I did decide to call 'Sam' first, just as the Bernstein Law Offiee commercials suggest, only to find out he is as useless as Anthony Wickersham when it comes to knowledge of and willingness to enforce EXISTING laws. According to the Bernstein puppet of anti-Justice, they only handle law after serious injury has occurred, and that position is very contrary to the position of sealed saints and those who believe in the God of Caleb and Joshua.
I could but I probably won't give the Town of Macomb another warning to issue a complaint against the leaders of my HOA who are harrassing me with their version of anti-rational Adolpg HItler style religious habitual acts or unrighteousness. The entire Macomb system is probably too corrupt to be given a 'mulligan' since they already have evidence that intent has been proven due to my notification in writing that I am annoyed by their acts that serve NO legitimate purpose and actually serve a diety system that is contrary to the the God of Noah.
Rejecting facts is common among pompous and proud politicians and unholy law enforcement agencies. Unjust as my HOA is not the the same as 'Just As I AM', which suggests that you only get sealed as a servant of the Living God if you become as JUST as HE or SHE is; if you continue in unjust works, your wisest enemy won't laugh when you fall due to lack of angelic protection.
The two remaining US Senators of the 114th Congress are also busy ignoring the commandments of Yehovah and have gone the way of Molech, Santa Klaus and now have less grace that Vladimir Putin, since indeed our entire UNited States government has done exactly the opposite of what the Constitution decreed since they have all decided to accept 'Christmas' and reject the God who could have atoned for the sins but can't know because the United States Government as one unclean body has corporately rejected Passover, Shavuot, Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. Their sin becomes their problem and possibly becomes an issue that the incoming United States Senator willing to correct sooner than Janet I. Dunn could get her staff to correct their anti-commandment practices.
I can pray that the ACLU will be willing to destroy the current false gods of the United States, starting with the anti-Israelite, anti-Muslim and anti-athiest position of my HOA board members IF my HOA board does not repent of their stupidity and intentional sin which often includes wasting and misusing funds like the typical embezzler rather than saving and protecting other people's money they had been entrusted with for a period of time. My neighbors to the west have taken steps of faith in the right direction, and they an receive mercy because they have not intentionally tried to provoke people like me who believe in the entirety of the Scripture.
How people decorate their private property should not have too many restrictions, but publically shared government building displays SHOULD NOT include endorsements of any God other than the one who served up good laws worth obeying unto salvation. So many people have drawn back and refused to enforce reasonable anti-harassment laws that I do suspect those same people should fully expect demonic attacks, since even demons believe in the God of Moses and flee upon demand or tremble in the true and holy God's presence in order that even demons might be used for a good purpose.
In the small DA-40502 (note the 405) victory column, 3 young non-black males heeded an instruction not to park in front of a fire hydrant on Estates Lane in Macomb. It would have been foolish to call the same sheriff's deputies who already refused to enforce other serious laws IF it was possible for me to take the 'advised' position and turn the young males from the err or their negligent parking ways. I guess tha 'Santa Claus' statue at the fire department also isn't going to respond to pray requests or the next attempted suicide that often occurs this time of year when humans either don't get their way or have given up all hope of a future better than death.
Thankfully, my lack of trust in or desire for dangerous drugs like Ambien or Depakote has caused me to remain holy, sober and with very small amount of hope that my adversaries will be corrected by a force a lot stronger and even more wicked than I could ever be. If people are not corrected it is because they are too carnal and too blasphemous to save, they are incapable of getting adopted as children of God, and will be rejected by the God of Creation whose number is 26 (Yod Hey Vav Hey) or 441( Aleph MEme Tav).
Time to pray for the ACLU staff and the incoming Michigan USA Senators now. The Ottawa Kid, Dan Boyle is likely to be justified by his faith sooner than than Sam Bernstein anti-Torah types can be made righteous by a Kwanza candle collection. In the past, certain legal battles took a years, including my case that had been filed against the City of Milwaukee in the mid-1990's. If a 7-day way does not occur with a win for the vain holiday traditions, then I suppose I will prepare for another 42 month way and beef up my anti-Christmas and anti-wasteful spending signs during the course of the next year. Sadly, I realize my signs might deter a buyer from investing in lot 64 or some of the other lots that are for sale, but I would not have invested in this area if I knew the board was going to violate my rights so blantantly with their 'Christmas lighting pushers' on the common entrance area. Maybe the builders can get a better response from the cowardly HOA board members that I have been able to get with well-written letters and requests that they correct THEIR serious err and their expensive electricity attacks too close to my house to ignore.
I am ashamed of the Tonn of Macomb leadership, and their past proper decision regarding wildflower gardening space does not excuse them from their current pattern of supporting heathen religious establishment in zones that would be safer if they were neutral.
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