When unnatural symbols got launched into areas which were well designed to begin with, the people who appreciate or own the original design get upset, discouraged and possibly become victims of a crime as in the case of grafitti. Hey, maybe a radical male should put an extremely large Playboy Bunny insignia on his garage door year around just to have some contrast to the Easter bunnies and Santa Claus posters? Even that wouldn't disturn my sleep, nor would I consider it to be a crime even in this Laodacean style neighborhood.
Based on the wasteful and ugly addition of bows and wreaths to the Macomb version of the gates of hell, formerly known as 'West Park Estates', I have the right to intrepret their 'symbols', eince I doubt they could even define for me what anti-logical message they intended to force up on a wall:
A) A dead wreath with a particular cherry red point symbolizes the vagina of a woman who has been raped or who has lost her virginity to a man who lied to her. There is no signs of life on dead balsam branches with red bows attached, nor will dead branches be guarded as the way to the Tree of Life is guarded.
B) Additional wired lights in an area already well lit by regular year round security light is the sign of an unjust and corrupt public servant,private steward steward or worse, a worse, a prodigal son-type who is still wasting money he wanted control of on extremely vain, self-serving party favors instead of humbly helping the elderly mow their lawns or rake up the leaves from the trees they didn't plant.
IF or WHEN some opposing forces migrate into our non-secured Macomb area and then apply some type of uninterpreted graffitti to a brick wall such as the one marked 'West Park Estates', you will understand how quickly neighborhoods like the Washington Heights area in Milwaukee had their property values drop. When good voluntary angelic forces fail to convince others to respect their neighbor rather than try to annoy them with non-neutral overabundance of 'accessories' as is common to the Danzel Washington types, I cannot prevent nor do I know what direction other folks or gangs might take to try to assist Abaddon in his tasks. I do know that since one anti-Israelite gang already attacked my street's neutral area along 25 mile road with certain colors and certain symbols, the signs I have on my private property matter, and it is obvious I am not 'anti-United States' nor am I to blame for the lack of fiscal discretion, spiritual discretion, and lack of the 'Love your neighbor even if it is Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson' effort from my HOA leaders that has already occurred based on their intentional annoying acts to the south of and near my private property. Wolverine Trace seems to still be on the quiet and gentle spirit side, so at least to my west there is a more peaceful and cooperative spirit. I certainly would not risk comitting any crimes, but some people take a lot more risk than I do to try to counteract a Winston Chruchill look in an area that would look better with a Puritan or non-denominational look.
FInally, the sighting of dead evergreen trees lighted up inside of people's homes doesn't dismay me, but I refuse to do as they do because I believe the prophet Jeremiah and I will refuse to repeat my past errors. I can even read King James English translations and get the anti-heathen point! On the contrarian side, 2 Macomb County sheriff's already 'played judge' instead of proper law enforcement middlemen and refused to issue a citation against the people who are throwing green light beams into my house with the intent to harass me and disturb my peace rather than to retreat from their stiff-necked unholy holiday spirit of hypocrisy and idolatry on earth. The intent will be proved after they recieve notice that it is shining into my household rather than into theirs. Ideally, a perfect man who is not a puppet of Tony Wickersham will issue an order to appear in court to Frank Finney and his comprades via a notice of violation to my very intentionally cruel and neighborhood leaders. Let a judge hear both sides, or the sheriffs are as guilty as the men who helped Shane David Hendrikson get away with a felony for their failure to get the case before a real judge and jury. The two extremely unattractive, apparently male tan-skinned gun men who appearred on my porch in brown Macomb sheriff's department gear did not believe my report, did not believe that the excessive green lights are a form or harassment and actually claimed that the 'Swastika' is a sign of love and peace, but I know it to be an anti-Israelite sign and a sign that is not a sign of the Aleph Tav nor is it a sign of goodness and kindness or Justice. I did refer to the armed gunmen in brown as 'sir', did not salute them, nor did I commit any damage to any community property like the rioters in Charlotte and Milwaukee did. I suppose I should be thankful they did not shoot my because I had the stone of the tribe of Simeon on my chest, but I do recall that lack of concern ever harassment of a certain man across from 116 Hollyday court in Charlotte did lead to the blood shed of a man who was frustrated with his very unkind neighbors. If I want to destroy any of my own property, I can and might just to prevent me from taking my anger out on their unclean and carnal flesh; of course if I intentionally destroy my own property, I wouldn't try to make an insurance claim like the Aaron Rodgers commercials seem to suggest it is legal to do . It is actually insurance fraud to intentionally damage your own property and then try to make an insurance claim, isn't it?
The appearance of my enemies on porch happened at about 1733hours on December 5th, 2016. I did good to my enemies by telling them the truth even if they rejected it. According to the 2 deputies who responded to my house even though I did not request their presence, even if a prowler was shining green lights into my house every night it would not be considered harassment and a crime would not be committed. May their own words condemn them. A wise adversary would have agreed the case should go before a judge, issues a citation with me, not the sheriff as the complainant just as in any rape case they might not believe to be true. I can hope a much better government employee hired by the town of Macomb agrees that the lights should be removed and he may then be blessed as a peacemaker. The sheriff deputies refused to start the peace process, and only prolonged what is more than a spiritual war..
I hope you now realize how two men in brown with guns instead of with hockey sticks never get to the point of salvation due to their own arrogance and lack of concern for my sleep and my health. It is sometimes as hard for an overpaid government employee to make 'peace with God' as it is to prevent a 'copper' from being unfaithful to his or her spouse while on or off duty. I do know the God of Gad is not going to protect or serve the sheriff's deputies in Macomb, since they do not even believe in the God of Gad. Maybe some of the most corrupt sheriff's deputies will get raptured on one of Santa's many electronic sleighs and they won't appear anywhere near me for another 3.5 or even 7 years! Even my neighbors at 55055 Estates Lane have more common sense than to try to cause more trouble between us than there has been in the past, even though we are not of the same religious beliefs.
It is not easy to blessed as a peacemaker, and too many people lose their chance to become a peacemaker and force people into courtrooms as I and my former neighbor's were when their loose German Shepherd killed my Shitzu named Elmo on my property; we were able to make peace with each other after a very bitter and sad Marathon County, Wisconsin dispute that included tears and eventual hugs since we had both lost dogs we had cared for.
Of 'shift' difference, I had been informed that 2 officers that responded to my house on Sunday, December 4th while I was bowling actually might have agreed that I had a valid complaint regarding the shoving of Christmas tree lights so near to my household windows without any regard for 'Peace on earth and goodwill toward men,". According to one reliable neighbor, the day shift deputies noticed my case is unique because the lights are so close to my house. If I shine a spotlight on the house windows at 55055 Estates Lane, would it not provoke them to request I remove the light or be cited for harassment? That might have to be my next 'test' case question for equal application of the existing laws in Macomb, Michigan .
In a better case scenario, the town will revoke the 'free reign' households now have and force street lighting to have a consistent year around standard with restrictions near property lines for everyone's safety. i am ashamed to be part of the West PArk Estates and the macomb community today, and I am not proud to be an 'American', since being stuck in this country is worse than being inside of a whale waiting to get dumped onto the shores toward Ninevah. Inside of a whale, you can't be surrounded by sin and hatred.
Maybe a lot of tears will help cleanse the 'pink eye' bacteria I have, because tears have to be shed at a time when it appears I have lost another battle against 'THE BEAST' system. I somehow will be sustained and recover from this loss with the help of my friends and my Adonai, whom I love.
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