When you get close to words such as 'Nathan', 'Biron' and places where my friends have been sheltered such as 5400 Murrayhill Street in Charlotte, you have to be prepared to look 2 ways, not just 'one way'. When the Greeks get a hold of Hebrew, they often do not know a Shin from a Shinola line, so I will illustrate how some people might be or should be properly titled if you can learn how to read English letters but understanding how to reverse a middle eastern pattern:
On a double reverse, there is a large difference pronouncing a 'Shin' from a 'Samach' and in most cases I have heard the letters 'SATAN' pronounced with a Samech noise rather than a Shin noise. Literally, 'breaking down' is often used to describe people sobbing, people who have anxiety attacks orr people who just collapse due to fatigue. The day you can look at NATAS as a word from the book of Job, you might be able to understand this Hebrew read of 'SATAN", where the N starts the word and it is how you finish that matters:
There is no way that those numbers add up to six hundred, three score and 6. You may now return to your regularily scheduled satyr and griffin problems, since unnatural animal combinations are what lead to strong delusions sooner than a human hockey player with a name he is not ashamed to bear on his back. I will not bear the burden of the name 'Hendrikson' on my back, even though I see it in front of many times due to legalism in a post-divorce and my ongoing willingness to accept rather than reject the Law and the Prophets. If you truly believe and state that 'the Law' has been done away with, you never will be able to be recompensed according to the Law. As a victim of many crimes, I DO NOT want 'the Law' or 'the Word made flesh' to be done away with, which includes the Book of the Law held dear by holy Israelites for centuries.
For all those people who have insisted the Law was done away with 'at the cross', do not expect to get any Angel of HVHY(26 understood) to work on your behalf to restore to you what you may have lost due to carelessness, unjust stewards, corrupt world judicial systems or what had been taken and snatched away by workers of lawlessness who have rejected the commandments of the good God of the tribes of Israel.
Also note there is a word sequence of 'Nun Tav Shin' which is used in the book of Daniel as well as many other places, and doing a word study on that combination is like studying the 700 series in or out of libraries, goals achieved in hockey or Milwaukee police squad history, al of which are better than studying Playboy channels or Hooters waitresses if you want to increase your 'BRaIN=153' power'. If learning from non-televised people is something you have forgotten to do lately, start increasing your spiritual sense by being thankful if your mother or your sister is not a fake blonde. Getting grafted into and remaining in the 'natural branch' of the Tree of Life is not as easy as the typical Dallas Seminary creature might want you to believe.
Reading words from right to left like a Hebrew is not a mental disease, but is a good way to make sure you are not putting too much faith and trust in' left to right' patterns.
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