April 28th, 2019 AD REMINDER The USA Today crossword puzzle legend for Squad 74 is AZURE, not BRADY nor WARE.
I suspect the Macomb, Michigan newspaper might not mean well even if they know what they are doing with their * lines in the weekly crossword puzzle.
Who forgot about the right to reject Carol Burnett due to her improper behavior with 14 year old boys recorded on film?
Stanford isn't my College Avenue. Trash receptacle 3078 has committed less serious sins than Carol Burnett and 'Punkin Productions'.
Now, what about Max Akers in the Mosinee Papermakers line-up at 8 with no * ?
Does Max Akers look more like Jesus Christ than Stephen Ames or Brett Quigley now?
6 month old babies usually aren't able to intentionally search out a renewed moon crescent. Look for the crescent moon this evening if you are starting your 18th, 30th, 43rd, 55th, 68th, 80th or 92nd month of timekeeping for scattered ישראני .
🟦 Mikell Clayton isn't a true Michael in the middle of a dispute with Satan over the body of Marian Moses. We can't all be Donald Brown of the Connecticut Huskies, so consider your count up or count down through 40 days on the right side for YCZQAL intellectually .
When the 430 days of YCZQAL are completed, the continuation of month keeping has to continue for those who's eyes and ears have been fixed upon the concept of 42 month timeline changes in the 'Book of Revelation' far too long for just scales to permeate their perspective.
From a distance, many people still look like my enemy, not my friend so I remain on various forms of defense continually. Middle D on a piano is key #42 by design, and upper D♯ is key #55 by design, not by chance. Musicians are not without purpose, though many have done more evil than good in their lifetime. Should it really matter to any god, general, Stack or Stock that my monthly 'hits' are up to 304 after only 243 hits last month on this non-lewd site loaded with opinions and commentaries?
♮ Branch lessons matter and here is such a lesson. When you or I AM close up to someone without David Sanborn, many people still look like my enemy, especially if they are not covering their body properly and are choosing the way of the lewd and lascivious rather than the way of Vashti. When too many lewd customers frequent a business, it is time for me to discontinue my financial support of that business, even if the employees are dressed properly. Would a man who is serious about their trust in Yehowah continue to go to a religious assembly where the women are wearing clothing that is tight-fitting or sexually provocative? Would a woman who is serious about trusting Yehowah continue going to a restaurant where men's buttocks are not covered or they are wearing Speedo swimwear? The answer to both prior questions should be NO, and now I am chasing not to return to 'Ernie's' in Clinton Township, not because of the food but because there are too many customers that think they are not dressing offensively, though they are actually dressing offensively and there is no dress code regulations as there was at Brownie meetings or in my grade school.
גד isn't always watching us, as some foolish country singer surnamed 'Judd' has repeated in vain for $ purposes.
Seriously, does artificial stupidity detect color changes more accurately than NFL referees?
Now go behind and read about H3416, ירפאל, which has 80 in the middle .
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