In these possible accounts of the problem with idolatry, the example role of a created being that could be Satan, your spouse, your child, your parent, a political leader, an athlete, a musician, a preacher or a being that you have chosen to adore, financially support and/or trust, will be described only as 'CB'.
Regarding behavior required for sanctification, CB is capable of changing his or another person's personal behavior, but the expectations of יהוה do not change.
Valley Z: Scenario: CB has lived a horrific life and has openly rejected the leadership of Yehowah; CB has billions of followers who adored unholy nastiness. CB repents and changes to gain protection from Yehowah, but his followers are still idolizing his pre-repentance behavior and do not gain the protection of Yehowah because they refused to stay updated on the behavior of CB.
Valley Y Scenario: CB had lived a very decent life and millions of people trusted his role as a leader; suddenly CB decides to become a wretched, despicable liar who murders, commits adultery and denounced the authority of Yehowah. Millions of people still idolize and seek advice from CB, but they do not want to admit that CB has become a very wicked being and refuse to accept the current reality that salvation is not a lifetime guarantee.
Valley X Scenario: CB has lived a very consistent life, done the duties expected of him, and has been idolized by billions. CB suggests that his or her followers choose יהוה as their leader and salvation guide, but instead they reject the advice of CB and choose another entity that lures them toward a lifestyle that condones wickedness, promotes unjust scales, praises abuse of their own bodies such as tattoos and as Hitler did, expects his followers to desire and accept genetic modification, behavior altering drugs and consumption of unclean beasts.
Valley W Scenario: CB has lived a confusing life with what seems to be a mixture of good and evil. CB keeps trying to correct others since CB knows the expectations of Yehowah, but because CB has made some behavioral errors that are public record, billions of people reject the correct testimony of CB regarding the option of choosing יהוה as your LORD rather than some other entity such as Jesus, Buddha or a corrupted politician.
Billions are capable of being stuck in all 4 of the above listed valleys at some time or another, but CB is able to escape the deception that others have contrived and the lies people have chosen to repeat regarding the current condition of CB.
CB is not higher in power nor in authority than יהוה .
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