Monday, December 5, 2016

An Equal And Opposite Reaction Occurred After Deputies Err

Unexpectedly, the Macomb County deputies lack of concern and lack of willingness to even try to mediate a non-fictitious problem led me to my neighbor's doorstep at 55055 Estates Lane. After being treated no better than the Gestapo might have been toward the typical homosexual with some work capability left in him, I decided to go and THANK my neighbors to the north for using discretion and not lighting up the space between out houses, as well as having respect for our bordering areas.

I have not gotten along very well with Christine and Michael in the past, but we both have tried and neither of us ever wanted to be enemies.  I do not even know their last names, but I now know a bit more about their genuine intention to improve our relationship as neighbors in the future. The identities of the two deputies that were dispatched are unknown to me, they certainly are not unknown 'gods' and I do not even want to know the given names of such unreasonable foolish servants. However, it was the sheriff's deputies total lack of discretion and lack of cooperation I received this evening that prompted me to be EXTRA kind to my neighbor, so I let them know I  think their lighted deer is pretty on the outside of their home and that it reminds me of the tribe of Napthali. She was as surprised as I was about my sudden desire to approach her with a humble spirit of peace, but that was drawn out as a self-preserving response to lies that spewed from the deputies mouth, since I know that a Nazi swastika is not a sign of peace and love for Israel, unless they meant it was a sign of peace and love with Molech and the Assyrian spirit, since 'love' has to be directed somewhere and peace has to be received by another entity.

My neighbors on lot 2 and I both became peacemakers today, and Christine showed me compassion rather than ignoring my plea for mercy from the onslaught of a spirit of  the typical gunned man in brown attire and the typical person who totally disregards the Holy Scriptures has as they rather trust in their guns, their Todd Gurley magazines and their computer  generated instructions and casino predictions.   I will sleep better tonight knowing that I chose to do good by improving relations with my neighbors on lot 2 when my apparently overpaid government servants in brown chose to do nothing to improve a tense situation caused by my HOA board's 'plans' to do evil rather than to do good in a natural tree and natural shrub area.

The Macomb Town Hall decor and wasteful use of electricity is now the problem of those who work their on a daily basis, and I am thankful I could voice my anti-Christmas and anti-Santa Klaus opinion without getting arrested. Chris Benjamin as well as the HOA board still have identical copies of a letter from me to consider  and ideally override the sheriff's department choice to do nothing rather than help achieve compromise.

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