Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Michigan Truck DPQ-4585 Causes Daniel Chapter 7 to 11 Alert

Gestapo-type forces rejected a plea for compromise after a white female in a white SUV insisted that  'Christmas' be celebrated by our entire subdivision and that her unnatural desire for electric green lights be appeased by her acccomplice in a white pick-up truck bearing Michigan plates DPQ-4585. The suspects escalating their pro-heathen anti-neutral practices did would not let me know what lot they lived on and claimed they had more of a right to plug-in their artificial lights than I had to reduce our costs and eliminate a headache the green lights actually cause.

1. I now have proof the HOA is trying to cause injury to me because I stated the green lights give me headaches and they do shine into my house.

2. I stated that I cannot take aspirin nor do I want to take drugs to combat the headaches caused by the real obnoxious 'Christmas light pollution'.

3. A total lack of comromise is what the unknown evil pair of suspects displayed, and that evil spirit is the spirit of anti-Christ, not the spirit of brotherly or sisterly love.

4. I took considerable risk to try to defend my rights, which should include the right to equal access to HOA leaders or HOA subcontractors, but once I had been denied that access I only have as much power as the typical citizen has against any other unrighteous government that has taken over like the Nazi's did in Europe.

5. Th driver of vehicle DPQ-4585 was totally uncaring and taped up the outdoor outlet some he had experience taping up hostages that weren't cooperating with 'his Nimrod god system'. At worst, I have proven that this subdivision is not a place where all people can feel safe or comfortable practicing their exercise of 'equal rights' and that indeed an immoral majority has 'won' a short term battle but lost any chance of any real Redeemer of Israel defending them in or  out of court systems.

6. The female who had been arguing with me first claimed SHE was going to plug the lights back in, but then called some other anti-Christ to plug in her Druid-influenced system of lighting. It is often difficult to get any human or unpaid angel to fight against the tyranny that Nazi-types push into neighborhoods, but eventually some other angel will either assist me or replace me in this battle against wasteful anti-Israel people who have heisted 'America'.

7. Since the Gestapo-type male  suspect in the white vehicle claimed 'This is America', as he forced his anti-biblical religion into the shrubbery, at this point I do understand the phrase 'God Curse America' to be a very strong possibility that is out of my hands now. Possibilities abound now, and it is a shame that I must try to endure until the end or until a man stronger than me reverses the Clark Griswold trend and becomes a mediator between God and a very arrogant and foolish man driving away in with his truck lights out, like any other common bully who has no regard for any opinion that is contrary to his own lust for anti-Life power lines.

8. There is no Book of Life tied into Christmas lights, only pagan corporate money that will condemn the pushers of 'Christmas trees' into non-church areas and open up a spot in the Kingdom of God for men like Judas Iscariot, who had to do what no other man had the courage do.

9. I will pray tonight, but I do not yet know what I will pray for or against. I do know that the driver of the white truck drove away like a thief in the night, not like an Angel of Mercy and certainly not like Saint Luke the Physician since he was the opposite of any good person at heart.

10. There is no room for people like Mrazek or 'Michael Green Acres' in the 144,000. The driver of BBA-863 is now more justified by her faith than the fools who forced their Nazi-lighting onto trees that had been beauriful just the way they were when I bought Lot 1, hoping that I would learn to love Michigan, but instead I hate being surrounded by so many hypocrites and so many  liars that have failed to read or understand even the most basic commandments that lead to the Tree of Life.

11. The witchy female who first insisted that her Druid methods were going to be forced very close to my lot line tried to claim my little border of natural wood is 'dangerous'. A piece of wood could not cause as much damage to groundwork

12. According to Deputies Szalkowski, Badge #180 and Hoffman, Badge #247, the male in the white truck was not even a homeowner in West Park Estates, but is a hired contractor.  The deputies observed the obnoxious green lights shining into all of my lower interior windows, which proved the female driver  of the white SUVto be a LIAR when she blasphemed and claimed the green ligths do not shine into my house, even though she has never been a guest in my nor, nor will she ever be a guest in my house.

13. The 2 witnesses,namely two deputies,  also have been informed that the green lights give me headaches, and that the lights annoy me, just as the HOA board knew they would. Unfortunately, the deputies stated this is a 'Civil war', and that a report will be filed which I must pick up at their location. Ideally, their report is enough to get my civil lawsuit started in state or federal court. The deputies were far more sympathetic than the man in the DPQ-4585 vehicle taking money away from my HOA funds which could have been used for better projects such as more mulch to reduce weed growth in the garden area.

13. I told the deputies they would be blessed because they walked under my Israel into the laundry room, even if it was just to prove the female driving the white vehicle is liar, not a saint who believes the Bible. There was mutual respect between these 2 deputies and myself, even though all three of us know there is no peace or safety living in West Park Estates yet.

14. What the HOA intended for evil resulted in a good exchange of information between myself and the deputies 'brownies', which is not really a derogatory term for deputies doing a bit of scouting in unisex outfits. If I can repair the breach between me and the Sheriff's Department in Macomb, that will be an improvement over any current Marathon County Sheriff's department situation.

15. If the deputies understood my reason for being irrated and upset with the Nazi-type Christmas pushers, they might be worthy of mercy on a more serious judgment day that is prophesied to occur, and at which time 'Santa Claus' is not going to be sitting on the judgment seat.

16. Whew - now Tony Wickersham has some breathing room to work with since the angelic dispatcher sent 2 men that responded much better to a real mental and  physical health crisis  than the buffoons who forced me out of the Suburban Macomb Ice Rink or the last 2 deputies who claimed that the nazi-sign is a sign of peace.

17. What a crappy anti-Fedorov day 262 this turned out to be, because things turned out much different than I had hoped.

18. The contractor and driver of the truck labeled DPQ-4585 who put up the Molech lights is just as despicable, reprobate and evil as any common prostitute or an abortionist trying to kill the spirit of Truth while he profits from his unholy ways, selling his unholy trash and anti-Apostle light shows to  fools who know not the way of repentance unto salvation. The form of a bribe he took to submit to anti-Jeremiah pagan gods is worse than the Rizzo garbage situation in Macomb, since it is easier to correct Rizzo than correct a whore of Babylon that sells Christmas trash to lukewarm and erring churches not yet affiliated with the church of Philadelphia.

19. 'Unerring One' is a song and a person who can be angry but refueses to sin. I am very angry with my HOA board and their lighting protisute they hired, but I did not fall into the 'disorderly conduct' trap that had been set for me at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton. My house was a bit more disorderly than normal when the sheriff's deputies entered my household, maybe like Caleb and Joshua entered Rahab's household at one time in world history.  Gee, I didn't even want to touch their badges or their bodies like the people in Taylor, MI, who were higging police officers after getting cash from them.

20. Personally, I wouldn't want any person hugging me while I was on duty as an armed police officer or deputy, since I would consider that too much risk to take with a stranger that wasn't about to get arrested. Fear of losing a job or losing income does lead people to  take reasonable risk and go places they might not want to go if they ere able to deploy themselves like an honey badger facing a scorpion.

21. Be careful at Ciccarelli's 20th Northstar level, since there are legends that do not always revolve around a '22' scheme.

22. I feel better knowing that the 2 witnesses improved the Macomb County Sheriff's department from enemy status to adversary status, and they did not object nor try to change my decision when I said I despise my very corrupt and unjustified HOA leaders due to their lack of any reasonable peace process being offered to me after my legitimate complaint. A reasonable reduction of  their whore of Babylon lighting would have been a peace process worth considering, but they are too stiff-necked to even qualify as a good Azazel in a sacrifice fly situation.

23. Psalm 23 - I stilll live in a very spiritually unhealthy area, since affluence often leads to wasteful instead of wise spending by people who do not yet know what it feels like to be permanently displaced from an area they might feel 'comfortable in' surrounded by their guns and their anti-Israelite religions.

24. From the time the arrogant female who refused to give her name as she pushed her Anti-Israel agenda to the time the male BEAST stopped and did his whore of Babylon work, it was about 1 hour. I would suspect the BEAST driving DPQ-4685 is very wroth with me, but not with the anti-prophet entity that gave their power over to him.  The next 5 months should be extremely interesting since humans often look for the BEAST image to show up on television rather than selling dead evergreen branches to the non-elect. The elect of Yehovah aren't deceived by brute beasts that claim 'This is America' as they force their vain traditions into neighborhoods while trying to push the commandments of Yehovah out of schools and households. There is no elder of Israel that is participating in Christmas tree lighting ceremonies, and indeed I suspect my son's natural father,  excellent swimmer and former lifeguard Todd R. Jackson, is currently far less dangerous to society than the BEAST that was taping up the electrical sockets to feed the ugly green lights, nor is Jackson even as dangerous as Shane David Hendrikson's German Wittenberg Nazi style  'gang green'  money stealers.

25. It was reassuring to be reminded that no stolen money or money gained by anti-commandment methods will be an acceptable tithe to any holy priesthood that obeys the Levitical system.  I also was reminded that thieves do need to pay back 7 times what they stole in order to be justified by their faith, since obeying the commandments takes genuine faith, not 'a Coke and a smile' from your local anti-health department.

26. Since I can only make one iron point, let me reassure the saints that decorate eggshells or operate a fruit tree orchard are much safer spiritually than makers and sellers  of crystal idols, Playboy products or   electric wires that get wrapped around shrubbery in commonly shared areas which should make any good environmentalist express righteous indignation. Some very wise people earn food and shelter money from a 'natural branch' perspective rather than from selling tickets to unholy Las Vegas type acts or trying to sell Viagra and anti-depressants to people who should be trying to avoid drugs intake  in order to react properly to dangerous encounters with witches, beasts terrorizing neighborhood with their anti-environmental acts and  even to react properly to Oakland Grizzlies on ice.

27. Read Daniel 11:28, and as much ahead of it as you are capable of reading without getting frightened. Prophetic battles are usually not covered by NBC, CBS, ABC or FOX news crews.

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