Saturday, December 3, 2016
Be Angry At Anti-Beryl Imbiciles But Refrain From Sin
When searching for a new venue to fight against the Benito Mussolini and Al Sharpton types who plop their abomination of artificial light ideology in as many places as they can before they are permanenty rejected from a position for mercy, look for or try to do the following:
A) Stores and shops that do have 'Christmas lights' ruining natural trees in the winter. This is very hard to find, but 'Ruby Tuesday' in Chesterfield did not ruin their exterior with unnatural lighting displays desecarting natural branches.
B) Once inside a place that looks non-denominational on the outside, audibly object to posters of Santa Claus, especially if they are attached to United States Military branches such as 'Toys for Tots' and the USA Marines. The Marines shouldn't be too surprised if they keep losing battles when they can't even cut their own disgusting ties with "Santa Claus', which is merely a descendent of Molech.
G) If your subdivision has desecrated what has formerly been a natural neutral zone, try to use another route into your housing compound. Once you consider how divided the French were when the Nazi's overtook their shores and farmland during World War II, you might not be surprised when the Al Sharpton type '666' get pushier and pushier with their German Christmas tree lights while they reject the Bible and turn Jehovah Witnesses away from their doorstep. The Jehovah Witnesses are much closer to being able to handle the Truth than people who insist on puching their obese,pork eating Santa Claus image into communities, commercials and schools.
D) If you, like I, have considered 'pulling the plug' on lighting systems that annoy you and which you know were placed there by unbelievers who dont believe the prophets, as hard as it might be, DO NOT touch their mark of the beast! What people do in their provate shrines to Dolly Parton types or Harry Potter types is their own internal problem, but at time internal problems seep very quickly into external problems. Go to H, rather than pull the evidence against them. Try to find the least offensive entrance into your property, knowing you are outnumbered by still of sound 'anti-santa claus' mind. In my case, I have to reroute and still go past lot 5, who's owner is double minded and unstable in all of his ways, since he is trying to blend his betsy Ross design with an anti-Christ ground crew.
H) There is a spirit of the tribe of Dan that exists at level 2, and it is not obtained by getting 3 pucks past a Pittsburgh Penguin goalie. Take your complaint to your local authorities, and do not risk getting charged with disorderly conduct for trying to prevent another Martin Luther Nazi-type sect to overthrow a decent anti-Druid anti-Vatican Puritan-type society. Since the paid installer of the ugly illumination of perfectly decent trees did NOT trespass onto my property because he respected the sign I placed, there is some evidence in the installer's favor which might be noticed by a judge or local ordinancee inspector who will be expected to cite the HOA, not the paid sub-canracter who was hired to do the Gestapo-type filthy work.
V) The V as in Vashti is a serious point of contention for those looking for the wrong queen. Esther was not a symbol of strength and integrity, and obeying drunken persian kings is as stupid as Bathsheba responding to King david instead of fighting against him and his perversion. When females are not willing to fight against the spirit of the son of perdition, the spirit that is contrary to the anti-Christmas foundations laid by the Constitution or the spirit of waste and lack of respect for those who do not want to participate in December 25th anti-Moses activites, they never achieve the role of a virtuous woman, who is more precious than rubies. Do not accept the title of 'deer' by a stranger, lest you become a target for those who are fighting against the tribe of Napthali in vain.
Z) Dew process takes long sometimes. Write a stern letter to warn your anti-neutral neighbors of their violation of current state or local law. Within a week of the infraction, go to your town hall,constable or ordinance inspector and clearly voice your legitimate complaint against people pushing a Christmas sgenda too hard or too close for your spiritual comfort.
C) When Christopher Plummer pretended to fight the Nazi's, Plummer yanked down a Nazi flag. If you have control of your own garage door, get an inexpensive sheet, and write something similar to the following with spray paint on the sheet you will decorate your private fortress with instead of putting grafitti on someone else's property and committing a crime:
" Al Sharpton and Nazi (or make a swasticka sign followed by 's) sects have imposed their unnatural christmas lights onto ground that should have remained neutral, not me. I will remove this sheet as soon as the Sharpton gang removes their artificial, wasteful lighting from common space'. This is provideing for the common defense, actually in an uncommon way. My neighbor in lot 65 already gave me the 'go ahead' to put up a Nazi sign, only he does not expect me to be anti-Nazi in the process. Since you know you did not break the truce and spirit of neutrality that had existed when you purchased your lot, do not be afraid to act contrary to the truce-breakers and covenant breakers who imposed extra UNNECSSARY costs into your area or congressional district's budget.
T) This is the month of topaz or issachar and the tet, so if you go the wrong way this month, you will never get your Y-Troop or your X- troop right. Balsam wreaths are not life-savers, nor are they life jackets, but are a waste of money and equal to a bottomless pit. Do not apply evergreen wreaths to your house if you are already 'saved', even if you got saved by old-fashioned Baptists back in the 1990's.
Y) To be continued by Montreal Canadien or Willie Parker lines, hopefully.
K) A seared conscience is not a condition treatable by an attorney, by 'Toys for Tots', by State Farm advertising or by prescription or illegal drugs. If you can accept the probability that the majority of humans located nearby already have a seared conscience, you should continue to fortify your household like Noah did before the worldwide flood, even if you feel literally nauseated like I do by the lighting atrocities and the Chevrolet ads.
L) The wasteful addition of Christmas lights and useless wreaths to what had been a decent neutral zone at the south entrance of my lane is as bad as adding whore-like cheerleaders to the Detroit Lions sidelines after they had exhibited better discretion in past years. Indeed, evil does spread like a green bay tree, and it takes the heart of flesh, not of gold and not mixed with pig's valves, to endure until the end of a real spiritual battle, which might have to occur to give your elected public officials a chance to be redeemed by their faith in your legitimate complaint against religious harassment. I assure you, Jehovah Witnesses are more likely to cooperate with a reasonable request than the typical 'spirit of Christmas' pushers who also are more than happy to sell you anti-depressants in their stores instead of giving you a free copy of a Bible to ponder for the next 7 years.
May the God of Abaddon(Abaddon is under the influence of a good and just and sometimes very angry God, you know) continue to steer you and I away from hypocrisy and toward the spirit of prophesy as we still prepare for the next sighting of a new moon, the next regular shabbat or the next passover to be celebrated as far away from signs of Easter hams, Tinkerbell, Walt Disney and Santa Claus as fiscally possible.
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