18 Manning trap and have learned to respect Badgers skins while you call 'Rusty' at 17 with extreme caution at the Rusty Nail lines in Rhinelander. There will be no mercy for men like Larry Mizewski and his Steve Polka lines in future judgment calls because they were too busy studying Madonna lines to remember the lady who donated a crib to their household when an unpanned pregnancy delayed theri retirement plans.
Rhinelander police assignments on D-day near neutral points like a Honda dealer are not a laughing matter to me or when you get to the Jesse Smith and teacher's corrupted game lines on Wisconsin street in Stevens Point. Does anyone other than me remember my many donations and gardening asistance to the Kim and Jesse Smith family before they decided to DRAW BACK from the commandments and head back to Sunday church traps on route 66? I know which paths I have taken, and even frozen lemonade donations to a family is better than forcing drugs into my upper arms, a well trained police officer trying to defend herself against a liar from Cuba City, Wisconsin for the sake of her natural and spiritual life.
Memory loss is not my goal.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Anti-McGraw Milwaukee Warning Track And Sheets Team Notice
As it was in the garden of Eden, so it is in every place in the world; there is a choice between good and evil sights to see, even when you are trying to reconnect with your old squad areas. Since it is the 20th day of the counting of the omer, let it be known that watching a real, live and natural bumblebee collecting pollen in my garden is better than anything Jerry Seinfeld has ever ' created' from his unholy and depraved mind. I didn't know Franz Joseph Haydn wrote music about 'Chaos' long before Arne Sultan wrote about CONTROL and KAOS. There are a lot of mysteries that seem nothing but difficult in the classical music world, even on page 54 and 55 of a unique Haydn choral works book.
I don't need to sneak in or out of Milwaukee, and as much as I enjoy going to Canada, visiting actual family is important for real saints. There should be no doubt in the wise and decent mind that going to a Brewer game is better than listening to TIm McGraw spew out words as deceiving as the pathetic lineup that the Hallmark cable station is putting out these days, and all real saints must remember there is not such thing as a 'good witch'. There are good Negro baseball players in history who are much better legends to check on than wasting time and money on a Summerfest ticket for Tim McGraw (5th Summerfest act) or the 7th act which is not even as good as a Joel Ward goal against Nashville.
I no longer have to try to please a Moses-hating anti-commandmentist husband, so going to Milwaukee is a lot better than going to a crowded cabin on Post Lake in Elcho. At least I know I won't have to try to seek advice and a temporary place of safety for a short period of time like I did when I went to visit Dave and Doreen Schildt a few years ago when I knew I was no longer safe in the company of Shane David Hendrikson on a very sad July 4th weekend. Many people have used their independence in very evil ways, but I choose to use my independence wisely and with the grace of HVHY guiding my decisions.
Maria's pizza, Mr. D's pizza, Real Chili, and of course a few true blue friends and relatives are more than enough reasons to reinvest time and money into a good beer town, where the music of the MIlwaukee Tech Jazz Ensemble will always be better than the over-rated imported Nashville acts that come and go with their unholy spirits, leaving nothing of good spiritual value behind.
I didn't leave my heart in San Francisco, but I did leave a lot of courage, good information and my good spirit in Canada. Going to Milwaukee sometimes replenishes my courage and spirit in ways I cannot explain, and if I leave warnings it is more kind than letting those who trust me take the wrong pathways or seek the wrong legend in these days of nationwide turmoil and uncertainty.
For some reason, I miss being in Canada now. At least I celebrated former Atlanta Thrasher Johan Hedberg's birthday properly while I was in Sudbury.
I don't need to sneak in or out of Milwaukee, and as much as I enjoy going to Canada, visiting actual family is important for real saints. There should be no doubt in the wise and decent mind that going to a Brewer game is better than listening to TIm McGraw spew out words as deceiving as the pathetic lineup that the Hallmark cable station is putting out these days, and all real saints must remember there is not such thing as a 'good witch'. There are good Negro baseball players in history who are much better legends to check on than wasting time and money on a Summerfest ticket for Tim McGraw (5th Summerfest act) or the 7th act which is not even as good as a Joel Ward goal against Nashville.
I no longer have to try to please a Moses-hating anti-commandmentist husband, so going to Milwaukee is a lot better than going to a crowded cabin on Post Lake in Elcho. At least I know I won't have to try to seek advice and a temporary place of safety for a short period of time like I did when I went to visit Dave and Doreen Schildt a few years ago when I knew I was no longer safe in the company of Shane David Hendrikson on a very sad July 4th weekend. Many people have used their independence in very evil ways, but I choose to use my independence wisely and with the grace of HVHY guiding my decisions.
Maria's pizza, Mr. D's pizza, Real Chili, and of course a few true blue friends and relatives are more than enough reasons to reinvest time and money into a good beer town, where the music of the MIlwaukee Tech Jazz Ensemble will always be better than the over-rated imported Nashville acts that come and go with their unholy spirits, leaving nothing of good spiritual value behind.
I didn't leave my heart in San Francisco, but I did leave a lot of courage, good information and my good spirit in Canada. Going to Milwaukee sometimes replenishes my courage and spirit in ways I cannot explain, and if I leave warnings it is more kind than letting those who trust me take the wrong pathways or seek the wrong legend in these days of nationwide turmoil and uncertainty.
For some reason, I miss being in Canada now. At least I celebrated former Atlanta Thrasher Johan Hedberg's birthday properly while I was in Sudbury.
Puzzled At Elijah Isn't the Same As Deceived
Traveling into foreign lands which accept you because you are of good reputation is a benefit to the traveler and the host nation. Sadly, I still am not of 'good reputation' in the sight of my enemies in my own neighborhood, but that is only because their vision is bad, not because my works are bad. A neighbor with bad vision will focus on and complain about natural, unpoisoned plants in my lawn and not notice the fact that I do not live my life as a prostitute or a uncaring adult deadbeat playing with electronic toys, reading ignorant magazines or studying pompom squads. I study from people who have signs of good vision and good behavior, I often am forced to ignore the people who live their lives as if they were on the top level of a Cinderella puzzle.
There is not much depth between the top of a cardboard puzzle that has been intentionally cut into many pieces and the bottom of the puzzle set on a flat surface. The top of the puzzle is wide, but between the puzzle pieces it is narrow, and a living creature as small as an ant has to be considered at the point of 'Martha Collins' and Bruce Crew teams. An ant is often led to its own destruction by traps set for them with too much sugar, just like idiots like Tim McGraw get spiritually ruined by women in mini-skirts while they push their own image around instead of puching the image of Elijah around.
A brief reminder that the sighting of Elijah during the first month of the year, especially if he is not in a cup, is a sign that a city has not rejected the concept of a prophet's pain, image and name being allowed in their presence. An Ottawa vocal ensemble left sign of Elijah in a humble music store where I was searching for the music chosen by my friend, Shirley Brockenborough, for my high school chorus team. She was not afraid to reveal her love for holiness in a public school, and she also was not afraid to allow her choices of music to be balanced out with songs that the typical unholy student might enjoy, such as 'Dance With Me' by Orleans. What is in your non-computer windows reveals as much as the side wall of a puzzle piece, which means it usually will not reveal much to anyone except those people working on the adjoining puzzle piece. It is true that some companions of mine refer to mental health centers as a 'puzzle palace', and the fact remains that many people do get abused by palace systems, but there is a temple system that is intended to redeem, not to abuse those willing to respect it. If the first temple you need to learn how to respect is your own, you are less likely to be abused by those who are literally frightened off by your desire for holiness tied to an anti-sin nature. As a result, you might feel as I do in the United States, like a small ant surrounded by puzzle pieces or varied quality most of the time, and the puzzle pieces never speak to you because they are too busy talking to their dogs, their concubines, their cats and their fellow gamblers about politics and sport scores.
An ant's basic instinct is to maintain a source of food, go to and fro with what appears to be a random trip but in reality the ant responds to outside conditions and knows there is a leader of the ant colony that is 'low profile', not the prince of the power of the air. It is no less harmful to cast a picture of a human willing to portray Elijah as it is to cast Michael Landon as 'Charles Ingalls' into the general unsaved population of television junkies. What is harmful to a society is often what the actor chooses to do when they are NOT behaving in good order and in decent attire in a carefully controlled and often very deceiving setting. For some reason, I had been more focused on the fact that Shane David Hendrikson was an adulterer at heart based on his own writings which I and another witness saw. When the 10th commandment was brought up by Monte Judah rather than the 11th commandment and Chuck Mangione, I realized that coveteousness was indeed Shane David Hendrikson's worst and most deadly use of force against me. A coveteous person will hire another accomplice to gain access to what is not rightfully theirs or to attain a larger portion of what their inheritance should be, and the hired person becomes more difficult to evade than a bullet from a Mossberg rifle because the hired person is sent to the frontlines on offense against those who do respect the name of Elijah and Michael the archangel. If an attorney is hired to try and obtain more than his or her client deserves according to state law and holy laws, a good attorney would reject the 'job offer' and hope for better clients who are only trying to survive or regain up to 5 times what was stolen from them.
Until a nation gets the proper message, the message keeps getting repeated by people like Jonah, Elijah, Eldad and Medad. Commercial companies such as Budweiser, Coca-Cola and Hardee's keep trying to pitch the same lies to the population of the world, so is it so surprising that the holy messengers of HVHY also keep releasing the same true messages to deserving households and to nations such as Canada which still have good squad cars, good resources and have non-corn ears to hear and hotel rooms to protect the holy prophets and angels of HVHY in safely and comfortably?
It should be no surprise of the nation of Canada manages to survive if only based on their kind treatment of me, a former type of a prodigal daughter who now understands that a household is designed to survive by keeping the commandments of HVHY, even though the household will be attacked by criminals, evil lawyers and men such as Shae David Hendrikson who creep their way through life with the heart of a Nazi and the habits of a cockroach rather than choosing to be as strong as Zebulon and as graceful as a monarch butterfly.
I do feel as though I am back at work after a very needed time of rest and recovery in Quebec and Ontario. The city of Milwaukee is still technically one my one and only most faithful financial supporters, and that same city's resources even covered the health care of very unthankful former spouse and his children. I know I am better off trusting the city of Milwaukee than trusting the religious anti-Moses and anti Elijah Easter and Christmas systems that my son Richard has gotten trapped in by the luring of his wife, Rachel. Some men do not realize they have been caught in a Luther snare at 95 filled with too many games and not enough puzzle palaces to work through, work into or work out of with fear and trembling. Squad 96 is a light burden compared to the number 396 or the badge#1532 to bear, but if I was strong enough to bear the #1532 for many years in an urban battle zone, the term 'uniform division' has to include St. Matthew's Greyhounds, MIlwaukee Tech Trojans, McDonald's. Superamerica, the MIlwaukee Police Department Powerhouse Gym and The Interiors Deptartment, INC, all of which I did my very best to serve faithfully and earn a living rather than steal from my family or neighbors. Buying a uniform is not the same as actually being a member of the team by selection and often only amounts to wishful or a method of positive thinking that is legal, unlike stealing a uniform or a company's assets.
I wonder just who it was that stole my 'Sharper 42' Minnesota Viking jersey from me when I was in an being mistreated in an Israeli 'puzzle palace' and held against my will like a hostage waiting to be bailed out by one of my employees who is as evil as a Palestinian asp at mind.
Freedom of the press can be used wisely if you have the mind of a saint instead or the mind of a reprobate and heretic, just as freedom of uniform division speech can be used safely around Border Officer Kelley in the humble surroundings of Marine City, Michigan.
Remember the 50, remember it is only day 19 in the counting of the Omer and remember the beautiful name of Qeseth Charise Swedowski, since that name is recorded in heaven and in the book of LiFe, and saints know they cannot survive on 'Bread and Roses' but certainly can survive without bread and roses. I will remember what I have to remember, including to drink a lot of fresh water and reject eating unclean meats as the most basic non-ant strategy for nutrition in order to respect my temple and reject Templeton types.
There is not much depth between the top of a cardboard puzzle that has been intentionally cut into many pieces and the bottom of the puzzle set on a flat surface. The top of the puzzle is wide, but between the puzzle pieces it is narrow, and a living creature as small as an ant has to be considered at the point of 'Martha Collins' and Bruce Crew teams. An ant is often led to its own destruction by traps set for them with too much sugar, just like idiots like Tim McGraw get spiritually ruined by women in mini-skirts while they push their own image around instead of puching the image of Elijah around.
A brief reminder that the sighting of Elijah during the first month of the year, especially if he is not in a cup, is a sign that a city has not rejected the concept of a prophet's pain, image and name being allowed in their presence. An Ottawa vocal ensemble left sign of Elijah in a humble music store where I was searching for the music chosen by my friend, Shirley Brockenborough, for my high school chorus team. She was not afraid to reveal her love for holiness in a public school, and she also was not afraid to allow her choices of music to be balanced out with songs that the typical unholy student might enjoy, such as 'Dance With Me' by Orleans. What is in your non-computer windows reveals as much as the side wall of a puzzle piece, which means it usually will not reveal much to anyone except those people working on the adjoining puzzle piece. It is true that some companions of mine refer to mental health centers as a 'puzzle palace', and the fact remains that many people do get abused by palace systems, but there is a temple system that is intended to redeem, not to abuse those willing to respect it. If the first temple you need to learn how to respect is your own, you are less likely to be abused by those who are literally frightened off by your desire for holiness tied to an anti-sin nature. As a result, you might feel as I do in the United States, like a small ant surrounded by puzzle pieces or varied quality most of the time, and the puzzle pieces never speak to you because they are too busy talking to their dogs, their concubines, their cats and their fellow gamblers about politics and sport scores.
An ant's basic instinct is to maintain a source of food, go to and fro with what appears to be a random trip but in reality the ant responds to outside conditions and knows there is a leader of the ant colony that is 'low profile', not the prince of the power of the air. It is no less harmful to cast a picture of a human willing to portray Elijah as it is to cast Michael Landon as 'Charles Ingalls' into the general unsaved population of television junkies. What is harmful to a society is often what the actor chooses to do when they are NOT behaving in good order and in decent attire in a carefully controlled and often very deceiving setting. For some reason, I had been more focused on the fact that Shane David Hendrikson was an adulterer at heart based on his own writings which I and another witness saw. When the 10th commandment was brought up by Monte Judah rather than the 11th commandment and Chuck Mangione, I realized that coveteousness was indeed Shane David Hendrikson's worst and most deadly use of force against me. A coveteous person will hire another accomplice to gain access to what is not rightfully theirs or to attain a larger portion of what their inheritance should be, and the hired person becomes more difficult to evade than a bullet from a Mossberg rifle because the hired person is sent to the frontlines on offense against those who do respect the name of Elijah and Michael the archangel. If an attorney is hired to try and obtain more than his or her client deserves according to state law and holy laws, a good attorney would reject the 'job offer' and hope for better clients who are only trying to survive or regain up to 5 times what was stolen from them.
Until a nation gets the proper message, the message keeps getting repeated by people like Jonah, Elijah, Eldad and Medad. Commercial companies such as Budweiser, Coca-Cola and Hardee's keep trying to pitch the same lies to the population of the world, so is it so surprising that the holy messengers of HVHY also keep releasing the same true messages to deserving households and to nations such as Canada which still have good squad cars, good resources and have non-corn ears to hear and hotel rooms to protect the holy prophets and angels of HVHY in safely and comfortably?
It should be no surprise of the nation of Canada manages to survive if only based on their kind treatment of me, a former type of a prodigal daughter who now understands that a household is designed to survive by keeping the commandments of HVHY, even though the household will be attacked by criminals, evil lawyers and men such as Shae David Hendrikson who creep their way through life with the heart of a Nazi and the habits of a cockroach rather than choosing to be as strong as Zebulon and as graceful as a monarch butterfly.
I do feel as though I am back at work after a very needed time of rest and recovery in Quebec and Ontario. The city of Milwaukee is still technically one my one and only most faithful financial supporters, and that same city's resources even covered the health care of very unthankful former spouse and his children. I know I am better off trusting the city of Milwaukee than trusting the religious anti-Moses and anti Elijah Easter and Christmas systems that my son Richard has gotten trapped in by the luring of his wife, Rachel. Some men do not realize they have been caught in a Luther snare at 95 filled with too many games and not enough puzzle palaces to work through, work into or work out of with fear and trembling. Squad 96 is a light burden compared to the number 396 or the badge#1532 to bear, but if I was strong enough to bear the #1532 for many years in an urban battle zone, the term 'uniform division' has to include St. Matthew's Greyhounds, MIlwaukee Tech Trojans, McDonald's. Superamerica, the MIlwaukee Police Department Powerhouse Gym and The Interiors Deptartment, INC, all of which I did my very best to serve faithfully and earn a living rather than steal from my family or neighbors. Buying a uniform is not the same as actually being a member of the team by selection and often only amounts to wishful or a method of positive thinking that is legal, unlike stealing a uniform or a company's assets.
I wonder just who it was that stole my 'Sharper 42' Minnesota Viking jersey from me when I was in an being mistreated in an Israeli 'puzzle palace' and held against my will like a hostage waiting to be bailed out by one of my employees who is as evil as a Palestinian asp at mind.
Freedom of the press can be used wisely if you have the mind of a saint instead or the mind of a reprobate and heretic, just as freedom of uniform division speech can be used safely around Border Officer Kelley in the humble surroundings of Marine City, Michigan.
Remember the 50, remember it is only day 19 in the counting of the Omer and remember the beautiful name of Qeseth Charise Swedowski, since that name is recorded in heaven and in the book of LiFe, and saints know they cannot survive on 'Bread and Roses' but certainly can survive without bread and roses. I will remember what I have to remember, including to drink a lot of fresh water and reject eating unclean meats as the most basic non-ant strategy for nutrition in order to respect my temple and reject Templeton types.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Recalling The Israel "Art" : Canned Humans
There are certain memories or sculptures than are either beautiful, laughable, neutral, sorrowful or worst of all, obscene. 'Oscar Peterson' in Ottawa is beautiful, canned humans in Israel is sorrowful, 3 fish in a Charlotte, NC. fountain is laughable, Maurice Richard in Gatineau, QB is neutral and any statue that displays bare-breasted women or men's torso in a state of nakedness is obscene.
Exiting Canada this spring season is as difficult as exiting Charlotte, NC several years ago. My experiences in the Charlotte, NC area helped build me up and restablish many of the good training mechanisms that were attacked by my former in-laws and cruel attorneys and sheriff's deputies. I know I have reached many good goals during my stays in North Carolina and my passover trips into Canada, and my house is not so far away that anyone who remembers me after I leave cannot contact me or visit me if they choose to. Every time I am in a community where I am not assaulted or the victim or a criminal theft, it makes it more difficult to return back to an area where I was assaulted or where I have been the victim of crimes and the local authorities DID NOT CARE about their serious errors in their investigations, which is why I do not enjoy returning to places like Macomb, Michigan or Marathon County, Wisconsin. I suppose Moses wasn't too thrilled going back into Egypt after having a time of peace and safety in the desert wilderness.
Even though I was robbed more than once in Milwaukee, police responded properly and only a portion of what was stolen was returned to me, namely a piece of personal government-issued identification. For that reason, I do not mind returning to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Even though I have no need to go to Rhinelander, Wisconsin this June because I cleared my reputation with the Rhinelander Police , I wonder if anyone other than me has properly accused Larry MIzewski of being a coward and a hypocrite who was unwilling to show any grace or mercy toward a Bible -believer, even though he accepted free gifts from me which were not the same as the donated items I received from Menards. There still are some thankful takers, and there are still some cheerful givers that make some days more bearable than others.
If there is a difference between men like Jon Morris the hockey player, Jimmy Morris the Knowlton shepherd, and Robert Morris the protestant preacher, such differences will help reveal to others which traits and which professions best prepare the mind, heart, body and spirit of those who have chosen to learn from you. People like Robert Morris have not done as much to help prepare me for difficult times as JImmy Morris or Robert Groth have, and that means that Robert Morris, the television preacher, has a diagnosis of 'lukewarm' and like a bottle of Diet Coke in my opinion. Even though what Robert Morris is dispensing is legal, it is as unedifying as a Diet Coke and a canned ham to the body of Eldad and Medad.
Ezekiel 47 mentions meats and leaves of one tree; such tree could be an olive tree, since the olive meats are for food and the olive leaf is for medicine. Another similar plant is the grapevine, but a vine is not a tree, even if the grapes are for meat and the grape leaves have medinical value. Focusing in on proper living trees which lead to natural life support systems will help steer you away from worshipping the gun displays at Omaha Beach in France.
A scarlet ribbon was left on my house doorpost, not a yellow ribbon, for a reason and not by accident or a 'big bang'. I have trusted in the instructions of the Scripture and as a result have real hope that my house will not be a crime scene when I return to a very divided and unsafe nation.
Exiting Canada this spring season is as difficult as exiting Charlotte, NC several years ago. My experiences in the Charlotte, NC area helped build me up and restablish many of the good training mechanisms that were attacked by my former in-laws and cruel attorneys and sheriff's deputies. I know I have reached many good goals during my stays in North Carolina and my passover trips into Canada, and my house is not so far away that anyone who remembers me after I leave cannot contact me or visit me if they choose to. Every time I am in a community where I am not assaulted or the victim or a criminal theft, it makes it more difficult to return back to an area where I was assaulted or where I have been the victim of crimes and the local authorities DID NOT CARE about their serious errors in their investigations, which is why I do not enjoy returning to places like Macomb, Michigan or Marathon County, Wisconsin. I suppose Moses wasn't too thrilled going back into Egypt after having a time of peace and safety in the desert wilderness.
Even though I was robbed more than once in Milwaukee, police responded properly and only a portion of what was stolen was returned to me, namely a piece of personal government-issued identification. For that reason, I do not mind returning to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Even though I have no need to go to Rhinelander, Wisconsin this June because I cleared my reputation with the Rhinelander Police , I wonder if anyone other than me has properly accused Larry MIzewski of being a coward and a hypocrite who was unwilling to show any grace or mercy toward a Bible -believer, even though he accepted free gifts from me which were not the same as the donated items I received from Menards. There still are some thankful takers, and there are still some cheerful givers that make some days more bearable than others.
If there is a difference between men like Jon Morris the hockey player, Jimmy Morris the Knowlton shepherd, and Robert Morris the protestant preacher, such differences will help reveal to others which traits and which professions best prepare the mind, heart, body and spirit of those who have chosen to learn from you. People like Robert Morris have not done as much to help prepare me for difficult times as JImmy Morris or Robert Groth have, and that means that Robert Morris, the television preacher, has a diagnosis of 'lukewarm' and like a bottle of Diet Coke in my opinion. Even though what Robert Morris is dispensing is legal, it is as unedifying as a Diet Coke and a canned ham to the body of Eldad and Medad.
Ezekiel 47 mentions meats and leaves of one tree; such tree could be an olive tree, since the olive meats are for food and the olive leaf is for medicine. Another similar plant is the grapevine, but a vine is not a tree, even if the grapes are for meat and the grape leaves have medinical value. Focusing in on proper living trees which lead to natural life support systems will help steer you away from worshipping the gun displays at Omaha Beach in France.
A scarlet ribbon was left on my house doorpost, not a yellow ribbon, for a reason and not by accident or a 'big bang'. I have trusted in the instructions of the Scripture and as a result have real hope that my house will not be a crime scene when I return to a very divided and unsafe nation.
Post 151: Anti-Hollywood Solid Ground Oval&Outside Goal Lines
While walking rather than waiting for any news from my son, I noticed a small blue denim coat lying on the ground just to the west of the Collingwood museum. I eventually realized that I might be able to clear one reported crime and allow charges to develop against an adult for a crime he committed as a juvenile. Lying lips sometimes cause fear to occur in communities, so reporting false crimes is as evil making false insurance claims. I have new goal, namely to make sure that the criminal report listing Richard Edwin Xavier as the victim of an attempted abduction gets cleared, due to the fact that the victim admitted to me that he lied about the incident. If the state of Wisconsin is wise, they will charge him with obstructing and let him go through the court system as a defendant. In any event, I will have to report the updated facts since my family's name has to be cleared up and unsolved cases cause problems for real police departments. If a young man claims he is representing Christianity and getting paid to do so, he should have taken the time to confess to his own crimes to properly clear the names of others.
Collingwood,Ontario has a sidewalk with metal oval inserts of ship information that was built in their city. Such information is much better to study and observe than stars that do not give out any good light because they are tied to vain entertainment rather than productive contributions to a nations food supply or infrastructure. I noticed that a hull was built on 1956, and as I stood on that oval, I remembered my mother and my father and the foundation that they laid in 1956 that has survived the tests of life over time better than Elvis Presley and John Belushi. I saw a shore line that reminded me of Lake DuBay and the shorelines that my father had taken our family fishing on many times. Although such memories bring tears, I am blessed to have those good memories. My parents have been an anchor in my life, keeping me reasonably close to them when I was tossed out of my house and onto what amounted to a set of water skis compared to the occupancy of Shane David Hendrikson in our 'countryside plantation'.
When all your allowed to try to rebuild your life on is as insecure as a pair of waterskis, you realize how useless water skis are and you eventually properly despise the sight of water skis and Nautiques that had once been the primary goal of the person that stole from me than he ever gave to me as a 'gift'.
I carefully considered what I might give to my remaining family members in a summertime reunion, and the olive oils and flavored vinegars sold at a store at 42 St. Marie Street were a much better purchase than the metal-covered leaves I almost purchased for them. The oils and vinegars will benefit their bodies and be used with appreciation in their kitchens. Fabric flowers and plastic fruits never do turn into real plants no matter how many times you watch 'ET' or no matter how many movie directors are gathered around the imitations. Millions of pictures of Elvis Presley or similar drug buyers will not change the facts that they often choose to die surrounded by their own filth rather than choosing to fight off demonic spirits and make the clear choice to utilize real grace which destroys sinful patterns.
My heart often aches as I face present struggles without a faithful companion by my side other than the unseen spirit of HVHY. I try to hold onto an invisible lifeline rather than drown in tears because I have to keep recalling the past in order to avoid repeating the same errs. Although I do not prefer living so far away from my parents, I can survive future joyful and sorrowful events knowing that the visible lifelines were set in place in their backyard in the past 2 autumn seasons of Sukkot and might even remain in the memory of others who are not afraid to respect or display the star of Israel on their property,just as the star of Israel is seen on the Sudbury, Ontario bridge.
When your journeys during the biblical appointed times have felt like you were checking into hotels and restaurants for mental observation of others and and yourseld in an anti-drug spiritual and physical therapy program, you finally understand that trips are not always intended to be 'fun', but journeys away from an unfriendly area are often as necessary as moving out of the way of a semi-truck that is going too fast for conditions and is heading in your direction. In the best case scenario, a trip away from your usual turf is as wise as evading an offensive tackle while you try to progress in your sanctification process. In the best carnal idiom situation, a short journey away from your pre-ark turf is as wise as a giraffe departing from an area until the armed safari idiots who love unclean and unholy spirits choose another target in their continual attempts to destroy rather than save others. Many people destroy their own chance of redemption due to their planned attacks against holy angels in the flesh, and holy angels are allowed to and EXPECTED to resist evil attacks against your body, even if the evil attack is a needle filled with a dangerous psychiatric drug designed to leave you defenseless .
Forcing drugs into a human being often is a form of rape or eventually leads to actual rape cases that force victims to practice self-restraint as they patiently wait for the day of vengeance and the era of prophetic bowl judgments against unrepentant or still unpunished criminals.
Collingwood,Ontario has a sidewalk with metal oval inserts of ship information that was built in their city. Such information is much better to study and observe than stars that do not give out any good light because they are tied to vain entertainment rather than productive contributions to a nations food supply or infrastructure. I noticed that a hull was built on 1956, and as I stood on that oval, I remembered my mother and my father and the foundation that they laid in 1956 that has survived the tests of life over time better than Elvis Presley and John Belushi. I saw a shore line that reminded me of Lake DuBay and the shorelines that my father had taken our family fishing on many times. Although such memories bring tears, I am blessed to have those good memories. My parents have been an anchor in my life, keeping me reasonably close to them when I was tossed out of my house and onto what amounted to a set of water skis compared to the occupancy of Shane David Hendrikson in our 'countryside plantation'.
When all your allowed to try to rebuild your life on is as insecure as a pair of waterskis, you realize how useless water skis are and you eventually properly despise the sight of water skis and Nautiques that had once been the primary goal of the person that stole from me than he ever gave to me as a 'gift'.
I carefully considered what I might give to my remaining family members in a summertime reunion, and the olive oils and flavored vinegars sold at a store at 42 St. Marie Street were a much better purchase than the metal-covered leaves I almost purchased for them. The oils and vinegars will benefit their bodies and be used with appreciation in their kitchens. Fabric flowers and plastic fruits never do turn into real plants no matter how many times you watch 'ET' or no matter how many movie directors are gathered around the imitations. Millions of pictures of Elvis Presley or similar drug buyers will not change the facts that they often choose to die surrounded by their own filth rather than choosing to fight off demonic spirits and make the clear choice to utilize real grace which destroys sinful patterns.
My heart often aches as I face present struggles without a faithful companion by my side other than the unseen spirit of HVHY. I try to hold onto an invisible lifeline rather than drown in tears because I have to keep recalling the past in order to avoid repeating the same errs. Although I do not prefer living so far away from my parents, I can survive future joyful and sorrowful events knowing that the visible lifelines were set in place in their backyard in the past 2 autumn seasons of Sukkot and might even remain in the memory of others who are not afraid to respect or display the star of Israel on their property,just as the star of Israel is seen on the Sudbury, Ontario bridge.
When your journeys during the biblical appointed times have felt like you were checking into hotels and restaurants for mental observation of others and and yourseld in an anti-drug spiritual and physical therapy program, you finally understand that trips are not always intended to be 'fun', but journeys away from an unfriendly area are often as necessary as moving out of the way of a semi-truck that is going too fast for conditions and is heading in your direction. In the best case scenario, a trip away from your usual turf is as wise as evading an offensive tackle while you try to progress in your sanctification process. In the best carnal idiom situation, a short journey away from your pre-ark turf is as wise as a giraffe departing from an area until the armed safari idiots who love unclean and unholy spirits choose another target in their continual attempts to destroy rather than save others. Many people destroy their own chance of redemption due to their planned attacks against holy angels in the flesh, and holy angels are allowed to and EXPECTED to resist evil attacks against your body, even if the evil attack is a needle filled with a dangerous psychiatric drug designed to leave you defenseless .
Forcing drugs into a human being often is a form of rape or eventually leads to actual rape cases that force victims to practice self-restraint as they patiently wait for the day of vengeance and the era of prophetic bowl judgments against unrepentant or still unpunished criminals.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Mike Eagles Day Shift Reminders For Legal Communications
When it comes to news briefs from Monte Judah, he seems to be predicting the worst case scenario rather than hope that iwse law-makers can encourage love of God speech in Canada or if a miracle occurs, in the United States.
I already know situations and the future is not going to be favorable toward France. However, MOnte Judah failed to communicate the fact that the city of Montreal does have an active Israeli culture and that certain anti-Jewish comedians were being publicly criticized for their 'hate speech' against Jews.
If you consider a small smooth Lapis Lazuli like a miniature version of one of the Blue Mountain elevations, I am able to move tribe of Dan mountains on a daily basis. Since the second month has started, it is important to start to remember what was chosen to be seeond in many legal world, earth and management systems:
A) The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the beit, was chosen to became the first letter at the far right of beginning of the Books of Moses.
B) The second round in a necessary defensive situation might be important to men such as Chief Paul Pederson, especially if his many men have a Ruger 9mm or a bowling ball for their defense. A spare idea is still a good way to level the playing field of bowling pins.
G) Since certain phrases might get me arrested in Canada, it is fine that MOnte Judah releases the 'Do no say ' list in Canada. Since A good saint can get around shrubbery safely while picking up litter int heir neighborhood, a good saint can also boldly proclaim in Canada or any Muslim nation on earth'I love heterosexuals and God loves heterosexuals too!' You can also safely say in Canada 'Thankfully Bruce Jenner and Shania Twain aren't hanging around my neck if you havc properly chosen to stone yourself with good rock pointers, such as a sardius or a jasper.
D) Use the alternate to 'positive hits' with negative hits, such as the desire to be 2 below is what Eagles golf is like. Since MIke Eagles is number 241 according to ESPN, a group which predominately spreads hate of morality and love of gambling, it is legal to give sinners the silent treatment but flash them the stern eye os Simeon if it appears they have disregarded official signs from Mount Sinai. The more non-contact physical signs you can relay without a speech, the less likely you are to get misquoted or arrested in God-fearing nations.
H) Take your own comedy club with you if Eagles clubs are too much like Marquette University boxers for you. The spirit of Elijah is still loosely tied to the Henry Ford museum at #19, so numbering codes can work to your advantage if you are caught in a legal cribbage hand situation rather than an illegal Yzerman and Coke Zero game which might involve bribery problems and illegal monopoly err lines. Maybe an 8 is a comedy club for some people, and it is fair and just to say ' Jaroslav Spacek is not a Sissy or Brian Keith joke' and then laugh out loud until a serious LORD shows up with a 'Ne Pas Jeter' sign or some other private house or legal business rule sign.
V) Second place is better to be thought of as Satan than Simon Peter is you want to properly discern archangels from apostles in second place. 'Get behind me Saran' is like double checking on Yul Brynner's final state of mind after playing a role in .The Magnificant 7' or remembering that James Coburn and Charles Bronson were not the first man out of the dirty tunnel sectionals in ;The Great Escape'. Telling someone to get behind you is not a hate speech, and if someone refuses to get behind you, it might be because they want to shield you or they want to go on White belt self- defense for a change.
Z) Simeon is second in birth order but 7th in anti-Nazi church foundation order. If you have to mess with Texas for D=4 for James Cleveland's sake, and you wisely do not believe the audibles of Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood or Shania Twain, make sure you do not try to oppose Simeon, since jail time was already served by him under Joseph's order and he was allowed to go free as a goat in the wilderness. This is a good clean comparison between Judah and Simeon, since a tribe of Judah member was chosen to be slain rather than jailed and released for the good of Israel's long term redemption policy. Simeon did get credit for time served in Egypt according to the Secretary of 'JeSuis'.
*) Active players are sometimes a risk, just like Ham was a problem for Noah. Whenit comes to great 8th day tactics, I suggest remaining in a Holy Locust Street Legal Super Visor system OR the Chief Beryl Brains, which is a cornerstone in the Ephod system but not a cornerstone in some other systems. 8th nation rules are as important as oxygen and more important than Jumbo Ellis Island fanatics who are too attached to Dan Akroyd and Windows systems and not well grounded in badger skins and Chief Sequoia systems loosely tied to Unites States Coast guard life line and fresh water line guards.
T)I hope you realize now that the New Brunswick flag is in fact tied to a spare bowling game and that sailboats are more like Zebulon and Max Pacioretty systems in a Maurice Sendak book than a Nautique and movie theatre will ever be. It seems like the character drawn up in a wolf-suit had no father figure in the household to discipline him, but his mother still supplied his soup. It is not wrong to chase a dog out of your house with a fork, but it is wrong to threaten to eat or intentionally injure your own mother except in cases of self-defense. In quietness and times alone in a hockey rink, the mind is able to grasp what it might feel like to be Moses after he was sent into the wilderness alone, not knowing there would be God-fearing tent dwellers that would help prolong his life and strengthen him for difficult leadership roles in his future.
X) I often forget I am not 'at home' when I am in a comfortable rented room trying to recover from another difficult year in macomb, Michigan, possibly because I understand that the international law-abiding 'threshold' rule means I have to be welcomed into a place that I do not own, rather than force my way into it and demand the owner obey my rules. It is a compliment to many or a few in the nation of Canada that I do feel a love and a very serious connection to Canada because its citizens have displayed love and concern for me many times. I am not so foolish to ask for or accept $50 a day from the nation of Canada for my food expenses, and as that would be a sign of greed for any refugee to receive more than they deserve just because it is OFFERED to them against the will of many other taxpayers. A wise Syrian refugee would say 'I can live on $10 a day for food as long as you provide me a place that I can be a house servant in to ensure I have safe shelter. It is wise for Canadian politicians and those taking more than they are giving to reconsider the trend of the immigration lines that might anger or provoke those who have served Canada for much longer periods of times without receiving a 'free lunch'. I despised being on food stamps in the United States because my son was fathered by a man who was a heretic and a deceiver; understanding that good works generate the best literal and spiritual rewards and also prevents you from obtaining a spirit of greed and over-indulgence that the money lenders and gamblers acquire as their besetting sin pattern.
Y)' Blackhawks7' is like a quadruple bogey on a Crane Mwadows par 3 billiard ball course designed with George Washington's Philadelphia singles game in mind but without James Wyman's advice during the construction of the tee box area. This is known as the 'Ruth Johnson' addendum and unclean dust bunnY idiom to the I-39 system that wisely avoids trusting an uncomfortable and unholu Eisenhower jacket for its protective covering system.
I already know situations and the future is not going to be favorable toward France. However, MOnte Judah failed to communicate the fact that the city of Montreal does have an active Israeli culture and that certain anti-Jewish comedians were being publicly criticized for their 'hate speech' against Jews.
If you consider a small smooth Lapis Lazuli like a miniature version of one of the Blue Mountain elevations, I am able to move tribe of Dan mountains on a daily basis. Since the second month has started, it is important to start to remember what was chosen to be seeond in many legal world, earth and management systems:
A) The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the beit, was chosen to became the first letter at the far right of beginning of the Books of Moses.
B) The second round in a necessary defensive situation might be important to men such as Chief Paul Pederson, especially if his many men have a Ruger 9mm or a bowling ball for their defense. A spare idea is still a good way to level the playing field of bowling pins.
G) Since certain phrases might get me arrested in Canada, it is fine that MOnte Judah releases the 'Do no say ' list in Canada. Since A good saint can get around shrubbery safely while picking up litter int heir neighborhood, a good saint can also boldly proclaim in Canada or any Muslim nation on earth'I love heterosexuals and God loves heterosexuals too!' You can also safely say in Canada 'Thankfully Bruce Jenner and Shania Twain aren't hanging around my neck if you havc properly chosen to stone yourself with good rock pointers, such as a sardius or a jasper.
D) Use the alternate to 'positive hits' with negative hits, such as the desire to be 2 below is what Eagles golf is like. Since MIke Eagles is number 241 according to ESPN, a group which predominately spreads hate of morality and love of gambling, it is legal to give sinners the silent treatment but flash them the stern eye os Simeon if it appears they have disregarded official signs from Mount Sinai. The more non-contact physical signs you can relay without a speech, the less likely you are to get misquoted or arrested in God-fearing nations.
H) Take your own comedy club with you if Eagles clubs are too much like Marquette University boxers for you. The spirit of Elijah is still loosely tied to the Henry Ford museum at #19, so numbering codes can work to your advantage if you are caught in a legal cribbage hand situation rather than an illegal Yzerman and Coke Zero game which might involve bribery problems and illegal monopoly err lines. Maybe an 8 is a comedy club for some people, and it is fair and just to say ' Jaroslav Spacek is not a Sissy or Brian Keith joke' and then laugh out loud until a serious LORD shows up with a 'Ne Pas Jeter' sign or some other private house or legal business rule sign.
V) Second place is better to be thought of as Satan than Simon Peter is you want to properly discern archangels from apostles in second place. 'Get behind me Saran' is like double checking on Yul Brynner's final state of mind after playing a role in .The Magnificant 7' or remembering that James Coburn and Charles Bronson were not the first man out of the dirty tunnel sectionals in ;The Great Escape'. Telling someone to get behind you is not a hate speech, and if someone refuses to get behind you, it might be because they want to shield you or they want to go on White belt self- defense for a change.
Z) Simeon is second in birth order but 7th in anti-Nazi church foundation order. If you have to mess with Texas for D=4 for James Cleveland's sake, and you wisely do not believe the audibles of Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood or Shania Twain, make sure you do not try to oppose Simeon, since jail time was already served by him under Joseph's order and he was allowed to go free as a goat in the wilderness. This is a good clean comparison between Judah and Simeon, since a tribe of Judah member was chosen to be slain rather than jailed and released for the good of Israel's long term redemption policy. Simeon did get credit for time served in Egypt according to the Secretary of 'JeSuis'.
*) Active players are sometimes a risk, just like Ham was a problem for Noah. Whenit comes to great 8th day tactics, I suggest remaining in a Holy Locust Street Legal Super Visor system OR the Chief Beryl Brains, which is a cornerstone in the Ephod system but not a cornerstone in some other systems. 8th nation rules are as important as oxygen and more important than Jumbo Ellis Island fanatics who are too attached to Dan Akroyd and Windows systems and not well grounded in badger skins and Chief Sequoia systems loosely tied to Unites States Coast guard life line and fresh water line guards.
T)I hope you realize now that the New Brunswick flag is in fact tied to a spare bowling game and that sailboats are more like Zebulon and Max Pacioretty systems in a Maurice Sendak book than a Nautique and movie theatre will ever be. It seems like the character drawn up in a wolf-suit had no father figure in the household to discipline him, but his mother still supplied his soup. It is not wrong to chase a dog out of your house with a fork, but it is wrong to threaten to eat or intentionally injure your own mother except in cases of self-defense. In quietness and times alone in a hockey rink, the mind is able to grasp what it might feel like to be Moses after he was sent into the wilderness alone, not knowing there would be God-fearing tent dwellers that would help prolong his life and strengthen him for difficult leadership roles in his future.
X) I often forget I am not 'at home' when I am in a comfortable rented room trying to recover from another difficult year in macomb, Michigan, possibly because I understand that the international law-abiding 'threshold' rule means I have to be welcomed into a place that I do not own, rather than force my way into it and demand the owner obey my rules. It is a compliment to many or a few in the nation of Canada that I do feel a love and a very serious connection to Canada because its citizens have displayed love and concern for me many times. I am not so foolish to ask for or accept $50 a day from the nation of Canada for my food expenses, and as that would be a sign of greed for any refugee to receive more than they deserve just because it is OFFERED to them against the will of many other taxpayers. A wise Syrian refugee would say 'I can live on $10 a day for food as long as you provide me a place that I can be a house servant in to ensure I have safe shelter. It is wise for Canadian politicians and those taking more than they are giving to reconsider the trend of the immigration lines that might anger or provoke those who have served Canada for much longer periods of times without receiving a 'free lunch'. I despised being on food stamps in the United States because my son was fathered by a man who was a heretic and a deceiver; understanding that good works generate the best literal and spiritual rewards and also prevents you from obtaining a spirit of greed and over-indulgence that the money lenders and gamblers acquire as their besetting sin pattern.
Y)' Blackhawks7' is like a quadruple bogey on a Crane Mwadows par 3 billiard ball course designed with George Washington's Philadelphia singles game in mind but without James Wyman's advice during the construction of the tee box area. This is known as the 'Ruth Johnson' addendum and unclean dust bunnY idiom to the I-39 system that wisely avoids trusting an uncomfortable and unholu Eisenhower jacket for its protective covering system.
Day 15 of 50: Remember the Color 'Blue', Not 'Margaret Ellliot' and TMC 'Jim' class
Movie characters need to be forgettable, not unforgettable. The commandments of HVHY need to be unforgettable, even if you retain decent movie characters in your memory bank for comparison purposes. Fiction in book or movie form can be intriguing and even visually safe for the 'holy eye', but allowing yourself to repeat actions that are not able to please the true and holy God will amount to refusing to take a test to graduate from real fishy saint school and continue on to be able to provide proper food for the intestines and proper audibles for the thought process to try to SAFELY correct those who have created or trusted evil gods and idols.
The folly of days such as 'Mother's day' keepers is equal to the following:
A master plumber required his students take a test to be fit to be able to perform good water works for his family and his neighbors. One of the requirements was demonstrating that he could properly install an sump pump into basement. The student was informed the test time had started, and the time limit on the test was 20.83 years. The student started golfing, water skiing and selling children's toys and lost interest in his original good goal due to being overly impressed with the income he acquired from accomplishing tasks that were not considered 'good works' that were NOT important in protecting a house. When the time period expired, he claimed that he had not committed sins while golfing, water-skiing and making toys so he should be able to go on to become a plumber because of his other works, but the master plumber properly failed him, and none of his works during the testing period helped him acquire his original good goal of becoming a plumber.
So it is when billions of people 'celebrate' Christmas, Mother's day and similar non-required parties, even if they did not sin on those days, and they fail to install the commandments of God into their own mind, and the result is that they are not able to prevent flooding their own body and their own household with instructions for immature tasks nor will get the necessary when trying to pass themselves into the kingdom of justice and righteousness.
The second month of the year has been declared, and I will remember 'second round people' as well as the color of the 2nd billiard ball as I prepare to return to a in which I last viewed to be a safe mansion in territory saturated with people who rather buy pork, Twizzlers and Snickers than buy a lamb and unleavened bread for their household dinner table in the spring of the year . For that reason, I return to my house because I have to according to local and international law, not because returning to Macomb is the desire of my heart. I trust that someday, the heart's desire will be released to me because I have committed my ways unto the LORD Yehovah, not to Hallmark greeting card lines and Lutheran pig roasts.
I can forget mother's day as easily as I can reject eating Twizzlers while I choose to eat brussels sprouts or a tasty moked chicken or beef sandwhich in the Blue Mountain area, which I know is better for my
The folly of days such as 'Mother's day' keepers is equal to the following:
A master plumber required his students take a test to be fit to be able to perform good water works for his family and his neighbors. One of the requirements was demonstrating that he could properly install an sump pump into basement. The student was informed the test time had started, and the time limit on the test was 20.83 years. The student started golfing, water skiing and selling children's toys and lost interest in his original good goal due to being overly impressed with the income he acquired from accomplishing tasks that were not considered 'good works' that were NOT important in protecting a house. When the time period expired, he claimed that he had not committed sins while golfing, water-skiing and making toys so he should be able to go on to become a plumber because of his other works, but the master plumber properly failed him, and none of his works during the testing period helped him acquire his original good goal of becoming a plumber.
So it is when billions of people 'celebrate' Christmas, Mother's day and similar non-required parties, even if they did not sin on those days, and they fail to install the commandments of God into their own mind, and the result is that they are not able to prevent flooding their own body and their own household with instructions for immature tasks nor will get the necessary when trying to pass themselves into the kingdom of justice and righteousness.
The second month of the year has been declared, and I will remember 'second round people' as well as the color of the 2nd billiard ball as I prepare to return to a in which I last viewed to be a safe mansion in territory saturated with people who rather buy pork, Twizzlers and Snickers than buy a lamb and unleavened bread for their household dinner table in the spring of the year . For that reason, I return to my house because I have to according to local and international law, not because returning to Macomb is the desire of my heart. I trust that someday, the heart's desire will be released to me because I have committed my ways unto the LORD Yehovah, not to Hallmark greeting card lines and Lutheran pig roasts.
I can forget mother's day as easily as I can reject eating Twizzlers while I choose to eat brussels sprouts or a tasty moked chicken or beef sandwhich in the Blue Mountain area, which I know is better for my
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Quadruple Bypass Check At Bottomless Pit History
As a follow-up to my last post, I tried to find a basketball player that I recall being named 'Ernie Montgomery', but only really noticed Colin Montgomerie. Here is a classic example of the phrase' Be Cautious when you see 'University of Paris' and 'UW-Lacrosse' gear in the Marquette Interchange areas:
I do not remember any MIlwaukee Buck with the following name, however the following compilation of stats on an NBA site might be as crooked as a Battleship game or even worse, an easy way to trap Herb Kohl and Bed Selig in a Badger split:
"Cozell McQueen
4th round, 21st draft pick (my police union local number is 21), 91st overall
Reportedly went to North Carolina State after being born in Paris France on Jamuary 18th, 1962, which makes him '54' now, just like me in completed years of life, but with enough suspicious ties to MIlwaukee history to reconsider the movie 'Family of Cops' and the non-Christmas ending.
Do not confuse Dany Heatley with John Havlicek, nor will anyone be able to exchange Justin Trudeau for Lebron James even though they are both colored males, unfit to be sealed as the elect of HVHY due to tattoos. This additional vision test and 4 warning is as important as Joey and Bobby Deleon records at Wilson Park arena in District 6 of Milwaukee. A camo Dallas Star hat is not the helmet of salvation, and neither is an Eisenhower coat a mantle of Justice. Since uniform division matter when you pull into Dunning Toyota, a Max Morris like might trip up a lazy Wolverine beer river team that failed to note the difference between Danson and LaBreton levels of discernment and problems with female image idolatry that has permeated too many military sectors since the time of Bathsheba.
When I wear my Michael Bennett #23 MInnesota Viking jersey, I do not become 'Bennettville, South Carolina. Too much sland is exactly how gangs try to hide their real plans, so I just though I'd throw a Jeff Brezovar relay up and see which intended or unintended receiver picks up on this possible false or true Yul Brynner substitute teacher. I have had people who did not belong in my house answer phones for me when I was imprisoned under unjustified charges. Such memories do not escape my healthy brain for a reason.
I do not remember any MIlwaukee Buck with the following name, however the following compilation of stats on an NBA site might be as crooked as a Battleship game or even worse, an easy way to trap Herb Kohl and Bed Selig in a Badger split:
"Cozell McQueen
4th round, 21st draft pick (my police union local number is 21), 91st overall
Reportedly went to North Carolina State after being born in Paris France on Jamuary 18th, 1962, which makes him '54' now, just like me in completed years of life, but with enough suspicious ties to MIlwaukee history to reconsider the movie 'Family of Cops' and the non-Christmas ending.
Do not confuse Dany Heatley with John Havlicek, nor will anyone be able to exchange Justin Trudeau for Lebron James even though they are both colored males, unfit to be sealed as the elect of HVHY due to tattoos. This additional vision test and 4 warning is as important as Joey and Bobby Deleon records at Wilson Park arena in District 6 of Milwaukee. A camo Dallas Star hat is not the helmet of salvation, and neither is an Eisenhower coat a mantle of Justice. Since uniform division matter when you pull into Dunning Toyota, a Max Morris like might trip up a lazy Wolverine beer river team that failed to note the difference between Danson and LaBreton levels of discernment and problems with female image idolatry that has permeated too many military sectors since the time of Bathsheba.
When I wear my Michael Bennett #23 MInnesota Viking jersey, I do not become 'Bennettville, South Carolina. Too much sland is exactly how gangs try to hide their real plans, so I just though I'd throw a Jeff Brezovar relay up and see which intended or unintended receiver picks up on this possible false or true Yul Brynner substitute teacher. I have had people who did not belong in my house answer phones for me when I was imprisoned under unjustified charges. Such memories do not escape my healthy brain for a reason.
Creators of Strong Delusions Err Greatly
I saw a report on the liberal media about a woman who intentionally created a 'fake female juvenile' online to try to see how manypossible predators she would attract. Her err as a serious and as dangerous as anyone who thinks the despicable, anti-Christ and disgusting ideas presented in 'The Shawshank Redemption' was a 'good movie' when it is as sick as the mindset of Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley. Only the intelligent will take this warning very seriously, as I attempt to describe the problem with creating 'fake' names and fake scenarios primarily to deceive others or just out of curiosity.
The chances are very high that when you think you are creating a 'fake profile' to experiment with fate or actions and reactions to false information, you already are in the category of a deceiver, not a good detective or anti-crime citizen. Adding creations of your own imagination to internet sites that some people are trying to use properly is a clear case of fraud, no matter what your original intent was.
Situaations get even worse if in fact you draw the attention of a predator or a deranged atheist, and he or she keeps targeting the NAME or the image of the false creation presented to the public as if it were a rubbermaid minnow trying to catch MIke Trout doing something evil. If indeed there is a real person with information close to what you think you 'invented', that person might end up in real danger because of the strong delusion and intentional deception you developed without thinking ahead or what your 'back-up' plan really is. Once a deranged human finds out they have been intentionally deceived by amateurs or professionals, do not expect them to walk away calmly as I did after locating 'Patrick Lebeau', but not Patrick Lebeau from St' Jerome. The city of your birth an identifying factor that is a constant, just as the year or your birth is a constant. What some people call 67's might be called 49ers by others trying to outsmart computer games using USA hockey language.
I have no need to present any false information about myself, as that would only categorize me with the liars and deceivers who eventually will attract whoremongers rather than attracting anytrue and good angelic protection for themselves or their fake creations designed to snare people rather than save them from their own pattern of sin. If you claim to be 'saved', lying or deceiving is not an option which is why the wearing of masks obviously becomes a sign of SIN and evil, not fun or good.
There are many mansions surrounding me where I am now, but sadly there also are idol parties and 'Elvis Presley' promotions. If you have any 'Elvis Presley' type concerts, you would be better off cancelling them for the sake of your community and either declare a week of fasting and praying for those who do not have the inner strength to resist drug use and as a result they destroy their body, their image and their family's reputation.
Since some people think that 'Shavuot' is in May, I might be with the many Reubenites who believe it is in June this year, and this is only the 14th day of the omer count. I will spend time with family today, and the 7th day will always be a better marker for a sound mind than the contrived 'mother's day' that commercial money changers have developed to try to detract the entire world from understanding that the father's actions are far more important in the development of a family than the mother's actions. It is rare if not impossible to conceive that a woman could rape a man in order to conceive a child, but there are many mothers such as Hagar who were abandoned by unloving fathers such as Abraham. Do not think that the name 'Abraham' is the name or the messiah or a kinsman redeemer. Names such as Vashti might actually cause the most sober minded women to reconsider her right to refuse to appear in fron of a crowd of intoxicated Persians, even though the ridiculous premise of 'replacement theology' seems to have ignored the fact that the God of Israel is not mentioned in the Book of Esther.
I can honor both of my parents by rembemering and caring for my siblings as much as they have remembering and cared about me. Re-membering' is also like making sure they get grafted into a Rahab system , like re-attaching an ear that has been cut off by a man quick to offend rather than permanently cut off due to being misled by false religions or lack of trust in written Bibles due to too many faulty intrepretations of the role and gender of the memra. A reminder that you cannot build a proper temple on 3 points seems important as I rest in a 'zone 4' coverage today, rather than a zone 15 area to the southwest. Men like Steve Young are often as misguided as Donny Osmond and Donny Granato when a Shirley line meets up with a Charlton line from Barbados rather than a Charlery line. Those who have deceived others or not lived up to the reasonable expecations of behavior for true saints will be left in derision for a reason.
Every agency in the world who has played the harlot like Tamar might be ashamed of their past works in vice squad divisions, but even worse are agencies like the CIA who intentionally create false information or hide true information due to lack of trust in systems such as 'Michael the Archangel', who would never marry a heretic like Carrie Underwood.
Recheck your foundations, even if its the arthritis foundation or St. Jude's Catholic school in Wauwatosa, WI tied to a Schnieder like rather than a Dennis Weaver,Bonduel, Sandra Marcus 151 trucking game that will not succeed nor prevail against a rod of iron and Simeon wise blue line guys. Truckers often are hauling items that are as unnecessary as a 'Correct Craft ski boat', which usually only puts them in a hireling department rather than making it the hard Dan way as a decent second foundation in a temple system that respects the owl but will not eat the owl.
The chances are very high that when you think you are creating a 'fake profile' to experiment with fate or actions and reactions to false information, you already are in the category of a deceiver, not a good detective or anti-crime citizen. Adding creations of your own imagination to internet sites that some people are trying to use properly is a clear case of fraud, no matter what your original intent was.
Situaations get even worse if in fact you draw the attention of a predator or a deranged atheist, and he or she keeps targeting the NAME or the image of the false creation presented to the public as if it were a rubbermaid minnow trying to catch MIke Trout doing something evil. If indeed there is a real person with information close to what you think you 'invented', that person might end up in real danger because of the strong delusion and intentional deception you developed without thinking ahead or what your 'back-up' plan really is. Once a deranged human finds out they have been intentionally deceived by amateurs or professionals, do not expect them to walk away calmly as I did after locating 'Patrick Lebeau', but not Patrick Lebeau from St' Jerome. The city of your birth an identifying factor that is a constant, just as the year or your birth is a constant. What some people call 67's might be called 49ers by others trying to outsmart computer games using USA hockey language.
I have no need to present any false information about myself, as that would only categorize me with the liars and deceivers who eventually will attract whoremongers rather than attracting anytrue and good angelic protection for themselves or their fake creations designed to snare people rather than save them from their own pattern of sin. If you claim to be 'saved', lying or deceiving is not an option which is why the wearing of masks obviously becomes a sign of SIN and evil, not fun or good.
There are many mansions surrounding me where I am now, but sadly there also are idol parties and 'Elvis Presley' promotions. If you have any 'Elvis Presley' type concerts, you would be better off cancelling them for the sake of your community and either declare a week of fasting and praying for those who do not have the inner strength to resist drug use and as a result they destroy their body, their image and their family's reputation.
Since some people think that 'Shavuot' is in May, I might be with the many Reubenites who believe it is in June this year, and this is only the 14th day of the omer count. I will spend time with family today, and the 7th day will always be a better marker for a sound mind than the contrived 'mother's day' that commercial money changers have developed to try to detract the entire world from understanding that the father's actions are far more important in the development of a family than the mother's actions. It is rare if not impossible to conceive that a woman could rape a man in order to conceive a child, but there are many mothers such as Hagar who were abandoned by unloving fathers such as Abraham. Do not think that the name 'Abraham' is the name or the messiah or a kinsman redeemer. Names such as Vashti might actually cause the most sober minded women to reconsider her right to refuse to appear in fron of a crowd of intoxicated Persians, even though the ridiculous premise of 'replacement theology' seems to have ignored the fact that the God of Israel is not mentioned in the Book of Esther.
I can honor both of my parents by rembemering and caring for my siblings as much as they have remembering and cared about me. Re-membering' is also like making sure they get grafted into a Rahab system , like re-attaching an ear that has been cut off by a man quick to offend rather than permanently cut off due to being misled by false religions or lack of trust in written Bibles due to too many faulty intrepretations of the role and gender of the memra. A reminder that you cannot build a proper temple on 3 points seems important as I rest in a 'zone 4' coverage today, rather than a zone 15 area to the southwest. Men like Steve Young are often as misguided as Donny Osmond and Donny Granato when a Shirley line meets up with a Charlton line from Barbados rather than a Charlery line. Those who have deceived others or not lived up to the reasonable expecations of behavior for true saints will be left in derision for a reason.
Every agency in the world who has played the harlot like Tamar might be ashamed of their past works in vice squad divisions, but even worse are agencies like the CIA who intentionally create false information or hide true information due to lack of trust in systems such as 'Michael the Archangel', who would never marry a heretic like Carrie Underwood.
Recheck your foundations, even if its the arthritis foundation or St. Jude's Catholic school in Wauwatosa, WI tied to a Schnieder like rather than a Dennis Weaver,Bonduel, Sandra Marcus 151 trucking game that will not succeed nor prevail against a rod of iron and Simeon wise blue line guys. Truckers often are hauling items that are as unnecessary as a 'Correct Craft ski boat', which usually only puts them in a hireling department rather than making it the hard Dan way as a decent second foundation in a temple system that respects the owl but will not eat the owl.
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