When Nazi types infiltrate military zones and neighborhood, they don't always admit to the general population they are 'Nazi types'. Often, they call themselves 'Christians' who have rejected the warnings of the prophets. Prophets wrote and still write warning letters rather than shooting at people like James Madison or Abraham Lincoln when they know the opponent is unlikely to be obedient to the commandments issued to the real saints.
Anna Maria Goretti fought courageously against an attacker, but her attacker prevailed in a physical battle and Anna Maria Goretti's life was shortened by a person who did not believe in the commandments. Here is copy of a handwritten letter I intend to send to 'Pete Vitale, Frank Finney, Larry Cecil, Kevin Kilburn and any other current board member of the 'West Park Estates HOA'.
"To the board members,
There is no good or legitimate reason to have seasonal Christmas lights in the common ground area of our entrance. Pushing a certain religion or tradition into an area that WAS neutral leads to conflict, not to peace. Only a few fought against the Nazi regime who happened to be of "traditional anti-Israel Christian denominations, and now I am still one of the few, just as George Washington did not want 'Christmas' forced onto public areas as shamefully as it is now. One USA flag in the common area (entrance) would be a better symbol of unity, and if the 'Christmas lights' are not removed, expect a very strong legal challenge. If people want to light up their private property with Christmas lights and/or Nazi flags, let them BUT neutral ground should not have any "church-type" affiliations forcned into it by a minority or a majority. YOu have hereby been advised that:
A) The artificial lights in the trees and the shrubs seriously alarm* and seriously annoy me.
B) The course of conduct your "artificial light" crew committed serve no legitimate purpose and actually too much unnatural light makes it more difficult to sleep which is detrimental to my health.
C) What you do on your own property can express your religious beliefs. In some subdivisions, certain people have been ordered to remove statues of the 'Jewish Mary' because it offended an anti-Mary person. I certainly do not want our area to become that prejudiced against Jewish or Israelite traditions on private property.
D) I will give you 2 weeks to peacefully comply with my request to keep the common area a neutral space by removing the artificial eyesores on the trees and shrubs. If the wires and lights aren't removed, I will expect the HOA board to get fined/charged with a violation of section 12-52, sub.B of the Macomb Township code.
E) We have an electric budget that should try to be reduced, not raised due to religious practices common to those who reject the warning or wiser citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs. Consider this an atheist point of logical contention.
F) Please appreciate tha fact I brought my valid complaint to the board prior to escalating the battle in circuit court or municipal court.
G) If you have the courage, call me to advice me of you next course of conduct. "
Like any person willing to prophesy, in warning my enemies of their pompous err, I do not become party to their stupidity and lack of appreciation of the real moon, the stars set in place for a reason all year around and the glow of a very appreciated natural gas lines that help shed light and warm up my living room as well as cabbage in a copper frying pan inside of their home on the 7th day of the week.
I suppose appearing in a trial against the HOA board members to accuse them of harassment is easier than being a witness against a rapist who also disregarded official laws. The wording of the Macomb code at section12-52 is reasonable and ideally it will not be changed. It is up to the township to decide if they should follow my good lead and remove Christmas-type lighting from all town, city or state owned land in order to reduce costs and increase their chances of understanding what it means to be a sealed and sandticifed servant of the Good Shepherd, who would not want innocent birds to get tangles in wired trees that have been attacked by the Benjamin Franklin types one time too many for them to get saved, since they lacked the faith to fight the good fight against Molech and the very greedy, lying and and evil spirits tied to December 25th in corporate markets and anti-Eldad assemblies worldwide.
Today, I will pray for my enemies who have behaved more like Adolph Hitler,who pushed his anti-Israel agenda in Austria in a no less subtle manner than the beautiful natural living trees have been desecrated with artificial lighting by the unwise stewards of our combined HOA funds.
Donald Trump can say "Merry Christmas' to whoever he wants, but those words will only decrease his ability to lead. He should learn how to hear or read 'Go and sin no more' and then learn how to say 'have a productive work week' to his neighbors. I am not ashamed to say I am 'anti-Christmas' and pro-Shavuot!
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